View Full Version : Dark Tower of Life

2018-10-08, 08:38 PM
You can find the setup phase here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?570289-5th-D-amp-D-Dark-Tower-of-Life-(video-game-style))if you are curious.

"Welcome to Volwich, your world for the length of our voyage. You will be able to experience a life of fantasy, calm and peaceful or full of adventures. Cerberus Corps. is proud to offer you this entertainment while we reach Tera Nova."

What started as an enjoyable virtual reality while in cryogenic sleep to our new Earth turned abruptly as a weird reset occurred. Once again we were classless as we started about twenty years ago. The world of Volwich felt different. All of us oddly had an item reminiscing our previous life. Took us almost a full day to notice the charcoal black flyers around the capital.

You know the world, will you learn the rules?

You called me mad, but it is you who brought destruction to our World, our REAL World
Meet me a the top of my tower, then and only then you will have a chance to save this world.

A chance to see the next.

That same day, we lost people. It was incomprehensible. Hunger was now real. Thirst was now real. Pain, oh... pain... Pain was surreal. Adventurer class people started to die and never came back. A darkness, a shadow grow in the world. Forcing creatures out of their environment. At the end of the second week, we learned a tragic way that Volwich could be attacked. Defenseless and unprepared, we lost dozens of men and women... Not even the children were spared by the goblins. The very next morning we organized ourselves. We closed the gates we were lucky to have, we formed adventurers party to scout the outskirt of the city, assigned those who wielded weapons but were too scared to go beyond the walls on guard duty. NPCs were still a thing, we simply never knew that we add to "claim" the city for them to arrive. Most of the Volians, this is what we called ourselves, trusted them immediately. I can't deny how helpful they were, I simply never could bring myself to trust any of them. They felt too real, just like this hell of a world we were stuck in. Anyway... Our goal became clear, although uncertain. We found numerous hints of a Dark Tower of Life which rang no bells to anyone. And he was baiting us there as it was a game of chess. For he was the Black King of this virtual universe and we failed to play our first turn. Thus we concluded: it is the madman's tower and we have to reach him.

- A.H.D.

The feverishness is dense, and the chatter seems to keep going on as the adventurers gathered around the war council's oval table wait for the meeting to start. All have ideas, but most are not brave enough to step forward with their plans as the stakes of failure might be the death of everyone. Going head first into this falsely familiar world was no option. The parties that tried that already came back headless on their steed, were found hanging from trees along the roads or simply never heard of again.

"Silence!" shouted a strong voice as the two massive wooden doors opened behind the ornate chair sitting empty at one end of the table. The man was towering above the average height at nearly seven feet tall. His ebony skin underlined an impressive scar right below his right eye. Rumor has it he got this scar fending off the goblin boss that was leading the sinister assault. Grubben, in all his might, took place in front of the king's chair and hold his right hand high as a sign to halt the discussions. His tough looks paired with the exquisite armor he had on his back crowned with his already numerous exploits at saving Volwich made him the undisputed leader. Once the chatter ceased, the man assumed his role.

As you all know, the time we can simply defend Volwich is over. Every assault on our town is fiercer than the last. Our defenses hold still, but they will not last with our actual resources. We need water, food, materials, and most of all... allies. At that word, warriors and scholars alike shared nervous stares. I know, I know... We have no idea how close to the Volwich we once knew this world is. But if we do nothing, our walls will fall before our rations run out. We got to organize ourselves in order to survive, in order to protect those of us who cannot fight. The emotion in his voice went up in a crescendo of hope, lighting sparks in the people's eyes. I will not let our children die! Will you!?

The crowd roared with Grubben as he kept on with his speech. Minutes later when the air was vibrating with eagerness, the appointed lord explained his plan.

Alpha team, you will leave to Fures and ask for the support of the forest tribe. Regardless of the answer, report back as soon as possible. We need to know if we can still rally NPCs to our cause. Beta, I want you on patrol around Volwich. At any sign of the darkness, you come to me. Charlie team, now looking at the protagonists, can I count on you to investigate the shadows coming from the cemetery out north? If a source can be found it means we stand a chance to breath air that aren't 0's and 1's again. Moving on, Delta and Echo, your goal is the Wizard's Lookout. I know it's a tough one in our current situation, but it would give us a monumental strategic advantage against any incoming threat...

The knight went on with his strategy for a few more group of adventurers before placing what was left to man the walls. One by one, the parties left the incredibly spacious room that felt tiny minutes ago, but not before saying goodbyes or going over details with Grubben.

2018-10-08, 09:00 PM
Galenaar the hermit elf bows to the knight. Even in this dark time, Aaron enjoys role-playing his character. "I believe that's our cue to exit?" He says to the other members of Charlie Team.

2018-10-08, 09:04 PM
Bill listens to the lord as he speaks. A mission... just as important as any other. He thought.

"On it." He says. There's not a better man for the job...

I know what these monsters could be; they're likely shadows, a species of undead from the Monster Manual. My character doesn't know that though, so I'm going to roll an Intelligence check. Not going to add any modifiers to the check, since I assume it's an Arcana or Religion check; if it's a Nature check, add two to the roll.


2018-10-09, 03:17 AM
Jeremy was sitting on one of the back end chairs, listening no noone in particular, and everyone in general, a habit of his for years.

A graveyard? Surely he is either trying to get us cursed, or killed.

He had thought on this, but inmediately dismissed the idea. With so many people "going away", securing an area for
proper burials would be important for morale. He knew he was obviously expected to join; as an owner of a Holy Symbol,
dealing with the supernatural and dead was pretty much his job.

The hermit Elf's eagerness to join was noted: it was weird to see bravery these days, he thought.

"Ah, yes, sir, I shall give my aid as my abilities and the blessing of Kol Korran allow me."

He'd chosen a more stereotypical behaviour, usually the safer approach in these public situations. He also prepared to follow the apparent leader.

2018-10-10, 12:40 PM
"On it, sir," says Todd, saluting Grubben with a clank.

"Agreed Galenaar, you take point and lets get going."

2018-10-11, 08:51 PM
Absalom listened intently, silver-chaised boots propped up on the table. The plan sounded desperate, but then they were desperate.

I'll have to carefully consider my spell selection to deal with Shadows. I wonder what else we might run into out there.

He looks at his comrades, nodding along to their responses.

2018-10-16, 09:24 PM
Sarissa Sinclair (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1712615) looks a little off-put. I, uh... Don't do deal the best with darkness. I mean, I can see in it, but... Still...

2018-10-17, 08:22 PM
Bill's check result: Typically monsters in graveyard are undead. Shadows could be zombies or skeletons seen from afar or ghost maybe, but no outpost own by volians has sight on the site. This specific cemetery never had monster either.

Once gathered outside Charlie team can hear some of the other group whisper about their fear while the visibly more experienced talk firmly about their strategy of approach. For the protagonists, the more obvious way, or the simplest way perhaps, would be to take the old road to the cemetery, but only the Mad Man knows what lies in the forest surrounding the roads. There is also a possible shortcut in term of length through the woods, but then again, these were filled with hostile creature in the last version of Volwich, it could be even worst now.

2018-10-18, 09:29 AM
David briefly considers their options.

"I say we go through the road. If there really are monsters in the cemetery where we hadn't seen them last, who knows what could be in the forest? We'd run the risk of running into monsters on the road anyways, but at the very least it would be less dangerous."

2018-10-18, 01:37 PM
"Agreed. Let's go." Aaron isn't thrilled about the woods either way, the road will still be a danger where it passes through.

2018-10-18, 02:47 PM
Jeremy pondered about the possibilities.

On one, hand, the road has less places for anyone to hide, but it's also such an obvious road; if someone IS going to be there, we will also find ourselves with no hiding spot. On the other hand, the forest offers us and our proverbial opponents places to hide and attack, but it's less expected for anyone to go the obviously unsafe route. but maybe THAT is what the enemy is thinking... Argh, everything feels like an obvious trap!

Inmediately Jeremy catches his thoughts before his mental excitement reveals his unease. It would do no good to show a lack of confidence. Wait, revealing? Yes! An idea!

"I would say, the blessings of Kol Korran are more suited to the forest, as with its power one could pass oneself as a tree, or silent as a vermin. A group that is apt on hiding would much benefit from a place with hiding spots, than one in the open air, where we can be easily seen. Of course, there is a chance that the road is empty, making my ramblings useless."

Of course, for him the threat was obvious and his self-dismissal only an attempt to sound humble. But just in case, he was ready to assuage the party's reaction to his decision: He wanted to see if people would be willing, and confident in their ability to hide, or if they would scoff at the idea. One should always know his allies as well as his enemies.

In other words, I'm checking for any body language that would tell me if they are confident or not on my idea of a hiding-related mission (I'm trying to verify our party has high stealth and stuff, which obviously my character doesn't know about yet). I assume that's Insight, but if you'd prefer something else please tell me. I have +2 on Insight, if not it's a WIS check, to which my modfier is +3. [roll0]

2018-10-18, 04:21 PM
I can sneak... Sarissa says, clearly not enthused about going the creepier route.

2018-10-18, 05:32 PM
"I can also sneak, but I don't think the cover of night is worth risking death. The terrors deep within the forest are likely worse than those on the road. If we're on the road, chances are we can fight them off and live. If we're in the forest, if we're caught... we might not." William sighs. "Plus, this is a game. If you get unlucky, it does not matter how good you are stealth; you will be caught. If you are bad at stealth, it just makes it worse. If just one of us fails the check, we're done for."

2018-10-28, 09:18 AM

Todd (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1711442)
turn skipped for inactivity

Galeenar (https://docs.google.com/document/d/184wtTSGvySePLNBFjMWFG-03kXUUm8gAjCHQ3rdHaVg/edit)

Sarissa Sinclair (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1712615)

Jeremy Deville (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1717863)

William Adcock (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/5787804)

Sheet error!

turn skipped for inactivity

On this note, the adventurers of team Charlie gathered their gear and made ways to the city's gates choosing the road over the uncertainty that was the woods. It was not unanimous, but it surely was the option with less randomness. Only a couple paces outside the walls, a short boy came running towards them.

"Hey! Hey! Wait!", he shouted. Once the protagonists slowed to identify what was just a boy with dirty clothes. He couldn't have been more than ten years old. Trying to take a more nonchalant persona, the kid went from running to walking and said while catching his breath: "Heya fellows... What would... what would you say if... if I told you..." That was enough for the lad as he curved his back putting a hand on each knee. Once his heavy breathing came to a stop, he opted for a more heroic pose with a straighten back. "What if I told you you could have Hustin von Goldentac to accompany you on your quest? I know, you must be wondering why you are granted such a privilege, but I'm telling ya, you deserve it!" Standing proudly in front of the group, a smile on his face, the boy was obviously waiting approval to join the company.

At this point, you still have an opportunity to change your course and choose whatever option you prefer. I prefer mentioning it since I feel like I forced the choice upon you while you were still debating.
Otherwise, children are common, less so since the attack, but still are there and are not necessarily in-game NPCs, they could be in cryo-sleep as well.

2018-10-28, 01:47 PM
The words uttered made Jeremy flinch.
"Who is this guy, why is he doing this, who is he working for.
And whenever we are talkign about such important matters! Clearly suspicious."

Of course his usual in-mind untrustiness had to be carefully hidden by outward tranquillity.
Outsiders must be treated with silent distrust but outward politeness. on the other hand, a meat shield
that puts himself in front of the enemy would not be against any rules... Well thought!

"Of course, you understand the nature of our quest, and the dangers it poses, if not you would not have so readily risen up. In sight of this development, i believe we can ensure our survival in either location, and I rescind my previous concerns about being in plain sight. If you are willing to be our glorious point man, we can give you an oportunity. What would you think of this matter?"

With consent aproved, even the semingly more open terrain option means nothing with a person to graciously take center stage. Perfect!. he thought.
Now he was ready to go wherever. Whether they accepted the help, or decided against it, someone would have to take the dangeorus point in his place. Surely this plan was perfect, and it would ensure his lenghthened survival and nothing wrong could posssibly come out of it.

You can bet your Ioun Stones my paranoid character is super-mega-turbo untrusting, and super-mega-turbo going to watch every single of this guy's face expressions, so insight check is due. My insight is +5 in total. 1d20

2018-10-28, 02:16 PM
Looking at Jeremy, Sarrissa gasps. What are you saying? We can't take him with! He's a kid!

2018-10-28, 02:55 PM
"Agreed. This is no place for children.

William sighed. He was never the most social of individuals, so he always worried that he wouldn't be good with kids.

"I'm sorry, 'Hustin von Goldentac', but you should stay home. There's no telling what could be out there."

2018-10-28, 11:28 PM
"Indeed. It's too dangerous, we can't risk a child." Aaron is thinking both ways, that they can't risk a child dying, if he is a player, and that a child along would complicate things, cause unnecessary risks.

2018-10-29, 06:20 AM

Todd (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1711442)
turn skipped for inactivity

Galeenar (https://docs.google.com/document/d/184wtTSGvySePLNBFjMWFG-03kXUUm8gAjCHQ3rdHaVg/edit)

Sarissa Sinclair (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1712615)

Jeremy Deville (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1717863)

William Adcock (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/5787804)

Sheet error!

turn skipped for inactivity

The boy frowned as the majority of the response was against his wish. He then took two steps, siding with Jeremy and facing the others. "You are blessed with the presence of Hustin von Goldentac. You cannot refuse such honor!" Dressed in common clothes, the only thing that could be described on the lad as eccentric or fancy would have been his tie made with a piece of rope and a plain white rock around his neck. Turning to Sarissa, he added "It is to be expected from boys like your fellow companions to refuse such aid madam, but from a lass such as you? Surely you didn't mean what you said." Raising his eyebrows and looking down while walking around in circled he kept on to everyone, yet no one at the same time: "Plus, I might add... Hustin von Goldentac knows how to reach any destination in a safely manner."

@alberozuko you roll did not registered so I took the liberty of doing it for you. The roll was a mighty 19, becoming a 24 with your bonus. Some knowledge shall be shared with you.
Insight result: Confidence does not seem to be lacking in the boy's speech. His voice is steady, despite him still catching his breath. It could be the fact that he's talking of himself at the third person. The lad seemed more evasive to your eyes when he implied he knew "how to reach any destination in a safely manner". It's hard to know for sure if he is himself uncertain of that fact or simply part of it.

2018-10-29, 10:26 AM
Suddenly, William entered town again. The rest of the group could choose whether or not to follow him, but either way he had a plan; he was going to try and find this kid's parents. Hopefully they could keep him on a tighter leash.
Something tells me that this kid is an orphan, but it's worth a try...

Here's my character sheet, in case I need to make any rolls; https://www.dndbeyond.com/profile/GM_3826/characters/5787804

I'm going to make some checks preemptively:
Intelligence: [roll0]
Wisdom: [roll1]
Wisdom (Perception): [roll2]
Charisma: [roll3]

2018-10-29, 11:30 AM
Sarissa sighs. Can you fight? At all? she asks, gesturing to herself and her heavily armed companions.

2018-10-31, 04:39 AM

Todd (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1711442)
turn skipped for inactivity

Galeenar (https://docs.google.com/document/d/184wtTSGvySePLNBFjMWFG-03kXUUm8gAjCHQ3rdHaVg/edit)

Sarissa Sinclair (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1712615)

Jeremy Deville (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1717863)

William Adcock (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/5787804)

Sheet error!

turn skipped for inactivity

As William went back into the city his research were facilitated by the agitation of the first big scale mission. After a couple raise of shoulders, he got a straight answer from a woman wearing a long green robe. "von Goldentac?" she asked chuckling. "That is absurd. This must be our young Bill Hustin, well... William Hustin his name is." Loreila explained widely what William Adcock feared. The boy was indeed an orphan. She, and a few other women of the village took the children that lost their parents after the first attack under their wings. Used a building meant as a school and turned it into an orphanage. "The boy is reckless. He is always talking about how he is gonna avenge his parents. You know... We might have been in this world for years, but children do not develop as they would by aging naturally. They keep this foolishness, this lack of fear even if they lived longer in hear than out there." The caregiver paused. "I fear good sir that he will still try his luck with another group until he succeed and I cannot manage to keep that close of an eye on Billy. Would you mind talking the boy straight? He might listen more to a man fit to war than us I'm afraid."

* * *

Proudly putting his fists on his hips before taking out a dagger by the tip of its handle out towards the sky, Hustin said: "Can I? There never was more capable hands holding this blade!" And what a blade it was. The weapon was clearly not your typical to-go dagger that everyone carried around as both a tool and a side weapon. This was fit to be in a collection or in the display case of a blacksmith showing off his work. Too caught up in his story to notice one protagonist leave into town, the boy kept on with his story. "This sword..." he told, even if in his childish hands it fitted almost like a short sword it was still only a dagger. "came to me in a dream, called out to me! I lost it once, back when I was still a child, and it came back. Since then I never allow Thrusty to leave my side." Despite the weirdness and improbability of his story, it somehow sounded true. The boy, finally using the right pronoun to refer to himself, believed he was meant to own this weapon. It was unlikely that the event occurred as he described it, but surely he did not just stumbled into the blade.

I know not everyone has posted yet and I replied more than once within the week. I did so, so the story could go on a bit faster on events that are not in the heart of action. Role playing is of course the biggest part of a game of pen and papers such as this. If you'd rather play the game a bit slower and prefer that I wait until everyone has a say in every type of encounter, simply say so either through our Discord channel, private message here or in the OoC thread that started this journey. For this matter, I will not go with a majority. A single demand regarding this will suffice as I do not wish to penalize anyone for having less opportunity to post on the forum.

2018-10-31, 07:01 AM
To Jeremy, this intervention makes the situation clear. This child is probably so much of a hassle that the good knights have decided
to leave him with us, preferably away, and preferably in a dangeorus place; see if he becomes more mature, more humble... or a cadaver.
In any case, the expected moral qualms might be enough to dissuade the good knights. Maybe a compromise is in order.

"To bring an inexperienced fighter to a mission with such danger, as my companion says, is nothing short of risk-inducing. The chances he downright perishes are high. And yet, I am reminded of others' first missions. The recklesness and willingness to act spontaneously surely was something everyone has had once in their lifetimes.

"But." And with this he raised his hand with as much aothority as he could command, which was pretty much none at all. Master Galenaar, Master Sarissa, Master William; I will not intercede for taking such an extra risk, which could easily obfuscate us. But also, even you must admit the seriousnes of the situation, the urgency of our territory, and the need to make quick, if risky choices. Today an inexpirienced man he may be, but with the experience, he will be stronger for the victory, and whether he is to succeed, or flee, he will learn a lesson for the future; one that could become trascendental to hsi survival, or even others' survival. I only ask that he'd be given a chance to prove his words.

Now, even if he were to be refuted his choice, his responsibility in the matter is safely passed over to others. Genious! Now whatever they choose to do, with his reputation secured on all fronts, is meaningless to him. Such half-hearted speeches, with the intention of obfuscating his real morals, a custom quite common to Kol Korran's worshippers. Demagogy is a topic he had learn quite extensively in the past, or at least he thinks so. Of course, he'd be better off without the extra baggage, and he still has a feeling this could be a thinly veiled trap.

No, no, let us wait for their response, then if need be, i can establish the terms for his employment. I surely will be able to prevent any antics with the proper leverage...

2018-10-31, 11:12 AM
...Didn't think that his real name anyway. William thought as he started heading back to meet up with the group. Once he got there, he spoke up again.

"Hustin?" William says. I know its not his real name, but it's more convenient when he has the same name I do... Besides, it is his last name. "..."

William realizes that Jeremy is still arguing that they bring the boy along.

"...Are you out of your mind? No kid should be subjected to that. It doesn't matter if he will "come out stronger"; that's not something someone his age should have to experience."

William sighs as he turns around to look at Hustin.

"Is there no way you will listen to reason?" He frowns. "I recognize this seems a bit... contradictory, but perhaps it'd be better if we showed you what it was like ourselves. Then we can see about whether or not you want to go home. It's a terrifying world out there, but all the talk in the world could never show you that. Better to go monster hunting now, see how you do, and then, when we know whether or not you will enjoy such a thing, we take you home or bring you along. It's a bit longer of a trip, but I think it will be worth it."

...Let's scare him straight. He thought.

2018-10-31, 12:38 PM
"You think he should be given a chance to prove himself? Perhaps he can." Galenaar turns to the child before him. "Come, face me. If you can defeat me in a fistfight, you can come along."

2018-11-02, 07:36 PM

Todd (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1711442)
turn skipped for inactivity; LAST WARNING

Galeenar (https://docs.google.com/document/d/184wtTSGvySePLNBFjMWFG-03kXUUm8gAjCHQ3rdHaVg/edit)

Sarissa Sinclair (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1712615)

Jeremy Deville (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1717863)

William Adcock (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/5787804)

Sheet error!

turn skipped for inactivity; LAST WARNING

William Hustin laid his heroic pose down as he frowned staring madly at the lot. First to Jeremy: "Inexperienced? I'll show you inexperienced!" The boy walked straight towards Galenaar with fierce eyes. He pushed his dagger flat on William as he passed him. "Hold Thrusty, It'll be over soon." His tone was dead serious, colder than a frozen lake. Rolling his sleeves up, there was just about five feet separating him from his target.

Upon closer look, William could see a small marking on the bottom part of the blade. A signature perhaps. It looked like the letter "H" shaped by a long snake-like creature.

Time to roll initiative for this one. You can roll wherever as long as you link the proof. I kinda forgot how it goes here so I rolled mine manually (perk of being the GM). You can use our Discord channel (command "!roll 1d20+#"; # being your modifier). This way you will know who post when. Lower than 20, you play after Hustin von Goldentac.
Otherwise GM_3826, you can also make a nature check or a history check to determine the exact creature used on the blade as a signature.

2018-11-03, 12:07 PM
Rolling nature. [roll0]

2018-11-03, 12:25 PM
Sarissa finds a spot to sit and watch. She hopes that Galenaar will be sure to not really hurt the kid.

2018-11-04, 08:00 AM
Well, this certainly became choatic quickly, thought Jeremy. A subtle attempt at peleasing all bases provoking
an umpleasant situation was something quite usual to him, and every time it happened he'd just put his hand on the bridge of his nose while trying to look
extremely dissapointed.

On the other hand, he has succesfully passed responsilibility, which is always a plus. Lack of liability is the number one way of avoiding trouble,
even while you are actively causing it. Specially when so.

"Just make sure not to force me to ask Kol Korran, miracles do not grow on trees. On the other hand,
it's a duel accepted by both parties, so I suppose it's under regulations... i guess. Not that I would condone a brawl like this,a nd that I would prefer if the matter
was resolved by other means."

Still, always improtant to indicate the reciprocity, don't want to end having to pay consequences if the poor sod ends with a black eye. In any case,whether he is deemed worthy or not, he'd have to make sure that he does not get himself killed while on the road.

That symbol could be religious, it at least warrants a check. My bonus is + 3. 1d20

2018-11-05, 07:25 AM

Todd (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1711442)
turn skipped for inactivity; LAST WARNING

Galeenar (https://docs.google.com/document/d/184wtTSGvySePLNBFjMWFG-03kXUUm8gAjCHQ3rdHaVg/edit)
Initiative: 4

Sarissa Sinclair (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1712615)
Initiative: unrolled

Jeremy Deville (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1717863)
Initiative: 17

William Adcock (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/5787804)
Initiative: 17

Sheet error!

turn skipped for inactivity; LAST WARNING

Hustin von Goldentac was at arms' reach from Galenaar, so was his fist. In an overly eager attempt to inflict a lesson to the elf, the boy missed by almost a feet. He looked up with his eyes boiling with anger and teeth pushing tightly together. A sensible cord was clearly stroke.

@alberozuko I presume your character took a peek toward the blade for him to even notice the mark. Unfortunately religion has nothing to do with it (although this raised a question: you said your modifier for religion is +3, but when refering to your character sheet, it should be +0 (10 Int; no proficiency)). I took the liberty to roll for an nature/history check on your behalf on our Discord channel. An unfortunate natural 1 that you can see in the dice-roll section.
Anyone that can see the mark on the blade will be required to make either a nature or history check regarding to this. It is a simple DC10. No need to force it, as you will most likely inspect it at one time or another.

2018-11-05, 09:31 AM
"...Hold still." William said, as he ran towards Hustin. Then, he attempted to grab him, aiming to restrain him for as long as he could.

Maybe we could intimidate him into stopping? We can't just beat up on this kid...

I have the highest Athletics score, so in spite of my mediocre Strength score, I'm the best at this. Figures.

2018-11-05, 10:23 AM
"Wait! Let him go, we agreed to this." Galenaar responds.

2018-11-05, 02:45 PM
Holy. Kol. Korran. That mark on that blade is clearly, clearly, the mark of an incredibly powerful demon, only whispered in teh cloisters as the "Slaughter demon".
His weapons have the totally real property of... slaughtering things! He thinks. Actually he's not so sure, but he was not gonna take the chance.

"Careful people, that man has a demonic blade! Lord of Slaughter begone!

He then proceeds to flail around in panic for several seconds before realizing he's making a fool of himself in public. Then regret comes.

"Ahem, eh, yeah. Careful with it okay? Yeah"

He spends the rest of his round casting Regret Self, which isn't a real spell, but if it was, he'd be casting it right now. The amount of humilliation has completely broken his aura of tranquility and composure. Completely unacceptable.

Well, I'm glad I put the sheet up, because apparently I can't read my own numbers. Also, I'm obvs taking teh chance to roleplay the fumble, those things are awalys F U N. Also all the info my character brought up most certianly exists only inside of his head. Accept no subtitutes.

2018-11-06, 08:12 PM

Todd (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1711442)
turn skipped for inactivity; LAST WARNING

Galeenar (https://docs.google.com/document/d/184wtTSGvySePLNBFjMWFG-03kXUUm8gAjCHQ3rdHaVg/edit)
Initiative: 4

Sarissa Sinclair (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1712615)
Initiative: unrolled

Jeremy Deville (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1717863)
Initiative: 17

William Adcock (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/5787804)
Initiative: 17

Sheet error!

turn skipped for inactivity; LAST WARNING

Held tightly in the grasp of William, the one who named himself Hustin von Goldentac shouted: "Argh! Let me go, let me go, let me go!" Then, with a glimmer in the corner of his eyes glimpsing over Jeremy embarrassing himself he added taking a more sinister, yet still childish voice: "You will suffer the wrath of Goldentac if you do not release me at once! I command you..!"

The boy was pushing here and pulling there in hope to be free from the hold the ranger had on him. All of that was in vain as his strength couldn't compare to that of a grown adult.

Well, there are no "critical failure" on skill check, but it is always more entertaining to assume so or play it so. This reminds me that you all start with an inspiration point. I think you do by a raw reading of the rules, but still. If it wasn't the case, alberozuko would have gained one right there. I'm no diminishing any roleplay made at our virtual table, I actually have been impressed by it, I'm just a sucker for theatrical failures. I'm pretty certain that I will be generous with them; there is little need to keep them for the right moment (after all, it is not a automatic success).

2018-11-07, 08:36 PM
William sighed. "Promise to stay home and I will release you."

2018-11-11, 07:35 AM
At this point any possibility of getting a meatshield is out the charts. The complete trampling of teh regulations ahs turned this situation into a bar brawl.
There is nothing else to obtain here.

"You know what, do what you think it's right. I'm sure whatever you choose, it'l be fine. Also, child,
you have certianly provided a strong argument... for us not taking you in. You see a beggining of a contrvance and you resort to petty threats? Unnaceptable. If it were in my hands, I'd have you turn a metal bar into a needle. I am done here, let me know when we are ready to depart."

This is a very known technique, the "Annoyed rant" tactic. Now that he has gone away, the attention is away from him, and hsi totally made-up outrage will serve asdeterrent to any further conversation. Plus he's done with all these shenanigans, and honestly can't wait to move forwards.

2018-11-11, 08:49 PM
Legacy trait

Todd (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1711442)
Character vanished

Galeenar (https://docs.google.com/document/d/184wtTSGvySePLNBFjMWFG-03kXUUm8gAjCHQ3rdHaVg/edit)

Sarissa Sinclair (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1712615)

Jeremy Deville (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1717863)

William Adcock (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1749360)

Sheet error!

Character vanished

Young William was still struggling both physically and psycho-socially to escape the grasp of the ranger. "I..!" the beginning of his sentence was interrupted by an abrupt, sharp electrical white noise paired with a pixel-ized multi-chromatic light emanating from the warforged and the wizard of the group. The two were gone as the second passed. A sinister gasp could be heard. This was clearly one of the two men taken by this strange event.

The sight was shocking. Not because it was painful to watch, but because never once in all those years in Volwich had something similar happened. Everyone knew what pixel were. Fiction comics books were drawn in pixels in this world as a funny reminder of how primitive human technology once was. This... thing... that just happened was frightening. More so since death is permanent. Was this phenomenon a new way of dying? Was it something else entirely?

Before people started to get their head straight, Hustin managed to react. "I warned you..!" His voice sounded hesitant at first as if he didn't have a clue about what just happened, but it made place to something more confident putting doubt whereas he might knew the reason why, simply spectated it for the first time: "Now let go of me pointy ears, we have a mission to accomplish."

Rokku and Kvard51's characters just vanished in front of your characters' eyes. Failure to respect our rules regarding participation added with a lack of response to direct messages dropped them out of the game. I thought this opportunity was as good as any to throw those weird disappearances in the story. For those two players, a comeback is still possible if contact is made, but I will only disclose privately the conditions of reintegration to avoid any real spoiler behind the phenomenon presented.

2018-11-11, 08:58 PM

Bill stopped.

He let go of Hustin almost reflexively, to bow in grief.

"...Over before it even begun. How... terrifying." He sighed.

"...Do you still want to concern yourself with this kid?" William looked at Galenaar. "I don't think we have time to worry about this any longer. Let the kid know for himself what a huge mistake he's making. We shouldn't have to waste time just beating up the kid in order to make him stay home."

He exchanged a glance with Hustin. "I know you're there. This is a conversation between him and I."

2018-11-12, 12:09 AM
"It's not of his doing. Had he done it, it would have been you or I who vanished, he made no threat against the others." To Hustin, Galenaar says, "Go home, kid. If something which can do that is targeting us, you don't want to be caught up in it."

2018-11-12, 06:26 PM
"It's not of his doing. Had he done it, it would have been you or I who vanished, he made no threat against the others." To Hustin, Galenaar says, "Go home, kid. If something which can do that is targeting us, you don't want to be caught up in it."

"I never said it was of his doing." William stared sternly at Galenaar. "But this kid won't budge. We don't have time to beat up this kid-which I still object to, by the way-when the moment he runs into a real monster he would run home to his mother... if he even had one. Best to just leave it alone and not worry about the little things than waste time trying to keep him in bed. There's a sense of urgency, now, that there wasn't when people didn't just disappear."

2018-11-16, 12:53 AM
"You're right. Let's get moving to that graveyard." Galenaar starts along the road once more.

2018-11-16, 09:19 AM
Legacy trait

Galeenar (https://docs.google.com/document/d/184wtTSGvySePLNBFjMWFG-03kXUUm8gAjCHQ3rdHaVg/edit)

Sarissa Sinclair (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1712615)
turn skipped for inactivity

Jeremy Deville (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1717863)
turn skipped for inactivity

William Adcock (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1749360)

And so, after being the first witness of people glitching out of Volwich, Charlie team went forth, leaving Hustin von Goldentac behind. The boy kept following them for a while, but soon gave up complaining about the lack of heroic bones present in the protagonists' bodies. The travel, short as it was, was tinted with an emotional heaviness. The first hours went by without any trouble. It's went the tension started to find a way out that something felt off.

A camp was settled in the middle of the road. It was no barrage as any mounted caravan could have gone right through without much difficulty. The camp would be devastated, but the travelers wouldn't have a scratch to prove their tale. A fire was still brazing, tents - about four could be counted from the distance - were set and the silhouette of a handful of humanoid were visible too. Searching their old knowledge of Volwich, no such event happened before. Random camp here and there? Sure, plenty. Never once was one of those in plain sight.

No need for an initiative roll just yet, but it might be coming in a near future so we will do one now through our Discord channel.

2018-11-16, 09:31 AM
"...This is the kind of situation in which we should try and use stealth. Everyone, follow me. I don't trust random tents out in the middle of nowhere." William whispered, before walking very slowly and as silently as possible past the tents.

2018-11-16, 11:12 AM
My, someone has either expected their arrival or someone wants whatever is ahead to be kept a secret. In any case nothing good could possibly come from confrontation.
Jeremy understands a camp is not something you'd make quickly but the extra time taken from the altercation before...

Hmm... couldthe whole thing have been constructed to slow us down, giving them time to prepare an ambush? Doesn't seem likely, but it feels too coincidental... I'll ahve to ask around a bit later... He thought. But first, he will reveal his options.

"I agree completely, this people may or may not be confrontational, but a thing like this here can only mean these people have no desire for tresspassers. Best to pretend that we do not exist, move silently, and move along. I may also employ a blessing of Kol Korran, but my lord will only allow me this power once today. I may also employ a disguise, if you think that is the way to go."

2018-11-25, 07:51 AM
Legacy trait

Galenaar (https://docs.google.com/document/d/184wtTSGvySePLNBFjMWFG-03kXUUm8gAjCHQ3rdHaVg/edit)
turn skipped for inactivity

Sarissa Sinclair (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1712615)
Character disappeared

Jeremy Deville (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1717863)

William Adcock (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1749360)

As the men sneaked into the border between the forest and the road, Galenaar noticed the reduced number in their rank and the difficulty of the task ahead growing accordingly. Two of them already vanished mysteriously and he recalled the odd disappearance of Sarissa Sinclair too. Earlier during the travel, without saying much she turned back. It was still unclear if she was deserting or really had something urgent to tend to. Nonetheless she abandoned them to their task.

Once the group acting as a single shadow approached the ominous camp at a safe distance a most disturbing image became visible. There in the middle of the road was group of human, as real as the protagonists were. They could identify most of the faces. What made the scene even creepier was the look on their faces. Each one of them were staring in the distance sipping coffee or tending to the fire. Fear and anguish were written all over them. It was if they were waiting for something that they wish would never come.

2018-11-26, 04:34 AM
Jeremy felt a tinge of discomfort; but observed the situation.

These people do not actually want to fight, do they? Maybe there is a chance for diplomacy to solve the problem...

Of course, you don't have to deal with problems that never happened, so they idea of sneaking around still felt like the right one. However, he realized that whoever is in charge of this, must be quite powerful to be able to command them to do this. More investigation may be required later on.

"We may be able to dupe them through words, but I'd like some info first to gain advantage, in that case. I might call upon the blessings of Kol korran for this one; this people are expecting company." He whispered. He was good at talkign low enough that noone would notice him; Jeremy was not enthused about listeners.

2018-12-20, 05:00 PM
This campaign came to an end after consultation with its remaining players. The main reason to this halt is the lack of participating players in regards of the required players for the game's plot.

I thank every players that participated and made it to this point.
