View Full Version : how to make gargantuan animated object strong at 20?

2018-09-29, 05:02 PM
im using this build giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?554435-Sorcerer-Master-of-Animate-Objects-and-Planar-Bindingg
and i really like the trick where you use assume supernatural ability to get animate objects and create a gargantuan animated object. but this is the only trick i like. i dont want to use planar binding or use scrolls of wish. i want to use gargantuan animated object all the way to level 20 so how to make them strong? with all the buffs they have like +25 attack which means they cant hit strong guys like pit fiends or tarrasque or spellcasters

so what magic items would make him strong enough to kill spellcasters pit fiends and tarrasque? and disintegrate

i make him out of adamantine and give him necklace of natural weapons and phoenix cloak that gives him flight

my dm says any long duration buff on him ends in 2minutes because animate objects only lasts 2 minutes and the brief time it is inanimate and reanimated all buffs end and animate objects only affects objects not creatures and since animated objects are creatures i cant put a new animate object on it every round but have to wait until it ends to animate it again.

2018-09-29, 08:29 PM
If you just want the Gargantuan Animated Object I'd suggest you go a DMM:Persist Changeling Cleric with the Transformation domain instead of a sorcerer since clerics have better buffs.

2018-09-30, 02:52 PM
This thread might be of use to you:http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?568713-Can-someone-share-their-high-op-level-20-mundane-magic-item-loadout

For the cleric build it would be
Race: Changeling
Class: Cleric
Domains: Planning and Transformation

1 Persistent Spell
3 Assume Supernatural Ability
6 DMM:Persistent Spell

and then persist all the party wide buff spells that are personal range. These buffs cannot be dispelled since you have total concealment while inside the Gargantuan Animated Object.

Prepare a ton of Girallon's Blessings and other stuff.

2018-09-30, 05:52 PM
Use the city druid ACF to get a construct companion, use the changeling wizard ACF to get a shapeshifting familiar, and combine your familiar and companion using arcane heirophant? Or indirectly, go changeling wizard for a shapeshifting familiar, take Obtain Familiar a couple of times, and go spell sovereign so your familiars can become any number of living spells, including animate object, *at will.*