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2018-10-10, 07:07 PM
It was a far from the usual meeting point

The Hellhole was a famous landmark all across the 32nd Level of Impemire III, though not for a reason that draws most tourists. One of the most tumultuous and dangerous floors of the underhive due to a power struggle between three major gangs that had carved the inhabitable parts of the floor between them, the Hellhole was built dead centre in the 'neutral' sector around the industrialized area, the DMZ that made it a meeting point of sort between the warring factions. Founded by a retired mercenary leader and catering specifically too the tension, it was an establisment people didn't visit without a reason or without trying to make a statement – and not a place most sensible runners, mercenaries or the like would visit if they enjoy being free of bullet holes.

So of course, the anonymous notes you'd all received promising a job that'd make you rich beyond belief, one dropped into your usual haunts and waiting for you, wanted you to meet here. Either through the promise of endless wealth, the alure of danger and infamy, or the fact this Jhonson had info on who you where off the job, you've taken the plunge to meet them and have come too the Hellhole this night.

As the harsh neon lights set into the ceiling of the floor dimmed to signal the dawn of night, you arrive at an old State-Sec riot bunker converted into the bar, the establishments name printed in faded red paint onto the heavy steel exterior, with only a single sliding door as the entrance, watched by a scarred yet smiling bouncer. Entering the bar, you walk right into a air of tension, the telltale and familiar edge that comes from a brewing storm enveloping you as you step in and take in the scene.

The room is harshly lit by flourescent tubing running across the ceiling, a number of tables spread out across the floor haphazardly, furnitre carefully strewn around the single room to give the impression of a riot or sacked building, yet all firmly bolted in place – and giving a clear firing line from the door and bar to any part of the building should it be required. There's no music, no vidscreens – this isn't the kind off establishment where people come for comfort or entertainment.
Where once had been a weapons locker had been built the bar, a strip of plast-steel and ceramics with a see-through bullet proof pane reaching from the top of the bar too the ceiling, open windows to serve the customers undercutting it's use as a shield. Just another part of the aesetic. The Weapons Locker still served it's old purpose, several old fashioned but well maintained guns on display, but alongside them where multi-coloured bottles of every kind of drink imaginable, from imported delicacies to underhive moonshine that could double as brake fluid. The barkeep, a grizzled man with half his face replaced by ugly millitary prosphetics, pours out a round of drinks for the patrons, calling one of the four barmaids to take it. Two more soldiers like the bouncer out front sat near the door, and a third at a door set into the back of the building, relaxed but keeping an eye on the room. A couple of Magnemites float around the room, the small servo-pokemon linked to the local network, taking orders and carrying smaller loads back and forth.

A small group of 'off-duty' State-Sec officers where sat at the bar, helmets off but still dressed in full riot armour, their standard-issue sidearms openly worn, as they downed shot after shot in tense silence, a haggard look on each's face and clearly still on guard and a row of shot glasses spread across the countertop as they wished they could be anywhere else.
Across the way from them, around a number of desks pushed together sat a gaggle of hive gangers warily eying the State-Sec troopers, each one bearing scraps of tied off yellow fabric and a gang mark of a cubone skull impailed with a knife; members of the Scarlights, the largest gang of the area, and one infamous for their violent induction rights, wide and wild membership of youths and near monthly raids into other sectors or even floors, hitting elevators en masse for seemingly no reason than glory and bloodshed.
The tension was met with a third corner, a smaller group of Gangers in the far corner though ones that held themselves with a much more dangerous air than the rowdy clamour of the Scarlights. Six men and two women staring down both groups as they nursed an assortment of drinks, each member bearing at least one metal limb spray-painted blue, matching the colour of their scarfs and the same brushed steel of the rifles strapped to their backs. One off the barmaids was sat on their leader's knee, wearing the same scarf tied around her neck, over her uniform. the bluebloods where another of the major gangs, less violent than the Scarlights though no less dangerous, especially since they made no secret their connections to some of the hive's major arms dealers - or their leaders aspirations to spread their power far beyond just the local hab blocks or the floor itself.
And in the far corner is an auspiciously empty table, where a small group of mismatched fellows where sat, watching the room; a pink haired girl with the tats of a ganger, but carrying herself with the grace and confidence of a prime liepard, a man in heavy armour making a show of openly cleaning and maintaining a freshly printed Laser Rifle, occassionally flashing a wolfish smile too the three other groups as if daring something to start, and lastly a man dressed like an off-worlder, with finely cut though faded suit, most of his face obscured by a flickering hologram mask, save a strong jawline and slicked back black hair, the man looking almost calm despite the atmosphere. Six more seats where laid around the table, and as you enter, those gathered they cast you an appraising glance

2018-10-11, 08:26 AM
No matter what you're made of, no matter how many notches are on your fightin' belt, this is not a place to walk barefoot into.

The redhead walked in wearing sandals. Cheep, synth-sandals you get after plunking a few coins into a half-functioning vending machine, things that look like they'd fall apart with a tap of the foot. Sophie is practically barefoot. Abnormally tall, athletic looking, kinda pretty but looking a bit haggard, her crimson bangs pulled back in a topknot, the rest of her hair free hanging, but her shoes aren't the only part of her that look off. Down below, she's wearing a dark gun-metal gray, ragged strip of canvas for a slitted skirt that is knotted into place, raising a question or two as it's clearly scavenged. Up top, however, she wears a much used but verygood black tac-vest that is surely plated on the inside, professional, and the final piece of the walking puzzle is she openly carries a honedge slotting into the back of that vest.

That honedge seems ornery. Its eye keeps darting around the room with a scowl, as if daring someone to cause trouble. Sophie has to grab her scarf arm before it can make any rude gestures, only giving her troublesome sword a harsh, quick growl before tromping through the bar, not having to do much to clear a path. To be frank this tall woman is either crazy or trouble or both, and some of the patrons may want to scoot away not wanting to deal with such a hassle. She looks back at the entrance, as if she had come with someone, but mostly just focuses on getting to the table with empty chairs, come what may, clearing a small path.

"Aquilonia, stay right where you are," Sophie hisses again as she gets closer. Her sword seemed to take the big guy with the gun's smile as an invite to stir up trouble, but the iron in her master's voice keeps her in place.

2018-10-11, 08:57 AM
Kowalski was at the bar entrance one second and in his seat the next with a faint buzz from the speed he hit. Those sitting next to him get their hair raised by his electrical aura. He had dressed up decent with in a black runner jacket and pants with a nice fedora rather than the shorts and t-shirt he usually wore. He had a massive almost painful looking grin on his face. He tips his hat to the lady, the guy with the gun and the foreigner. He takes off his bag and puts it beside him. On the inside his frog lazily licks it's eyes waiting for a signal. He orders a drink and looks at the foreigner who judging from his mask was the Jhonson.

2018-10-11, 11:24 AM
When Rika entered the room it was as if a bright spot of pink had begun to shine in the dingy red and black streaked atmosphere. The soft looking gal was clearly out of place as she peered around uncertainly. Her clothing was of somewhat sturdy construction but it was still much frillier than a hellhole like this would normally see, stockings, a high waisted skirt cinched around her abdomen, and a long sleeved shirt. Very obviously casual wear meant for the upper levels than proper street wear. Trailing behind her with several of its data scarfs wrapped loosely around Rika's left arm was her porygon2. Bobbing around and keeping watch as Rika hesitantly made her way to the table.

2018-10-11, 02:12 PM
With her royal blue dress of noble quality and confident smile, Alice steps into the bar appearing completely oblivious to how her upper life appearance clashes with everything in this bar short of Rika. The only identifiers distinguishing herself from some lost noble would be the medical textbook she is carrying in one arm that has some very faint dried blood on the spine. The other would be the rather large automatic double barreled shotgun slung onto her back. Running a hand through her golden hair, Alice walks toward the mostly empty table with grace in her step.

2018-10-14, 01:05 AM
Noba swaggers into the bar with her garishly colored clothing and make-up before pausing to fix one of her chain scrunchies and take a nice deep breath of the smell of the bar. She speaks to the little ball of malice and poisonous gas beside her in an undertone before it vanishes into thin air. " Ilove that smell, that's the smell of **** about to go down."

She pops her sunglasses out of one of her utility pockets and slides them onto her face before. ontinueing her swagger up to the bar. "Yo metal head! Give me a shot of the good stuff and a nice chaser I can mull over for my dastardly plans. Put it on the suits tab."

After she grabs her drink and heads over she practically collapses into a chair and pops her feet up onto the table and tosses the shot back. She feels a cold gas brush her leg and knows that Loki is around which makes her grin a dangerous Cheshire cat grin. "So rich, infamous, and dangerous sounds to good to be true to me. What's the catch holo head?"

2018-10-17, 06:44 PM
“Thank you, my friends, for your timely arrival. Though I chose the venue, I hardly think it's a place we want to stay long... well, most of us anyway” he added, his digitally shrouded face turning towards Noba and the gun-toating mercenary, who flashed a slightly deranged smile at the rest of the table, a couple of gold teeth flashing in the flourescent lights.

As everyone got seated around the table, the air was heavy with anticipation. Besides the welcome, no-one around the table seemed ready to speak, the Suit merely watching the door and checking an ornate antique timepeace, seemingly growing agitated – or as much can be seen through the mask, as his rigid, steely, posture never changed.
The merc kept his eyes on the gangs, matching stares and daring them to start something, and throwing more than a few rude gestures their way, several empty mugs laid out before him already. The pink haired runner, on the other hand, seems to be trying to avoid the sight, and looking at her, you can't help notice some simmilarities between her gang tats and those of the Scarlight rabble. The tense air continued even as one of the barmaids came with everyone's drinks – another ale for the merc and a matching drink for Kowalski, and a shimmering opaue drink for Noba, the light reflecting off it like an oil-slick rainbow and smelling faintly of peaches, sugar and battery acid. She also laid down a shot glass at each seat of the table, leaving a bottle of off-world vodka in the centre of the table.

Eventually, when the sound of the bar had reached a cantankerous din - the tensions between the gangs flaring into shouted insults and thrown drinks and rattled weapons almost on cue - contrasting the silence around your table, as if thick enough you would need a power-kife to cut it, the suit cleared his throat and addressed the table, just loud enough to be heard over the noise, but soft enough no-one far away could pick it up

“So, I feel we have waited long enough. shall we get down to business? I am sure you all know why I called you here – and why I regret I cannot trust you with my identity. I trust that since you have decided to come, unlike three of our invited guests, the offer sparked at least some curiosity and the promised reward tempting. I will admit, I may have chosen a poor venue, but it did weed out those without the nerve to undertake this task” The suit egan, his voice dry and monotone, a static-ey edge to the words from a filter to disguse his tone, though traces of an accent peak through. The man keeps his hands crossed on the table, fingers together and elbows resting on the stamped plastic surface “And nerve is something you will need, as this will not be an easy job”
“In three days time, at precicely 8:00, FaultMere Medicare will be holding a soiree, the first public event they have held in the past ten years. To this extent, they have inviting the dignitaries of the three Great Factions and every would be merchant and arms dealer to rub shoulders, make merry and sell the weapon that may well spell the end for the galaxy. Everyone, that is, save a few interested parties I represent, who would very much like to partake in the deal without having to take tablescraps and cast-offs” The merchant's mechanical voice takes on an edge of anger, the man's shoulder's rising slightly.
While every eye will be on the party and the corporation bask in their success, for possibly the first time in the last decade, the legendarily impenetrable security of the megacorp will be fractured, open. It is perhaps the one chance to get in and get out alive. It is a window of opportunity we cannot afford to miss, and the groundwork has been set. All that remains to be established, is a team of highly skilled specialists to perform the operation itself; That is where you come in, if you choose to accept this proposition.” He let the words hang for a moment – even with the summons and the missive, it was a massive risk and undertaking; in the past two decades, FaultMere had grown into the single largest power on the planet, cordoning off massive segments of the city purely for their own use ammasing almost three whole levels just for their private estates, to say nothing of smaller holding all across Nove Evos, and their private security forces where rumoured to match or exceed the citywide StateSec in numbers – and where far better equiped. Asking you to run behind enemy lines in a war may have been a safer and saner request.
“I do not think I need to tell you what the target is. The much vaunted genetic key. FaultMere's grail and elixer and the only reason anyone gives a damn about this humid hellhole of a world. No offence intended, of course” He added with a dry laugh, made almost inhuman by the filter,, casting a glance at the Impemire natives
“Retrieve a pure sample from their labs – untainted and undiluted, not the contaminated dreck they allow to fall into the hands of others – and you will be rewarded handsomely enough to live in ease and decadence. If you can retrieve the research data and records into the compound as well, the reward will be tippled. If you can do so while finding a way to disrupt Lord Mere's party and leave FaultMere's reputation in shambles, then I will personally ensure you receive more wealth than you could ever know what to do with. Even if you are unsuccessful at retrieving a sample of the targets, should you return alive and unseen, we will compensate you for every secret or product you can obtain. This will not be an easy task, I will not try too convince you it is safe or simple, but never has one changed the world by being safe or sane.”
“Now, I will admit I like to hear myself talk, but I fear I have droned on long enough to bore away any danger or excitement. Any questions, my freinds?”

The pink haired woman looks like she's poised to say something, casting a dark glance at the StateSec officers at the bar that had cast more than one glance this way, before biting her tounge and looking deathly pale. The mercenary man, seemingly bored of polishing his rifle, just takes a look around the table, taking in faces and trying to match them to reputation, before shaking his head with a wide grin

“So, lemme get this strait, you want us to break into one of the most heavily defended places on the planet, nab something we have no clue where it even is... and you won't even tell us how much yer offering besides 'lots'. Like this aint gonna end with a knife in the back... but hell, it's just ****in' crazy enough that win or loose, no-one'll forget us! You got yourself the services of the best damn gunman in this half of the galaxy” he asks in a deep timbre, boisterous and brash and full of cynical mirth.“The names Rorax, formerly of the right royal army of the three dukes of Yavin-2. y'all might know me as the man who put a bullet in the head of High Theocrat Preaton three moons over.” he adds, addressing not the employer but everyone around the table

2018-10-20, 12:02 AM
Noba sips the fruity drink and sighs in contentment "Ahhhh the faint acid taste is what makes this thing delicious!"

Noba listens tot he mission info and the more she hear the larger her smile gets the more jittery her leg gets as it bounces up and down. She glances down at her digs and Poke balls as he mentions the party with a considering look before grinning a large and toothy grin "Well you sweet talker. You had me at bonus money for interfering with the party. Now if you want a girl to crash a party and wreck it then look no further! Though hopefully you'll provide the clothes and accessories cause I don't think ganger chic will do it. As for breaking into heavily armed secure facilities it isn't my normal line of work but I'm willing to give it a try."

She holds her glass up to the gun totting mercenary "To the crazy enterprises that get us famous... or at least let us die loud!"

2018-10-20, 12:22 AM
Kowalski drains his Bottle and Grins even harder at the rest of the people at the table. "Sounds absolutely wondrous. How bad are we allowed to trash the place? Either way count me in!

2018-10-20, 02:54 PM
Sophie, it should be noted, didn't ask for a drink so unless someone offers her one, she remains dry at this meeting. Up close, it becomes apparent that she has red furred ears nestled in her hair, blending in pretty well though it's not apparent that they are real until they begin to perk up of their own accord at a few points during the talk of business.

"Oh dear, this certainly seems like an undertaking. But...Is there any chance that we're not the only ones wanting to ...crash the party?" She pauses, letting out a pointed sigh as Aquilonia keeps making a rather rude gesture at Rorax, trying to get him to see it. Her sword stops once it hears her. "Surely you're not the only one who's realized this opportunity; can you warn us about any potential ...rivals?"

She steeples her hands "Otherwise, your terms are pretty generous. She, " she motions towards Noba, Raises a point though that we may need some compensation for formal attire if we're to blend in at the party-- even briefly-- though I can assure you that I ruin dresses rather easily..." Aquilonia the honedge pokes at Sophie, and makes a few not-so-rude gestures, including the pantomime of chucking something. A pokeball?

"Oh! Thank you Aquilonia, that makes amends for your crass moment earlier. *Ahem* If there are pokemon among the research material you've mentioned, do we have the discretion to keep them for ourselves, provided they don't play a key part of the main prize? And we will need a drop off and pick up point."

2018-10-21, 09:13 AM
Alice politely listens in silence to what the group's employer is telling them while holding onto her medical textbook in thought. "I would like to echo some of the sentiments of the others here. What are you willing to supply us with for extracting other secrets that may be contained?" She asks. "No doubt that we will require high capacity storage for extracting any real secrets from their computer system."

2018-10-24, 03:43 PM
Rika clutches at porygon2's as she listens to the contact's spheal. FaultMere. The big apple. It wasn't as if every company didn't have rumors of pokemon abuse floating about but they were one that Rika had always held back from investigating due in part to their rapid expansion. And now someone wanted to throw them head on...

"I feel like trashing the place would hurt our chances of succeeding..." Rika says quietly in response to the two more rambunctious members of the group. Her eyes flick to Sophie as the mention of pokemon, did she know something Rika didn't? "My companion," The porygon2 give a trilling series of beeps. "can likely deal with anything computer related though any assistance in the matter would be wonderful."

2018-10-26, 06:53 PM
"Me and my associates have managed to secure a number of invites from other dignitaries who have been... 'unfortunately' indisposed and where unable to attend. We are willing to provide suitable attire and transportation to the venue - enough to pass the first layer of security" the Suit said, directed towards Nobu and Sophie "though it will require you to act the part of influential merchants, powerful nobles or simpering socialiates, at least until you are in the party." he cast a side-glance at Kowalski, Nobu and Rorax "though I am sure you can manage. From there, once you are on the factory floor, I would recommend changing into less glamorous and more practical attire - though afterwards you are free to do with the clothes as you wish. A small momento and gift, from us to you, if you will"

When Sophie asked about competition, he paused for a moment, then you heard a digital sound that it took a moment to realize was a small sigh filtered through the mask "You are no doubt correct, Miss Sophie. It is certain we are not the only group with our eyes on the Genetic Key - and even when me and my associates came together, we had others refuse to work with us, wanting the prize purely for themselves. There is simply no chance this is the only such operation planned" he leaned into the table, fingers steepled together "If I had to make an educated guess, most threats outside of FaultMere security would come from groups of runners and mercenaries hired to take advantage of the situation, much like yourselves. Even with security stretched, no-one would be a fool enough to try a frontal assault - especially not with a building full of the power players of the galaxy also on the premise."
"Though I regret to say, I cannot offer any specific details about who or what - FaultMere has many enemies and even many of it's allies would dearly love to find it's secrets..." he said with an apologetic half-shrug, his mouth set in a firm line as if thinking. For a moment he was silent, then he spoke again
"...no, that's not quite correct. I may have something I can tell you Two of the contractors we approached turned us down, hinting they had already been hired for the task; it is conjecture to say you will encounter them, but be aware of the assassin, Dias Mora and the hacker who calls herself Umbra. I would warn you to be aware of them; both are know to be quite deadly"

At the mention of the second name, the pink haired ganger visibly pales. She motions almost as if she's ready to leave the table and bolt right now, but a quick cast around the room makes her sit, though it's clear from her face and body language she considers this a terrible mistake.

When Alice asked about data recovery, you could see a slight smile grace the Suits face beneath the staticky hologram mask. Reaching into the lapel pocket of his suit, the man placed a strange, black and red pokeball onto the table before him. Unlike the smooth and simple balls used by most, this one was covered in crisscrossing wires, a digital screen set into the curved surface, showing a seemingly sleeping pokemon that resembled a glitched and corrupted porygon, though surrounded by an electrical aura. Most curiously, however, was that rather than a release button, the pokeball had a data jack cable. "A fine point, Miss Alice. In regards to securing the information we need, this should prove sufficient to transfer any information you find, in addition to scouring the system it was taken from to cover your tracks. It's not as subtle or versatile as your companion there, Miss Rika, but it should serve you well. Do be careful, however, as it is somewhat... fragile and temperamental" As the suit talks about the pokemon, you can notice almost a hint of pride and warmth in his voice, behind the digital static,

Soon that little bit of emotion was gone, and he returned to the stiff, buisness-like manner he had maintained throughout the meeting. Reaching over, he grabbed the bottle of spirits he had ordered from the center of the table, starting to pour out a shot for each person at the table as he spoke "Lastly, In regards to any damages to the venue or FaultMere property, or the acquisition of any goods or pokemon, I leave that entirely up to your digression; It would be crass of me to tell you how to perform an operation I am not a part of, and as you are the ones risking your lives directly, you should make the call yourself." He continued, adressing the last question, his tone returning to an emotionless cadence, both arms placed upon the table "At the end of the day, the priority is the sample and the data, but if you feel you can take or break something without jeapordizing the main operation, then you should take it; it may be a once on a life-time opportunity."
"Putting aside the interests of the group I represent and speaking personally, however, I ask you make it big enough that they cannot cover it up - go wild, as it where, so long as you can still escape anonymous and with the target. I'd much rather we all live too see this succeed, after all." he says, finishing pouring out shots.

"In regards to your dropzone..." at this you all hear a message tone from your pokedex's, almost drown out by the din of the bar. opening the devices, each of you have received a set of co-ordinates - down in the Green infested 1st level of the city "I hope todays meeting point set our expectations low. you will be met by our agents when you arrive, and I shall endevour to be present unless otherwise detained."

With that, and each shot glass filled, he flicks his wrist. you see a small hologram disk form underneat each glass as it zooms across the table, stopping before those seated there "Would there be anything else? If not, I would like to propose a toast, to mark our agreement"

Known as the digital ghost, Umbra is an infamous corporate spy and saboteur credited with hijacking the planet wide network of her home-world of Centurai 7 in a bid to help overthrow it's government and aid a rebel populace. Since then, she has mostly turned up in rumors or urban legends,, often associated with anti-corporate attacks or assisting civil unrest and dissent. if even half the rumors are true, she is a cyber savant, usually accompanied by two sleek houndooms, that can swiftly turn any electronic defenses to her service.

Dias Mora is a name with more blood to it. An assassin publicly charged with over 30 counts of murder, all performed in the same manner - a single slash to the throat in broad daylight, the target always in a crowd. He and his partner, a rust-winged Skarmory, where in high demand and public enemy number one across much of the sector until he was arrested - and aparantly executed, though rumors always floated around otherwise - three years ago after failing to kill a potent warper.

The pokemon inside the ball is a Porygon -Z, though it has been heavily modified, sporting characteristics also reminiscent of the Rotom line of digital ghosts. As far as you can tell, the pokemon has been modified to the point it has lost all physical presence, existing purely as a digital entity, and seems almost unresponsive to stimuli, only interacting through the screen or when linked to technology - it will be useless in battle, but the potential data storage is massive, and the modifications seem fit to make it a virus as well as a flash drive.

2018-10-29, 08:48 AM
Alice stares at the digital Porygon with interest for a moment and nods. She then grabs her shot glass and holds it up. "A toast, to our future success and riches!"

2018-10-29, 05:06 PM
Rika's eyes widen at the mention of the other contractors. Dias Mora was certainly someone she didn't want to run into but Umbra... There might be some common ground there. When the ball is revealed though Rika outright gasps and leans towards it while her porygon2 hovers over it uncertainly. This... Was exactly the kind of thing she wanted to avoid. It was reminicent of what had happened to her porygon2 yet this went so so much further.

She looks up at Suits uncertainly as he proposes a toast. If Rika went through with this job then would there be more pokemon that end up like this?

2018-11-02, 09:50 PM
Noba tips her head with a wink and then slams her drink back. "Keep what ya loot, crash a party, keep the fancy clothing, and lots of money. This is sweet scent to my ears my good fellow. I'm in, now pass that booze over here so I can get in on this toast, I seem to have finished mine."

She toasts the man and her erstwhile companions.

2018-11-02, 11:43 PM
Sophie takes a long look at the alcohol before she takes her drink, though she nurses it with gentle sips rather than kick it back. Her ears start to perk.

"Please, call me Miss Wolfgar. I would think going by my full name at the party--seeing as how my family suffered intense losses the last time we tried to overthrow the Meres-- my presence would start the spark of scandal, subterfuge or no. I'll need a very regal dress, but do be a dear, and let me know if anyone remotely connected to my fallen family are attending the party. I'll need to know just who to chat up." she smiles wanly and polishes off her drink.

"To our succes." she says before finishing, toasting with the others.

2018-11-06, 09:10 PM
“Of course, Miss Wolfgar, that can be aranged. As for your question, I'm afraid I cannot say. I would imagine an invite will have been sent, but I am not privy to full guest list. You may walk into an unexpected family reuinion. I trust that will not be a probl...?”

A gunshot cut clear through the din of the bar, and the Suit slumped forward, blood seeping from his shoulder. He puts a hand to the wound and pulls it away, staring at the blood slowly seeping from the hole. The room went silent as all eyes turned towards your table

The pink haired ganger stood from her chair, panic clear on her face, seemingly as taken aback by the events as everyone else, despite smoke rising from a concealed barrel in her cybernetic arms, pointed directly at your potential employer. Her eyes flash momentarily then she returns too the moment, panic replaced with terror. She quickly looks around the room then bolts for the rear door, barreling past the bouncer with surprising strength before he can react while shouting prayers at the top of her lungs.

A thud sounds as Reorax stands, knocking his chair too the ground and reaching for his gun as he recovers, quickly snapping off a shot...that just misses the fleeing girl and instead clips one of the Scarlight gangers, shattering the drink before him and leaving a scorching mark in another's leg.

“****, she got away” the merc says mildly, seemingly more concerned with missing the shot than hitting the ganger, as he takes another drink from the glass before him, not paying attention to the aftermath of his actions or the anger buzzing from the Scarlight gangers “anyone know how to patch a gunshot, or else we might be out a job?”

Almost as one, the group of hivers stand, knocking over tables and chairs and grabbing weapons or releasing pokemon in a flash of light, glares cast at you all. With a clatter of shattering glasses, sword curses andd the odd bloodthirsty whoop, eleven angry hivers are a few feet away, most gripping knives or pistols and a couple with larger weapons. A smattering of cubone, koffing and pawnard follow behind them. The girl who was shot is swearing intensely, shouting about killing you all. She scrambles for her weapon, a stub nosed shotgun, ignoring the dark looks of the bouncers and throwing caution too the wind as she takes aim, though she's stopped by one of her fellow gangers, shirtless and with far more elaborate tats – tattooes very similar to those the pink haired ganger had.

“Ey, easy there, Lia. It was an accident, I'm sure, right. No need for bloodshed yet, right. The night is young afterall. And I'm sure these folks will be happy to step outside and pay us back, right. A few thousand credits should do too say sorry, not too much to ask, right?” says the lead Gangers, a lean man who wholds himself with the easy air of someone used to getting his way, his face inches from Rika's. “Right, ladies? Or do we need to get a little... uncivil” he finishes, fingering an oversized handcannon on his belt as he flicks a pokeball between his knuckles. His tone and the look in his eye promise violence is only a few steps away and he almost looks like he's hoping you refuse.

the quartet of State-Sec troops do their best too ignore the racket, giving you a quick glance too see if anyone was important enough for them too have to risk their skin, then seemingly decided it was safer to play cleanup. The small gathering of bluebloods share a glance and an amused smirk, one of the women seemingly amused by the event but seemingly content to watch the floorshow right now. The barmaids used the time to make themselves scarce, and the barkeep had lowered a metal shutter over the open section on the bar.

2018-11-07, 09:53 AM
"Let's just say a family reunion would probably cause the chaos you waa--AAAaaargh!!!

Her gentle facade is shattered the moment the Johnson gets shot, Sophie grabbing her honedge just as the pink haired girl flees. Reddening eyes darting back and forth between where she ran off to and the slumping form of her would-be employer, Sophie opts to try to save him. Aquilonia, to the sword's credit, leaves Sophie's grasp and brandishes herself in the air, trying to clear others away from the man as Sophie lays him down on the floor and gets to work, yanking a white box from her vest and clicking it open.

Spending an AP, pulling out my first aid kit and I'll attempt to stabilize him/save his life.

Medicine Edu: [roll0]

The brutes wanting restitution barely distract her, but Sophie seems to be getting angrier the longer that guy talks, her eyes having shifted from amber to red even as she works to save a man's life. Aquilonia in turn, tries to help, brandishing about in the air even more.

"Wait your damn turn, pal-- I'm trying to bloody work over here!!! Step out of line while I'm working one more time you'll get a sword to the face for your stupid restitution! Rika, can you give me a hand over here?!"

Her honedge looks like she'd do it, too...

Aquilonia's Intimidate check: [roll1]

Now, I know Sophie's doing an extended action but if it's possible for her to also do an intimidate check--assuming her heal check lasts shorter than the other goons coming over-- then here's her intimidate: [roll2]

2018-11-07, 10:36 PM
Any smile on Alice's face vanished into a neutral expression as she witnesses the man in front of her take a bullet. She calmly sets down her shot glass as she stands from her chair. Seeing that their employeer appears to be in good hands, Alice decides to confront the ganger making a ruckus. She moves over to him and taps him on the shoulder. "I would suggest that you go back and take your seat." Alice states, a malicious smile beginning to form on her face. "However, if you are looking for a fight, I would be happy to accept your body as material to practice my surgical skills." she finishes- until something else comes to find. "Oh dear, I am not sure if I have a scalpel on hand-" she then shifts over to the right a bit to look at Rika and Sophie. "Dears, would any of you happen to have a scalpel I could borrow? It does not matter if it is sanitized or not- he likely won't live long enough to get an infection."

Rolling Intimidate: [roll0]

2018-11-07, 10:38 PM
Aquilonia jauntily hover-hops her way over to Alice to volunteer. She's a biiiig scalpel.

2018-11-07, 11:10 PM
Alice gleefully takes the offer and brandishes Aquilona, pointing her at the lead ganger. "Thank you dear, I'll make sure to clean you up afterward. After all, I wouldn't any Pokemon to be stained too long with anything at all a part of this man's biology."

2018-11-08, 03:06 AM
Noba just blinks as this all went down and as the pink haired haired ganger shoots their erstwhile boss and then bails out without even a goodbye. She raises an eyebrow at the wounded boss but makes no real move to help other then to wince and say, "Ouch that looks like it hurts, though if I'm being honest I'm kinda proud of the pink haired little shooter. Didn't think she had it in her if I'm being honest."

Then as the large group of violent gangers comes over she just pulls down her sunglasses again and finishes her drink as everyone starts trying to blackmail, threaten, intimidate, and all in all step closer to a big ol' bunch of shooting. She gets up with a stretch and grabs the bottle the boss has ordered off the table and saunters over to the boss, and past her teammates with a weird hand gesture she makes in no general direction. "Guy guys guys there is no need for all this threatening and violence, mans got a point here.
We did kinda get his friend over there shot with our dastardly dealings over here. I think our friend with the gun may have had a few to many shots before trying to make that shot if ya know what I mean."

Her mouth quirks into a little grin as she winks at the marksman at their table before turning back to the gang. She takes another step or two closer and then presents the bottle to the lead ganger with a wink and kiss on the cheek. "Here ya go big fella, how bout you take that and we try to sort out some medical help for your friend there and then we all go on our way. Cause I don't know about these lovely ladies but I think it's a fair assumption that we're all flat broke right now if we're down here looking for work. As an added bonus if we find pinky I promise to drip some toxic sludge in her eyes for you? Cause we're friends."

She smiles even larger this time, especially when she feels the slight cold breeze that her Gastly had responded to her signal and moved right above her while invisible and was ready to go.

All right attempting a Charm check here and using Sweet Kiss on the lead ganger as well. Not sure if I still need to roll in a social scenario rather then a combat one but I will just in case.

Sweet Kiss: [roll0] and then it confuses the target and powerful motivator imposes a -2 penalty to accuracy for a round and -3 to evasion from powerful motivator.

Now Charm. [roll1] also with anything the move may have helped with as well.

2018-11-10, 08:26 PM
Rika eeps and shrinks back as the ganger looms in her face. "I-I can help tend her wounds!" She hastily pulls out a bandage and holds it up like a barrier between her and the ganger while her porygon2 wiggles back and forth above her in concern. Why did that woman go and do that? And... The scary man seemed to have similar tattoos. A set up?

2018-11-14, 08:13 PM
The ganger was taken aback by the response. Expecting the intimidation to work, he himself was caught off-guard by the response ranging from non-plussed too dismissive too a seemingly crazy girl offering to cut him up with a giant sentient sword. The colour drained from him as bravado and outrage faltered. Quickly changing tracks, he starts to back off, keeping his eye on Alice and Aqulonia as sweat beads on his face, torn between rep and keeping his skin... and is completely unprepared for Nobu

Left dazed and confused between the death threats from one side and the toxic sweetness on the other, the tatted ganger relents, taking the offered bottle from Nobu and shouting at those behind him too back down and get over it. The girl who had been shot started to protest loudest, but a snarl from the leader silenced her, and many of the gangers sullenly started to back off, picking up their things – one or two showing clear relief at not having to risk their lives, and all but the drunkest with an air of haste; it seemed Alice left an impression

“Yeah, friends, right.... Thanks for the drink, babe” The lead ganger said, clearly not used to politeness and obviously put off by the eyes of his subordinates watching him, still trying to keep a front of machismo even as his tone was anxious and lacking confidence “and sorry for before, babe. Wouldn't want to have to ruin you're pretty faces, right, heh. N...no need to use me for...heh... medical practice, right. Temper's just flared a little high, right, yeah, my apologies...aww shut up you asswipes!” he shouted in response too a derogatory chuckle from the group of rival gangers, glare transferred to them as he seemed on the verge of starting a different fight, before a glance from the other gangs weapons too the bouncers to another panic-filled look towards Alice made him throw his hands up and deflate “Just keep your friend away from his ****ing gun when he's drunk, right. Just cuz lillith used to be one of us don't mean we're gonna take a bullet for the traitor. We'll let ya off this time – cuz your new and all, but don't think our charity extends too nexxt time, got it, right. Let's go, we got places to be” he finishes, aparantly having regained his composure and talked himself into thinking he was in control, though he cast a confused glance at Nobu and took care not too meet alice's eye as he had the other Scarlights started to skulk out of the bar, taking their time – though much of the swagger had been taken out of their sails, the wounded girl turning down Rika's offer of bandages, limping out while leaning on one of her gangmate's shoulders. you could probably catch them easy enough before they leave

The bouncer gave Nobu and Alice a slight, appreciative nod for diffusing the situation, then cast a glare at Reorx that said he wouldn't be allowed back in ever again. The merc just gave a one shoulder shrug at the glare and looked at his empty glass with a sight


Sophie's quick reactions let her staunch the bleeding and get to work treating your potential employer, even with the Ganger's interuptions. The shot does not seem to have hit anything fatal, though the Suit is in a state of shock. Examining the wound and removing the bullet, Sophie note the round seems to be made of a graphite-esque material rather than steel, and the bullet had already started to come to break down and spread into the suit's bloodstream, some discolouration in the veins around the gunshot wound. Expertise says the spread should slow with the bullet removed, though you lack the tools to properly cleanse and disinfect it right now. The bullet out and the wound clean and his life no longer in immediate danger, Sophie and Rika together patch him up and give the man a shot of adrenaline to wake him, and he soon stats to rouse from his shock, though it may take a minute or two for him to fully wake

Working this closely, Sophie can see the projector for the hologram mask the suit used, and it'd be effortless to flip it off or remove it. heck, you could probably get it off and on again before he woke, with just a little technical knowhow

2018-11-15, 09:09 PM
"Ah, what a shame. Nevertheless, your apologetic delusion is accepted." Alice then drops the the sadistic smile, returning to the pleasant expression she had when entering. She then returns to her seat and releases Aquilona after giving her a pet along the blade. "Such a nice Pokemon." Alice comments, while waiting for their employer to recover.

2018-11-25, 08:14 AM
Sophie is not one to break client confidentiality, assuming the mask is not filling with blood or otherwise threatening the Johnson. She doesn't try in any way to remove it, keeping the man comfortable as much as circumstances allow.

"Oh, she can be, but doesn't always choose to," Sophie gives her a sword a look of approval as Aquilonia deigns to hover back by her side.

"He's coming to. Does anyone here--" by "here" she means her impromptu group and not any unrelated gangers, "Have a car?
The moment he's done with us we need to get him to a proper facility, some of the bullet's material went into his blood stream and I'm worried that he won't just be able to sleep this off..."

2018-11-27, 04:58 PM
Noba winks at the lead ganger as he takes the drink, "No problem sweet thing."

Then she catches the ganger who tried to objects eye, she waves a saucy little slow wave at the ganger that had objected with a raising of one eyebrow.

After the gangers left and everyone is gathered around their shot would be boss she takes her Dex out and holds it back and up to take a shot of their group in the moment, "Say Squirtle everyone! Commemorative pic of the group forming and our erstwhile mastermind boss in the natural state of all mastermind bosses."

Noba just shrugs, seemingly not concerned with the possible medical problems of their boss "Ehhh he seems like the kind of man that can afford proper medical care when he comes too so I wouldn't worry about it. I am more worried about catching a ride out of here. I do not have a ride at all."