View Full Version : With This Ring

2018-10-07, 10:09 PM
So, I was cruising around on the Sufficient Velocity forums looking for a good fan fic that had an original character as the main character, and stumbled onto With This Ring. It's a self-insert/original character story for Young Justice, but really seems to encompass the whole D.C comic universe. I think it is well written. has good character development, and is long (probably longer than the entire Harry Potter series.

One thing I found helpful, since I'm not really a D.C. guy, was that most of the characters, aliens, etc. have a link in their name so you can click on them to find out who or what they are. The person who wrote this seems to have huge knowledge base of decades of D.C. characters and how to work them into the story.

It starts off with the original character/self insert waking up in orbit about half way between earth and the moon, in just his pajamas and an orange power ring with no idea how he got there and no orange lantern. He needs to get himself established on earth, find a way to recharge his ring, and hopefully not get killed in this very dangerous universe...oh yeah, he also has to make sure Larfleeze https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larfleeze dosn't find out about him.

If you have read this please share what you thought about it. If you start it, let me know what you think.



2018-10-08, 07:31 AM
I like it. It has rough bits, as would any "daily update fanfic" that has been going on for years would, but yeah, it's not bad.

The Queen of Fables storyline was really confusing to read on release, bit I think it was a decent experiment even if I don't think it really worked (he got permission from the mods to make a sockpuppet account to interfere with his posts).

2018-10-08, 01:42 PM
Given the relationship of volume to quality, tis is easily among my top 10 fics (not only counting fanwork, mind! Being able to keep medium to excellent quality with daily posts that long? Amazing!).

Aside from the fact that I never managed to "get" Orange Lanterns before. :P

2018-10-21, 11:39 PM
Until I got to the end of the story, I didn't realize that he updated it every day. That's pretty impressive considering how long it has been going on. Has anybody started reading this because you found out about it in this thread? If you have, how do you like it so far?