View Full Version : Shattered Star: Beyond the Doomsday Door - IC

2018-10-05, 11:57 PM
You walk into a T-shaped junction nearly forty feet tall. To the north, a pair of double doors, each fitted with a skull-faced lock, stands tall and imperious, while to the west, a collapsed flight of stairs once led down to deeper levels.

In front of the doors loom two large statues. Their dark, slate-like stone is fashioned into the likeness of horned, wickedly spiked armor. They grind into ponderous action as soon as they see you.

MAP (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1a-0v52pUBKPI4b_C0Q4JQ07XuJ1SmwmBFd06ffys1j4/edit?usp=sharing)

2018-10-06, 12:41 AM
Q’ann immediately jumps into action, bits of metal and electricity already circling around him. He flies forward, and some of the metal whirling around his body breaks off and shoots towards one of the stone statues, punching through its rocky skin. A second, less substantial, blast follows a second later.

Move action to fly to L9 (assume Q’ann is always flying a foot above the ground). Standard action to fire Earth Blast, with the form infusion Follow-Up Shot and the substance infusion Rare-Metal Infusion. Total burn cost: 4. Infusion Specialization reduction: 3. Burn taken: 1. Attack: [roll0]. Damage: [roll1] piercing. Attack (Follow-Up Shot blast): [roll2] Damage (Follow-Up Shot blast): [roll3] piercing. This damage is all treated as Adamantine for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

2018-10-06, 12:58 AM
Q'ann blast huge chunks off the leftmost statue. The noise of metal slashing through stone, and ricocheting off the metal doors, sounds like the middle of a busy forge.

2018-10-06, 01:09 AM
The Red Storm is quite a sight to behold already, blood covering the spiked head of her Earthbreaker, her own brow gashed beneath her iron helm, a cracked grin on her features. She sees the stone guardians, and with a loud cry, leaps forwards to 'do battle', laughing as she swings around the corner and runs hellpent towards the statue on the left, lifting her shield high to block the inevitable strike as she dives to go beneath their reach and take the fight to them.

In Enter the Votex Stance as she charges from M8 to I4, doing the Raging Hunter Pounce Maneuver to get a full attack on SG1. As she enters their threatened spaces, and presumably provokes, she uses the Shield Sphere as an AOO to increase her AC by another +4. Current AC is 36 34 vs the AOO, 32 30 against their round attacks (edit is because I forgot -2 from charging)

Attack 1 (Earthbreaker) [roll0] | Damage [roll1] + Electricity [roll2] +Sonic [roll3] Crits on 39 or better, they are presumably immune to the fort save effect on a crit
Offhand Attack 1 (Klar) [roll4] | Damage [roll5] + Electicity [roll6] +Sonic [roll7] Crits on 41 or better
Attack 2 (Earthbreaker) [roll8] | Damage [roll9] + Electricity [roll10] +Sonic [roll11] Crits on 34 or better
Offhand Attack 2 [roll12] | Damage [roll13] + Electicity [roll14] +Sonic [roll15] Crits on 36 or better
Attack 4 [roll16] | Damage [roll17] + Electricity [roll18] +Sonic [roll19] Crits on 29 or better

2018-10-06, 01:45 AM
The Red Storm rushes in and, true to her name, demolishes the statue; the damage torso is shattered into pieces, arms and legs falling impotently to the floor.

2018-10-06, 03:00 AM
"HA! TAKE THAT! NO STONE MAN CAN WEATHER THE RED STORM!" the Red Storm yelled, cackling as the statue shattered before her blows.

2018-10-06, 04:12 AM
"Bah, constructs," says Iressa, as she charges the remaining statue, "their parts are of no use to me!"

Her fists strike with blinding speed and devastating force, smashing into the construct.

Swift Action: Iron Knuckle. Full-Round Action: Raging Hunter Pounce.
Attacks: [roll1][roll2][roll3][roll4]
Damage: [roll]1d10+4d6+161d10+4d6+161d10+4d6+161d10+4d6+161d10+4 d6+16
Each hit adds 5 to her Blood Reserve.

2018-10-06, 07:57 AM
As Iressa smashes the remaining statue, and plates of shattered stone slide off it with thunderous crashes, it brings its' hands together in a powerful but clumsy clap. Iressa is far to engaged in tearing it apart to dodge out of the way, and the rocky fists close around her with a sickening thud.

The golem confirms a crit at AC 25, and hits AC 24 with another attack - thank you, -2 for charging. 67 damage total.

Also, Iressa and Red Storm need to make a DC 17 will save ob be Slowed by a (Su) effect.

2018-10-06, 09:29 AM
Draahzin strode around the bend and stopped. He thought he heard the dhampir correctly when she said constructs. With a grin he called out "Dibs! I need new raptors after the last batch." He looked around again and frowned at the lack of easily convertible material, sighing as he realized he'd have to use his pool instead. Wracking his brain he finally settled on a nice metal anvil to drop from above the creature and hopefully crush it.

Dont wanna spend resources I don't need to. Gonna spend 2 spell points to use Alchemical Creation.
Lets do 2 Mineral Acids (http://aonprd.com/EquipmentMiscDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Mineral%20acid) , 1 Incendiary Catalyst (http://aonprd.com/EquipmentMiscDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Incendiary%20ca talyst), 4 Tar Bombs (http://aonprd.com/EquipmentMiscDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Tar%20bomb), and 1 1 Tangleburn Bag (http://aonprd.com/EquipmentMiscDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Tangleburn%20ba g).

A whole bunch of ranged attacks against their touch AC. All but the Tar Bombs will target L2.
MA1: [roll0] Acid Damage: [roll1] *2 if stone counts as earth.
MA2: [roll2] Acid Damage: [roll3] *2 if stone counts as earth.
IC: [roll4] Vulnerable to below if a hit:
TB1: [roll5] Fire Damage: [roll6] DC 15 Reflex to put out fire.
TB2: [roll7] Fire Damage: [roll8] DC 15 Reflex to put out fire.
TB3: [roll9] Fire Damage: [roll10] DC 15 Reflex to put out fire.
TB4: [roll11] Fire Damage: [roll12] DC 15 Reflex to put out fire.
TBB: [roll13] Fire Damage: [roll14] DC 20 Reflex or it catches on fire. DC 25 Reflex to put it out.

Plus however much fall damage I manage with them.

2018-10-06, 10:53 AM
"Stone men, eh?" Valgar was next into the fray after taking an instant to size up his target. He covered the distance with huge strides and a wordless yell, and brought his axe up for a single mighty chop.

Swift Action, manifest Inevitable Strike.

Move to L4. If he takes an attack of opportunity on the way in, he will expend a Psionic Focus to use the Shrug It Off counter as a free action ([roll0] vs enemy attack roll).

Using Vital Strike on the statue:
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] (Adamantine weapon)

2018-10-06, 12:09 PM
Reeling from the bombardment and the cracked plates, the other golem collapses in a heap of rubble after one of Valgar's mighty strikes.

2018-10-06, 01:49 PM
Iressa quickly tends to her wounds, bruises fading away and cracked bones knitting together.

"Zo, how shall ve approach zis final challenge, eh?"

Burning 45 points from the Blood Reserve to heal myself for 67.

2018-10-06, 02:22 PM
Q’ann touches down gently and strides towards the fallen statues. ”I have the both the ability to detect creatures through vibrations and the ability to glide through the earth. I can scout out the next room from underneath it, with no reasonable possibility of detection.”

2018-10-06, 04:38 PM
Draahzin is already moving towards the rubble with a smile on his face the moment the last Golem falls. He lays his hands on it and simply starts to tug and push on it, molding the stone as if it was clay. With no immediate threats he took a moment to make sure it looked like a Deinonychus before applying the finishing touches. As the former stone gave way to the vibrant colors and quick movements of an actual dinosaur.
While the first got used to the implanted training and moving what was once stone Draahzin moved over to the other one. Much like the first he molded the rubble into shape and gave it life, careful to keep on's frills and claws tinted with copper while the other was tinted brass to varying degrees. Only then did he notice the doors and, more to his two combat trained raptors than anyone else, said "Dibs on the doors, too. That should be enough for a new flight since the last batch gave up their lives. Go and scout, confirm if a pack is necessary, and report back. May Apsu guide you." Then in a lower voice he added "Please and thank you."

Using two uses of Transmuter to turn the huge or smaller objects (the Golem corpses) into 5HD or less, Medium or smaller, animals. In this case a pair of Raptors (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/animals/dinosaur/deinonychus/).

2018-10-06, 07:36 PM
Q’ann turns to Draahzin, a tint of annoyance in his synthetic voice. ”Would it not be wiser for me to at least determine the number of enemies beyond those doors before you send your raptors in? They aren’t exactly inconspicuous, and I could also check for traps connected to the door or the room within.”

2018-10-06, 08:07 PM
Draahzin wasn't paying much attention, petting on his new raptors and marveling at their beauty, as he said "Yes, exactly, that." He stopped and really looked at the doors for the first time, adding in a confident tone "Although you shouldn't have to worry about the doors. A couple touches and they should be broken down for something grander, if not the raptors." He then moved back toward the intersection as he waited for the scout to do his thing, confirming that his raptors were used to the life he had bestowed upon them.

2018-10-06, 08:59 PM
Q’ann scoffs, runs up to the doors, and places his hand on the floor. After concentrating for a few seconds, he retreats a few steps.

I’m directly next to the door, and I have Tremorsense 30. Can I feel/see any creatures in the next room?

2018-10-06, 10:36 PM
Iressa smiles sweetly at Q'ann, baring a little bit of fang.

"Ahh you sveet synsetic boy, you are too good to us. Do be careful scouting, I used much of my stored healing mending my own recklessly-gained vounds."

2018-10-06, 10:53 PM
Q’ann turned to face the Doctor, his voice a careful neutral tone. ”I am simply trying to prevent our friend the dinosaur-maker from doing anything rash. And anyways, my scouting is undetectable, unlike those stupid birds. They’re good at heralding our presence, and not much else.” Q’ann finishes with a look of annoyance at Draahzin.

2018-10-07, 12:11 AM
Tremorsense 30': 5' away from the door, 4 medium creatures are standing in a line abreast. 20' behind the are another 2 medium sized creatures.

2018-10-07, 12:15 AM
After Q’ann finishes telling the rest of the team what he saw, he explains his plan, which pretty much involves him popping up behind the creatures guarding the door while the rest of the team knocks the doors down.

2018-10-07, 12:47 AM
"Same way as always then. Through the front door," Valgar rumbled as he booted aside a stray chunk of rubble. He paused to concentrate for a moment, and his hulking armored form began to expand to dwarf the animated statues they'd just fought. A little more fiddling with a trinket on his side, and he stood ready against the door with his axe poised.

Manifesting Metamorphosis: Size Change (to Huge), +3 Natural Armor (via Improved Metamorphosis), 20' Fly Speed (via augmentation).
Offensive Precognition
Defensive Precognition
Force Screen (from Dorje)

In that order, in case Q'ann starts the fight before he's done all four.

2018-10-07, 01:12 AM
As Q'ann slips down and away, The Red Storm grins at her fellows, heaving up her earthbreaker onto her shoulder and placing one foot upon the door. She counts under her breath for the six seconds Q'ann told them to wait, and with a sudden warcry, kicks the door and moves into the chamber beyond, bellowing at the prey before her. "NONE SHALL STAND AGAINST US! FLEE IF YOU VALUE YOUR LIVES, PITIFUL GNATS!!" she roars, coming in swinging.

Door opened as soon as Q'ann appears behind the enemies (I said six seconds because I assume it takes them a round to get there, if they are delayed without us being warned, yes, she will be jumping the gun.

Move to Q4, hit it in the face

[roll0] | [roll1] +electric [roll2] +sonic [roll3] Crits on 37 or better

2018-10-07, 01:28 AM
Q’ann gives Valgar the time he needs to finish casting his buffs, then disappears into the ground. A few seconds later, the sound of crackling electricity can be heard, and he yells ”Now!”, giving the signal for the rest of the team to strike.

Due to the surprise round, all attacks are made against flat-footed AC.
Attack: Empowered Chain Bleeding Charged Particle Blast. Total burn: 7. Cost reduced by Infusion Specialization: 3. Spend Crown of Focused Power to reduce by 2. Use Burn Shard instead of taking 1 burn. Use Internal Buffer to take final point of burn.

Attack (G2): [roll0]
Damage (G2): [roll1]x1.5+27 electric and piercing damage (both must be resisted to resist the damage) (+12 bleed damage)
Total: 79+bleed

Attack (G1): [roll2]
Damage (G1): [roll3]x1.5+27 electric and piercing damage (both must be resisted to resist the damage) (+11 bleed damage)
Total: 81+bleed

Attack (Q4): [roll4]
Damage (Q4): [roll5]x1.5+27 electric and piercing damage (both must be resisted to resist the damage) (+10 bleed damage)
Total: 96+bleed

Attack (Q3): [roll6]
Damage (Q3): [roll7]x1.5+27 electric and piercing damage (both must be resisted to resist the damage) (+9 bleed damage)
Total: 75+bleed

Attack (Q2): [roll8]
Damage (Q2): [roll9]x1.5+27 electric and piercing damage (both must be resisted to resist the damage) (+8 bleed damage)

Attack (Q1): [roll10]
Damage (Q1): [roll11]x1.5+27 electric and piercing damage (both must be resisted to resist the damage) (+7 bleed damage)

If one attack misses, all further ones do not occur.

Then, as a move action, I will burrow into P14. (I have not used my move action this round, as I took two rounds to get into position and attack).

2018-10-07, 02:11 AM
Draahzin could only grin and say ”Birds? Oh, they’re so much more than that.” He did frown as the half-giant became a full blown giant but simply shrugged his shoulders, adding ”You’ll want to duck when we get in there, though.” Holding both raptors he began to shift all three of their forms as leathery wings sprouted from their backs and their forms shifted into a trio of metallic dragons. Then they waited.

Spending two spell points to turn myself and the two dinosaurs into dragons using Alteration (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/alteration).
Form: Dragon Transformation (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/alteration#toc41)
Trait 1: Avian Transformation’s 2 Wings (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/alteration#toc37)
Trait 2: Size Change +2 (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/alteration#toc26) unless it’s impossible for us to fly around, then I’ll change it to Blank Form’s 2 Claws (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/alteration#toc1)
Trait 3: Bestial Reflexes’s Pounce (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/alteration#toc9)

Then I’ll be maintaining it as a move action while the other buffs/initial attacks happen.

2018-10-07, 02:21 AM
As Q’ann sinks back into the wall, he yells out ”They’re still just glorified birds!” before the earth swallows him again.

2018-10-07, 03:02 AM
"BEARS ARE STILL BETTER!" Red Storm also roars.

2018-10-07, 06:44 AM
Flashes of light and screams of pain announce that Q'ann has started the fight. As you barge open the huge doors, you enter a great, forty-foot-high cathedral shimmering with a nauseating pale green light. The room seems even larger for the lack of furnishings, save for a few crumbling pews and four immense pillars. To the north, a pair of towering wood and metal doors lie closed—it is from the edges of these looming doors that the foul green light emanates, as it seems to leak out along the walls in writhing streams. Twisted bodies of strange not-quite-humanoid forms lie strewn about the north end of the room, and a strangely disturbing wind seems to pulse in the very air.

In front of you, a row of weird, six-legged crab-monsters brandish swords, claws, pincers and stingers.


Behind each of the pillars is a well-armed Sinspawn guard.


(These guys, but in chainmail, with longbows and halbers. You know they have AC 21 and about 100 hp, and favor archery).

At the back of the hall is Ardathanatus, surrounded by a pile of corpses, in the middle of some very large and complex circles written out on the walls and doors in dried blood.

2018-10-07, 07:04 AM
One of the sinspawn dash to the cover of a closer pillar, and puts three quick arrows in Q'ann, but the android doesn't seem too concerned. Two of the crab-monsters scuttle around and wave their limbs in the air.

G3 moves and shoots Q'ann for 11, 10 and 8 damage. Q1 and Q2 cast spell-likes.

2018-10-07, 10:41 AM
"BLOOD FOR THE IRON LORD!" came the deafening bellow from the now giant-sized Valgar. With a speed that seemed to defy his bulk he brought his axe around in a deadly arc against the crab-creatures.

He's actually just doing a Full Attack instead of some cleaving attack, despite the above description.

Swift Action: Manifest the Hustle power for an extra Move action.
Move Action: Regain Psionic Focus and recover the Sanguine Perseverance maneuver via Sleeping Goddess Style
5' Step to Row 17 and full attack, starting with Q4 and moving on to Q3 and Q1 if he starts dropping them.

First Iterative:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Adamantine, Heartseeking

Extra Attack from Battle Transformation:
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Second Iterative:
Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

2018-10-07, 11:14 AM
One of the crab-monsters disappears in a cloud of gore, and the other bleeds in spurts from a wayward slash.

2018-10-07, 03:22 PM
Iressa takes in the strange crab-creatures and smiles.

"A vat vonderful little beasties. Vat could I do with your bits and bobs I vonder? Time to cut you apart and see."

Bearing her fangs with a hiss, she leaps headlong into the fray, fingers tearing into the wounded crab-thing. Then she fades, becoming an indistinct haze of images.

Raging Hunter's Pounce. Attacks and damage all rolled in Discord. 39, 39, 35, and 33 should all hit, while 24 misses. The hits deal 18, 19, 21, and 14 respectively. Then she switches stances to Formless Dance, which gives her Blur (20% miss chance) and See Invisibility for the duration.

2018-10-07, 05:34 PM
The Red Storm seems dazed for a moment, and then looks from the Qlippoth in front of her to Valgar and back again. Then she lets out a roaring laugh

"I'LL TURN BOTH YOUR FACES INTO HATS!!!!" She screams, and attacks both the giant and the crab, almost spinning like a top in her vicious assault!

Cornered Frenzy Strike vs Valgar and the Qlippoth

Attack Earthbreaker vs Valgar [roll0] | [roll1] +Maneuver [roll2] +electricity [roll3] +sonic [roll4]
Attack Klar vs Valgar [roll5] | [roll6] +maneuver [roll7] +electricity [roll8] +sonic [roll9]

Attack Earthbreaker vs Qlippoth [roll10] | [roll11] +Maneuver [roll12] +electricity [roll13] +sonic [roll14]
Attack Klar vs Qlippoth [roll15] | [roll16] +maneuver [roll17] +electricity [roll18] +sonic [roll19]

2018-10-07, 06:00 PM
"YOU WHAT—" Valgar started, and was cut off by the pain of the unexpected blow. He quickly rallied and attempted to deflect the second."STAY BACK, RED'S GONE BERSERK" warned his other companions.

Using Sanguine Barrier (expending Psionic Focus to use it as a Free Action) to try to deflect the Klar hit: [roll0]
All damage taken is split between Valgar and his Psicrystal with Share Pain.

2018-10-07, 07:13 PM
After Q’ann unleashes his opening volley, he feels exhausted from the effort of it. However, his kinetic powers well up inside him, willing him to take action once more. He pulls up a chunk of earth from beneath the feet of two of his opponents, hoping for them to fall into the newly-created hole in the ground.

Q’ann will spend a Hero Point to use the Act out of Turn ability, putting his initiative count right before the Red Storm’s. (Only a standard or move action can be taken this turn).
Standard action: use the Pitfall Utility Wild Talent A 10x10 foot pit (as Spiked Pit), 50 feet deep, is created in squares K5, L5, K6, and L6. All creatures directly above the pit must make a DC 22 Reflex saving throw or fall into the pit. All adjacent creatures must make this save as well, but with a +2 bonus. Creatures that fall in take falling damage from falling 50 feet and 2d6 damage from the spikes lining the sides and bottom. The Climb DC to escape is 20, but each round a creature spends in contact with the spiky walls, they take 1d6 damage. After 1+CL rounds (12, in this case), creatures within the hole rise up with the bottom of the pit until they are standing on the surface over the course of a single round.

2018-10-08, 02:02 AM
A pit opens up under Andrathanatus, but he hovers above it, as if such trifling concerns are beneath him.

One of the sinspawn (G1) fires twice at Doctor Iressa; one of the arrows hit (9 damage). It then runs up to her, switches to the halberd, swings, misses, and falls down unconscious from blood loss.

The other gravely wounded guard fires at Q'ann, manages to hit him (11 damage, didn't miss); it, too, runs over with a halberd and falls down.

Another guard (G4) rolls forward, barely escaping the pit suddenly yawning under him, fixes Q'ann with a glare and curses at him in guttural Aklo, lands an arrow on him (8 damage) and switches to his halberd.
Challenged: Q'ann takes -3 on attack rolls and DCs for attacks not involving G4, but +2 to hit G4).

2018-10-08, 03:50 AM
Draahzin did his best sigh, more of a brief exhale of electricity, at the continued blindness towards his glory. Briefly he considered just frying Valgras as well but instead hoped that the giant would move out of the way. With a swish of his majestic tail and a motion of his head he helped guide his fellow dragons to the hallway, Copper being impatient and wishing to go ahead and burn with no concern for others safety. Once they were safely tucked away Draahzin moved right next to Valgras’s head and over Doctor Iressa and fired off a beam of lightning right over the Dhampir and into the pair of crabs. He then flapped his wings while trying to maintain enough distance to make the whole room a little less cramped.
Brass moves to the hallway and keeps look out, readying the breath weapon if something comes down the hallway at them.

Copper moves up behind Valgras and does it's best to show it has a breath weapon readied for when/if the Giant moves.

Draahzin spends another spell point to continue dragon form without concentrating and then flies under/over/around to his current location before firing at Q1 and Q2.
Damage: [roll0] Lightning Damage
Recharge: [roll1]
DC 21 Reflex for half damage.

2018-10-08, 07:51 AM
Ardathanatus walks away from the yawning pit, and casts a spell. A wall of whirling force blades descends in the south half of the cathedral, covering floor to ceiling.

Q'ann, Doc Iressa and Draahzin take 53 force damage, reflex 21 negates; Doc and Q'ann move either inside or outside the wall.

A wind blows through the cathedral, as if the slightly ajar door at the other end was breathing in.

Lawful or Good creatures take 2 damage (4 if lawful good).

2018-10-08, 11:37 AM
One of the crab-beasts steps up to Q'ann as soon as he comes out of the storm of swords, and unleashes a flurry of sword strikes, pincers and claws at him.

Scimitar hits for 11; Pincer hits for 6 points, grapples vs [roll0] and constricts for 10 if that grapples; stings for 7 damage and poison (DC 22 or 1d3 damage and staggered 1 round).

2018-10-08, 04:15 PM
As the abomination bore down on him, Q’ann tried to deflect its attacks, but didn’t quite succeed. His metal plating absorbed most of the damage of the foul creature’s stinger and sword, but he failed to see the claw coming until it was too late. ”GET THIS F***ING THING OFF OF ME!” Q’ann shouted as the quippoth’s claw kicked around him, trapping him.

2018-10-08, 04:53 PM
"ITS THE BIRDS! THEY WANT TO STEAL MY BISCUITS!!!" The Red Storm yells, apparently to the Qlippoth

2018-10-08, 11:07 PM
As Q'ann closes his eyes to focus his power over earth, the other Qlippoth scuttles over. The Sinspawn has circled around, and rushed in to shove Q'ann (3 damage and the battered condition - 2 to CMD).

2018-10-08, 11:10 PM
Gritting his teeth in pain, Q’ann desperately racked his mind for ways to escape his current bind. The pincer of the creature was much too strong for him to pry open, and he wanted to save his power surge for a different occasion. He decided to open a pit beneath the feet of both him and the creature holding him, hoping either the shock or the fall would cause the creature to release him. However, his armor did protect him from the Sinspawn striking at him, although not from the other effect of its attack.

Use Pitfall (Create Pit mode, not Spiky Pit) on squares M13, M14, N13, and N14. The creature must make a DC 23 Reflex save.

Unfortunately, the abomination’s grip was still too strong. Pushing himself to the limit, Q’ann created another pit beneath him, falling again and trapping the other two creatures with him underneath the earth.

Spend a Hero Point to get another standard action. Use that standard action to use Pitfall again, on the same squares. The previous Pitfall pit disappears, trapping Q’ann, the Quippoth, and the Sinspawn under the floor. More Reflex saves.

2018-10-09, 12:00 AM
Valgar could only look on as Q'ann and the monsters attacking him disappeared beneath the floor. Faced with the barrier of whirling blades, the hulking warrior took a deep breath, focused his dwindling energy, and committed to a risky gambit in the hopes of ending things sooner than later.

Swift Action: Spend 1 Power Point to Manifest Inevitable Strike (effectively +4 to hit)

Move Action: Move into the area J10-L12 (with Squeezing)
Reflex save against Blade Barrier: [roll0]

Standard Action: Manifest Dimension Slide to teleport to the area J4-L6

Spend a Hero Point for another Standard Action, using Vital Strike on Ardathanatus
To-Hit: [roll1] (ignores any concealment he might have going)
Damage: [roll2]

Free Action: Using Martial Power to cast Vigor at no cost. Shared across Valgar and his psicrystal.

Free Action: Using his Brute Sphere ability Follow-Through for a Reposition maneuver (does not provoke).
CMB: [roll3]
If he succeeds he'll Reposition Ardathanatus into J7 (i.e. into view of his allies). Unfortunately he can't reposition him right into the Blade Barrier.

2018-10-10, 12:46 AM
Iressa hisses as the blades of force cut through her. But the wounds heal almost instantly, sanguine essence knitting flesh together. Flush with vengeance, she flies across the room, smashing her fist into the side of Ardathanatus' head with a ringing blow.

Swift action: Triage, healing myself to full. Hero point for a second move action, use both move actions to go around the blade barrier to H6, flanking with Valgar. Singing Steel Strike (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/path-of-war/disciplines-and-maneuvers/broken-blade-maneuvers/#TOC-Singing-Steel-Strike). 53 bludgeoning damage and Ardathanatus must make a DC 23 Fortitude save or be silenced and deafened for 2 rounds. On a success, he's still deafened for 1 round.

2018-10-10, 03:05 AM
The sinspawn guard steps up to Valgar and clinches his comparatively tiny halberd against his shins, and yells a challenge at him.

3 damage, then attack: [roll0] for [roll1] damage, and you have -3 to attacks that don't include G4.

Out in the hallway, the copper dragon viciously attacks his own tail, and his brother finds that incredibly hilarious, doubling over with reptilian laughter.

2018-10-10, 03:35 AM
Once more Draahzin wished he could sigh as a dragon. The lightning wasn't quite back, yet, and now he had to deal with another massive target preventing him from being as free as he could be. Almost crawling across the wall the brass-colored dragon made his way to the other side of the barrier and almost expected something bad to happen now that he could spy Ardathanatus once more.

Double moving + Squeezing around the barrier. I'd rather avoid the opportunity to take another 43+ damage with a failed save so I'll just take it slow the entire way.

One more round before I can do another breath weapon attack.

2018-10-10, 04:11 AM
Ardathanatus reels from the heavy blows. With a quick gesture, his wounds abate somewhat. But as he start uttering a word of terrible magic, he grunts as he dodges Valgar's boot, and the magiz fizzles.

2018-10-10, 06:28 AM
Meanwhile, in the pit...the many limbed monstrosity pins down the android, squeezing him hard with a pincer, and drooling on him like a dog with a juicy steak. The sinspawn thrust his halberd into the fray, only to have it deflected away; disappointed, he gets a swift kick to the ribs in instead.

Q'ann is pinned, and takes 8, then 3 damage.

The last of the Qlippoth teleports up next to the Doomsday Door. From the door, an exhalation blows through the room. Chaotic Aligned characters heal 2 HP.

2018-10-10, 11:57 AM
”GODDAMN IT!” Q’ann yelled as the creature maintained its hold, even as it fell repeatedly. Q’ann yelled further as the creature’s grip increased, pinning his arms. In desperation, he created another pit, hoping against hope that he could shake this thing off.

Use Pitfall again, in the same place. If Q’ann breaks free, he’ll take a 5-foot step into the ground.

Pushing himself to his limit, he spent his last bit of energy to create another pit. This time, the creature holding him wasn’t ready, and as he fell, he flipped on top of it, slamming it to the ground as he landed. The creature’s focus broke for just a moment, and a moment was all Q’ann needed. He thrust the claw off of him, finally sinking back into the ground.

Spend a Hero Point (my last one) to get another Standard Action. Use Pitfall, then 5-foot step into the ground.

2018-10-10, 12:48 PM
Iressa unleashes a flurry at Ardathanatus, but he manages to avoid most of her strikes.

Switch to Broken Blade Stance. Full attack nets two off-hand hits for 20 and 18.

2018-10-10, 02:27 PM
Valgar bellowed again wordlessly as he battered Ardathanatus for all he was worth, then almost as an afterthought directed an attack at the crab-creature in an attempt to drag it away from the door.

Posted actions and rolls in Discord.

2018-10-10, 11:05 PM
The giant strikes a fatal blow against the insane cleric, cleaving through armor, should, ribcage and vital organs. The crab-monster reels as it is violently beat away from the door.

From behind the Doomsday Door, an icy wind begins to blow.

The sinspawn guard covers behind the pillar and fires at Draahzin.

[roll0], [roll1];[roll2], [roll3].

2018-10-10, 11:08 PM
Out in the hallway, Copper continues his life-and-death fight wis his own tail. The other dragon snaps out of her confusion; her clawed feet scrabble against the stone floor, but she still can't make any headway into the hall.

2018-10-10, 11:42 PM
Draahzin locked eyes with the guard that shot him and in the process saw that the barrier still unfortunately existed. The dragon took to the air and flew over the giant on his way to the guard that shot him. He then plummeted towards the creature, biting into it. With the being still in his jaws it finally released another bout of electricity to try and fry the latest pain.

Hero Point: take another move action to get to roughly where G4 is at (Roughly L5-M6)
Move: Get all up in the guard’s grill so that there won't be a question of if I'm in range.

Standard: Blat G4 with the breath weapon
Breath Weapon Damage: [roll0] Lightning, DC 21 Reflex for half. It technically goes over Q2 as well but I believe they’re in the pit.
BW Recharge: [roll1]

Swift: Use Aggressive Momentum to make a bite against the guard.
Bite Attack [roll2]
Bite Damage [roll3]

2018-10-11, 03:02 AM
With a resounding clang!! the Doomsday Doors are flung open. A stream of gargantuan tentacles burst into the cathedral, as if vomited by some giant maw, and grasp at everything and everyone. You don't see any eyes, and the tentacles seem to flail wildly. You get to roll a 50% miss chance for each hit.

One tentacle grasps the corpse of Ardathanatus.

One lashes out at Doctor Iressa: [roll0], damage [roll1], Grab [roll2], Constrict [roll3].

One lashes out at the Qlippoth: [roll4], damage [roll5], Grab [roll6], Constrict [roll7].

Two of them lash out at Draahzin: [roll8], damage [roll9], Grab [roll10], Constrict [roll11], [roll12], damage [roll13], Grab [roll14], Constrict [roll15].

One lashes out at the Sinspawn: [roll16], damage [roll17], Grab [roll18], Constrict [roll19].

And four mawed appendages reach out for Valgar:

1. [roll20], damage [roll21]
2. [roll22], damage [roll23]
3. [roll24], damage [roll25]
4. [roll26], damage [roll27]

If all four bites hit, they rend for [roll28].

2018-10-11, 03:09 AM

2018-10-13, 10:35 PM
The Qlippoth near the Door turns to stone, as if mimicking a statue carved by a madman. The enemies in the pit search around for Q'ann, with no luck.

2018-10-14, 02:43 AM
"MILLENIUM HAND AND SHRIMP!" comes Red's yells, still apparently struck for six's by the Qlippoth's face.

2018-10-15, 10:13 AM
Q’ann bursts up through the ground, next to the hole he had created. ”This one’s for you, monster!” he yelled, as the energy and metal whirling around him grew stronger. Suddenly, he let out a metallic scream, as his internal circuits overloaded. After a second, he stopped, and his circuits were glowing a blinding blue. He pointed at the Quippoth that had almost killed him, and a massive blast of electricity and metal flew towards it, skewering it.

Fly to M14, two squares above the ground. Then, as a standard action, use Bloody Infusion Charged Particle Kinetic Blast, with Follow-Up Shot. Total Burn: 5. Burn reduced by Infusion Specialization: 3. Burn Taken: 2.
Because I took burn from Charged Particle Blast (which counts as both an earth and an air wild talent), my elemental defenses trigger. My 35% ranged miss chance now also applies to nonphysical attacks, such as rays. My DR 7/Adamantine improved to DR 7/-. Both of these effects last for one round. I will also use my Nanite Surge ability, gaining a +14 on my attack roll.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]+ 12 bleed damage
Damage roll (Follow-Up Shot): [roll2]

2018-10-15, 11:18 PM
The Qlippoth in the pit screams defiantly as the blast tears a huge gouge in its flank.

Elsewhere, the sinspawn vainly tries to fight back as Valgar brutally axe-murders it.

2018-10-16, 04:08 AM
Draahzin shuddered against the blow, his form being crushed until finally with a sick pop he reverted back to being a normal kobold. Likewise the dinosaurs he had willed into being shifted back to their normal form confused form. For a few seconds the kobold appeared dead and, if he had the opportunity to in the near future, he could’ve sworn he was standing before Apsu. Then his vision blurred and he stirred once more, broken but not beaten yet. He looked and saw what had killed him mere moments before, groaning more to himself than anything else.
He deftly maneuvered underneath Vargas and around the pillar. He didn’t feel confident in the least that he could do much against such a thing but knew he’d have to try at least a couple things before booking it. First was to coat the thing in flames and confirm that it was a minor nuisance for it as he littered the creature with enough oil and fire to cook it medium-well.

He took a glance and remembered suddenly reading about the creature. He yelled out, any sense of bravado melting away as he appeared little more than a cowardly kobold, "GUYS! WE OUGHTA RUN! THAT THING IS A QLIPPOTH LORD! DON'T LOOK AT THE EYE!" He coughed for a second and then added with just the right amount of terror "Yamasoth the Polymophic Plague... Wasn't the Shard here Envy?"

Gonna spend the 2 hero points to not die.
Move: Get out from underneath Vargas, specifically moving to just on the other side of the pillar.
Standard: Make it rain alchemical goodies on the otherworldly being.

Gonna do 1 Incendiary Catalyst, 1 Tangleburn Bag, 1 Artokus’s Fire (http://aonprd.com/EquipmentMiscDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Artokus%27s%20f ire), and 5 Tar Bombs. All of them will target the creature’s mouth.
IC: [roll0]
TBB: [roll1] Damage: [roll2] DC 20 Reflex to not catch on fire, DC 25 to put himself out if he does.
AF: [roll3] Damage: [roll4] and [roll5] Splash Damage
TB: [roll6] Damage: [roll7] DC 15 Reflex to put himself out.
TB: [roll8] Damage: [roll9] DC 15 Reflex to put himself out.
TB: [roll10] Damage: [roll11] DC 15 Reflex to put himself out.
TB: [roll12] Damage: [roll13] DC 15 Reflex to put himself out.
TB: [roll14] Damage: [roll15] DC 15 Reflex to put himself out.

2018-10-19, 02:12 AM
Draahzin's alchemical bombardment leaves a few burn marks, but the tentacles seem unfazed.

As you all close your eyes, you see a glowing red radiance through your eyelids and feel a surge of malevolent power wash over you.

If anyone is still grappled, they take 20 damage. Red Storm is no longer confused.

2018-10-20, 03:07 AM
Draahzin called out "Someone work on getting that shard! I'll get started on weakening one of these columns!" If the blade barrier was gone then he'd move to one of the ones that was hopefully damaged somewhat and if it wasn't then he quickly darted across the room to the one that the cleric had died near and placed his hand on it, causing it to crack a little bit.

If it's safe then I'll go to I13 and target the column at I12. Otherwise I'll just do the one at I7.

Using Alter as a standard action to deal [roll0] damage to it that bypasses hardness.

2018-10-20, 07:06 AM
Q’ann sees what Draahzin is doing to the pillars and yells at him. ”What do you think you’re doing?! You’ll bring the whole chamber down upon us! Help me close the doors instead.” Weaving through the ground and air and dodging the tentacles filling the room, Q’ann moves into the wall next to one of the doors, gathering his strength back and preparing to close the doors in a couple seconds.

Double move to get to M3.
Does it looks like the keys that opened the doors to this room would fit in the Doomsday Doors?

2018-10-20, 02:22 PM
The Shard! Valgar had forgotten about it in the heat of battle, let alone with the monstrosity flailing through the portal. Valgar braced himself and moved back out into the doorway to stand athwart the writhing tentacles, putting himself between them and his companions trying to seal the door, and hacked at the tentacle holding Ardathanatus' corpse.

Move Action: Moving back to the area J4-L6 and Shove the tentacle holding Ardathanatus.
To-Hit: [roll0] vs Touch AC
8 damage and target is Battered.

Standard Action: Vital Strike that tentacle.
To-Hit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Free Action (if the attack hits): What the hell, let's try Bull Rushing it into the wall if the damage doesn't convince it to let go.
CMB: [roll3]

2018-10-20, 08:30 PM
"Run?! NEVER!" The Red Storm yells, coming to her senses just in time. With her eyes closed, she turns to face the door, and charges forwards, mentally judging the right distance and swinging her earthbreaker around - its a giant eye, shouldnt be hard to hit!!

rolls in Discord

2018-10-23, 04:47 PM
As she ducks and weaves away from tentacles, Iressa wracks her brain to try and figure out how to banish this thing.

Knowledge: Planes [roll0]

2018-10-23, 10:51 PM
Valgar severs one of the tenctacles and batters the seething mass back. He grasp at Ardathanathus with one hand. The tentacles come back, focused on the corpse of the cleric. You hear a sickening, ripping sound, and Valgar feels something torn out of his grasp. Then, there is a resounding CLANGGG!!!!, and all seems quiet.

Valgar opens his eyes and finds himself holding half a robe, a magical belt....and the shard of envy, on a solid gold chain slick with blood. The Doomsday doors are closed, and Ardathanatus is nowhere to be seen.

In the background, you hear the zapping and screaming of Q'ann finishing off the last stragglers.

2018-10-25, 05:55 PM
"Qlippoth Lord, eh?" Valgar asked once he'd caught his breath. "There's a piece of him to hang above your hearth," he gestured triumphantly at the severed tentacle. "Shame about the elf. I tried, but his friend out there wanted him more," Valgar continued, clearly not put-out by that development. "Look at this," he held his hand open to show his companions what he was clutching. "I had a good hold of his belt. Monster out there must have torn the elf in half to get him. But I got the Shard."

2018-10-25, 11:16 PM
Red sits down, her back to the doors and knees bent, a furious look clouding her features. "Twice-damned globs of tentacles make me miss half the thrice-damned fight. Then doors get closed just when I'm about to smash that stupid eye in." she growls, glancing to the others as they recover. "Who's got the pit-damned stone for the stupid bloody shard? Let Valgar see where we go next."

2018-10-26, 06:08 AM
Q’ann flies over to join the rest of the group. “I’ve got an extra stone or two. Here, take one.” he says, offering up one of his Agate Ellipsoid Ioun Stones.

2018-10-26, 12:24 PM
Focusing on the shard, Valgar sees a towering green spire emerging from a ragged landscape.

Knowledge (Geography) DC 25, anyone?

2018-10-26, 07:25 PM
Draahzin booked it out of the door and for a few seconds didn't do much else, not convinced the threat was contained. More to himself he mumbled "Still say we need to drop the entire building on it. If only so the threat is contained a little better than just letting it free." He shook himself from his thoughts and returned to the task at hand, touching the shard for a moment so he could see if he knew the location they needed to go next.

Up until the rebuild happens at least.

2018-10-26, 10:50 PM
"Ve vere given a stone for ze shard, vere ve not?"

Iressa looks up at the Doomsday Door and shudders.

"Also, I agree vit Draahzin."

2018-10-26, 11:26 PM
As you look over your loot, you ID the belt as a +4 Str, +4 Con belt. You also recall the two "doomsday keys" you took off the mummy cleric and ogre fighter earlier in the dungeon.

2018-10-27, 02:53 PM
"A lone green tower in a broken land. Never heard of such a place," Valgar declared, as he slotted the preferred stone into the shard. "Wait 'til we're out of here before you bring the place down. We can't all burrow."

2018-10-27, 04:09 PM
Red Storm huffs, and stands up. "We'll figure it out. In the meantime, we've got those keys, if y'remember. Maybe we should lock the doors before we go around collapsing buildings?"

2018-11-01, 05:25 AM
You lock up the Doomsday doors and leave the temple behind you.

New book new thread. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?572730-Shattered-Star-Into-the-Nightmare-Rift)