View Full Version : The Mandalorian

2018-10-04, 07:52 PM
So looks like Jon Favreau is making a lone gunslinger style show. I'm almost positive it's not going to be following another Fett, since Favreau seems to want to look into others of their people. Its also really exciting that it looks like they won't be dealing with Force sensitives - or, at least, not as a main character. Of course, the could turn out to not be the case, but in hoping. It's a huge, rich universe, ripe for stories like this.

Also, at this early stage, my biggest excitement is how much detail we're gonna get on the costume.

2018-10-05, 02:51 AM
My guess is that this "Mandalorian" would be the man who bought Fett's armor in the first Aftermath (sorry, Peelee) book, who people assume is a mandalorian because of the armor.

2018-10-05, 07:45 AM
My guess is thqt this "Mandalorian" would be the man who bought Fett's armor in the first Aftermath (sorry, Peelee) book, who people assume is a mandalorian because of the armor.

Definitely not Fett's armor....

2018-10-05, 07:54 AM
Oh, I had not seen that. Nevermind, then.

2018-10-05, 10:45 AM
you know there are nth factorial of possible candidates for series about mandolorian in star wars just mandolore alone. and even we remove the obiously named ones from cannon. so its cleanest slate you can get from starwars as it.

2018-10-05, 12:08 PM
With the Clone Wars and Rebels being canon, there is a huge number of tie-in points that have nothing to do with a Fett. And that is a good thing.

2018-10-05, 12:19 PM
As long as we stay away from the Karen Travis super mandalorians, tactical god kings of the Star Wars EU then I only see good things coming from this.

2018-10-05, 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by Peelee
Its also really exciting that it looks like they won't be dealing with Force sensitives - or, at least, not as a main character.

Please, this, yes. So much yes.

Do you have a link to the announcement and/or the source of that photo? And, given that Mandalorians have quite a history, do we have any notion what era this will be in?

Originally Posted by Dragonus45
As long as we stay away from the Karen Travis super mandalorians, tactical god kings of the Star Wars EU then I only see good things coming from this.

I enjoyed that series, or at least the first several books. It did become “Days of Our Mandalorians” after a while, or maybe “Little House on Mandalore” towards the end, but the first few books were a refreshing style of military SF that didn’t often appear in the EU.

2018-10-05, 12:50 PM
Please, this, yes. So much yes.

Do you have a link to the announcement and/or the source of that photo? And, given that Mandalorians have quite a history, do we have any notion what era this will be in?

Between Eps VI and VII. Post-Empire, but pre-First Order.

As far as sourcing that image, I can't remember the specific source, but it's all over the internet. Tons of trustworthy publications are running with it.

ETA: let's go with Gizmodo (https://www.google.com/amp/s/io9.gizmodo.com/your-first-look-at-the-mandalorian-is-here-plus-a-list-1829537282/amp), by virtue of being the first hit on Google.

2018-10-05, 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by Peelee
Between Eps VI and VII. Post-Empire, but pre-First Order.

Very cool, thanks. I still crave a grand epic at the dawn of the Jedi Order, and/or tales from the Old Republic, but this looks very promising on its own.

Originally Posted by Gizmodo
*streaming service*

And as fast as my hopes are raised, my stomach begins to sink.

2018-10-05, 01:34 PM
Please, this, yes. So much yes.

Do you have a link to the announcement and/or the source of that photo? And, given that Mandalorians have quite a history, do we have any notion what era this will be in?

I enjoyed that series, or at least the first several books. It did become “Days of Our Mandalorians” after a while, or maybe “Little House on Mandalore” towards the end, but the first few books were a refreshing style of military SF that didn’t often appear in the EU.

The style was a nice change and I love her work in the Halo series, but the mandalorian superiority rhetoric and the constant Jedi bashing reached a point where I just couldn’t anymore.

Mando Knight
2018-10-05, 02:04 PM
As long as we stay away from the Karen Travis super mandalorians, tactical god kings of the Star Wars EU then I only see good things coming from this.

Karen Traviss isn't attached to the project (and she hasn't been attached to anything Star Wars since her fit over the New Mandalorian faction in The Clone Wars), while Dave Filoni (head honcho of Rebels, which is AFAIK the only new-canon material with a Mandalorian as a main character) is.

The first image and initial blurb makes it look like it'll be a space-Western, the perfect kind of genre for a man known only as "The Mandalorian." Smaller scale than total galactic war, just a man, his gun, and his <insert ride here>.

And as fast as my hopes are raised, my stomach begins to sink.

Disney is big enough that they could make it work, as opposed to CBS All Access, which lacks a compelling reason for even Star Trek fans to subscribe when Discovery is on break.

2018-10-05, 02:36 PM
And as fast as my hopes are raised, my stomach begins to sink.

Disney is big enough that they could make it work, as opposed to CBS All Access, which lacks a compelling reason for even Star Trek fans to subscribe when Discovery is on break.

I'm actually surprised they're limiting it to their streaming service instead of having it on of their cable channels, and also streaming. Even if they think it's not the right tone for one of the Disney channels proper, it's not like they don't own other channels like ABC or even HBO.

Regardless, I'm not too broken up if it's gonna be locked into a streaming service, but I know not everyone has the same means I do.

2018-10-05, 03:00 PM
Karen Traviss isn't attached to the project (and she hasn't been attached to anything Star Wars since her fit over the New Mandalorian faction in The Clone Wars), while Dave Filoni (head honcho of Rebels, which is AFAIK the only new-canon material with a Mandalorian as a main character) is.

Why'd she throw a fit over the New Mandalorians? Heck, what type of fit did she throw in the first place?

I'll be honest, after ages of being told that Mandalorians are consummate warriors that only value experience in battle and such..seeing what Mandalore was up to in the Clone Wars was a nice breath of fresh air! Don't get me wrong, I didn't dislike their portrayal in the Old Republic timeline and such but they were very much 'Proud Warrior Race Guy' archetypes but played decently enough. So when Clone Wars rolls around and you find out they almost destroyed themselves and thus turned to a pacifistic stance almost out of necessity...it gave a real sense of time and history to the Mandalorians that I liked. Especially since you had Deathwatch and such as people trying to return to past of bloody conquest and such.

Plus it followed one of my favorite story arcs from Clone Wars, Obi-Wan's epic feud with Maul and Savage.

2018-10-05, 03:02 PM
Why'd she throw a fit over the New Mandalorians? [...] when Clone Wars rolls around and you find out they almost destroyed themselves and thus turned to a pacifistic stance almost out of necessity...

Kind off feel like you answered your own question there.

2018-10-05, 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Dragonus45
…but the mandalorian superiority rhetoric and the constant Jedi bashing reached a point where I just couldn’t anymore.

I hear you, I really do. And it seemed like half the text of the last couple books was the tough-as-nails instructor getting weepy because he loved his little clone kids so much.

As for the author’s treatment of the Jedi, she was fairly up-front about her reasons (which can’t be discussed here), but I agree it was a little frustrating to have the clones only interacting with weak, failed or apostate Jedi.

Originally Posted by Mando Knight
Karen Traviss isn't attached to the project (and she hasn't been attached to anything Star Wars since her fit over the New Mandalorian faction in The Clone Wars)….

I’ve only read her side of it, which is that she was told she could no longer develop the backstory of Mandalore in future novels because this was creating a conflict with Clone Wars. I can understand she was frustrated, since until then she'd had free rein to explore the world and its people as she saw fit.

Originally Posted by Mando Knight
The first image and initial blurb makes it look like it'll be a space-Western, the perfect kind of genre for a man known only as "The Mandalorian." Smaller scale than total galactic war, just a man, his gun, and his <insert ride here>.

“It never goes smooth! How come it never goes smooth?!”


Originally Posted by Peelee
…I know not everyone has the same means I do.

Yeah. Any kind of streaming would place it out of reach for me.

2018-10-05, 08:01 PM
I am intrigued, but I'm not eager to subscribe to a new streaming service for one show. I wasn't going do it for Star Trek Discovery (even before I found out what a dumpster fire that show turned out to be), and I'm extremely reluctant to do it for Star Wars, especially given the hit-and-miss nature of the stuff Disney has put out since buying the franchise.

Just put this on Netflix so more people can watch it.

2018-10-05, 09:05 PM
Just put this on Netflix so more people can watch it.
Hear hear. Put this somewhere more accessible and I might give it a shot, just to see whether it turns out any good. Throw it onto a new streaming service and I won't bother - I'm not going to support companies doing that.

The Jack
2018-10-05, 09:23 PM
Definitely not Fett's armor....

Woulda liked something more practical looking. Looks more like really good cosplay than something you'd wear to war.

2018-10-05, 10:27 PM
Woulda liked something more practical looking. Looks more like really good cosplay than something you'd wear to war.

Not any more than Boba or Jango's armor. They've got belly plates, but this dude has thigh protection and better shoulder bells.

That said, it's definitely stirring up some costuming excitement.

2018-10-06, 06:40 AM
What's weird is the helmet looks brand new and shiny (you can even make out reflexions in it) when the rest of the armor looks like it has already seen some action.

2018-10-06, 07:11 AM
What's weird is the helmet looks brand new and shiny (you can even make out reflexions in it) when the rest of the armor looks like it has already seen some action.

The helmet contains all sorts of sensitive tactical stuff, like communications equipment, so it sort of makes sense that it would be much more well maintained than the other pieces.

Also, people who let themselves get shot or struck in the face tend to lose fights. It reminds me of a quote from the Dresden Files, where Harry explains why he has so few scars on his back compared to the rest of him : "I run from fights all the time, but people who let themselves get attacked from behind don't get scars, they get a hole in the ground."

2018-10-06, 07:38 AM
All of that is true, but:


2018-10-06, 07:40 AM
It could be a legit new helmet. Just beats getting shot in the head is not conducive for business doesn't mean they don't get shot in the head. It doesn't look painted to match the rest of the armor either, which helps this theory.

2018-10-06, 08:45 AM
I'm guessing this is more of a prototype costume to have something to show people, and stir up the aforementioned costuming excitement, rather than the final outfit. I wouldn't be surprised if we see something fairly different in the actual episodes.

And I agree with those who won't support a streaming service--both on principle, and because the moths in my pocket won't let me.

Which is unfortunate, because I'm starting to get really psyched for this. They've been teasing us about a live-action Star Wars show for a number of years now, and after so many hints, passes, stops and starts, it looks like it finally might actually happen.


Mando Knight
2018-10-06, 02:20 PM
And I agree with those who won't support a streaming service--both on principle, and because the moths in my pocket won't let me.

I'm not bothered by a Disney-specific service specifically because of how big the Mouse's house has gotten--it's perhaps an economic (monopolistic) danger due to the extra vertical integration, but I'm not shelling out for cable and Netflix's library doesn't have a whole lot that would appeal to me compared to the Disney library. I've felt the same way about Steam vs proprietary game launchers recently as well--Valve's own content offerings have been lacking and I don't really use many features from the client itself, so I'll go where the content I want is, not blindly stick to one company because they were the first to make the service work.

2018-10-06, 02:29 PM
And I agree with those who won't support a streaming service--both on principle, and because the moths in my pocket won't let me.

I realize it may not seem like it, but I wholly agree as well.

2018-10-06, 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by Mando Knight
I've felt the same way about Steam vs proprietary game launchers recently as well--Valve's own content offerings have been lacking and I don't really use many features from the client itself, so I'll go where the content I want is, not blindly stick to one company because they were the first to make the service work.

I feel like I know all these words individually, but I can’t make the slightest sense of how they’re put together here.

…Steam? Valve? Game launcher? I’m getting an image of a gnomish submarine on the point of shaking apart, which I don’t think is what you were going for.

Originally Posted by Peelee
I realize it may not seem like it, but I wholly agree as well.


Most of my dislike of the streaming concept stems from how ST:Discovery was handled. I'm hoping that The Mandalorian will shake out differently. I want this show to work.

Mando Knight
2018-10-06, 05:22 PM
I feel like I know all these words individually, but I can’t make the slightest sense of how they’re put together here.

…Steam? Valve? Game launcher? I’m getting an image of a gnomish submarine on the point of shaking apart, which I don’t think is what you were going for.

Steam (https://store.steampowered.com/) is a digital distribution service, a program that functions as both an online storefront for PC video games and a platform to organize and start them. It's developed by Valve, a publisher/developer company initially famous for its game Half Life, and since then also developed the popular titles Team Fortress, Portal, and Dota 2. Steam isn't just limited to Valve's own games, and has a significant amount of titles from independent developers ("indies") and also sells titles from other publishers like Capcom (Mega Man, Street Fighter), Ubisoft (Assassin's Creed), and Zenimax (Doom, Fallout, Elder Scrolls). In a way, Steam is something of the Netflix of PC gaming, though you buy the titles themselves rather than paying a monthly fee to stream anything on the platform.

Similar to Disney wanting to run their own streaming service, some of the larger video game publishers have been looking to strike out on their own, using proprietary platforms rather than sticking with the largest single platform. Blizzard (of World of Warcraft fame) was using their own Battle.net long before Steam came into the picture, and Electronic Arts (mainly known for Mass Effect, FIFA, and being the current sole license holder for new Star Wars video games) launched its own Origin platform seven years ago. Most recently, Zenimax indicated that its newest title, Fallout 76, would only be available on their Bethesda.net platform, and not on Steam--and Zenimax is the largest American publisher still on Steam besides Valve itself.

In the end, it's a similar story as Disney (and CBS All Access) vs Netflix, with different names and products.

2018-10-06, 07:11 PM
In the end, it's a similar story as Disney (and CBS All Access) vs Netflix, with different names and products.

And with much the same issue - I'm not inclined to regularly check 5 different services (with different logins and passwords and their own software updates and...) for products to be released when one of those services has 95% of what I want anyway.

That said, I am somewhat intrigued. Am I correct in saying this will be the first ever live-action TV series set in the Star Wars universe?

2018-10-06, 10:14 PM
And with much the same issue - I'm not inclined to regularly check 5 different services (with different logins and passwords and their own software updates and...) for products to be released when one of those services has 95% of what I want anyway.

At some point it seems like there's going to have to be some kind of bundling through a joint portal or something. It ought to be possible to create an aggregator program that pulls together material from every streaming service you subscribe too and allows you to browse it all at once. Disney may even do this themselves, since apparently they will have both their service and Hulu - which they own (once the merger with Fox is complete they'll have a majority stake) - operating in tandem. While it makes sense to keep the services apart as a means of age-based content segregation so 8 year olds don't end up watching The Handmaid's Tale, an adult who pays for both really ought to be able to operate them as a single platform.

2018-10-06, 10:23 PM
At some point it seems like there's going to have to be some kind of bundling through a joint portal or something. It ought to be possible to create an aggregator program that pulls together material from every streaming service you subscribe too and allows you to browse it all at once. Disney may even do this themselves, since apparently they will have both their service and Hulu - which they own (once the merger with Fox is complete they'll have a majority stake) - operating in tandem. While it makes sense to keep the services apart as a means of age-based content segregation so 8 year olds don't end up watching The Handmaid's Tale, an adult who pays for both really ought to be able to operate them as a single platform.

Thats why i was a big fan of the V-Chip. Well, at least now that I'm an adult and remember what it was supposed to do.

2018-10-07, 05:31 PM
I think the chest armor resembles the female armor worn by the women who do. And it seems this Mando picked up clone trooper gun. And the story is supposed to be after Return of the Jedi.

I like the Traviss novels, and got that most or nearly all of the story was influenced heavily by Skirata and his outlook. Plus, at the time, there was nothing in canon suggesting anything about how the treatment the clones got. Clone wars plus a bit includes the clones being treated fairly decently.

As for Jedi, the prequel trilogy does show them being pretty screwed up, and the Clone Wars show adds of some of that.

I did enjoy the clone guy calling out Skirata on the "mandos are super" bit.

But really, I think it is more that people were pretty much left to their own devices in stories. Am I the only one who recalled the Jedi SuperPowers SuperJedi? That Luke turned into? That Zahn complined heavily about?

Or is everyone but Jedi not allowed any kind of special skills/powers?

2018-10-13, 04:41 PM
New image up. They've shown the rifle (https://i.imgur.com/TDHb9SG.jpg), apparently. Imgur, so no hotlinking it here, sadly. Looks long. Longer than I'd expect; that's no close-quarters gun.

HMS Invincible
2018-10-13, 05:56 PM
New image up. They've shown the rifle (https://i.imgur.com/TDHb9SG.jpg), apparently. Imgur, so no hotlinking it here, sadly. Looks long. Longer than I'd expect; that's no close-quarters gun.
The only awesome Mandalorian story was the plot from knights of the old republic. I missed that game, and I was upset when they ruined the backstory to revan and their war against the Mandalorian.

2018-10-13, 08:36 PM
New image up. They've shown the rifle (https://i.imgur.com/TDHb9SG.jpg), apparently. Imgur, so no hotlinking it here, sadly. Looks long. Longer than I'd expect; that's no close-quarters gun.

Just eyeballing it, but I can see several segments that look like they could plausibly detach. A modular gun would be quite consistent with a mercenary lone wolf type figure who needs to be able to operate in a variety of situations.

2018-10-13, 08:43 PM
Just eyeballing it, but I can see several segments that look like they could plausibly detach. A modular gun would be quite consistent with a mercenary lone wolf type figure who needs to be able to operate in a variety of situations.

Conversely, a modular gun is the worst of both worlds; a long gun and separate pistol or carbine would be better, but still lugging the long gun around wouldnt be the best for mobility. Plus a modular rifle would need time to change up, vs having a sidearm to grab on the fly. And to me, it looks significantly less modular than it to you, I'm guessing.

All that said, I can totally be wrong, and in any event Im excited u I see how they handle it.

2018-10-13, 09:07 PM
Conversely, a modular gun is the worst of both worlds; a long gun and separate pistol or carbine would be better, but still lugging the long gun around wouldnt be the best for mobility. Plus a modular rifle would need time to change up, vs having a sidearm to grab on the fly. And to me, it looks significantly less modular than it to you, I'm guessing.

All that said, I can totally be wrong, and in any event Im excited u I see how they handle it.

In the original image linked back on the first page, it looks like he does have a sidearm in a holster on his right hip.

2018-10-13, 10:11 PM
In the original image linked back on the first page, it looks like he does have a sidearm in a holster on his right hip.

Indeed. And I'd be surprised if his bracers don't have some form of weaponry built into them. Glad they've ditched the jetpack, too.

2018-10-14, 04:26 AM
New image up. They've shown the rifle (https://i.imgur.com/TDHb9SG.jpg), apparently. Imgur, so no hotlinking it here, sadly. Looks long. Longer than I'd expect; that's no close-quarters gun.

Here we go.
Your link does not work for me.