View Full Version : Sandboxing the Black Peaks, IC

2018-10-11, 01:48 PM
OOC here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?570613-Playtest-The-Cruth-Campaign).

You're sitting at the trestle table in the basement of Saray's house, in the new part of the city Threshold, waiting for dinner to be served. Dinner will be vegetable bean soup and bread. Outside it's a cool fall evening with a light rain. Inside it's warm, dim, and smoky. You are elbow-to-elbow with a somewhat smelly shaggy-bearded dwarf on your left and a muscular bearded human logger on your right ... so, crowded a bit.

Saray's son Pietr comes out from the back room where the washtub and the oven are, carrying a tall stack of pottery bowls. At the same time, the halfling busboy (you still don't know his name after three days) tries to walk into the back room. There is a moment of confusion and a couple of bowls topple from the stack to shatter on the wooden floor.

When you glance away from the commotion and yelling by the back room, you find yourself looking at a pair of sharp blue eyes. They belong to the small and wiry human man who is leaning toward you over the end of the table. You notice he wears elegant but battered clothing, and has curly and thinning black hair and a tightly curled black goatee. At his left hip he wears a long skinny sword that is fashionable among the wealthy. You're not well trained in using those but you know they're deadly.

"I've been looking for luck," he says to you (particularly? or is he speaking to the dwarf or the logger? his eyes are shifty). "Mebbe I've found it. You look lucky to me. Would you like to take a journey north over the mountains to Armstead? I've got a small cargo to transport, and I'd be glad of some company on the way. ... I'll pay well."