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2018-09-28, 04:48 PM
Kara-Tur. A city of storied history. Where many an adventurer has started, never to return once they have left. And where, to this day, spawns some of the greatest of heroes.

And yet, things have changed, of late. New potential has remained within the city just as whispers of stranger things have begun to emerge for the first time in centuries. And now, the story begins for six such individuals.

Jansaadi, the elven cleric of the Silver Flame, and child of the forests beyond. (You may begin within the Church of the Silver Flame within Kara-Tur or be just outside the forest)

Gnikodemus, the gnomish illusionist, noble fighter for the common man. (You may begin within the mage college, at your father's estate, or be in custody of a Hawk, potentially Garrik if Lioslaith agrees)

Garrik, the dwarven fighter, the disillusioned Hawk. (You may begin at the city wall, the merchant's guild, or the Hawk's base of operation)

Nordak, the dwarven warcaster, scion of the Runeforge Clan. (You may begin in your Clan's holdings, the merchant's guild, or at the Mage College)

Atrayith, the elven mist walker, first of mists and noble son. (You may begin in your family holdings, the mage college, or at the Barracks)

And Zemzelett, the half-elven bard, sole survivor of the Gemblossom Troupe. (You may begin in a local tavern, in a small apartment he could call home, or practicing in a park)

Wherever you are, things are bound to be interesting... let your stories be told, and may your tales weave their way into legend.

2018-09-28, 07:52 PM
Garrik snorts then spits on the city wall before he turns inward towards the city and heads towards his favorite tavern.

2018-09-28, 10:06 PM
Gnikodemus (http://https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1684079)

The least surprising reality is that reality grants us plentiful opportunities for surprises, or so goes an old gnomish proverb. My father was much more fond of that one than I have ever been. However, I must admit that it rings true often enough.

My current situation illustrates this perfectly. Where I should be freely patrolling the city, righting wrongs and actually accomplishing something of importance, I am instead being accosted by some oaf who fancies themselves to be a guardsman.

"Look," I try to explain, speaking slowly so they can understand me, "if you are trying to intimidate me, I should warn you that I am only afraid of continuing to have your foul breath in my face. You probably have no idea who I am, just as that merchant did not know the clear difference between a bloodthirsty bandit and a hungry child."

I look past the Hawk to the fruit merchant, snoring loudly as he sleeps bent over his cart. The wicked knife he had tried to cut the child's hand with lay just out of sight beneath the cart. The child, a dirty dwarven urchin, had disappeared, hopefully with the apples she had grabbed.

2018-09-29, 01:15 AM
"There. Try to get to us before it gets infected in the future. Your pride isn't worth the suffering."

Asking for help shouldn't be so hard. But it's both sides, isn't it? The church is at fault for being unapproachable, too. We need to be out there more. We need to be proactive about helping. I didn't know where to go when I got here, either.

Jansaadi sighs and looks around the temple after her patient leaves. Gathering her equipment, she prepares to head out on a poorly planned wander around the city.

2018-09-29, 09:55 PM
I didn’t go to the Mage College for this! Nordak thinks to himself. He is making his daily rounds through the merchant quarter using detect magic to ferret out any malfeasance in his family’s business. The last few years have been hard on clan Runeforge, and Nordak has set out to resolve this issue.
He rests in an alley going through the ritual of detect magic for the umpteenth time this morning when he sees a frightened dwarf girl scurry past, arms full of apples.
He hears screaming from the main street and goes to investigate what is happening.
“…bloodthirsty bandit and a hungry child.”
Rounding the corner Nordak takes in the aftermath. He detects a sleep spell on the shopkeep to his right and sees a gnome with bright purple hair attempting to shout down a guardsman in the middle of the street.
Stepping out in the street dressed in his House colors of Green and Gold, red hair popping against the emerald robe, and his golden serpent companion wrapped around his arm, Nordak interjects into the conversation.
“Excuse me guardsman,” Nordak says in his noble manner. “What quarrel do you seem to have with Gnikodemus One-Eye here?”

2018-09-30, 07:47 AM
The day starts as it always does. Zem would head over to the tavern in search of adventuring postings, and, in the absence of mercenary work, settle for any odd jobs he could find to support himself.

For a city that sired so many a famous hero, such work was remarkably hard to come by. Of course, it is entirely possible that unless they were in dire straits, nobody would dare hire such a scrawny and delicate 14-year old teenager as spell-casting support. Whatever their reasons, young Zem finds himself unemployed, and eventually heads to the local park to practice his act - a combination of music and acrobatics.


And so, after an energetic routine that's earned him a few coins for the trouble, Zemzelett Gemblossom sits under an oak tree near the entrance of the park closest to the merchants' quarter, and takes a long swig from his waterskin during his breather. People-watching was one of the boy's favorite pastimes, and there is no shortage of interesting characters up and about today.

A grizzled dwarf, carrying an enormous battle ax and fully armored in chain mail and shield appears to be making a bee-line towards the tavern. Zem's seen him before but never really talked to him. Not that he really wants to, for the man always seems to be in a foul mood.
The young elven priestess, draped in the blue-and-silver livery of the Silver Flame. What was her name again, Jansaadi, was it? One of the more compassionate in the order, although she seems considerably out of sorts as she appears to be walking without any distinct destination in mind.

A flurry of shouts coming from the quarter suddenly snaps the young bard's attention to the scene. It's too far for him to actually see, but a young dwarf girl appears to be running full-tilt with a bundle of something around her stubby arms, heading directly in his direction...

2018-09-30, 08:34 AM
Not what I was expecting, but...

Jansaadi breaks into a sprint, attempting to head the (presumed) thief off before she could get too far. It wouldn't do to let her get away, or let people dole out their own brand of justice.

Good luck outrunning me. Doesn't happen often.

The cleric cracks a grin at her own internal quip.

2018-09-30, 07:49 PM
Atrayith at this moment was coming in from morning blade practice, determined to not let his retirement from his military duties to dull his skills. Passing the towel he used to mop his brow and neck to the servant standing by the door, he walked towards the dining room. He'd worked up a hunger that must be satisfied and it wouldn't let him forget it, with a surprisingly sharp stab of pain in his stomach. Laid out already on the table, still steaming was a small roasted bird, a bowl of diced fruit drizzled with honey, a lunch time appropriately sized goblet of wine and a small, personal sized loaf of bread. With perhaps less manners appropriate to a young lord, he tucked into the meal, eyeing the family's head butler standing off in a doorway clearly waiting for himself to be noticed. Clearing his mouth with a sip of wine, Atrayith bade the man to speak. "What is it Carlisle, that you come to me while I'm in the middle of eating? Can it not wait till afterwards?"

2018-10-01, 03:43 PM

Getting down from the wall is a bit of a process, which tends to grate on the nerves. Passing through several checks to make sure someone hasn't climbed over the wall to get in unannounced, the soldiers at the wall were quick and efficient, while their Hawk investigator, noted by their brown and blue studded leather, used a basic spell to make sure nothing was out of the ordinary. It took twice as long to get off the wall as it did to get up to it.

Still, once off of it, Garrik could make his way to the local tavern unhindered.

Gnikodemus & Nordak

"That child has stolen from every merchant on this street for nearly three months! We've been trying to catch her since the first week! And your ignorance on the matter let the girl get away with a gold pendant on top of the ten coins of food she stole from the merchants!" the guard yells back at Gnik, "She's not a hungry child! She's a thief that's used up any good will she may have had months ago!"

The guard, too busy calling out Gniko, simply ignores Nordak as he continues to rant about the thief and how she continually evaded capture.


The dwarf glances back as Jansaadi approaches, and pales before making a sharp turn down an alley, moving faster than expected for a dwarf. When Jansaadi catches up, she finds a young human knocked over and holding their knee, a small gash opened down their leg, the dwarf is nowhere in sight, but the cloth that they'd used as a cloak is lying at a further corner of the alleyway (Roll Perception).


The dwarf veers in a different direction as the elven priestess gives chase, but Zem spots the cloak from the child going flying, as if thrown, only a moment after the dwarf goes down the alley.


"It can sir, it is why I waited rather than interrupt," the butler says, "but while you are inclined to listen, you have a message waiting in your chamber from a Lady Venture, I have not opened it, but it seems to be an invitation of some sort. Your mother is keen for you to go if such is the case, as she has expressed rather... vocally on the subject of you providing her, and I quote 'cute little munchkins she can spoil before I get too old.'"

2018-10-01, 05:17 PM
Gnikodemus (http://https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1684079)

“Excuse me guardsman,” A vaguely familiar voice chimes in, drawing my attention away from the lout berating me. “What quarrel do you seem to have with Gnikodemus One-Eye here?”

Nordak Runeforge. I'd recognize that shock of red anywhere. We were classmates in wizardry school way back when, and his was chief among the few intellects there that rivaled mine. He had a bit of a stick up somewhere regarding authority, but I liked him well enough then.

"That child has stolen from every merchant on this street for nearly three months! We've been trying to catch her since the first week! And your ignorance on the matter let the girl get away with a gold pendant on top of the ten coins of food she stole from the merchants! She's not a hungry child! She's a thief that's used up any good will she may have had months ago!"

I ignore the Hawk as he ignores Nordak. Ignoring the presence of a wizard? Truly showing his ignorance.

"Runeforge!" I call out, stepping away from my irritant. "You fire-haired son-of-an-ogre, how have you been? I'm currently in the process of explaining my concerns with the law enforcement in this city, and... Well, let's say that my opinions are not appreciated."

2018-10-01, 06:28 PM
Atrayith sighs slightly to himself. "I'm well aware of my mother's... vocal desires. Would that I could ban her from wine I imagine I'd here about it at dinner quite less." Taking another few bites of food, he continues to sit in silence. "Bring me the letter, Carlisle. I might as well see what it is I might be getting into." He in most likelyhood would go. If for no other reason than to placate his mother for a short time. She was barely past 400, she had centuries left to spoil grandchildren.

2018-10-02, 02:06 AM
Jansaadi furrows her brow and casts Healing Word on the bystander, muttering the incantation under her breath. Her focus is on the runner now. Something was off. A spell? Perhaps. She approaches the cloak, and looks around quickly.

Perception: [roll0]
Healing Word: [roll1]

2018-10-02, 04:56 PM
“Gnikodemus, leave my mother out of this!” Nordak responds with a smirk. Turing to the guard he asks “Please excuse my friend here, he stores a lot of indignation in a small body. Was that the same thief that stole from the tax collector last week? Remarkable for such a young dwarf. I may need to try and hire her if that’s the case.” He mutters the last to himself.

2018-10-03, 09:20 AM
A curious Zemzelett picks up all his things, and seeing as how the cleric has everything well in hand, jogs towards the cloak.

Good morning, Ma'am Jansaadi!

Perception: [roll0]. Is she hiding in the alley?
Intelligence: [roll1]. Has Zem heard of her?

2018-10-03, 10:29 AM
Pushing his way through the crowd, hand on his coin purse out of habit, Garrik is reminded how much he really hated being cod piece level with so many other races. Once he made it to his favorite watering hole he headed right in and took up his usual seat at the corner of the bar. Where he could see the rest of the place well.

2018-10-03, 10:55 AM
Jansaadi looks over at the bard briefly before turning her attention back to the cloak.

"Good morning... but no honorific, please. It would be a shame for someone to... Where did that blasted...?"

2018-10-03, 03:12 PM

The bartender, a human man by the name of Asher Black, a failed magician that learned enough of alchemy to enhance his drink making. He was not the regular bartender, only being here once or twice a week, spending most of his time brewing rather than bartending. Even so, Garrik has seen the man enough to be acquainted with him, if not outright friendly.

The regular bartender is seated nearby, the half-elf/half-orc woman snoring lightly from the chair she was slumped over in, seemingly dead to the world.

Gnikodemus & Nordak

The Hawk's eye twitches, a pair of twitches from his hand and a mutter under his breath, and a black ring forms on Gnikodemus' neck, silencing him, "she was not, that was determined to be a halfling, an enchanter rather than a common thief," he grinds out, "The 'child' that your friend so carelessly allowed to run away after casting on a civilian, which is a crime, even if it is a minor one," if he was a beholder, his glare would have killed, "would be a petty thief if it weren't for how often she stole."

Jansaadi & Zemzelett

There's something odd about the way the cloak has landed, almost like it was thrown rather than dropped while running. And it even looks like it was thrown from the entrance of the alleyway, rather than after making the turn.

She's a known thief that's never been caught, even with magic aiding the hawks, it's believed she might be allied with the bandits outside the city.


"Of course, sir," Carlisle replies, holding the envelope out to Atrayith. The invitation is elaborate, but not enchanted like so many newly wealthy families use, making the invitation smoke or change colors was a common trick used by families that have recently been raised to nobility, not exactly a rarity as of late, but the Ventures were an old family, having been in Kara-Tur longer than Atrayith's own family.

2018-10-03, 04:43 PM
"Aye, Asher, good friend! Serprize me wit a drink." Garrik greats his friend while watching the regular bartender snooze. "Rough day?"

2018-10-03, 06:18 PM
Gnikodemus (http://https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1684079)

Quite suddenly and unexpectedly, my throat is clenched and I find it difficult to breathe and impossible to speak. The Hawk has magic. Not an entirely surprising revelation, but definitely an unwelcome one.

Furo-Bubo, my iridescent-furred weasel familiar, pops his head out of my pack with my focusing orb in his jaws. He quickly passes it to me and I make the necessary hand gestures to cast the very first cantrip I was ever taught: Minor Illusion .

My voice emanates from the air just above my head, only slightly louder than my typical volume. The merchant will wake up shortly, as any spellcaster such as yourself will know. Regarding the 'crime' I committed, are you not yourself breaking that law right now? I have not resisted in any manner save for verbal, and neither I nor my father will appreciate any further mistreatment of my person.

As for the thief, I will admit my error, if I am proven to have made one, and I will pay for the pilfered fruit as well, if need be. Does that sound fair?

I raise an eyebrow to emphasize my question.

2018-10-04, 05:59 PM

I try to focus my thoughts, ignoring the constriction of my throat. Whatever the spell the Hawk used on me was, it should be one I know of. If it is one I know of, then it follows that I will be able to undo it.


2018-10-04, 06:37 PM
Atrayith takes the letter and letter opener and opens the invitation, taking a moment between opening the letter and taking it from the envelope to take a healthy swing of wine. "Well let's see what's up here..."

2018-10-04, 06:57 PM
"Now that's enough!" Nordak bellows indignantly at both the Hawk and Gniko. "Sir Hawk, drop this spell immediately, and we WILL" he eyes Gniko at this "comply"

2018-10-05, 06:31 AM
Jansaadi looks over at the bard briefly before turning her attention back to the cloak.

"Good morning... but no honorific, please. It would be a shame for someone to... Where did that blasted...?"

"All right... Jansaadi," Zemzelett says, although he cringes involuntarily at the rudeness. After all, his mother had bought him up better.

"I have to say that it's very strange. This cloak was thrown, not dropped. Is it possible this wasn't the thief's cloak? I didn't get a good look."

After a fashion, the bard continues. "If so, then she must have accomplices nearby. I hope we're not being watched."

2018-10-06, 12:29 AM
"If that's the case, then we may have been made fools of. She may be long gone by now." She turns to the bystander and asks, "Are you alright now? Did you see anything?"

In truth, Jansaadi is reasonably sure that the bystander is okay now. In fact, despite her front, that was her first priority. Goods can be recovered, or written off as a loss.

2018-10-06, 11:48 AM
Gnikodemus (http://https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1684079)

19 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23418557&postcount=3)

"You might as well release me," I have my illusion say. "I've already deduced how to undo the spell."

2018-10-06, 04:38 PM

"Tried one of my newer brews, I call it the Korok Draught, puts ya ta sleep fasta than a mace to the face," Asher replies as he pulls a glass, well frosted, and fills it with what Garrik recognizes as Asher's personal brew station, "thought she could handle it, didn't even finish the mug before she was out," he sets the reddish amber drink down for Garrik, "this is called Palemoon Ale, an older brew of mine, it ages nicely, lets it steep in the magic a little more. Will put some extra thump in the chest, if you know what I mean." No one knew what he meant.

A man at a table a bit farther away, clearly paying attention once Garrik asked for a drink, started to chuckle and shake his head, "well this is gonna be fun to watch."

Gnikodemus & Nordak

"Then undo it yourself!" the Hawk replies, a little bit more venom than there should have been in there before turning to Nordak, "it's not that kind of spell, you break the seal and it dispels, the caster can't just drop the spell, if that were the case we wouldn't have caught some of the imposters trying to get into the organization," he looks back at Gniko, "Just be glad I only cast it once, it gets harder to break it the more it's used."

Jansaadi & Zemzelett

Turning back, Jansaadi and Zemzelett find the child gone. Not even a trace of blood from the gash on their leg to mark their passage.


The invitation is well decorated, but not overdone, silver filigree rather than the normal gold, with it plainly laying out Atrayith's invite to the Venture estate for a special Ball, apparently something to do with their eldest daughter, Vin, and something about magic that's ill defined in the invitation.

2018-10-06, 07:43 PM
Zemzelett is speechless for a moment.

"I think we've been had."

2018-10-07, 12:20 AM
Jansaadi chuckles and shakes her head.

"Well, then. Looks like we're not catching this thief today. At least no one was physically harmed. But, harm is harm, nonetheless. We should consider preparations for next time."

2018-10-07, 02:37 AM
"Yes, I suppose we should. Still, it was certainly a headscratcher, the way she disappeared into thin air like that. Are you absolutely certain the one you treated was a young human and not a dwarf, milady?"

Zemzelett gives the scene one last rueful look. Where could she have gone off to? The alley is deserted, there are no open doors or broken windows, and no open sewers... Almost as an afterthought, the young bard's head looks up towards the sky. She can't fly, surely?

2018-10-08, 06:31 AM
Garrik snorts at the revelation and takes a confident drink from his mug. "Where is erry one taday?"

2018-10-10, 10:05 AM
Atrayith scratches his chin slightly at the vague mention of magic but eventually just shrugged. "Send an appropriate RSVP in response and make sure to leave my seal and wax laying where mother will assuredly come across it and not nag me about it. Then have an appointment set for me at my tailors'. If I have to go, I will at least look good doing it."

2018-10-10, 11:09 AM
Gnikodemus (http://https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1684079)

I sneer at the Hawk and undo the spell, stifling the gasp my body wants to emit now that my breathing is unrestricted. Furo-Bubo scurries up and sits on my head, mimicking my dirty look as best he can with a weasel's face.

"Are we done here?"

2018-10-10, 04:57 PM

"Bit o'n event wit' a new bard aroun', some gem-somet'ing-or-other. I dunno, never saw th' draw myself," he replies, just as Garrik feels his heart practically try to leap out of his chest and a rush of energy surge through him (2 Temp HP that'll last for the next 4 hours, -1 penalty to Wis checks and saves as long as the temp HP persists).

Gnikodemus & Nordak

The Hawk frowns, then simply hands Gniko a card, "you'll be needed at the courts tomorrow," he gives a grimace as he says the next line, "you're free to go," he takes a moment to make a final statement, "don't assume anything about a thief, next time, there's a saying that's quite relevant for what's happened here."

Jansaadi & Zemzelett

Looking up does provide a quick view of a window, but it's well shut, and the older lady behind it glancing down is frowning, clearly displeased with the commotion going on. Never a good sign with these older women, they tend to toss chamber pots if you linger too long.


"Of course, sir," Carlisle replies as he takes his leave to do as asked. It's only a few minutes later that he returns to inform Atrayith that the letter is sent and he will be leaving to make the appointment, with the caveat that he will be gone for two hours at most. With Atrayith's permission, he takes his leave (if you want to ask him to do anything else while he is out and about, now is the time to do so)

2018-10-10, 08:59 PM
"Well that was wonderful waste of our time Gniko." Norday says after giving the retreating Hawk a stink eye. "What do you say we get a drink like we used to after getting chewed out by old Master Kraus? I dont think I can do anything else here in the market today."

2018-10-10, 09:21 PM
Gnikodemus (http://https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1684079)

I consider the summons issued to me for a moment. Briefly, I consider tearing it up and forgetting about it, but only briefly. Perhaps my court date will teach me some of the humility Lady Redwald often suggests I need. I pass the paper to Furo-Bubo and turn to respond to Runeforge as the familiar hides it and himself in my pack.

"That sounds good. I could certainly use a drink."

2018-10-11, 01:09 AM
Jansaadi & Zemzelett

Looking up does provide a quick view of a window, but it's well shut, and the older lady behind it glancing down is frowning, clearly displeased with the commotion going on. Never a good sign with these older women, they tend to toss chamber pots if you linger too long.

Zemzelett gives the older lady a slight bow, before cupping his hands to talk to her.

"Ma'am? I'm terribly sorry to disturb you, but we were chasing a thief. Did you happen to see anything?"

2018-10-14, 04:02 PM
"That sounds good. I could certainly use a drink."
So, I see you've still got that rat for a familiar huh? I've finally gotten one myself! Nordak lifts his left arm to show the golden snake wrapped around it, only moving to sniff the air and blink occasionally. I call her Sabina. So, what have you been up to recently? I mean besides giving the Hawks more trouble than they need. Nordak asks with a smirk

2018-10-15, 07:35 PM
Gnikodemus (http://https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1684079)

"He's not a rat." I say, probably a bit too tersely. The embarrassments I've suffered from the Hawk have irked me more than I'd like to admit.

"I'm a squire now," I say, mellowing my voice. I begin to walk towards the hitching post nearby, preparing to retrieve my pony, Skittles. "I'm apprenticed to Lady Mirelinda Redwald. Perhaps you've heard of her?"

2018-10-16, 03:35 PM
Gnikodemus & Nordak

There are a number of bars in the area, a few good ones, some dives, and some that nobles wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. The most interesting, and entertaining, is T'aella's Tavern. One of the bartenders was an alchemist with a penchant for strange brews. The best, in terms of good booze, however, was Marid's Fall, if you didn't mind the fact it was connected to a forge for the owner of the establishment, Cassandra Frost, to use.

Jansaadi & Zemzelett

The old woman gives a rude gesture and moves out of sight, there is something odd, a crack in the window, which is probably what has the woman so agitated. Glass was expensive.

2018-10-17, 06:27 AM
"Interesting. I wonder if our thief scaled the building. If we could find a way up that doesn't break more windows... well, we might not find anything at all, actually. Situations like these are resolved one way or another in a matter of seconds. Still, if she was careless..."

The wood elf is showing just a bit more than the priestess as Jansaadi sizes up the building for a climb.

2018-10-17, 06:46 AM
"Umm, Miss Jansaadi," Zemzelett asks nervously as he looks around, "are you sure you want to climb the building? What if people think you're the thief? Maybe we should just cool off at the tavern."

(Note: If Jansaadi persists, Zem will give a bardic inspiration die [flavored as a high five for luck] for her to use on the Athletics check. It's a d6 to be added to your d20, after you roll the dice but before you discover the results.)

2018-10-17, 08:45 AM
"Huh." Jansaadi looks back at Zemzelett with a warm smile. "The thought hadn't even crossed my mind. Sometimes, we need the perspectives of others to keep us grounded - literally in my case. You make a good point, my friend. Shall we?"

2018-10-17, 08:55 AM
Of course I've heard of Lady Redwald, congrats on the apprenticeship. So what are we thinking? I'd love to see what they have brewing at T'aella's today.

2018-10-18, 06:58 PM
"Huh." Jansaadi looks back at Zemzelett with a warm smile. "The thought hadn't even crossed my mind. Sometimes, we need the perspectives of others to keep us grounded - literally in my case. You make a good point, my friend. Shall we?"

Friend? That sounds good. Yes, friend. It sends a chill down the spine of the fourteen year old half elf. How long has it been now? A year, or two, when he lost his entire family and childhood friends in the Gemblossom Troupe when the orcs sacked the city?

It doesn't help, of course, when Jansaadi locks and catches his eye earlier. A course of action that led him to force himself not to look away immediately lest he offends her in some way.

It is quite strange that someone plying an ostentatiously outgoing profession in the bardic arts should have butterflies in their stomach when talking to someone of the opposite gender, but it is what it is.

Mustering a performance to hide his discomfort, Zemzelett returns the smile. "Let's go!"

Performance: [roll0]

2018-10-19, 08:39 PM
Gnikodemus (http://https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1684079)

"T'aella's is fine." I say. Then I have an idea.

"I've had a thought, and perhaps you'd be willing to entertain it with me. As much as I don't want that Hawk to be right, I believe it would be advantageous for me to track that thief down myself. Perhaps we can get some information at the bar."

2018-10-19, 09:29 PM
"That is a splendid idea!" Nordak says with a overly firm slap to Gniko's back "Let us be off to the drink then!"

2018-10-20, 01:14 AM
Insight: [roll0]

His performance is apparently spot on, because Jansaadi makes no indication that she's aware of anything but the confidence he's attempting to portray. As they head off toward the tavern, Jansaadi keeps a bit of an eye out, but doesn't go out of her way to look for trouble this time.

2018-10-22, 01:56 AM
Gnikodemus & Nordak

T'aella's is rather light on people today, and Asher is at the bar, meaning that it's likely to be an interesting day for anyone that tries one of his brews... such as the man sitting at the bar who looks to be vibrating in his seat with a nearly empty mug in front of him.

Jansaadi & Zemzelett

There are a number of bars in the area, a few good ones, some dives, and some that nobles wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. The most interesting, and entertaining, is T'aella's Tavern. One of the bartenders was an alchemist with a penchant for strange brews. The best, in terms of good booze, however, was Marid's Fall, if you didn't mind the fact it was connected to a forge for the owner of the establishment, Cassandra Frost, to use.

Jansaadi would know of Cassandra given her father is a priest of the silver flame

2018-10-22, 10:55 AM
Nordak enters the tavern and inhales the favorite scent of Dwarves, alcohol. Asher my good barkeep, what is on tap today? Nordak bellows as he marches to the bar and climbs onto one of the stools. I believe my friend Gnikodemus and myself could use something strong at the moment

2018-10-24, 04:28 AM
Jansaadi & Zemzelett

There are a number of bars in the area, a few good ones, some dives, and some that nobles wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. The most interesting, and entertaining, is T'aella's Tavern. One of the bartenders was an alchemist with a penchant for strange brews. The best, in terms of good booze, however, was Marid's Fall, if you didn't mind the fact it was connected to a forge for the owner of the establishment, Cassandra Frost, to use.

Jansaadi would know of Cassandra given her father is a priest of the silver flame

Zemzelett has frequented T'aella's Tavern quite a bit, having caroused there a few nights. Naturally, it is the first thing on the teenage half-elf's mind. But, he is of course mindful that Sister Jansaadi, who may have a reputation to protect and must observe proper decorum, may prefer something more ... acceptable for a person of her stature.

And so, he stops tentatively. "Lady Jansaadi, I am most familiar with T'aella's. It is the most esoteric and entertaining in the area. But, would you prefer somewhere more dignified?"

Ability check: What is the most respectable bar in the area? I'm not sure what skill to roll (I'm waffling between Survival [+2], Perception [+3], or Investigation [+1]), so I'll just roll a d20: [roll0].

2018-10-24, 05:14 AM
Jansaadi elects to let the less than familiar tone slide, since Zemzelett insists on it. After all, she mostly wanted people to be comfortable around her, and insisting someone change their demeanor to suit her better doesn't go far in accomplishing that.

"Madrid's Fall is run by the daughter of one of my brothers in the order - Cassandra Frost. Cassandra takes pride in the quality of her product, but more importantly, might be more amenable to providing information on our thief, given that I work with her father."

2018-10-24, 05:31 AM
"Sounds good, Ma'am," Zemzelett says, unable to quite shake off the honorifics drilled to him by his mother that Jansaadi told him to stop using, "I'm afraid I'm not familiar with it, so if you lead the way, it would be great."

2018-10-24, 02:17 PM
Gnikodemus (http://https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1684079)

"Yes," I agree, scrambling up onto a stool, "something strong would be ideal, and perhaps I could ask some questions regarding certain local circumstances?"

2018-10-26, 07:20 PM

Two new people walk into the bar, a pair of wizards by the look of it, which Asher confirms as he offers them a drink

Last post before I assume you've dropped the game and proceed without you from here on out.

Gnikodemus & Nordak

"Ah, some of the few wiz's that take an interest in my work, got something special brewed up today," he goes to a small keg and lets out a dark brew, "uses this wonderful bean from the southern continent, balanced with some honey and darkberries," he says as he sets down two mugs of the brew, "this is a slow drink, for sipping rather than, pardon the slang, chugging."

When you drink, make a Con save.

Jansaadi & Zemzelett

Marid's Fall is a large establishment with wonderful displays in wrought iron, steel, and bronze. Every chair was custom forged by Cassandra herself over the years. Wines are a specialty here, and the rhimar cooler that Cassandra uses proudly displays some of the most flavorful wines in the city.

Cassandra herself is talking with the bar manager and chef, talking quietly but with a surprising intensity. At her waist is her sword, her magnum opus, worth more than the entire treasury for any of the high nobles, let alone the lesser nobles. Her grip on the handle is white knuckled, a clear sign of dismay and stress.

The bar itself is oddly quiet, with people nervously glancing at Cassandra, some even getting up to leave.


With Atrayith's meal done, he still has a good deal of time to get things done, maybe go around town to see if anything interesting has gone on.

Last post before I assume you've dropped the game and proceed without you from here on out.

2018-10-26, 08:50 PM
Jansaadi & Zemzelett

Marid's Fall is a large establishment with wonderful displays in wrought iron, steel, and bronze. Every chair was custom forged by Cassandra herself over the years. Wines are a specialty here, and the rhimar cooler that Cassandra uses proudly displays some of the most flavorful wines in the city.

Cassandra herself is talking with the bar manager and chef, talking quietly but with a surprising intensity. At her waist is her sword, her magnum opus, worth more than the entire treasury for any of the high nobles, let alone the lesser nobles. Her grip on the handle is white knuckled, a clear sign of dismay and stress.

The bar itself is oddly quiet, with people nervously glancing at Cassandra, some even getting up to leave.

Zemzelett's eyes open wide as he takes in the opulence of Marid's Fall for the first time. Certainly, he has observed such ambiance before, but always on the other side of the door. Letting out a low whistle at himself, half-wondering if he could afford a even single drink from the establishment. His eyes skim the menu board, trying to pick out the cheapest beverage he could order. Maybe, some juice? The fourteen year old half-elf does have difficulty holding down his alcohol.

2018-10-26, 11:59 PM
Cassandra might not be a paragon of calm, but this is a bit much.

A quick look around the bar is hardly necessary to realize that this isn't the typical atmosphere. Something had happened - perhaps something of a higher priority than a theft. Jansaadi approaches the three and speaks softly.

"Begging your pardon, Cassandra. Can I convince you to share your burden?"

2018-10-28, 04:01 PM
Gnikodemus (http://https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1684079)

I sniff the dark-colored drink, inhaling the aroma for a moment. It smells delicious. "Thank you," I say, taking a bigger sip than was recommended.

Constitution Save: 14. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23468861&postcount=4)

2018-10-28, 04:12 PM
Nordak raises the mug high
Never turn down an ale, who knows if it may be your last and takes a good swallow

2018-10-29, 03:54 PM
Atrayith stretched out and then sharpened his blade. Humming to himself an old elven song, the edge of the even older blade grew more deadly before he strapped it to himself and decided to wander about town. Maybe do some light shopping. But it was better than sitting around waiting for his mother to get to the wine for the night.

2018-11-01, 03:41 PM
Gnikodemus & Nordak

A few sips into the drink, there's a giddiness that takes hold, in a good way, there's an energy that flows readily through the body (+5ft to all movement speeds for the next hour, +1 AC if you move at least 10ft in a round during that time, -1 to either Dex and Wis saves for that hour - your choice since you succeeded the Con saves.)

Asher then comments, "may I help you with anyt'ing else, my friends?"

Jansaadi & Zemzelett

Cassandra looks over, there was always an intensity to her that made difficult to approach, though those that knew her would say she was kind, if a little too independent and headstrong. Her lips are pressed into a thin line, but she eventually turns to the people she was talking to, a Hawk and a man that could only be a merchant (Int check to know who he is) and sends them off for the moment before she visibly sags, "Lady Jansaadi," she says, "I am afraid I am not at my best this day, my last three shipments of metal have been lost, and the most recent is a rare metal from the elemental plane of air, worth enough to a mansion. It is... disconcerting, and quite stressful," her grip on her sword's handle hasn't loosened one bit, white knuckled.

Zem finds that there's a pitcher of water subtly flavored with the use of fresh fruit and magic, with simple clay mugs or crystal glasses, the mugs are free, the crystal is used for those that make an order.


The city is bustling, many people offering nods of recognition, and a few giving congratulations on time served in the military. Mostly acquaintances. However, there is a bit of a commotion in the main market square, the cover to the sewer near the fountain is cast aside, a glowing barrier placed at the entrance, preventing the guards from entering, even with one of the Hawk Mage's trying to dispel the magic.

2018-11-02, 08:01 AM
Zemzelett is quite relieved to find a way to prevent alcohol poisoning. Taking a seat, the young half-elf takes a crystal glass. "Half please," he asks the barkeep while winking in a slightly bashful manner, chastened as to his poverty and inability to tolerate too much alcohol. Once the drink is poured, he dilutes the glass with the subtly-flavored water, and pays whatever price was asked. So insecure and engrossed he was in these insecurities that only when he was about to start drinking does he realize Jansaadi's walked over to the noblewoman with the wicked-looking sword.

Curious, the 14-year old half-elf bard edges closer to Jansaadi, taking full notice of Cassandra for the first time. Does he recognize who Cassandra is?

OOC: I'm throwing down a D20. [roll0]. I do not know the exact skill, but Zem's INT mod is +0, while he has +1 to any INT skill due to Jack of All Trades.

2018-11-02, 09:55 PM
Gnikodemus (http://https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1684079)
+5ft to all movement speeds for the next hour, +1 AC if I move at least 10ft in a round during that time, -1 to Wis saves for that hour.

The drink is delicious, and before I know it, I've finished the mug. It was good. It was good, and I felt good. "Yes," I say, answering Asher's question, "I have a question for you. Have you seen this girl around? Do you know anything about her?"

Using Minor Illusion, I create a small three-dimensional version of the dwarven thief on the bar.

I lean in to whisper conspiratorily, "I don't want to say too much, but she is integral to a very important investigation."

2018-11-03, 12:36 AM
Int check: [roll0]

Jansaadi nods, considering Cassandra's problem.

"Am I right in assuming that the shipments were not simply lost? I'm always happy to help, if you would accept my aid. Of course, I wouldn't impose, should you wish to handle this yourself. I trust your judgment."

2018-11-03, 11:17 AM
(+5ft to all movement speeds for the next hour, +1 AC if you move at least 10ft in a round during that time, -1 to Wis saves)
The warmth spreads through Nordak's body as he downs half of the drink in a long slow practiced drink.
"Ahhhh, I always love yer drinks Asher. They never hit a body the same way twice." Nordak complements, slipping into a slight dwarvish accent. Gesturing toward the minor illusion "She may well be a halfling though."

2018-11-05, 05:23 PM
Atrayith walks up to the guards without really much of a thought. "What's going on here? Some issue with the sewers?"

2018-11-06, 05:48 PM
Gnikodemus & Nordak

"I recognize the little blighter,," Asher replies, "lass tried to knick some of my brews a while back, caught her in the act. Don't know how she got out of the bonds I left her in to call the Hawks, but she's been trying to get at them since, I think it's a matter of pride for her now. Tries at least once a week, always slips away though. Last time she nearly got caught because she tried to pick up an entire keg of my Stonefall Brew, heavy stuff that."

Jansaadi & Zemzelett

(For Zem: You recognize her, she's come to your performances before, a generous tipper and seems to like some of the slower songs Zem performs. Never talked to her, but heard about her from others, she's quite wealthy and favors alchemy over magic in a city where most people prefer magic. Makes her an oddity.)

"Three factions have stolen the shipments, and none of them seem to be working together. A group of kobold stole a shipment from the warehouses three weeks ago, drow raiders hit them on the road two weeks ago, and local bandits hit them as they were unloading the stock just this past week. The merchants are starting to talk of not making shipments for me anymore, which would be... a substantial hit to my ability to work."

She sighs, "I will be taking a small group of allies to deal with the drow, they are the most disconcerting attack in recent history, if you can help with either the kobold or the bandits, it would be much appreciated."

She then explains that the kobold tend to be within the city, somehow without alerting the guards or Hawks of their presence, at least until recently as they seem to have gotten sloppy, they tend to steal large amounts on occasion, but only come up maybe once a month. The bandits, by contrast, are hidden in the country side, hidden by anti-scry wards and some potion to mask their scent, they hit fast and leave faster, but are tend to strike often, which has caused strife in the people of late.


The Hawk looks up, and grins, "well, if it isn't young master Atrayith," you don't recognize him, an acquaintance, then, "some kobolds broke into the apothecary and stole alchemical ingredients and potion materials, enough to fill a bag of holding. Their mage set up a barrier of some kind, it's resistant to dispelling, and blocks our attempts to bypass it, and they're set up on every entrance for nearly a mile in every direction so far," he looks down at the thing and kicks it, getting a strangely echo-y noise from it, "think your magic would be able to get down there?"

2018-11-06, 07:09 PM
Zemzelett approaches Cassandra and performs an elven bow. "Lady Cassandra, my name is Zemzelett Gemblossom. I apologize for the intrusion, but I overheard you talking about problems with your shipments. I am currently looking for employment and would be happy to assist in dealing with the kobolds or the bandits."

2018-11-07, 02:06 AM
Jansaadi offers Zemzelett an approving nod after he speaks.

"I have no qualms about working with you." Turning back to Cassandra, she adds, "I will admit that the idea of a threat inside the city does bother me more than bandits outside, but tell me about what the bandits stole. It sounds like the sort of thing that would be dangerous in the wrong hands."

2018-11-07, 11:22 PM
Atrayith looks down at the barrier. "How many of them are there? This isn't a problem as long as there's enough light to see the ground down there." He shrugged off his town cloak, there was no way he was taking it down there with him. "I can't say I can break the barrier though. Not... my particular talent."

2018-11-08, 06:44 PM
Nordak rubs his chin through his red beard and asks "Asher, how long ago did she last attempt to make out wit yer barrels? "Nd do you know of any else she might attempt ta break in?"

2018-11-12, 10:34 AM
Gnikodemus (http://https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1684079)
+5ft to all movement speeds for the next hour, +1 AC if I move at least 10ft in a round during that time, -1 to Wis saves for that hour.

If Asher's tale is true, that "child" is much more than she seems. Mire ambitious, as well.

"Runeforge has the right idea," I say, agreeing with my dwarven companion. "If she attempts to rob you on the regular, when is she due next?"

2018-11-12, 04:57 PM
Gnikodemus & Nordak

"Not long, she doesn't have a regular schedule, but she always comes after the third day of the week though, I don't normally try to catch her anymore, it's an interesting puzzle and, at this point, I think she does it more for the fun, and her pride, than she does for the booze," Asher replies good-naturedly, he certainly doesn't seem concerned, "'sides, it's easier if you just go talk to her, far corner, just walked in," he says, pointing Nordak and Gniko towards a far wall where a young dwarf is sitting.

Gniko notices that this dwarf's hair is too light, with a narrower face, and is missing a finger on the hand that the merchant was going to cut off, something not true to the one he'd let get away earlier. However, there's enough resemblance that she might be a sister or cousin.

Jansaadi & Zemzelett

"The bandits got away with my shipment of razern, when alloyed and forged properly, it is able to hold the sharpest of edges, I doubt they have a smith capable of using the metal for that, however, some mages from the far reaches have learned to use shards of razern in alchemy as well, quite dangerous when mixed into dither bombs"

"The kobolds were able to take a few samples of drakar and gornar, drakar is quite expensive, the only places to produce it naturally are the elemental plane of fire and ancient red dragon burial grounds, it possesses natural properties aligned with fire, and gornar is only found deep in the underdark, I can guess why kobold would want it, applied to the head of a pickaxe it would cleave through stone easily. Both need careful treatment, however, or they're likely to cause more harm than good."

"It's the drow that worry me, however, they obtained my coraesine, it is the only metal naturally found on the elemental plane of air. Just having it forged into a blade would make the wielder strike faster and be able to extend a slash or thrust beyond the reach of the blade itself, using the air to cut. Imagining a drow with that kind of ability is... quite honestly terrifying."


The Hawk looks at Atrayith, then calls out for someone to bring them a light rod before he turns back, "there are three of them that we know of, might be more."

A young half-elf brings over a small scroll case and hands it to the Hawk, pulling the cap off to release a beam of light that he points down into the depths, illuminating enough to see the floor.

2018-11-13, 09:41 AM
Zemzelett looks at Jansaadi with a small shrug. Razen, drakar, gornar, there is no distinction for him.

"Miss Jansaadi, maybe we can start with the kobolds. Although, it might be hard because they were good enough to hide in the city without being detected by the Hawks."

2018-11-13, 04:58 PM
Nordak looks over and only notices the first patron that he sees. "Tha's not a dwarf nor haf'lin', mate. Tha's a haforc! an' hes a bull at that!"

2018-11-14, 05:41 AM
"The kobolds it is. Do you have any further information for us about them? Or, perhaps, do you know a scholar who might know more about kobolds in general?" There's a gleam in her eye, and the wood elf peeks out, just a little bit. "A thorough understanding of your prey is a vital part of the hunt."

2018-11-14, 09:06 PM
Gnikodemus (http://https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1684079)
+5ft to all movement speeds for the next hour, +1 AC if I move at least 10ft in a round during that time, -1 to Wis saves for that hour.

I try and fail to ignore Nordak's outburst, letting a small chuckle slip. The dwarf that the barkeep pointed out isn't the one I'm looking for, but there [i]was[i/] a resemblance. I dispel my illusion and excuse myself from the bar, taking a moment to steady myself on this horribly uneven and swaying floor, and make my way over to the dwarf.

"Excuse me," I say, trying to get her attention. "I was wondering if you could help me find someone I've been looking for."

2018-11-16, 10:59 PM
"I will try to be back as soon as I can." Atrayith says, drawing his blade and then vanishing into an off white-blue mist, as though stepping through a door and appearing at the bottom of the sewer.

2018-11-18, 03:44 PM
Gnikodemus & Nordak

Said half-orc snorts, then points behind him, at the booth Gniko was already walking towards, all the while Asher laughs hard enough that he's banging the table.

The dwarf, no older than 40, and probably closer to 30, looks up with a tilt to her head, "depends on who it is and if I know them," she says with a very soft voice, surprising given even female dwarves tend to have booming voices, she sounds more like those elves on the other side of the noble district.

Jansaadi & Zemzelett

"Physically? Small, reptilian goblins," Cassandra says simply, a wave of her hand, "if a little more personable than the average goblin," she shakes her head, "but, tactically and mentally they are far more dangerous. Don't let them gang up on you, fight them on your terms, not theirs, and if you think something's a trap, you're probably already in one. However, they're normally open to negotiation. Normally. This isn't normal."


This section of the sewer is bare, a service access area rather than the sewer proper, several enchantments keep the smell away, but the air is stale and dusty, forcing Atrayith to hold back a sneeze. The tunnel leads in three different directions, small claw marks go down one of the tunnels.

2018-11-19, 12:00 AM
Zemzelett looks at Jansaadi. "Perhaps," he demurs, "we should begin our investigation at the site where the kobolds made off with the materials."

Now looking at Cassandra, the young half elf continues, "Lady Cassandra, a letter of introduction from you would be great so that we would be allowed to investigate freely."

2018-11-19, 11:52 AM
Gnikodemus (http://https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1684079)
+5ft to all movement speeds for the next hour, +1 AC if I move at least 10ft in a round during that time, -1 to Wis saves for that hour.

"I'm assuming that you do know them," I say, sliding into the seat opposite her, "considering that you look like HER."

After I speak, placing emphasis on the last word, I conjure up the Minor Illusion image of the thief from earlier.

"So, why don't you help a guy out?"

2018-11-23, 08:02 PM
Atrayith keeps his blade drawn and stalks forward down the claw scuffed tunnel. Kobolds in the city. What was the world coming to these days? And the incompetence of the guards to not be able to get through the barrier. If he was in charge, he'd certainly see to them being whipped into shape.

2018-11-26, 01:06 PM
Nordak now notices the dwarf and embarrassed joins Gniko at the table.

2018-11-30, 11:18 PM
Gnikodemus & Nordak

"...wow," the dwarf says with a deadpan tone, "just walk up to someone and say they look like a thief," she sighs, "you're definitely not Hawks."

Jansaadi & Zemzelett

Cassandra nods, rubbing the bridge of her nose, "I will write up a letter for you. Follow me, the Hawks are scrying with some... difficulty at the moment."


The tunnel is fairly straight, but branches into two directions farther down. The scratch marks show down both tunnels (Perception Check).

2018-12-02, 09:07 AM
Gnikodemus (http://https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1684079)
+5ft to all movement speeds for the next hour, +1 AC if I move at least 10ft in a round during that time, -1 to Wis saves for that hour.

"I never claimed to be a Hawk. Think of us as... private investigators."

I try a friendly smile and a conspiratorial whisper. "I'm not trying to accuse you of anything, nor am I interested in getting you, or her, in any trouble. I'm just looking for answers."

(OOC:Persuasion = 18 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23543178&postcount=7))

2018-12-02, 11:20 AM
Jansaadi & Zemzelett

Cassandra nods, rubbing the bridge of her nose, "I will write up a letter for you. Follow me, the Hawks are scrying with some... difficulty at the moment."

Zemzelett gulps down the drink, and follows as requested.

2018-12-03, 11:43 PM
Jansaadi quietly follows along as well. Cassandra isn't at her best today, and it won't do to increase her burden with small talk.