View Full Version : Optimization Which Druid Cantrip Should I Take For My Cleric (Besides Shillelagh)

2018-09-28, 02:30 PM
So I'm going to be playing a drow life cleric soon. Due to some RP flavour stuff (and my DM being nice), I'm allowed to switch the life cleric's heavy armour proficiency with the nature cleric's Acolyte of Nature feature; A skill (I'm choosing survival) and a druid cantrip. Now, this character is a DEX cleric, not a STR cleric. His dump stat will be STR and even if he had proficiency with heavy armour he still wouldn't be able to wear it. The character is not meant for melee combat, but he will be able to use a rapier or shortsword with his high(er) DEX if need be. He'll usually be firing his hand-crossbow while cowering behind his shield. (Male drow. LG. Pitiable abuse victim. Not a particularly strong character physically or emotionally. Cowering is his usual state of existence.)

As a result, Shillelagh isn't going to be particularly helpful. But I really don't know what druid cantrip would be a good alternative. His cleric cantrips are going to be Toll the Dead, Guidance, and one other, though I'm not particularly certain about that either. I'm torn between Mending, Thaumaturgy, and Word of Radiance. Mending really hasn't had much of a place in our games in the past, though I can see RP reasons why the character would have it. Thaumaturgy is interesting, but again, it seems perhaps a bit useless. And Word of Radiance is nice, especially as I'm a caster cleric, but I don't know if I should really take two attack cantrips.

Tl;Dr: Not a melee fighter type cleric. I don't want Shillelagh. What would you recommend instead for my one druid cantrip?

2018-09-28, 02:45 PM
I'd ditch Toll the Dead AND Shillelagh and instead get Magic Stone. Gives you three stones to throw for your allies, very flavorful, and the stones use your spellcasting stats so you can max out on Wisdom while your Fighter spams your rocks.

It has a 60 foot range, so you don't even really need a ranged weapon.

Alternatively, you could go with Frostbite, which is a great mixture of offense and defense. It works better on mages or archers than it does beefy warriors, since it relies on the Constitution save.

You could combine both Frostbite with Toll the Dead, so that you have one spell that is saved against Wisdom (good against dumb beefy creatures with lots of life) and one spell that is saved against Constitution (good against wizards or archers or anything skinny).

2018-09-28, 02:50 PM
I like druid craft since you aren't looking for anything in particular. The ability to snuff light sources can be very handy, especially for a drow.

2018-09-28, 02:57 PM
I've gotten a lot of use out of Shape Water. Druidcraft would be nicely thematic (potentially, at least), and probably a bit broader than Thaunaturgy. Thorn Whip is the last one I'd suggest-- the damage isn't great, but the control is fun.

2018-09-28, 03:10 PM
Produce flame is great. Light plus an attacking cantrip all in one.

2018-09-28, 03:15 PM
I agree Produce Flame is a two-for-one deal.

But I love me some Thorn Whip. Forced movement (even on a friendly) is my goto.

2018-09-28, 03:16 PM
Produce flame is great. Light plus an attacking cantrip all in one.

I thought the same thing, but it has a 30 foot range and 1d8 damage. Fairly lackluster, TBH. If OP had kept the Heavy Armor, it might have been something I'd recommend but with the lower AC, I'd recommend more range on your cantrips.

2018-09-28, 03:24 PM
Depending on your DM and your creativity: Mold Earth, as you can get very creative with what you can do with it, especially when given enough time.

2018-09-28, 03:35 PM
Depending on your DM and your creativity: Mold Earth, as you can get very creative with what you can do with it, especially when given enough time.

+ 1 for mold earth. Instant cover for a spell caster is nice to have.

2018-09-28, 10:31 PM
I like Primal Savagery, although you'll probably avoid it for the same reasons you are not taking Shillelagh.

2018-09-29, 04:21 AM
I'm just gonna suggest druidcraft, no mechanical reason, it's just adorable.

2018-09-29, 05:10 AM
Shillelagh is good for more than just the melee fighting; It gives you a solid Damage type: Magical Bludgeoning Damage. The other Cantrip that gives you this is Magic Stone, which is my first suggestion, as a solid damaging option.

Other than this, Druidcraft is a Nice Utility Cantrip, And Produce Flame Dubs in Utility AND as an Attack Roll Cantrip wich is really nice.

Shape Water and Mold Earth are also very interesting Utility Cantrips, and can increase your RP, as well as can give you some combat application if used smartly, with DM approval.

That's about it with Druid Cantrips you don't have access to as a Cleric. I'd mention Thorn Whip, but I don't think you'd be interested in it, if Shillelagh isn't your thing, Thorn Whip probably isn't either.

2018-09-29, 07:01 AM
So I'm going to be playing a drow life cleric soon. Due to some RP flavour stuff (and my DM being nice), I'm allowed to switch the life cleric's heavy armour proficiency with the nature cleric's Acolyte of Nature feature; A skill (I'm choosing survival) and a druid cantrip. Now, this character is a DEX cleric, not a STR cleric. His dump stat will be STR and even if he had proficiency with heavy armour he still wouldn't be able to wear it. The character is not meant for melee combat, but he will be able to use a rapier or shortsword with his high(er) DEX if need be. He'll usually be firing his hand-crossbow while cowering behind his shield. (Male drow. LG. Pitiable abuse victim. Not a particularly strong character physically or emotionally. Cowering is his usual state of existence.)

As a result, Shillelagh isn't going to be particularly helpful. But I really don't know what druid cantrip would be a good alternative. His cleric cantrips are going to be Toll the Dead, Guidance, and one other, though I'm not particularly certain about that either. I'm torn between Mending, Thaumaturgy, and Word of Radiance. Mending really hasn't had much of a place in our games in the past, though I can see RP reasons why the character would have it. Thaumaturgy is interesting, but again, it seems perhaps a bit useless. And Word of Radiance is nice, especially as I'm a caster cleric, but I don't know if I should really take two attack cantrips.

Tl;Dr: Not a melee fighter type cleric. I don't want Shillelagh. What would you recommend instead for my one druid cantrip?
Obvious and easy answer: Thorns Whip. :)

"melee attack with 30 feet range" = you can contribute while staying safe.
"Druid cantrip" = using your one strong stat, WIS.
"pull up to 10 feet" = you can help your friends in several ways (closing one enemy to another for ally's upcoming AOE, pulling one guy away from friend so the latter can move away without risking OA, pulling an enemy into a natural/magical hazard).
"pull up to 10 feet" = (ALSO) you can pull enemies inside your own Spirit Guardians so it's an easy, and very efficient way, to increase the overall value of keeping concentration on that spell.
Technically, you can also use it on friends. ^^ At low levels it may be a better trade than letting the ally where it stands. Also, a DM may allow that on willing creatures you deal minimal damage. Or allow you to use it as a grappling hook of sorts (I allow both in my games personally -the latter is a big houserule since technically that cantrip is an "instant" effect, while someone using a grappling hook needs it to stay "materialized" for several dozen seconds :)-).

This cantrip's real value does depends on a few variables as a result though: whether you plan on using Spirit Guardians, your party composition, if there are friendly casters that tend to use ongoing AOE effects or not etc.

Otherwise, I'll also second Produce Flame for the 2-in-1 and Mold Earth (or Shape Water) if you feel creative and DM is open-minded.

That's about it with Druid Cantrips you don't have access to as a Cleric. I'd mention Thorn Whip, but I don't think you'd be interested in it, if Shillelagh isn't your thing, Thorn Whip probably isn't either.
This shows a strong misunderstanding of that cantrip's value honestly. It and Shillelagh cater to different needs. :)

2018-09-29, 10:23 PM
Thorn Whip is underrated IMHO. It's a melee attack with a "reach" of 30 ft so you can use it up close without disadvantage if necessary. If you have a means to fly, you can pull someone straight up and add a little falling dmg, or pull them toward the edge of a cliff. It's not as amazing as an eldritch blast push but then it doesn't require an invocation. Fire (Produce Flame) is one of the most resisted dmg types but Thorn Whip dmg is almost never resisted or immune.