View Full Version : Pathfinder Warpriest help

2018-10-12, 04:49 AM

soon I'll gm Strange Aeons, and I need your help. Some of my players arent that experienced in pathfinder. I tend to write little "cheatsheets" with usefull feats etc... so they always have a solid choice on a level up. Other players in the group are very experienced and I don't like big gaps between the characters.

Usually I have no problems for those "cheatsheets" but the warpriest is giving me a headache.
If I understand the warpriest wants to wield a reach weapon.

So I could offer her a trip oriented build, but I'm not sure if she'll like it.
Another option would be a plain 2h power attack build. I saw a lot of builds using vital strike but I'm not sold on vital strike.

Do you have any other approaches I could take for feats/themes?
Those are the feats I already wrote down:

Improved Initative, toughness, combat reflexes, iron will, dodge, power attack, phalanx formation, shield focus + breach, haft bash, improved crit, dirty fighting + trip chain, quicken blessing.

And I already took a look at njollys warpriest guide, usually his guides are useful for me but not this one.

Thanks a lot

Kurald Galain
2018-10-12, 05:24 AM
Well you don't have to be sold on vital strike just to give it as an option to your player. It's certainly a better pick than dodge or toughness or haft bash.

A fun one for warpriests is taking the Sacred Fist archetype and the Crusader's Flurry feat: this lets you flurry with a reach weapon.

Other good options with reach weapons include Stand Still, Lunge, and Bodyguard.

Anyone with a reach weapon will probably want to enlarge himself. The Believer's Boon feat lets you do that once per day (via plant domain) which isn't great. So the feat Potion Glutton comes to mind, so you can drink a potion of Enlarge Person very quickly.


2018-10-12, 10:05 AM
Power attack is never wrong, and if they go this route and focus on intimidate cornagun smash is a good feat. With power attack comes furious focus.

Weapon specialization, greater weapon focus and greater specialization are simple for more hits and more damage. Disruptive and spellbreaker are worth a look as well.

If they go ranged, the range tree of point blank shot, rapid shot, precise shot, deadly aim, clustered shots is good.

Improved initiative is never a bad feat, and even better on casters. I don't think a warpriest needs iron will since they are wis based with strong will saves in class, unless they are using it to nab a familiar.