View Full Version : DM Help Low Level Magic Item for a Paladin?

2018-10-04, 04:57 AM
I'm DMing Lost Mine of Phandelver, and going to hand out some magic items to my level 4 party consisting of a Paladin, Wizard, Rogue, and Sorcerer. For the Wizard I'm giving a Hat of Wizardry from Xanathar's, for the Sorc a helmet that lets you cast Thaumaturgy 3 times a day while wearing it, and for the Rogue a dagger that you can use a bonus action to transform between a dagger and a tattoo on your forearm.

I was going to give the Paladin a Ruby of the War Mage, but I just realized that since his holy symbol is on his shield, this literally doesn't let him do anything he couldn't already do. What would be a good replacement (could be something from Xanathar's or a homebrew item, just looking for something in line with what I'm giving the other party members).

2018-10-04, 05:09 AM
Sword of Vengeance would be funny :smallamused:

I know. It's a +1 weapon. But, it's cursed item, and comes with hilarious(?) side effects, when the curse is triggered.

2018-10-04, 05:20 AM
If we are talking swords, may I suggest the moon-touched sword?

I don't have direct information from Xanatar's guide about magic items, but from what I can find- It is a sword that sheds moonlight when unsheated in darkness, 15 feet bright light, and afterwards 15 feet dim light.

It is mostly a neat magic weapon for fluff, but if we want to talk about mechanics? It can possibly be argued in favor of the sword being magical enough to ignore physicial resistance to non-magical attacks (You are the DM however, so that is up to you).

2018-10-04, 05:52 AM
Sword of Vengeance would be funny :smallamused:

I know. It's a +1 weapon. But, it's cursed item, and comes with hilarious(?) side effects, when the curse is triggered.

I'm having the items given by a retired adventurer living in town, who I would really prefer to not make out to be a horrible jerk.

2018-10-04, 06:32 AM
I'm having the items given by a retired adventurer living in town, who I would really prefer to not make out to be a horrible jerk.


To be honest, Sword of Vengeance came to my mind first, because my DM had us find one at around reaching 3rd level, and obviously my character (a paladin) was the only one who could use a longsword.

Granted, the sword was at the bottom of an abandoned well, where I noticed a glint of metal (I rolled a natural 20; otherwise it would've gone unnoticed), and I was curious to find out what it was... how stupid of me <.<

Afterwards the DM told me, that he had hoped that none of us would find it, because he had rolled the treasure randomly and agreed it would've been bit of a jerk move to just "award" us with a cursed weapon, so he did his best to hide it. (I know, he could've just "fudged" the roll, but on the other hand, I think it was a better done this way. Random rolls are supposed to be random, and the joke's on me, for being too curious for my own good).

...Anyway, could you perhaps give as any further information of the paladin? I think it would be nice to receive an item that would fit well for their chosen "style".

2018-10-04, 06:47 AM
...Anyway, could you perhaps give as any further information of the paladin? I think it would be nice to receive an item that would fit well for their chosen "style".

He's Oath of the Ancients, Defense fighting style. For combat he does fairly standard Paladin stuff, gets up in melee with enemies, keep them away from the rest of the party, use slots mostly for smites against tough targets.

2018-10-04, 07:16 AM
He's Oath of the Ancients, Defense fighting style. For combat he does fairly standard Paladin stuff, gets up in melee with enemies, keep them away from the rest of the party, use slots mostly for smites against tough targets.

How about this:

Bracelet of Shared Burden
(3 charges)
A relief depicting an angel decorates this golden bracelet.
Whenever an ally you can see and hear within 30 ft. fails a saving throw, you can expend a charge and make a new saving throw in place of your ally, and the ally can use your saving throw result instead.

The bracelet restores one charge daily at dawn.

I'm aware it might be a bit stronger than those common magic items in Xanathar's Guide, but on the other hand it's a "One for the Team" item, something I believe a paladin player with a "tanking" role would happily use.

I have a few more ideas if you're interested.

2018-10-04, 04:23 PM
My paladin had a weapon called, I think, crusaders morningstar. I think it was homebrew. Basically a Morningstar shaped like the holy symbol of pelor (a sun). Extra damage on a crit. And that's it. I crit all of once with it :( and that was it. Ah well

2018-10-04, 04:35 PM
How about this:

Bracelet of Shared Burden
(3 charges)
A relief depicting an angel decorates this golden bracelet.
Whenever an ally you can see and hear within 30 ft. fails a saving throw, you can expend a charge and make a new saving throw in place of your ally, and the ally can use your saving throw result instead.

The bracelet restores one charge daily at dawn.

I'm aware it might be a bit stronger than those common magic items in Xanathar's Guide, but on the other hand it's a "One for the Team" item, something I believe a paladin player with a "tanking" role would happily use.

I have a few more ideas if you're interested.

I'm a bit confused on this. "You can expend a charge and make a new saving throw in place of your ally", so does the paladin suffer from the same effect since he's rolling a saving throw? Or is it more like your ally is rerolling his saving throw with your stats?

2018-10-04, 04:35 PM
Gauntlets of Bumping Uglies - With a touch, you can remove a scar or blemish from any friendly creature. Your melee attacks inflict +2 damage vs. Aberrations and Undead.

2018-10-04, 04:48 PM
I'm a bit confused on this. "You can expend a charge and make a new saving throw in place of your ally", so does the paladin suffer from the same effect since he's rolling a saving throw? Or is it more like your ally is rerolling his saving throw with your stats?

Latter was my intent. And the paladin doesn't suffer the effect, he'd just roll for his/her ally who had already failed. Do note, by the way, I decidedly had it not use the wearer's Reaction.

2018-10-04, 04:52 PM
Ring of the North Star This ring sheds bright light within 5 feet of it and dim light 5 feet beyond that. It glows a blue color when pointing North. Tapping on it can turn the light on or off.

Gaall's Unrelenting Grasp This gauntlet seems to have an iron grip on anything in its grasp and has difficulty letting go. Your weapons lose the Thrown property. You cannot unwilling drop anything, as anything within your palm seems to be stuck to it as long as you will it so.

A Sword of Truth Once per long rest, this sword can shine a bright light for one round within a 10 foot radius, and dim light 5 feet beyond that. During this time, you must say one thing that you believe to be true and have your statement enchanted by the sword. Creatures that observe you saying this while you hold the sword magically know you believe that statement to be true.

The Billowing Cloak of the Illustrious Herald This cloak appears to always be flapping in the wind. Even when indoors with no breeze, the billowing is only more mild. It gives off a dramatic flair, giving advantage on Intimidate or Performance checks when attempting to appear heroic.

2018-10-04, 04:54 PM
How about the robe of useful items. Lots of fun. Adds some utility.

If he is the type of paladin that cares about his appearance you could go with a cloak if many fashions.

2018-10-04, 05:10 PM
How about the robe of useful items. Lots of fun. Adds some utility.

Paladins don't wear robes.

Make it a sombrero of useful items.

2018-10-04, 05:17 PM
I was going to give the Paladin a Ruby of the War Mage, but I just realized that since his holy symbol is on his shield, this literally doesn't let him do anything he couldn't already do. What would be a good replacement (could be something from Xanathar's or a homebrew item, just looking for something in line with what I'm giving the other party members). It makes the sword magical. That helps with a variety of enemies.

2018-10-04, 06:19 PM
Sometimes, boring but practical is best.

Give him Full Plate +1. He'll probably never complain.

2018-10-04, 09:41 PM
full plate +1 is not minor at all. full plate at level 4 is a sweet gift, very sweet.

I just got a shield of awareness (gives advantage on intiative). Considering most pallys have +0 initiative, its very helpful. Not really OP as going earlier in initiative isn't always good.

2018-10-04, 09:47 PM
Paladins don't wear robes.

Make it a sombrero of useful items.

True true. I was thinking converting it to a cloak but I like a sombrero.

2018-10-04, 09:53 PM
Give him a clue to where Light Bringer is located or how to get it. It was meant for him to find and use, to return its Light unto the world.

2018-10-05, 02:32 AM
Sometimes, boring but practical is best.

Give him Full Plate +1. He'll probably never complain.

full plate +1 is not minor at all. full plate at level 4 is a sweet gift, very sweet.

I just got a shield of awareness (gives advantage on intiative). Considering most pallys have +0 initiative, its very helpful. Not really OP as going earlier in initiative isn't always good.

My EK lucked into some +1Mithral Plate by level 5.
I'm loving it, my regular AC is 22, and I can bump it to 27 with the Shield spell.
Of course, I'm pretty much the tank of the party, so I would have a bit higher AC than the rest.

Still, I am very happy that I git a set of Plate Armor from a guy we defeated without attacking him even once.
Hell, we didn't know it was Plate until we finally got it off of his butt.

2018-10-05, 03:20 AM
Give him a clue to where Light Bringer is located or how to get it. It was meant for him to find and use, to return its Light unto the world.

This is not half bad to be honest. Although, in the case of a paladin, I'd give a clue about a Holy Avenger instead. If you want to hand over a more practical reward, you could have the old adventurer give a sword that is faintly magical (no bonuses, only the ability to bypass resistances; and to be later revealed that it's actually a Holy Avenger that has had its abilities either suppressed by some villain or it's just waiting for a worthy paladin to unlock them)