View Full Version : Fighter lvl 2 blade singer AL character

2018-10-01, 08:43 PM
Adventure league
My elf starts fighter with leather armor and defense style +1 ac. Stats str8, dex 16, int 16, wis 12, con 13, cha 10. Fire bolt cantrip
Rapier sword.
At lvl 2 wizard
At lvl 3 wizard evocation. I now start blade-singer.
Main spell caster. 2nd melee. When she can dance.
At lvl 4 wizard should I go resilience con feat to 14 con and but already have proficiency in con saves
Or mobile so I can go in melee attack and get without opportunity attack against me
Or should I go asi to get that 18 intelligence
At lvl 5-6 wizard lvl 3 spells.
at lvl 7 warrior lvl 2 action surge.now I can once per short rest cast 2 full spells of any combo as long as not bonus action which would limit to bonus action spell and cantrip.
8> wizard to 18.
What should my feats and asi be leveling 4,8, 12,14

2018-10-02, 06:54 AM
First off you can't be an evocation wizard and a bladesinger, you'd choose one or the other.

I wouldn't recommend taking resilient con if you're starting first level in fighter, if anything I'd take war caster if you're looking for more of a guarantee that your concentration spells stay up. Perhaps adjust your stats so you can get that 14 in con from the start?

If you want to be mainly a caster first I'd recommend the intelligence ASI's, especially since it will add to your defense during bladesong. With proficiency in con saves already it makes War Caster less important, unless you are taking the blade cantrips and want to booming blade as an opportunity attack. Since you're using SCAG as your +1 I don't see why you wouldn't get those.

When bladesinging and with mobile you'll have 50 feet of movement, if you want to play primarily as a caster and focus less on melee this may be your better choice after maxing intelligence.

My 2 cents.

2018-10-02, 08:17 AM
My similar build was Fighter 2 Wizard 18.

First comment is correct, you cannot be evocation and bladesinger at the same time.

I ended up taking 1 feat Warcaster, the rest of my ASI's went into Dex (increases armor, initiative, and damage) and Int (more power to spells and better AC w/ Bladesong)

Otherwise a very straight forward build, through items and spells I was able to get my AC to a comfortable 32 at my max.

My only advise is to use Bladesong as much as possible. Do not be afraid to "waste" them, as you get the back after a short rest.

2018-10-02, 12:00 PM
Thanks for the info guys. Evocation was accident. It’s bladesinger.
My main concern would be feats and asi
And at what lvl to take what.
I see warcaster as a double safety net for concentration but is it more important that either asi or mobile or some other feat? I also don’t see how to get 14 con without asi or a +1 1/2 feat as the dex and int more important.
When I go blade and get more cantrip I’ll get bb or gfb
Thanks for help

2018-10-02, 04:17 PM
I thought you need a minum of 13 strength to multiclass out of warrior.

2018-10-02, 10:55 PM
I thought you need a minum of 13 strength to multiclass out of warrior.

For Fighter,you can have 13 in either Strength OR Dexterity. As noted in the first post, the singer has at least a 13 Dex