View Full Version : Gritty easy to die in 3.pf dungeon crawl IC thread D

2018-09-30, 06:00 PM
This wasn't how it was supposed to be.
This isn't how it was supposed to go...
Everyone was going to be rich, happy, set for life, and everyone would go their own way.

You were going to rob the mayor's villa, but someone caught on, maybe someone snitched. Almost instantly posters with your faces appeared all around town, and there were only two options from there, hide or flee. Hiding was virtually suicidal, you hadn't spent long enough in the town to blend in effectively, and ultimately opted to flee, but after two days it was apparent they were going to catch you. In a last ditch effort you stole a raft and fled upstream. Civilization faded away within the first day, by the third, just when you were beginning to worry that they might have finished checking downstream and would be drawing close again, the river diverged into countless tributaries. Following one at random, you made your way deeper and deeper into the wilderness until on the sixth day something finished eating away at your raft and the whole thing split apart leaving the party to sink into waters filled with poisonous snakes.

3X DC10 fort save v. [roll0] str dmg
-6 days&nights of rations, whichever light sources you normally use, and the like

Somehow killing a few, you escape the snakes and climb to shore.
After two days of cautious scouting, you've found goblin tracks on the forest floor/

-2 days food, water,&light
Goblins are generally seen as easy prey. Experience is a thing IC, but it's more abstract, like it is IRL. It's known that fighting and killing things generally helps combatants train, and goblins are generally seen as easy prey coveted by governments for military exercises, or occasionally by farmers who make a better life for themselves (or get eaten) by fighting them when they pop up nearby. DC10 knowledge (nature)

2018-10-01, 01:52 AM

Kyl Kronor curses in orcish at the snakes and scratches at his inflamed bite marks.

[roll0], [roll1], [roll2]

2018-10-01, 09:47 AM

Longo Bandwax felt really weak after being bitten by all those snakes. Barely holding onto Bingo's harness, he let the dog carry him ashore. By that time Laika was jumping around, waging her tail as if nothing has happened. "Good puppy. And you, boy." Halfling patted the bigger dog's side.

First day of wandering in the woods Longo ate his last ration. To tell the truth, one medium-sized ration for three mouths was already not much to begin with. The water was a lesser problem, at least on the raft, but now both waterskins were all-too-quickly depleted. So, having found some goblin tracks, Longo was all in to investigate those. Good news that by this time Bingo has recovered from snake bites and, Longo was sure, quite willing to chew some goblin ass.

"Goblins. How about we get them? Should be quite doable."

Longo gets bitten: [roll0], [roll1], [roll2]
Bingo gets bitten: [roll3], [roll4], [roll5]
Laika gets bitten: [roll6], [roll7], [roll8]
Know (nature): [roll9]

Normally not using any torches outdoors, relying on two dogs' senses and people with darkvision. Changing prepared spells on first morning in the woods.

2018-10-01, 10:10 PM
Munra stumbles behind the others, the snakebite in his leg slowing him down some. It has been a long and arduous journey already, and the danger is still very present.

When Longo mentions the Goblin tracks, Munra replies, "If you were so up for fighting, why have we been running all this time?"

Poison x3

2018-10-01, 11:26 PM
[roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3], [roll4], [roll5], [roll6],

"I'm not starving enough to eat goblins yet. Yet. But they might have food, ans we could always....ask nicely." The big half-orc rattles his spiked chain to emphasize what he means.

"It's just goblins. Lead the way, Longo. I'm right behind you."

2018-10-02, 10:34 AM
"Apparently, because we are not fighting the guards. Kinda difference. One thing is robbing some grafter, quite another is killing legal people. We don't kill legal people... ah, and to answer your question - forest goblins are typically not."

Being asked to lead the way, Longo felt embarrassed.

"Errm... I'm not really a tracker and these are not hunting dogs, but I will try to do our best and we'll see how it goes."

Trying to follow the tracks visually, if DC10 or lower (feel free to assist): [roll0], [roll1], [roll2]
Meanwhile, trying to get the dogs to do the tracking untrained [roll3], [roll4], [roll5] and [roll6], [roll7], [roll8] vs DC25 or just take 20 if can do that before the dogs get bored
If Bingo tracks by scent: [roll9], [roll10], [roll11]
If Laika tracks by scent: [roll12], [roll13], [roll14]

Apparently, Bingo takes the lead.

2018-10-02, 11:22 AM
"Tch....some might argue that a wild Halfing and her two pets aren't legal people either, doesn't mean it's ok for someone to kill you. Either way, I'm in agreement. Let's find the Goblins. Maybe they will have some valuable ingredients, I could use some more Alchemist's Fire. Munra walks behind his two compatriots.

Know: Nature check to look for quality alchemy ingredients(if DC is lower than 15) [roll0]
Survival check to try to assist tracking [roll1]

2018-10-02, 08:46 PM
Just look big and strong if you want to talk. Also hide the doggies. I still kind of want to stab them and I have lived most of my life not with goblins.
Chemosh says peering around looking for some food or goblins.

survival:[roll0], [roll1], [roll2],[roll3],[roll4],[roll5],[roll6],[roll7]

and fort


2018-10-03, 07:34 PM
Quite content to be leading a pack of homeless bozos, the dogs spring into action, happily yelping as they run along. The goblin tracks flow below you like a breeze, then they veer off in another direction, but the dogs don't care, they keep happily leading you, only slowing as they approach a small thicket.

A map for you guys, place yourselves around the thicket however you feel fit to.

2018-10-03, 07:52 PM
I will keep an eye out for an ambush. Chemosh whispers when the dogs start to slow down. He then goes off into the forest to hide and provide overwatch for the group from in a tree.

Chemosh hides and then climbs up the tree. Here is the stealth check [roll0] plus 3 (forgot inspiration) Got darkstalker if that matters and don't forget the distance bonus. I have a climb speed so don't have to roll.

2018-10-04, 04:07 AM
Even after 8 days of traveling Ashie would prefer to build up far more distance before the go on doing something else, and preferably something more honorable than massacre some goblins

“We could easily hunt for food. This way we can build more distance and quite frankly I don’t like idea how slaughtering some helpless goblins”


2018-10-04, 09:28 AM
"Errmm... like, there. Only I don't see no goblin tracks." whispers Longo somewhat puzzled, getting ready to cast Entangle if something more dangerous than goblin emerges from the bush.

2018-10-05, 11:13 PM
Kyl sticks a hand into the thicket, drawing the branches aside to get a look inside.

2018-10-07, 06:39 PM
Cila had been quiet all the time. She came from a wild and different place, she didn't understand these people bickering and found herself a fugitive in their company almost by mistake.

[roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

The snakes had poisoned slightly. But she managed to overcome the pain. (what's the rate of recovery?)

2018-10-20, 05:59 PM
One post after a mere two weeks of waiting? I see I'm entirely on my game. :smallamused: :smallcool:

True to Longo's suspicions, the thicket bites kyl's hand, or more specifically a branch his hand was in contact with closed like a mouth, sharp thorns sinking into his skin, drawing blood like a hungry vampire, or perhaps more slowly like a hungry baby vampire.

[roll0] damage and DC 11 fort save v. 1 str damage
Also, age two and a half years.

Sounds emanate from the woodlands around you like the bending of branches, the rustling of leaves, but also a cynical albeit melodious laughter that seems to come from all directions at once. You're surrounded.

Creaking and twisting, a piece of shrubbery reveals a face of tangled twigs and branches of an almost root-like nature, barren of leaves and foliage. Oddly, it isn't this face that bit you, but rather an attached branch, judging by the standardized bipedal nature of humanoidal physiology you rationalize this to be a hand, so maybe he clasped you in his claw instead?

"Welcome bloodlings!" an eerie rasping voice calls from behind you, slightly under yet flanked by the tree in which Chemosh is hiding. It's souce seems to be another of these queer plant creatures. "As you are not goblllleeenoids, it seems we can make a deeeellle.

Aww, I can feel the sticky sap of the GM's heartfelt love already. An encounter with sentient non-goblins, and even of a creature type possessing inconvenient immunities with individuals possessing strange powers and abilities? How could one ask for more? :smalltongue:

Is Longo casting a spell?

2018-10-21, 12:58 PM
"Good day mr. Bush, sir! Absolutely, sir! Can make a deal, sir!"

It seems that Longo was sort of impressed. Casting Entangle on a bunch of bushes and hope they grapple themselves? Longo decided not to take the chances and instead to parley. The dogs seemed somewhat puzzled by a conflicting notion of a bush, which is something to piss on, and a creature, which is something to bark at, so do not show any aggression either.

2018-10-21, 02:20 PM
"I see, it is truth that unlike goblins we can be talked a out of just voliance, what is your offer?" Ashie says unmoved by cratures. A simple pact of non aggression will probly be be ok solucion but if they are hoping for a bribe, she ain't giving them any. She is ready to go invisible as soon as her or anyone of her temates gets attacked.

2018-10-21, 06:32 PM
The talking shrub chuckles again. It probably thinks it helps to lighten the mood, but really it's giving more of a haunted forest vibe then anything, hopefully it will stop doing that...
"As you are probably aware, there exists a settlement of goblins in these woodlands. Their village, unfortunately, is right at the mouth of a dungeon. As it happens, we have to transport something into the dungeon, if we could entrust it with you, we'll assist you in dealing with the goblins, for a small price of course. We request that each of you allow four to drink of your blood to help nourish our tree-mother."
Creepy laugh aside, the shrub-man-girl-thing-that-may-not-relate-to-humanoids-at-all, seems to be a straight shooter, albeit a poor negotiator, laying his cards on the table forthrightly.

2018-10-22, 09:48 AM
"Uhhm... can we omit the blood-drinking part? I mean, we have been bitten already the other day, and by poisonous snakes, no less! Still not fully recovered. Also, extensive blood-drinking could not be good for successive goblin-handling. And, by the way, what if we just transport you some goblins instead, for tree-mother nourishing purposes?"

Longo clearly did not want to be drunk by the bush. There is only so much abuse a small halfling can bear.

Diplomacy, I guess: [roll0]

2018-10-22, 04:18 PM
The bush-man-thing looks dismayed, but more than that, he looks a little hurt that you're so vehemently opposed to the offering of a few sips of blood to aid in his people's plight. None the less, he reluctantly nods. "Indeed, twenty or so goblin sacrifices could serve in the stead of your participation... To capture twenty live goblins without accidentally killing them would also demonstrate prowess worthy of our support and fostering... do you truly believe yourselves able though? Abducting them from the village?"

2018-10-22, 04:45 PM
Chemosh just continues hiding up in the branches. He wasn't quite sure if these creatures were in the right or not but they seemed dangerous. Either way, might as well stay up here and keep watch. Hopefully they were blind and he could just hide from them.

2018-10-22, 11:59 PM
Ashie eyes the figure. "Parhaps we can find a compromise. I probly could take that bite, but others aren't this durable. More importantly, we aren't working for free.

2018-10-23, 09:55 AM
"Twenty's a lot. I thought of maybe one goblin per person. I mean, there are not twenty of us. By the way, how many are there in total in the village and do they have any livestock that could fit in the deal?"

2018-10-25, 12:59 AM
"Yeah. Better deal or no deal.". Kyl nurses his wound angrily.

2018-10-25, 02:16 AM
Ashie look at the Kyl disapprovingly "We are yet hear what paymant they are offering"

2018-10-27, 12:28 PM
I agree, 20 is a large number. The five of you sounds much more reasonable, which is why I suggested such first. Goblins lack the vital energy of races such as yours, so each bite would simply be fatal. Thus even with twenty goblins we'd still be taking slightly less. As for what we offer in exchange, have I not already stated it? The goblins village stands at the entrance to a dungeon filled with fantastical treasures. We will assist you in combating them. After all, with far more then twenty of them, a frontal assault with such a small group would be pure suicide, would it not?

2018-10-29, 09:44 AM
"Understood. I'd say, if you are not going into more detail about those goblins, their village or your prospective assistance, we'll just go there and have a look ourselves. Will be back to you some time after that."

Ready to head to wherever the goblins' tracks were last observed.