View Full Version : Which ability score should I dump, Str or Int?

2018-09-26, 07:07 PM
For Dex builds and spellcasters (except Wizards), Which ability score, between Str and Int, is better to dump if I only have 2 points left to allocate through point-buy? I'm inclined to say Str because it, in my opinion, is the weakest score, but what do you think?

2018-09-26, 07:10 PM
What's more interesting for your character concept?

2018-09-26, 07:17 PM
I find there are two aspects to this ...
1) Mechanics
2) Role play

From a mechanics side ... Intelligence affects the Int saving throw which comes into play in a few save or die (Intellect Devourer) situations but is fairly uncommon. There are also a number of int based skills but the difference between 8 and 10 is just a -1 so it isn't a big deal.

On the strength side ... the strength saving throw is usually not as critical but can be important for being restrained or other effects. Similarly, some tasks will require an athletics check where the -1 difference between 8 and 10 might be relevant. However, strength also plays a role in determining encumbrance and how much you can carry. Depending on the rules at your table it might be preferable to have the 10 strength just to carry more.


On the role play side, I often prefer having at least 10 intelligence since I am not sure how or if the 8 int should affect how I play the character and what they are capable of in terms of coming up with ideas or other contributions during social situations. If you are in the camp where the stats play a role only when impacting decision points affected by dice rolls and you can otherwise play the character as bright or unaware as you feel like then 8 is easy ... on the other hand, if 8 means to the player that the character is below average in this category all the time then you may not be comfortable with an 8 int.

2018-09-26, 07:20 PM
What's more interesting for your character concept?

My second character (I play in two campaigns now and my other is an Arcane Trickster that everyone really helped build) will have a custom Noble background and be a Hexblade Sorlock with Blackrazor (and the Raven Queen by association) as his patron. Because of this, it seems better to dump Str because I can just select Athletics for proficiency to offset the negative score.

2018-09-26, 07:26 PM
I find there are two aspects to this ...
1) Mechanics
2) Role play

Personally, I care more about combat and mechanics, but I'd also like to roleplay. I can see how 8 Int would be frustrating to play at a table where scores dictate roleplay style. I previously played a low Int Half-Orc Barbarian and it would have been difficult being unable to contribute meaningfully to strategy and other social situations due to low Int.

2018-09-26, 07:35 PM
Well as a Noble you would obviously never do any heavy lifting yourself and consider yourself the peak of etiquette and sophistication.
Your hands are smooth as a baby's, fencing aside. Manual labor is for the help, dump STR hard.

2018-09-26, 09:15 PM
Well as a Noble you would obviously never do any heavy lifting yourself and consider yourself the peak of etiquette and sophistication.
Your hands are smooth as a baby's, fencing aside. Manual labor is for the help, dump STR hard.

This. If you were an Outlander for example, booklearnin' wouldn't make near as much sense as Might.

2018-09-26, 09:23 PM
From a roleplaying perspective, there's very little difference between an 8 and a 10 in a stat, for int it's like the difference between someone with a C average and someone with a C- average.

2018-09-26, 09:55 PM
I dump IN. Someone else will make the knowledge roll. Illusions happen but rare enough I don't worry about it. What gets me paranoid is when for some reason you need to jump 10 ft. Not being able to jump that 10 ft will cause problems for the party. A spell might need to be wasted to get you over. The game halts as players try to figure out how to get you over - do you have rope, tying the rope, or whatever shenanigans are necessary for the particular 10 ft you need to cross. Jumping that 10 ft will be important. It's hardly ever flavor text.

2018-09-26, 10:00 PM
It depends on the theme of your character and what his or her background indicates.

What is your PC especially inept at?