View Full Version : Favorite Non-MM Monster?

2018-09-26, 12:46 PM
Mine is the Flail Snail! What's yours?

Also, if you have any interesting stories about how you used them, feel free to share.

(To clarify: any monster not included in the 5th edition Monster Manual is fair game.)

2018-09-26, 12:50 PM
Gosh, that's hard. I gotta say I'm pretty taken with the Froghemoth right now. I could imagine a party having one as a pet/ally, and I think that'd be pretty cool.

2018-09-26, 01:01 PM
Flail Snails are awesome, but I gotta go with Moloch.

Particularly like how they tied him to the Eidolon and the statue on the AD&D PHB cover.

2018-09-26, 01:09 PM
A lot to choose, but I would go with the Merrenoloth.

Itīs one of the few monsters, that can double as a low level boss, a plot enabler and a risky but valueable frenemy.

I got to use it in Combat only once so far on a small sized sea battle. Allied with a warlock villain, it stole pretty much the show, Pushing PCīs in the ocean, changing the battlefield by moving itīs ship, teleporting around and all such harrassment while the warlock flung his spells arround.
Unfortunately for the Merrenoloth, the Monk of the Group (who had just reached lvl 5) got to test his new stunning strike on him to great effect.

Still, it was a very cool fight and pretty much enabled the biggest scheme in my campain so far.

11/10, amazing Monster