View Full Version : Is it against the rules to report your own posts?

2018-09-30, 12:06 AM
Am I allowed to report my own posts or is that discouraged? Can Moderators report their own posts?

Mando Knight
2018-09-30, 12:29 AM
You can report your own thread if you need it moved somewhere else (i.e. you accidentally posted a thread about 3rd Edition D&D in the 5th Edition subforum). I see little reason to report your own posts for rule violations (other than, possibly, realizing after the fact that you raised a dead thread)--it would be better to edit the post yourself to remove any offending content than to take up a moderator's time with investigating your report.

There's even less of a reason for a moderator to use the report function on themselves.

2018-09-30, 12:32 AM
If you have something in a post that you realize is against the rules, I believe the preferred action is to self moderate (i.e. delete the offending parts of your message) rather than self report.

On the other hand, if you need some administrative action done to a post, then self reporting is the way to go. So if you post a thread in the wrong forum, you can report the first post. Or if you need a thread title changed after you lose privileges to do so (I think six weeks, but it might be 30 days). Or if you accidentally make 2 of the same thread. You can also send one of the mods over a specific forum a message about it, but reports create a thread in the mod only area (which I am told has fancy lounge chairs and an open bar) so all the mods could potentially look at your request.

As for Mods self reporting, they probably can, but don't really have any reason to do so. Mods can post in locked threads, move threads, rename threads, and completely edit other people's posts. I think one of the mods got reprimanded in bright red text within a day of becoming a mod (or one of the new mods reprimanded Rawhide, it could really go either way with that scamp:smalltongue:), so the mods are definitely supposed to follow the rules.

2018-09-30, 04:11 PM
You can report your own thread if you need it moved somewhere else (i.e. you accidentally posted a thread about 3rd Edition D&D in the 5th Edition subforum). I see little reason to report your own posts for rule violations (other than, possibly, realizing after the fact that you raised a dead thread)--it would be better to edit the post yourself to remove any offending content than to take up a moderator's time with investigating your report.

There's even less of a reason for a moderator to use the report function on themselves.

The Mod Wonder: Ad Res: Yes, you can report your own post, or PM a mod. I get a number of these in the "Whoops, I put this in the wrong category" type. If you realize you broke another, more major, rule (like, say, "Wow, that sounds really flamey when I read it back"), editing your post, especially if you do so before it's quoted, is a perfectly valid way to avoid problems.

I don't report my own posts; if it needs to be moved, I can do that. I occasionally report posts before I moderate them, just to create a record of what was said... especially if I'm moderating something else in the thread, but not that specific post.