View Full Version : Forest gnome druid with two very similar cantrips

2018-10-05, 12:29 AM
I am going to be a forest gnome circle of the moon druid in our upcoming campaign. The forest gnome automatically gets natural illusion (minor illusion) but I reeeeally want druidcraft. This feels like I'm wasting a cantrip slot. Any suggestions on how to use the two in creative ways together?

2018-10-05, 03:41 AM
I am going to be a forest gnome circle of the moon druid in our upcoming campaign. The forest gnome automatically gets natural illusion (minor illusion) but I reeeeally want druidcraft. This feels like I'm wasting a cantrip slot. Any suggestions on how to use the two in creative ways together?

Use Minor Illusion to make a muddy imprint of a t-rex' foot on the ground, and Druidcraft to make the sound of a large animal snorting nearby.

2018-10-05, 04:36 AM
"I already have a shotgun, but I really want a multi-tool, but it feels like a waste since I'd never stab anyone with the knife when I could shoot them instead."

Don't think of these spells as doing the same thing. There's a bit of overlap, sure, but Druidcraft does a lot more than create illusions, and the illusions it does create are pretty limited. Minor Illusion is much better at creating illusions, but can't do anything else. They're apples and oranges. Nobody picks up Druidcraft to create illusions, you take it for the other effects it can produce. Those without Minor Illusion can use Druidcraft in a pinch, but it's not optimal.

Do note that Minor Illusion can create an image or sound. You can't do both at the same time unless you are an Illusionist wizard. As hymer pointed out, you can create an image with Minor Illusion and a sound (or smell, or other sensory effect) with Druidcraft. The way these spells overlap lets you circumvent the limitations of only creating one effect per spell by creating an effect for each spell.

Also, derp, I might be thinking of Prestidigitation, which lets you create an object for one round that can fit in your hand. Druidcraft doesn't seem to be able to create illusions at all, although as previously mentioned it can create sounds, smells, and other sensory effects. I might have misunderstood the OP, but I'll leave in what I wrote since I think it's still good advice and can be applied to similar situations.

What other cantrips were you considering? It's a moot point if there are only one or two other cantrips you really wanted. We really need to know what Druidcraft is competing with in order to properly advise you on whether to take it or drop it.

2018-10-05, 08:43 AM
"What other cantrips were you considering? It's a moot point if there are only one or two other cantrips you really wanted. We really need to know what Druidcraft is competing with in order to properly advise you on whether to take it or drop it.

Oh sorry, this is actually my first campaign and my first time posting here and I didnt think about what other info people would be looking for. We are starting at level 4 so I get three cantrips in addition to the minor illusion one. The other cantrips I am going with are primal savagery and thorn whip. Thorn whip will help with ranged attacks in caster form, fits my girl's character well and I can use it to pull things into my AOE spells or away from my party if needed. Was thinking about guidance since that seems to be one the internet finds very useful and, being a therapist irl, I really like the flavor of that one. I like druidcraft so much mainly for the ability to bloom things and create smells. Both work really well with the lighthearted parts of her backstory and can carry into her personality at the start of the game and as she grows.