View Full Version : Player Help Potion alternatives

2018-09-28, 12:24 PM
If potions can't be used, how do I, as say a fighter, heal my downed cleric mid combat?

The only one I can come up with is Keognam's Ointment.

2018-09-28, 02:52 PM
Your options would be:

a) potion

b) a magic item with a healing effect (could be a scroll or a ring of storing with a healing spell on it)

c) Multiclass into any class that give some kind of healing ability

d) Get a feat like Magic Initiate (to get a healing ability)

2018-09-28, 02:56 PM
Ring of Spell Storing with a healing Spell
Healing Kit
Healing Kit with Healer Feat

2018-09-28, 03:00 PM
Ring of Spell Storing with a healing Spell
Healing Kit
Healing Kit with Healer Feat

Isn't a healers kit on it's own only enough to stabilize, not restore any hitpoints?

2018-09-28, 03:01 PM
Isn't a healers kit on it's own only enough to stabilize, not restore any hitpoints?

Yes, you are right
Healer Kit + short rest after the battle.

2018-09-28, 03:05 PM
Purple Dragon Knight/Banneret (you said you were a fighter).
Magic Initiate (getting Goodberry is my recommendation). As a fighter, you get plenty of feats anyway.

2018-09-28, 04:18 PM
Healer feat is pretty Gonzo.

As an action you can immediately get a downed ally back on their feet at 1 hp.


Heal others at 1d6+4+ HD.

It is one of the most efficient ways to heal in the game.

2018-09-28, 04:24 PM
Healer feat is pretty Gonzo.

As an action you can immediately get a downed ally back on their feet at 1 hp.


Heal others at 1d6+4+ HD.

It is one of the most efficient ways to heal in the game.

I always liked the combo of Healer Feat and Fast Hands. That's one cool battlefield medic.

2018-10-01, 10:30 AM
Well, looks like Keognam's Ointment, or get a Ring of Spell storing.

I won't get another feat for two more levels, but Healer might be a good option. I feel I need a solution before that.

I really thought there would be other healing magic items.

Thanks everyone!

2018-10-01, 10:33 AM
Purple Dragon Knight/Banneret (you said you were a fighter).

Doesn't really work, as he said he want it to heal a knocked out ally, and the Banneret ability require your target to see you or hear you, they can't do either when they are knocked out

2018-10-01, 10:37 AM
Doesn't really work, as he said he want it to heal a knocked out ally, and the Banneret ability require your target to see you or hear you, they can't do either when they are knocked out

Dang, you're right. As if the Banneret wasn't bad enough. It seriously needs a rehaul. That, and the spiked armor barbarian that just...runs and hugs people...