View Full Version : 5e Conversions, AD&D Mere of Dead Men campaign .

to a mouse
2018-10-03, 06:23 AM
Hi, been out of DnD since 3E, aiming to DM a campaign and looking at a objective to lead a campaign too. Have been interested in the Dungeon Magazine issues 69 -73, before i set down and read through my digital notes on the matter and start upgrading a AD&D to 5E, has anyone posted, tried or ran a 5E, or even a 4E, 3E conversion of the issues into modern take. Looking for information any input would be predicated, thank you.

to a mouse
2018-10-05, 09:51 AM
Questions on Conversation AD&D to 5E

by Jason Kuhl (July/August 1998). “Mere of Dead Men: Slave Vats of the Yuan-ti”. Christopher Perkins ed. Dungeon magazine #69 (Wizards of the Coast )

Just starting out converting the campaign to 5e just some question to get the monkey off my shoulder, only know the basic 5e stuff from the manual, so:

“Any spell cast within a quarter mile (1320ft) of Wolfhill House has a 25% chance of misfiring and striking a nearby being with enlarge cast at the spellcaster’s level. If used in combat, the misfire has an equal chance of hitting either friend or foe (with all the benefits there of) and, unlike the genetic alteration detailed above, is temporary in nature, lasting only five rounds per level of the caster. It can be dispelled or negated with reduce (enlarge reversed), although such a spell has the same chance of misfiring as anyother spell. Magical armor, weapons, potions, rings, and other items producing spell-like effects are excepted.”

1. Question on spell above can it still stand without modification to 5E, is it still relevant.?
2. Question how can players derail the cho cho train campaign above with the envoirmental background spell , i.e. use of class, spells, illogic,logical ideas.

There are 12 watchers at Iniarv’s Tower, including:
wo llth-level priests (Balathel and Gharvan),
three 9th-level priests (Metedes, Arathylar,and Hendran).
three 7th-level priests (Lorelle, Amilie, and Fernastus).
four 5th-level priests (Jarain,Daunzra, Olothyr and Rurumil)”

3. Question, Nice how the powerful are named but do I have to do individual stat sheets or just wing it

Appreciate any feed back

to a mouse
2018-10-08, 10:19 AM
If used in a non-combat situation,there is a 50% chance that a misfired spell hits a stray normal-sized arachnid, insect, or myriapod, producing results not unlike those of the giant insect spell (save that it affects not just insects but other creepy-crawliesas well). These monstrosities (see“Spell Misfire Results” sidebar) cannot be controlled by the spellcaster; rather, they attack him and his cohorts immediately.

Page 8 ,Issue 69 Dungeon Magazine

5E Monster Manual does not include stats for the below beasts, so keeping then close as possible in conversion

AD&D Original Stats

1. Bombardier beetle: INT non-;AL N; AC 4; MV 9; HD 2+2; THACO19; #AT 1; Dmg 2d6; SA acid cloud; SZ S (4' long); ML 13; XP 120;AfM/18 (Beetle, giant). There is a 50% chance/round that the beetle will fire an 8’-diameter,spherical acid cloud for 3d4 damage. The sound caused by this attack has
a 20% chance of stunning any hearing creature within 15 feet for 2d4rounds and a 20%' chance of deafening any unstunned creature for 2d6rounds. The beetle can use its bombardier attack every third round but no more than twice per day.

5E Conversion Stats

1. Giant Bombardier beetle: Medium Beast. unaligned Challenge Rating 2 , AC(15)(natural armour), Speed 30ft, Climb 30ft HD 17 (2d8+5), Senses: Darkvision 60ft , Passive Perception 9 Attack Action :Bite +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. one creature. Hit: (1d6+2) piercing damage.

Acid Spray: The giant bombardier beetle can spray a 15ft ’ cone of acid. Those in the area must make a DC (13 DEX) save or suffer 3d4 acid damage. This damage continues for two more rounds unless neutralized. The beetle can use its bombardier attack every third round but not more than twice per day.

Sonic Attack: The giant bombardier beetle can deafen and stun a creature within a 15ft radius . Those in the area must make a DC (13 CHA) save or suffer 1D4 rounds of deafening any hearing creature. The beetle can use its bombardier attack every third round but no more than twice per day.


Acid attack and a Sonic Attack to many or appropriate?
Sonic attack :Is it one save for to different outcomes , or 2 saves ,one for each outcome?
Challenge Rating too low to high ?.

Original AD&D stats

Cave cricket: INT animal; ALN; AC 4; MV 6, hop 3; HD 1+3;THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg ld4; SDchirping; SZ S (3' long); ML 3; XP 15;MM/204 (Insect)
Approaching within 20 feet causes the cricket to begin chirping, drowning out speech, preventing spellcasting, and attracting any monsters within 90 feet.

5E Conversion

Cave Cricket: Medium Beast (5ft,10ft) unaligned. Challenge Rating 1, AC (4) (natural armour) Speed 30ft, Fly 15ft HD 6(1d6+3),Senses: Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception 9 Attack option; Bite +1 To Hit ,reach 5ft,one creature. Hit (1d4+1)piercing damage

Sonic Attack: Chirping, approaching within 20 feet causes the cricket to begin chirping, drowning out speech, preventing spellcasting, and attracting any monsters within 90 feet. DC (13 CHA) save or suffer 1d4 rounds of speechless

Question Is the sonic attack appropriate in 5E

Any feedback would be apricated , thank you

2018-10-08, 10:37 AM
If I were to run this, due to the way 5e works, I would find comparable creature's stat blocks and "fluff" them as the proper creatures.

The spell shenanigans would be just fine to port over, mind you that enlarge doesn't upcast, do it will just be regular.

As to the npcs, there are lots of npc stat blocks you can use in the various books, I would advise against making them as pc's as people used to do.

to a mouse
2018-10-10, 05:47 AM
Hi been doing the 5e Conversion of Mere of the Dead MEN , and came unstuck,original text below

6. Smoking Room.
Smoking Room. Many of the lush Oriental carpets and overstuffed-chairs have either rotted or burst-from the humidity, though a tarnished silver humidor worth 900 gp can be found among the ruins of a table, and an exquisite meerschaum pipe shaped to resemble a bearded sea captain rests by itself in a rack upon a small etagere. For warriors,smoking the pipe provides results equal to quaffing a potion of heroism.
Unless the doors have been wedged open by the PCs, the jermlaine shut and lock both once the entire party has entered the room(Open Doors check required to reopen them). Another jermlaine then activates an ever smoking bottle beneath the floorboards, filling the room with smoke and completely obscuring vision within 1 round (-4 penalty to attack rolls). The entire jermlaine army (which is accustomed to fighting in the smoke and suffers no attack roll penalty) swarms upon the PCs with the intent of beating them into sub dual. Use the overbearing rules from the DMG; a group of jermlaine attacking a PC fights at -8due to their size, but they gain +1 to their attack for every individual in the group beyond the first.

i'm ok with the room and smoke idea and disadvantage to players, Note don't have any notebooks on me for guidance , so things have noticed already

size constrictions, grappling in 5e I can grapple tiny too small (gnome , goblin etc.) but not too large (human, elves etc. ) , so tiny too large aint going to happen in 5E rules

I cant multi grapple for bonuses so a multi attack grapple wouldn't work with the 5E rules

I personally don't want to give the jermlaine , fly by attacks or similar attacks , would get hard to keep track

For reference for readers whom wanted to know what a jermlaine was

Jermlaine ( 30 )

Note to Dungeon Master : 5E Monster from AD&D stats and use of Tiny Player Characters (5e Variant Rule) ,modified form Quickiling Monster Stat Block, D&D Adventures League “The Secrets we Keep”


Jermlaine are evil and fiendish underground fey who spend their days sneaking, hiding and plotting. They resemble small, mishappen, grey-skinned humanoids covered with warts, pimples and hair, and have grumpy, big-nosed faces. They are very thin-limbed, and have slightly rat-like traits.

Jermlaine Tiny fey, Neutral Evil ,2 ˝ by 2 ˝ Armour Class 15( natural armour) Hit Points 10 (3d4 + 3) Speed 40ft. Fly 40ft ,STR4 (-3) DEX 23(+6) CON 13(+1) INT 10(+0)WIS12(+1) CHA 7(-2)

Skills Acrobatics +6, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +11, Perception +5 Senses dark vision 60 ft., passive Perception+ 11 Languages Common, Sylvan Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Blurred Movement. Attack rolls against the Jermlaine have disadvantage unless the is Jermlaine incapacitated or restrained
Evasion. If the is subject Jermlaine subjected to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and only half if it fails.
Animal Empathy. Acts as Animal Friendship lvl 1 spell, enables communication with rats and dire rats only .
Actions Multi attack. The Jermlaine makes three dagger attacks. Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d4 + 6) piercing damage.

Note to Dungeon Master

Jermlaine Rogues To increase the challenge presented by a quickling, you can simply add a level of rogue to it. If you do, apply the following changes: •
Hit Points 12 • Skills Acrobatics +11, Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +11, Perception +5 •
Sneak Attack. Once per turn, the quickling can deal an extra 3 (1d6) damage to one creature that it hits with a dagger attack. It does not need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll. • Challenge 2 (450 XP)

So how do I change the above scenario into a modified 5e scenario using jermlaine army and significantly worrying the players ?

Any advice ould be appriecated