View Full Version : [Pokemon World: Unova 2] Return of the Frozen Ruler - IC Thread

2018-10-12, 05:40 AM
Good morning and welcome to the World of Pokémon (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKjnlySgqOk)! As you already know I go by the name PK-Leon here on the playground, but as of today you can also call me "GM"!

The world where our story takes place is widely inhabited by mysterious creatures called Pokémon! In case you've somehow forgotten or for those who are unfamiliar with the setting, Pokémon are beings that possess mysterious powers, come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and live in a wide array of biomes. In this world humans coexist peacefully with Pokémon, living and working together day in and day out. People and Pokémon complement each other and help one another out in order to accomplish tasks that would ordinarily be impossible to take on alone.

Having Pokémon battle one another is also particularly popular in this setting, as it serves to deepen the bonds between people and Pokémon alike across the globe. This is one of the main reasons why I've decided to entrust each of you with two Partner Pokémon of your own. Whether you realized it or not, the moment you chose the Pokémon that will accompany you on your journey was the moment your story in this world began!

During your journey, you will meet many Pokémon and people from different walks of life, with different personalities, and differing points of view. It's my hope that over the course of this story that you learn what's truly important to you as a result of your travels, befriend new people and Pokémon, grow together as players, and most importantly... have fun! I'd also like to say I'm sorry for having kept you all waiting so long! Now then... Let's get this show on the road (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrwcQHi0Wpg)!


The current time reads 10:00 AM as you glance at the digital screen of your Xtransceiver (https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/5/5e/Black_White_Xtransceiver.png/1200px-Black_White_Xtransceiver.png). Several hours have passed since your bus first departed from the sleepy station in Floccesy earlier this morning towards its destination in Aspertia City. The ride along the coastline has been nothing short of peaceful thus far and the bus' scenic route has provided you with ample opportunity to get a clear look across the azure waters of the greater Unovan Bay at Castelia City's world famous skyline.

During the ride you've noted that despite its size the bus is only carrying about fifteen passengers in total, yourself included. While a number of the passengers seem to be dressed for business or leisure there are several individuals among them who stand out from the others for one reason or another. Aside from the din of the bus's engine and some occasional snoring the cabin is silent. There's less than half of an hour left before you arrive at your destination. Left to your own devices... what do you feel like doing, if anything at all?

All players may begin posting freely from this point on! It is also important to note that in order to ensure the safety of their customers the Blackhound Bus Line explicitly prohibits its passengers from releasing or carrying pokemon outside of their pokeballs within the confines of the bus or within its vicinity when in transit.

TJ Zen
2018-10-12, 06:53 AM
Sitting near the middle of the bus, a tall young man dressed in a blue button up and grey dress slacks and matching tie is humming a song while resting his head against a window. While he's humming a small voice recorder is resting in the breast pocket. After a few seconds, He'll gives a big stretch, pulls out a notebook from a messnger bag and begins writing something.

2018-10-12, 08:41 AM
This bus was much nicer and more modern than the one bus that her village had, so this was an experience in of itself. Compounded with the plane ride from Sinnoh to Unova, it certainly has been a plethora of new experiences already for the girl. She was positioned towards the back of the bus, on the bench seat at the very back, practically planted upon the window as brilliant violet eyes scanned the skyline of the big city, "Wow..." she said softly under her breath. Living in and amongst the trees is what she was used to, and she's even seen some of the cities Sinnoh had to offer, but this still felt new and awe inspiring to her.

Haruka was a young, rather small girl in stature, wearing the traditional martial garb of her village. Crimson scarf wrapped around her neck and long black hair tied back were probably some of the first features one might notice on this girl, as well. She had with her the two small bags of tools and other things flanking her hips, as well as a larger bag of her bigger belongings, such as changes of clothing, and anything else her family and sensei may have sent with her on her journey. She had two green Lure Balls clipped along her obi, partner Pokemon, one might assume. She managed to peel her eyes off of the window long enough to survey everyone else. A young man humming to himself, several others. She kept looking around to get a good feeling for the rest of her vehicular environment before they would arrive at their destination.

2018-10-12, 11:25 AM
The bus was a nice change of pace from walking and riding a bike, but Akira hadn’t planned on the separate journey to begin at the bus stop. His friend Yusuke had suggested they travel separately and meet up periodically. The two had planned this journey since the disbandment of Plasma and their extracurricular activities concerning the theft of Plasma’s “liberated Pokémon”.

Akira sat with his beige bag beside him on the bus bench, a Luxury ball and Dusk ball on his belt. He sat about 5’8”, with medium length frizzy hair. Amber eyes were the disguising feature on his face, they compared to the fair skin tone and athletic build. He looked around the bus at the man humming and the girl with the crimson scarf that had many bags. The black and grey hoodie would hold up wellfor him on this journey, since it matched well with the blue jeans and black boots he wore. Along with his tools for his trade hidden away in the bottom of his bag.

He looked over to the man humming the tune. “What’s that tune called?”

TJ Zen
2018-10-12, 03:13 PM
He looked over to the man humming the tune. “What’s that tune called?”

Marcus looks up from his notebook at the young man in the dark hoodie and flashes a big grin.

"Spring time in Lumiose (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enijgnO_UA8)." He says behind the grin. "An old friend of mine wrote it a while back after a visit there. Said it was a beautiful place. I've never been but I think I'd like it. You ever been to Kalos?"

2018-10-12, 03:53 PM
“Sounds like a nice place by the sound. Can’t say that I’ve been to Kalos but my Uncle took a trip and brought me back something.” Akira grins back at the man.

“Where ya heading?”

Chiba Yu
2018-10-12, 06:44 PM
Sitting near the back of the bus, Yu was absent-mindedly rolling his Dive Ball between his fingers. "Not long, and I can finally begin to prove myself," he thought, his determination becoming clear on his face for a moment before he regained his composure. This was big, he was being given the opportunity to prove himself. He cannot mess this up. Coming from Icirrus, this wasn't the longest journey he'd had, but it felt the most... real. This was his journey, his path, his future. And he was going to embrace it.

Yu is a tall, slender man, wearing a long, white coat with a tall collar. He's wearing white slacks and a black undershirt. He wears a small charm around his neck, with a blue snowflake design. His fluffy white hair rests just below his shoulders, and frames his face well. His eyes are an ice blue, they seem to have a cold, piercing gaze on whatever catches his attention out the window. At all times, he seems to be using his hands for something that means nothing in particular: fidgeting with a pokeball, adjusting his coat, it seems his hands don't rest. Though his mind seems elsewhere, he is by no means unapproachable.

2018-10-12, 09:36 PM
Sitting at the front of the bus is a very short girl with long black hair pulled into a pony tail. Her brown eyes wander briefly to the window before she squints them shut again. Her arms are crossed over a thick black t-shirt with a stylized Garchomp adorning it. Out in the aisle of the bus one knee and a high topped tennis shoe jitter vigorously.

I can't wait to get off of this stupid bus! she thinks. She squeezes her eyes closed even harder. It has to be over soon right? Right?! I can't take it much longer! First the plane, now the ferry, and now this... bus. Her leg bounces even harder for a second, jangling the pokeballs on her left hip before she takes a breath and steadies her leg into a more mild pace.

No. Calm. I am calm. Yes. The perfect picture of calmness. That is Taiga Igarashi. Her eyebrow twitches at the thought. She opens her eyes again and grips the seat back in front of her and resists the urge to slam her forehead into it.

big teej
2018-10-13, 01:39 AM
Sitting across the aisle from the increasingly irritated Igarashi is Vincent Sharpe (https://pokemonworldunovareturnofthefrozenruler.obsidianpo rtal.com/characters/vincent-sharpe). Wearing a casual smokey green button up shirt untucked over blue jeans and heavy boots, Vincent is sprawled across both seats in his row, his back leaned up against the window of the bus, one leg stretched out into the aisle, the other up on the seat, his satchel resting in the crook of his knee. The chains hanging from his belt sway with the motion of the bus, rattling against each other with every pothole. He holds a book with no markings on the outside steady in both hands. He raises his eyes over the edge of the book, watching Taiga take a death grip on the seat in front of her.

"Igarashi-san. You should relax, throttling the bus won't get us there any faster." He raises his book again, obscuring his grin under the pretense of turning the page.

Jun mentioned that Igarashi was a bit of a firecracker, but this is something else.

2018-10-13, 03:47 AM
Sitting somewhere between the front and middle of the bus, Vivian quietly mumbled to herself as she switched back and forth between a map and notepad. Occasionally she would make notes to herself as to what was the most ideal route she should take, this was a very important time for her, she and her lab partner had finally been given the green light to conduct their study, so it had to be done right; she was also incredibly nervous. Vivian had spent somewhere close to the last eight years or so is academia, so an extensive outdoor study was far from the norm, but she also felt relieved. She had missed out on the opportunity to go on a pokemon journey like this when she was young, she also felt bad for Tank and Eliza, while she did everything she could to ensure they were healthy and well tended to, she always noticed something listless about them, like they longed to see the outside world. The pokeballs on her belt motioned gently, she could tell they were excited, Vivian gently caressed the two pokeballs and whispered to them softly "Just a little bit longer and we'll be able to play all you want". Letting out a short sigh, Vivian removed her reading glasses and hooked them gently on the collar of her shirt, she let down her dark green hair from its bun and leaned back in her seat, resting her arm on her backpack, she looked out the window of the bus and thought to herself "We really will get to play.". A soft humming was coming from somewhere nearby"Sounds nice."

TJ Zen
2018-10-13, 01:41 PM
“Sounds like a nice place by the sound. Can’t say that I’ve been to Kalos but my Uncle took a trip and brought me back something.” Akira grins back at the man.

“Where ya heading?”

"Me? I'm on a adventure. With my new friends here." Marcus says, patting the 2 Luxury balls on his lanyard. "I see you've got a couple of companions too. Best of Luck in your adventures as well, friend!"

2018-10-13, 02:14 PM
"Me? I'm on a adventure. With my new friends here." Marcus says, patting the 2 Luxury balls on his lanyard. "I see you've got a couple of companions too. Best of Luck in your adventures as well, friend!"

Akira pats the Luxury and Dusk balls on his belt. “Yep, they’ve been with me for a while now. Not battle and trainer wise though. Bests of luck to you as well bud! I’m Akira by the way. What is your name?” He extends his hand towards the man.

2018-10-13, 06:12 PM
"Igarashi-san. You should relax, throttling the bus won't get us there any faster." He raises his book again, obscuring his grin under the pretense of turning the page.

"You want me to relax, Sharpe-san?" Taiga replies in accented Unovan. One by one, she pries her fingers off of the bus seat. She turns her head so that she can glare at the man lounging across the aisle from her. "I can relax when I'm finally walking on my own two feet again. These past few days have been... very different from what I'm used to. I haven't been able to do my morning work out in four days! I'm going stir crazy!"

big teej
2018-10-13, 07:37 PM
Vincent peers over his book, the light catching on his mirrored lenses. "I sympathize Taiga, a 3 hour bus trip isn't exactly my idea of the start to a thrilling, epic pokemon adventure. But it doesn't change it, the road is the road, what can be done? Did you bring anything you could read or study to help pass the time?"

Vincent marks his place in his book and closes it, leaning it against his propped up leg, willing to serve as a distraction for Taiga's restlessness.

If we're going to be traipsing across the whole region together, we might as well get along.

TJ Zen
2018-10-13, 08:09 PM
Akira pats the Luxury and Dusk balls on his belt. “Yep, they’ve been with me for a while now. Not battle and trainer wise though. Bests of luck to you as well bud! I’m Akira by the way. What is your name?” He extends his hand towards the man.

"Marcus, friend." He says, catching his hand and shaking it, grinning wide again.

2018-10-13, 08:49 PM
Taiga shifts in her seat so she can better talk to Vincent. She props the leg that was in in the aisle underneath her and turns toward him after she rummages through her backpack and pulls out a tattered hand-bound book with illegible, faded letters on the front. "I guess I could be reading a book that my sensei gave me," she says almost sheepishly. "I'm having some trouble understanding it though. Reading isn't exactly my strong suit. I learn a lot better by doing and my Riolu isn't the best teacher."

She sighs and hold out her book for Vincent to take. "Jun said you're in college, and you like to read. Do you think you might be able to... help... me?" The last few words seem to be very hard for Taiga to force from her lips, but she manages to do it.

OOC: When he opens it, the title page is 'Aura Reading for Dummies', by Gennosuke Sugiyama in Kantonese.

big teej
2018-10-13, 09:52 PM
"Yeah sure, I'd be happy too." Vincent says with excitement and genuine enthusiasm at having the opportunity to study a different path to some of the abilities he's acquired over the years. He leans forward to take the book from Taiga and opens it up, pauses, flips through a pages, flips through a few more pages. He opens to a random page with a frown.

"Uhm... Taiga?" He holds up the open book and points at the page. "I can't read Kantonese...."

2018-10-13, 10:12 PM
"Huh? Oh. OH."

Taiga not quite manages to hide the blush on her face and ears as she takes her book back. "Whaaat? I thought Jun was teaching you some Kantonese, college boy," she scoffs to try to save a shred of her pride. She stuffs the book back into the depths of her sling backpack and crosses her arms again.

big teej
2018-10-13, 10:36 PM
Vincent clears his throat and says in poorly enunciated Kantonese "Yes, to speak it."

Chiba Yu
2018-10-14, 10:06 AM
Yu turns himself around to the girl in the last row, a small smile on his face. He's pulled his legs up onto the seat to make himself comfortable. "I'm guessing by your mystified appearance, this is out of the regular for you? Either way, I'm Yu. It's my pleasure to meet you." He plays with some of his hair, a continuation of the earlier fidgeting. Travelling with just Bubba was going to be lonely, he definitely feels out of sorts separated from his twin sister. He can't help but feel worried, but he knows deep down she'll be ok.

2018-10-14, 03:02 PM
“Marcus, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Akira shakes his hand and takes a new seat near the man. “So where are you from? If you don’t mind me asking of course.”

2018-10-14, 04:37 PM
"I'm guessing by your mystified appearance, this is out of the regular for you? Either way, I'm Yu. It's my pleasure to meet you."

Haruka heard a voice, peeling her attention off of the window to turn her gaze towards a gentleman with striking white hair. There was an iridescent shimmer of the light from the window catching her irises, hinting at something rather unusual, "Oh...yeah! I've been to cities before, but like...look at how big it is!" she stated as she pressed her finger against the window, probably indicating the skyline. She latched her hands onto the seat back and leaned over it, half of her body now invading the empty seat space beside the man and the other half hanging out in her original seat, "This bus is much bigger than any bus I've been on before too! I'm Haruka! Nice to meet you, too!" she excitedly and eagerly introduced herself!

TJ Zen
2018-10-14, 05:53 PM
“Marcus, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Akira shakes his hand and takes a new seat near the man. “So where are you from? If you don’t mind me asking of course.”

"Hometown is Driftvale." Marcus says looking around as the bus begins to slow. "We'll have to continue this back and forth later. The Adventure begins again, Friend!"

2018-10-14, 09:53 PM

It isn't long before Castelia City begins to fade away in the distance as the blues of Unovan horizon give way to the verdant and rapidly growing treelines on either side of the road. Just as a few of the passengers begin to strike up friendly conversation with one another the bus slowly comes to a stop as it pulls into an open-air terminal (https://c8.alamy.com/comp/APEEMB/vauxhall-cross-bus-terminus-modern-architectural-design-by-arup-associates-APEEMB.jpg), revealing the tranquil cityscape (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtlUqGIzy_c) just beyond border of the forest.

When the vehicle is no longer in motion, the doors to the bus open and its speakers loose an electronic version of its iconic canine's howl. The other passengers get up, gathering their belongings as if on cue, and take their leave. You hear a female voice over the bus' intercom. "As always, we'd like to thank you again for choosing Blackhound! We wish you safe travels and look forward to your next ride with us!"

The driver sends you off with friendly smile and a tip of her black hat as you exit the bus, a lock of her silver-blue hair hangs loose from underneath her cap as she does so. Once the last passenger has exited the bus, it soon departs and the sound of your message notification Xtransceiver fills the air.

You notice that several other Xtransceivers in your immediate vicinity have sounded off simultaneously. Taking a quick glance around you, you can see that the Xtransceivers belong to six people in your area.

You also notice that the Xtransceiver belonging to a young man (https://i.pinimg.com/474x/3c/0a/11/3c0a118a397781adf48b6f7a7da85621.jpg) exiting a nearby Sawsbucks (https://i.pinimg.com/474x/13/89/ce/1389ce279ffc92dd9ef196a859bea027--starbucks-coffee-shirt-ideas.jpg) within the terminal has sounded off.

Despite the ambient noise in the surrounding area you are able to hear the sound of yet another Xtransceiver alert its owner. This one belongs to another young man (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSBZrOsqfoE0_bGvCBDDuZcpneAoZPAq jz3Sxo8vJrYiKpOPPN2) having what seems to be a intense but playful discussion with an even younger girl across the street. As his Xtransceiver rings out he promptly activates it and looks as though he casts a quick glance in your direction before returning his eyes to the screen.

"Hey there! I hope this message reaches you in time!" You are greeted by the friendly face of the Pokemon Professor (https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/parody/images/2/26/Professor_Juniper.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20161228151341) you've previously had limited correspondence with during the application process for your Trainer ID. You see the woman look away from the screen and hear the shuffling of several papers before she faces you again. "If the information I have here is correct you should have arrived along with several others in Aspertia City not too long ago. Oh right! Where are my manners? My name Professor Aurea Juniper or just Professor Juniper if you'd like. I've sent you all to Aspertia City to begin your journey as a Pokemon Trainer on the Unova Circuit, but before any of you take off I'd like you to meet with my Research Assistant, Bianca. Bianca has already notified me that she arrived at the city early this morning so you won't have to wait much longer. Though knowing her she isn't the type to sit still for very long. If she isn't at the bus station try the city's Pokemon Center. She's blonde, sports an incredibly cute bob cut with a big green hat on top, and is wearing a bright orange coat so she should be hard to miss. It's her first time visiting the city so in the event that she's lost you may have to find her on your own. But that's what an adventure without a few unforeseen events every now and then right!?" The Professor makes no attempt to suppress a laugh and winks at you playfully before continuing. "Be sure to keep your Xtransceiver on hand as I plan to follow up you with you all in the next few days. Until then!" Juniper waves goodbye and the message ends.

A gentle breeze blows through the terminal, the cool spring air brushing against your skin seems to usher you skyward.

2018-10-14, 10:08 PM
Haruka was one of the first to collect her belongings the moment the bus stopped and bound towards the front to disembark. She took a deep breath of the cool spring air, sighing contently to herself before a chime rang out through the air. She fished that device she had received upon arrival in this region and fumbled with it slightly, pushing all manner of buttons before a message came up on the screen. She couldn't help but notice that it wasn't just her device that went off, but it seemed others were receiving messages of some kind.

Perception: (http://orokos.com/roll/669783) 8

She listened to the message and nodded to herself, putting her device to sleep before stuffing it back in one of her tool pouches. Blonde hair, green hat, orange jacket? A girl like that should stick out, yeah? She put her hand over her eyes, adopting a pose akin to a patrat, surveying to see if she could see such a girl, but was met only with a familiar face, one she felt like she knew, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. She bounded over to the girl, tapping her on the shoulder, "Excuse me?" she said as she made an attempt to get the attention of the slightly taller girl in a t-shirt and capri pants, "I feel like...we've met before? You look very very familiar..." she said before the light clicked in her mind, "You wouldn't be...Igurashi-san, would you?"

Chiba Yu
2018-10-14, 10:54 PM
Yu climbs off the bus, thanking the driver on his way out the door. The cool breeze was a welcome feeling after the stuffy all-day travel. He puts his head on a swivel when he hears the Xtrancievers go off, taking him a bit to realize his own was too. He watches the message after inspecting some of the other recipients.

After watching the brief message, Yu tries to find a close by person who also received the message, and the first he sees is a young man with fresh coffee, so Yu goes to approach:

"Hey, uh, are you here for Prof.Juniper, too? It'd be better to look for that research assistant with more eyes, and we'll all need companions, so..." He seems as nervous as he sounds, fidgeting with Bubba's Dive Ball again. "I'm Yu, it's all my pleasure, uh, I mean, the pleasure's all mine."

Perception: orokos.com/roll/669798

2018-10-14, 11:48 PM
Vivian waited to be one of the last to get off the bus, she politely thanked the bus driver and took a deep breathe before stepping off the bus, she was finally starting off on her journey. A few feet from the bus, Vivian started to reach for her pokeballs, but was interrupted by her Xtransceiver going off.

"Perception" 5 (sorry, it won't let me post links yet)

She noticed the sound of other transceivers going off, but couldn't make out where they were coming from and proceeded to accept the call.

After receiving the message, Vivian thought to herself "This makes it official!", she knew she was far too old to be excited by this, but something about this was magical. Without further ado, she let both Tank and Eliza out of their balls and proceeded to embrace both of them in her arms, they hadn't been out for hours and the new location excited them greatly. After getting them settled, she began to survey her surrounding, looking for the previously mentioned research assistant. As she scanned the area, she noticed someone who looked vaguely familiar, but the who or how escaped her.

Calling out to her pokemon, they happily came bounding to her, Eliza leaping to Vivian's shoulder and Tank rubbing up against her leg, they began heading over to the familiar stranger.

As she began her approach, she noticed two young woman near him engaged in conversation, one of them seeming more excitable then the other, the person she was approaching was very tall, relatively speaking as Vivian was a mere 5'4, blonde man, he looked so familiar. Upon reaching him she asked "I'm sorry, you seem so familiar, have we met?"

2018-10-15, 05:42 AM
Akira smirks as the bus starts to come to a stop. "Sounds like our adventure begins anew. Looking forward to continuing this later!" Akira waves as he picks up his bag and exits the bus. He checks the Xtransceiver when it chimes and goes off, Akira looks around and notices the other passengers he found chatting on the bus along with Marcus's device chimes as well. He looks over at the guy exiting Sawsbucks, starting to think he should have brought more coffee with him. "That guy looks like Yusuke from a distance, but man I wonder where that guy ran off too....." Akira thought aloud.

Perception (http://orokos.com/roll/669890): 3d6 13

After the message has played and Akira takes a look around, seeing the two girls talking, the one with the crimson scarf being very excitable talking to the one that needed help with the book, the green haired girl he hadn't spoken to or hadn't really spoken to anyone, that white haired boy who seemed to almost resemble Yusuke. Akira takes the Luxury Ball and Dusk Ball off his belt and calls out his partners Morgana and Skull. The dark purple cat stretches out after materializing and then jumps onto Akira's shoulder, purring up a storm. The black dog with the skull motif on his head barks and takes a stand beside Akira. "Good morning you guys, have a good rest? Let's go meet some new friends."

Akira approaches the green haired girl at first, noticing she has stricken up a conversation with someone else. "Hello, sorry to interrupt but are you both here for the circuit as well? I'm Akira, nice to meet you, and these are my partners, Morgana and Skull." Morgana mews a response as Skull stands at attention.

2018-10-15, 01:06 PM
Taiga waits eagerly for the bus to come to a stop. The brakes haven't even fully engaged by the time she is up and out of her seat to disembark. Once she's in the terminal, the girl finds some space and does a series of stretches before her Xtransceiver goes off. She watches the message and holds in a long groan. C'mooooooon! I'm ready to go! Now I have to find this assistant? I really hope she hasn't gotten lost...

Before she can look around for the woman's supposed bright orange coat, she feels a tap on her shoulder. She looks over her shoulder to see a very familiar looking purple-eyed girl. It doesn't take long for Taiga to remember her from a martial arts tournament a few years back. "Hey, Morimoto," she replies in Kantonese with a half-smile. "It's been a while. You decided to do the Unovan circuit too?"

Perception (http://orokos.com/roll/669994) (Using Intuition through Mystic Senses): 11

TJ Zen
2018-10-15, 04:28 PM
As the bus slows to a halt, Marcus moves to collect his things: The messenger bag and a small, silver instrument case he latches to the bottom of his messenger bag, he let most of the other passengers disembark off the bus,humming again to himself before following them. Once off the bus and inside the terminal, He takes in a big breath and lets it out on a refreshing sigh."What a beautiful day! I could write a song. Come on out guys! The day is not one to be wasted!" Marcus says pulling the luxury balls out of the messenger bag and releaseing 2 Pokemon: A small sealion with a bow around her neck. And a small, scaled, dragon with a Bow tie on. "Siren, Scales, Let's do a little warming up." Marcus says as the seal lion hops into his arms and the Dragon meanders alongside. The Trio fill up their lungs and he hears his xtransceiver go off. "Ooh a Message." He says, opening the video to watch.

Perception (http://orokos.com/roll/670121): 2d6 3

"It looks as though the adventure begins now!" He say looking to his crew. "Let's go!"

2018-10-15, 06:29 PM

After watching the brief message, Yu tries to find a close by person who also received the message, and the first he sees is a young man with fresh coffee, so Yu goes to approach:

"Hey, uh, are you here for Prof.Juniper, too? It'd be better to look for that research assistant with more eyes, and we'll all need companions, so..." He seems as nervous as he sounds, fidgeting with Bubba's Dive Ball again. "I'm Yu, it's all my pleasure, uh, I mean, the pleasure's all mine."

The young man quickly stops in his tracks when Yu approaches him. He takes a long sip of iced coffee from his cup as he sizes up the taller trainer, a quizzical expression beginning to form across his features.

"Oh I assure you, the pleasure's all mine." He offers a slight gentleman's bow and rises, extending his free hand out towards you. "My name is Yu. Nice to meet you." A small smile plays around the corners of his mouth. "So... who's the lucky lady if you don't mind me asking?", he asks in Kantonese.

big teej
2018-10-15, 06:47 PM
As the bus slows down, Vincent hands the book back to Taiga. "How about this, I'll sketch out some notes on my experience with reading Aura and maybe looking at it from another perspective will help?" As Taiga leaps off the bus Vincent shakes his head and clambers to his feet, throwing his messenger bag over one shoulder. He adjusts his gauntlet and steps into the aisle and works his way off the bus.

He just catches up to Taiga when his Xtransciever goes off. He looks around (http://orokos.com/roll/669790) when he hears several other similar alerts go off, but shrugs and focuses on the message. After Professor Juniper signs off, he loops the device around the strap on his bag, making a mental note to replace the watch in his vambrace with it.

He sighs and scans the terminal again. No sign of this Bianca woman, might as well head to the center. Maybe Maggie could spot her.

Vincent's thoughts are interrupted by the green haired girl's question. He looks her up and down. He blinks a few times before realization dawns. "Uh..... Oh. Yeah, you TA'd like 3 of my classes last semester?" He offers helpfully. "You're... Vivian, right? I didn't know you were going to try the circuit."

2018-10-15, 07:05 PM
Haruka gave a nod to Taiga, responding to her in Japanese with her Sinnohan dialect still strong, “Yeah! Hayashi-sensei felt it would be a good growing experience for me and my new partners! They’re still pretty new to me, I’m honestly not used to actually carrying Pokémon to be honest!” Haruka admitted. She scratched the back of her head before adjusting her scarf, peering around, “I’ll admit, you’re the only face I really know. Oh, and that guy, but I just met him on the bus.” Haruka said as she pointed over to the snow-haired individual approaching and interacting with someone who recently exited from a Sawsbucks Coffee.

Chiba Yu
2018-10-15, 08:47 PM
Yu chuckles and blushes a little, smiling wide. He takes the hand for the shake, his demeanour calming down a bit. "Haha, nobody's getting lucky today, yet. You offering?" The reply isn't in Kantonese, but he understood what was said.

After that is out of the way, Yu will release his partner, Bubba, and introduce him to the other Yu. "This is Bubba! He's the only one I've got!" The small water-spider is cheerful, dancing and gugrling happily whenever he receives attention. Yu pets him and wipes his hand off with a dedicated towel that sticks out of his bag a bit.

2018-10-15, 08:54 PM
"My sensei said something similar," Taiga replies with a resolute nod. "As far as people I know, this guy," she gestures to the tall blonde man behind her, "is Vincent Sharpe. He's a native to Unova. My best friend went to school with him, so we've messaged a little, but this is the first time I've met him in person. Seems like a nice enough guy." she says with a smirk just in case he’s listening.

2018-10-16, 04:04 AM

Yu chuckles and blushes a little, smiling wide. He takes the hand for the shake, his demeanour calming down a bit. "Haha, nobody's getting lucky today, yet. You offering?" The reply isn't in Kantonese, but he understood what was said.

"I'm sorry, but I've already given my heart to another! Only two years have passed since that time yet it feels as if it's been much longer.", he answers, feigning to swoon. "Though come to think of it, you do bear a striking resemblance to my beloved. But enough of that! We've only just met and I'm afraid I've already shared too much. So I take it that you're also a Pokemon Trainer?", Yu inquires, his smile reappears.

After that is out of the way, Yu will release his partner, Bubba, and introduce him to the other Yu. "This is Bubba! He's the only one I've got!" The small water-spider is cheerful, dancing and gurgling happily whenever he receives attention. Yu pets him and wipes his hand off with a dedicated towel that sticks out of his bag a bit.

"Ah, I see! So this one here is your partner? Quite spirited isn't he? It's a pleasure to meet you as well little guy".

As Yu crouches to introduce himself to Bubba you can see that his eyes linger on the water spider, attempting to glean something from it before rising up.

"I suppose since you've already introduced me to your partner it's only fair that I introduce you to mine as well?" He takes a quick glance around the terminal before continuing. "Don't worry, his Houndour doesn't bite... usually.", Yu says reassuringly as he leads Yu over to a trio of trainers.

Akira, Vivian, and Vincent:

Akira approaches the green haired girl at first, noticing she has stricken up a conversation with someone else. "Hello, sorry to interrupt but are you both here for the circuit as well? I'm Akira, nice to meet you, and these are my partners, Morgana and Skull." Morgana mews a response as Skull stands at attention.

"And the two of us are Yu.", the shortest of the three blonde men chimes in as he gestures to himself and the taller blonde beside him. He nods to Akira, a smirk growing along his face as he does so, and looks between Vivian and Vincent as he takes another sip of his iced coffee.


A young man (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSBZrOsqfoE0_bGvCBDDuZcpneAoZPAq jz3Sxo8vJrYiKpOPPN2) sporting a bright red track jacket begins to make his way across the street towards the terminal with an even younger girl in tow. Upon reaching the intersection, they both come to an abrupt stop and look both ways in unison before crossing. They seem to be headed in your direction.

When you notice the duo headed your way it becomes readily apparent that they're moving directly towards you specifically!

Taiga, Haruka, and Marcus:

"Hey! You just received a message on your Xtransceiver not too long ago right? Are you a pokemon trainer? What's your name by the way?"

Taiga finds herself bombarded with a series of rapid fire questions asked one after another before she's even given the chance to respond to the first. The individual asking these is a taller man (https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/date-a-live-fanon/images/8/84/Hugh-pokemon-hugh-34073828-384-576.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150504234627) appearing to be around Taiga's age, sporting a bright red track jacket in addition to other articles of athletic wear. The younger girl accompanying him continues to hold his hand as she observes both the people and pokemon gathered in the terminal. After wandering about, her eyes come to a stop and widen in wonder when she spots the sea lion being cradled in Marcus' arms.

2018-10-16, 09:36 AM
Akira turns as the two white haired guys approach and introduce themselves. Yep, knew that was him. Oh and he's confusing that guy with the same name. Guess I'll join the fun.

"Nice to meet you Yu." Akira says to the taller of the pair. "And Yu, been waiting man when did you get here? Had coffee good to go this morning and you were a no show." Akira chuckles as he starts a conversation with his friend. Morgana mews at Yusuke and Skull barks a hello. "Oh and Yu, these are my partner Pokemon Morgana and Skull. Don't worry, Skull doesn't bite. Usually. Now who is this?" Akira asks as he leans down to look at the water spider.

TJ Zen
2018-10-16, 01:24 PM
"Hey there, Little sunshine." Marcus says, walking over to the group and kneeling down in front of the little girl.
"This is Siren. she's very friendly." Marcus says, scratching lightly under her chin. Siren blows a bubble that lands on Marcus' finger. it pops with a beautiful resonant tone. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mp_KOWrvEo) "And this is my friend, Scales." He says as the tiny dragon climbs up on his knee and sits on his shoulder. "He's hot-blooded but also very nice." Scales yips Happily as Marcus scratches his head. The scratching has a warm, brassy sound like a cymbal. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AebrcJoBPv4)

Siren and scales hop onto the grass to entertain the young girl while Marcus stand and addresses the group. "Hey guys! You're all from the bus. Did you all get a video message too?"

2018-10-16, 06:39 PM
Yu, Akira, Vivian, and Vincent:

"Nice to meet you Yu." Akira says to the taller of the pair. "And Yu, been waiting man when did you get here? Had coffee good to go this morning and you were a no show." Akira chuckles as he starts a conversation with his friend. Morgana mews at Yusuke and Skull barks a hello. "Oh and Yu, these are my partner Pokemon Morgana and Skull. Don't worry, Skull doesn't bite. Usually. Now who is this?" Akira asks as he leans down to look at the water spider.

The shorter of the Yu's takes a look at his Xtransceiver before he answers. "Around... 9:45. So almost an hour now. I figured you'd might be in the mood for coffee so I got you this!" He holds up the iced coffee grinning before taking another long sip. "By the time you got here it was practically all gone though. No clue what happened to it! A mystery for another day perhaps..." He swirls what's left of the coffee in the cup as he watches Akira introduce Morgana and Skull to his counterpart.

Taiga, Haruka, and Marcus:

"Hey there, little sunshine." Marcus says, walking over to the group and kneeling down in front of the little girl.

"This is Siren. she's very friendly." Marcus says, scratching lightly under her chin. Siren blows a bubble that lands on Marcus' finger. it pops with a beautiful resonant tone. "And this is my friend, Scales." He says as the tiny dragon climbs up on his knee and sits on his shoulder. "He's hot-blooded but also very nice." Scales yips Happily as Marcus scratches his head. The scratching has a warm, brassy sound like a cymbal.

Siren and scales hop onto the grass to entertain the young girl while Marcus stand and addresses the group. "Hey guys! You're all from the bus. Did you all get a video message too?"

It's not hard to see how visibly excited the young girl is as she watches Marcus' band begin to warm up. She looks back to the young man, who smiles warmly in affirmation and nods in the direction of the two pokemon.

She only takes a few steps before looking back at the young man.

While the young girl seems to be genuinely thrilled by the prospect of playing with Marcus' pokemon, something seems to be holding her back. Unfortunately you don't have enough context to figure out exactly why.

He gestures for her to move closer to the pokemon with a free hand before turning back to the group of trainers. "Yeah, I got a message from Professor Juniper too.", he replies, holding up the Xtransceiver on his wrist.

2018-10-16, 07:31 PM
Perception (Intuition) (http://orokos.com/roll/670422): 16

Why... are these two walking towards me? the Aura Guardian thinks as the duo crosses the street.

Taiga's left eyebrow twitches under the assault of questions from the man in the red track suit. "The name's Taiga Igarashi. And yeah, I'm a trainer. What's it to you?" she asks suspiciously.

Chiba Yu
2018-10-16, 07:40 PM
Yu takes notice(orokos.com/roll/670413) of the other's lingering gaze, but doesn't think much of it. At the mention of the small dog pokemon being a "sometimes" biter Yu smiles and assumes it's just excitable.

When introduced, Yu will smile and nod, confirming that he is, in fact, also Yu. He sees the streak of red and blue(orokos.com/roll/670424) but lets that play out as it does. "That's my partner Bubba! Say hi, Bubba." The water spider looks at Akira curiously and dances excitedly again.

Yu will happily pet Morgana if he seems willing, and lets Skull sniff him before trying to rub the top of his head.

2018-10-16, 08:15 PM
Akira shakes his hand dry after patting the excited spider and smiles. Morgana is willing to be pet as is Skull after sniffing Yu's hand. "Bubba sure does seem like a good partner to start with. can't say that I've seen one like him." Akira stands back straight up. "They're both pretty nice around new people. Morgana is pretty laid back while Skull can be pretty serious at times. I'm sure they'll warm up to you."

Perception (http://orokos.com/roll/670443): 3d6 13 (I kinda forgot this in my last post)

Akira takes note of the guy in red with the young girl in tow but figures he'll speak to them in a few moments. "So Yu, what brings you to the circuit?" Akira asks the taller Yu. "Hey I'm going to just tell him your full name so we can skip the confusion. And thank you for the coffee you certainly seemed to enjoy on my behalf." Akira chuckles along with his friend Yusuke.

2018-10-16, 08:59 PM
Taiga, Haruka, and Marcus:

Why... are these two walking towards me? the Aura Guardian thinks as the duo crosses the street.

Taiga's left eyebrow twitches under the assault of questions from the man in the red track suit. "The name's Taiga Igarashi. And yeah, I'm a trainer. What's it to you?" she asks suspiciously.

"Blanc and I have been waiting here at the terminal all morning to meet the Professor's assistant. But as you can see, she's nowhere to be found. Though a group of pokemon trainers sticks out like a Ducklett in a family of Psyduck (https://static.tumblr.com/c547b2c98fe696efdf7a2ad771d007bf/a6uxoac/7cGmvtrrc/tumblr_static_tumblr_mm3g01vxaq1s85vo2o1_500.png) around here."

A self-assured smile stretches across his face. "There aren't many trainers in this city since Aspertia wasn't added to the Circuit until just this year. Honestly it's been pretty boring around here lately and battling wild pokemon isn't exactly a challenge either."

His eyes sharpen slightly. "There's something I gotta do and I'm gonna take on the Pokemon League in order to do it. I just need someone other than my partner to rely on; a person I can trust!" he pauses just long enough for you to open your mouth to speak before he begins again. "That's right, I'm talkin' about you! You seem like you've got good instincts! I mean, you are a fighter aren't you?"

He offers to shake hands with the much shorter Pokemon Trainer.

2018-10-16, 09:33 PM
Vincent's thoughts are interrupted by the green haired girl's question. He looks her up and down. He blinks a few times before realization dawns. "Uh..... Oh. Yeah, you TA'd like 3 of my classes last semester?" He offers helpfully. "You're... Vivian, right? I didn't know you were going to try the circuit."

"Oh that must be it, I'm so sorry, I hate to ask but could I get your name again?" Vivian waited a moment to hear Vincent's response and as soon as the the last syllable of "Sharp" left his mouth, a cold shiver ran down her spine and a series of flashbacks came running through her mind; a torrid of interruptions and questioning, never once was she able to finish a lesson plan when he was in the class. Before her journey had begun, she felt a moment of defeat wash over her. Eliza, noticing Vivian's sudden mood shift, loosed a light floral sent that calmed her down."Thank you Eliza, you're such a peach."

Returning to herself and hoping no one noticed, she was about to return to her conversation with Sharp, when a voice came from behind

"Hello, sorry to interrupt but are you both here for the circuit as well? I'm Akira, nice to meet you, and these are my partners, Morgana and Skull."

"Oh...um, hello...everyone?" Vivian gives Vincent a inquiring glance as these new people approach. "Oh, Vincent, did you mention the circuit just now?" glancing around herself and suddenly noticing the little gathering that had suddenly formed, she squeaks out "Are all of us here for the circuit?"

2018-10-16, 11:37 PM
Iridescent violet eyes shimmered as they darted between Taiga, then a gentleman she's seen on the bus, then this new guy. They darted back before she finally decided to wave to the man who just seemed to introduce herself to him. English was not her strong suit, and her accent was very heavy as she spoke, "You seem to be familiar with Igarashi-san? Are you a friend of hers?" she inquired. She was trying to make some sense as to why this gentleman picked Taiga out of a crowd of trainers, especially the ones who have loosed their Pokemon out of their pokeballs.

Haruka watches the exchange between Taiga and this stranger, as well as this other gentleman introducing his pokemon to Blanc. She nervously tugged on her billowing scarf, before making a suggestion, "If the assistant isn't here at the terminal, perhaps something delayed her? Maybe we could investigate?" she suggested to those near her to hear her.

TJ Zen
2018-10-17, 10:21 AM
Haruka watches the exchange between Taiga and this stranger, as well as this other gentleman introducing his pokemon to Blanc. She nervously tugged on her billowing scarf, before making a suggestion, "If the assistant isn't here at the terminal, perhaps something delayed her? Maybe we could investigate?" she suggested to those near her to hear her.

Marcus focuses his attention on the source of the timid voice and smiles broadly. "That's an excellent idea! If we all have to find her we all might as well look for her together! But i'm getting a little ahead of myself. Introductions are in order!" He says clearing his throat and standing up tall. "I'm Marcus. Friends call me M.K. You've already met the rest of my ensemble." He says, looking over at the trio of tots playing. "A pleasure to meet you all! And you are...?"

2018-10-17, 11:16 AM
Haruka just kind of stood there as she listened to his man talk, though his cadence and mannerism of speech somewhat lost her. Her proficiency in the English language was dreadful, and sometimes timidity may come off from her as she attempts to find the right words to express her meanings. She did seem to grasp the gist of what he was saying, "My name is Morimoto Haruka...short Haruka." she expressed to Marcus as she looked up at him, as he stood at least two heads taller than she did, her eyes shimmering as the light caught them, color shifting slightly with each movement of her head or eyes.

Haruka turned her gaze down to the pokemon and Blanc, before gazing off in the distance towards the city proper. She glanced to Taiga as native tongue rolled past her lips, "Igarashi-san, maybe we should start looking for the professor's assistant in that direction? Maybe we can find some clues and get to a proper start on this circuit early." she said in that strong Sinnohan dialect. She checked to see if all of her belongings were with her before looking to the rest of the group, "We go into the city, find the assistant?" she said softly in English.

big teej
2018-10-17, 06:11 PM
Vincent looks around at the guys around him. Seems like they all know each other. He thinks with a shrug.

Turning back to Vivian "Hey, I'm going to catch up with Taiga, my friend asked me to stay with her on the circuit, but I suspect if I don't stay within arms reach she'll run off and not tell me." He says with a smile. "Are you doing the circuit too? I'll introduce you." Vincent gestures for Vivian to follow him.

whether she follows or not, Vincent jogs up to Taiga and waits for a break in the conversation before nudging her and saying "Shouldn't you have already found that lab assistant so we can get started?"

2018-10-17, 06:21 PM
When the tall man decides he's going to move to the other group, Akira turns to Yu and Yusuke. "Oh, you guys, I should introduce you to Marcus. Well Yu, you might already know him from the bus. You'll like him though Yu, might know some of the legends since he's a musician."

Akira will approach Marcus. "Hey Marcus, your team looks and sounds pretty cool!" Akira chuckles as he walks up with Morgana mewing on his shoulder and Skull still standing at attention.

2018-10-17, 08:04 PM
Intuition (http://orokos.com/roll/670836) to see if Taiga can figure out what this guy is up to: 20

"Look man," Taiga says to red jacket guy. "You don't know me. I don't know you. You haven't even told me your name yet. And I'm pretty sure you can't call me trustworthy if you've only talked at me for all of two seconds." She can feel herself start to get angry, but she takes a deep breath; both Haruka and Vincent are right.

"Let's head to the Center, guys. The rest of you are welcome to come along, I guess. We're all trainers, and we all need to find this assistant before we leave. Does anyone know where the Pokemon Center is?"

2018-10-17, 11:12 PM

Eliza, noticing Vivian's sudden mood shift, loosed a light floral sent that calmed her down."Thank you Eliza, you're such a peach."

A sweet scent fills the air and is carried off by the wind into the city.

Eliza uses Alluring!
Eliza's alluring scent was carried away into the city!

Akira, Yu:

When the tall man decides he's going to move to the other group, Akira turns to Yu and Yusuke. "Oh, you guys, I should introduce you to Marcus. Well Yu, you might already know him from the bus. You'll like him though Yu, might know some of the legends since he's a musician."

"Hm... Legends you say?" He considers the thought for a moment. "Somehow I doubt that, but there's no harm in tagging along right?" Yu follows in Akira's wake before stopping to look over his shoulder. "C'mon Yu, wouldn't wanna get left behind right from the start do you? Oh right, you can start calling me 'Ryuu' from now on. I figure that might help to cut down on the confusion while we're together." He continues walking after Akira as he speaks.


You get the strange feeling that this guy, whoever he is, is being completely honest with you and doesn't appear to be trying to deceive you in any way. If anything you get the impression that he's an incredibly straightforward individual. Though there also seems to be a strong sense of conviction to his words and some sort of underlying... anger when he said there was "something he has to do", though you can't really tell much more.

The young man quickly looks between the two women, seeming to search for an answer, and it only takes a second or two before his smile cracks and he gives in to laughter. You're right! I got so caught up in figuring out who you were I totally forgot! He looks around group of trainers before focusing back on Taiga and Haruka.

"My name's Hugh, Hugh Tatsumaki, and that's my little sister Blanc." He says pointing at the little girl in rain gear. Blanc waves to Siren and Scales before rejoining her brother. "To be completely honest, I haven't met Taiga, or any of you for that matter, until today. It's nice to formally meet you all." "It's really nice to meet you.", Blanc echoes as she offers a small wave.

He locks eyes with Taiga once again. "While it's true that I barely know you, I'd like to think that I'm a pretty good judge of character. Your eyes say a lot about you. And you too... He casts a glance at Haruka. "I honestly didn't expect you to answer right then and there, so I'll give you some time to think about it." His smile returns.

He turns and begins to cross the street but waits until Blanc takes his hand before walking.

"If you guys are planning on going to the Pokemon Center together you can follow me; I know the fastest route from here! Hugh calls out to everyone from over his shoulder.

OOC: I really ought to choose a different color for Hugh's dialogue... Opinions?

Chiba Yu
2018-10-17, 11:44 PM
Heeding Ryuu's words, Yu jogs a bit to keep up, scooping up Bubba to keep him from falling behind. "Certainly not! I'm not letting anyone get a head start one me!"

He gives a warm greting when he reaches the group: "Hey everyone I'm Yu and this is Bubba. We're both thrilled to meet you all, since it looks like we're all here for the Circuit?" When Hugh starts to leave to the Pokemon Center, which seems to be the logical choice of places to search... "So, are we following that guy? It might be better to do so unless any of you know a place that'd be better to look."

2018-10-18, 12:08 AM
Vivian secured her belongings and followed Vincent towards the other trainers, her pokemon happily bounding in tow. "I'm taking part of the circuit as part of my research project, why are you participating Vincent?" she asks as she catches up to him and the other trainers.

~After the Hugh incident and Vincent's teasing~

"Hello, you must be Vincent's friend Taiga, I'm Vivian, an acquaintance of his, it's very nice to meet you" extending a hand to Taiga. Tank and Eliza begin to pawing at Vivian's legs also wanting to say hello, she crouches down to introduce them "Oh, I'm sorry, this is Tank and Eliza, it seems they want to say hello too."

TJ Zen
2018-10-18, 07:19 AM
Haruka just kind of stood there as she listened to his man talk, though his cadence and mannerism of speech somewhat lost her. Her proficiency in the English language was dreadful, and sometimes timidity may come off from her as she attempts to find the right words to express her meanings. She did seem to grasp the gist of what he was saying, "My name is Morimoto Haruka...short Haruka." she expressed to Marcus as she looked up at him, as he stood at least two heads taller than she did, her eyes shimmering as the light caught them, color shifting slightly with each movement of her head or eyes.

"Hello Haruka." Marcus says, realizing the lady he's speaking to it still mastering Unovan. "Nice to meet you." he says slowly for her to understand.

When the tall man decides he's going to move to the other group, Akira turns to Yu and Yusuke. "Oh, you guys, I should introduce you to Marcus. Well Yu, you might already know him from the bus. You'll like him though Yu, might know some of the legends since he's a musician."

Akira will approach Marcus. "Hey Marcus, your team looks and sounds pretty cool!" Akira chuckles as he walks up with Morgana mewing on his shoulder and Skull still standing at attention.

"Hey, thanks! Your crew looks good as well. Friends of yours?" Marcus says pointng to Yu and Ryuu.

Akira, Yu:

"Hm... Legends you say?" He considers the thought for a moment. "Somehow I doubt that, but there's no harm in tagging along right?" Yu follows in Akira's wake before stopping to look over his shoulder. "C'mon Yu, wouldn't wanna get left behind right from the start do you? Oh right, you can start calling me 'Ryuu' from now on. I figure that might help to cut down on the confusion while we're together." He continues walking after Akira as he speaks.


You get the strange feeling that this guy, whoever he is, is being completely honest with you and doesn't appear to be trying to deceive you in any way. If anything you get the impression that he's an incredibly straightforward individual. Though there also seems to be a strong sense of conviction to his words and some sort of underlying... anger when he said there was "something he has to do", though you can't really tell much more.

The young man quickly looks between the two women, seeming to search for an answer, and it only takes a second or two before his smile cracks and he gives in to laughter. You're right! I got so caught up in figuring out who you were I totally forgot! He looks around group of trainers before focusing back on Taiga and Haruka.

"My name's Hugh, Hugh Tatsumaki, and that's my little sister Blanc." He says pointing at the little girl in rain gear. Blanc waves to Siren and Scales before rejoining her brother. "To be completely honest, I haven't met Taiga, or any of you for that matter, until today. It's nice to formally meet you all." "It's really nice to meet you.", Blanc echoes as she offers a small wave.

He locks eyes with Taiga once again. "While it's true that I barely know you, I'd like to think that I'm a pretty good judge of character. Your eyes say a lot about you. And you too... He casts a glance at Haruka. "I honestly didn't expect you to answer right then and there, so I'll give you some time to think about it." His smile returns.

He turns and begins to cross the street but waits until Blanc takes his hand before walking.

"If you guys are planning on going to the Pokemon Center together you can follow me; I know the fastest route from here! Hugh calls out to everyone from over his shoulder.

"That's an excellent idea!" Marcus said, cupping his hand like a megaphone, "Gather 'Round, New Trainers! We're heading to the Pokemon center now. Join us, wont you?"

2018-10-18, 09:19 AM
"Hey, thanks! Your crew looks good as well. Friends of yours?" Marcus says pointng to Yu and Ryuu.

Akira nods. “Yep, this is Yu, he was on the bus with us. And this is my best friend who suggested the circuit to me, Yusuke. He tends to go by Yu or Ryuu, whatever floats his boat at the time.”

Akira points towards Morgana and Skull. “And these two are Morgana and Skull. They’re both nice just Skull may seem a little too serious at times.” He chuckles at the devil dog.

Pointing at Haruka and the rest of the group. “So new friends and others on the circuit?” Nice to meet you all!

Akira turns to Yu when he mentions better ideas of places to look. “Bad thing is, she could be anywhere. But it is the most logical place to start.”

2018-10-18, 02:38 PM
Haruka grimaced as Marcus rattled out that little announcement. Tell the world that we're new, label us and just announce it to everyone? What if there were people that prey upon the novice? So much for a low profile. Haruka huffed a bit in frustration as she crossed her arms, looking up at Marcus, "You did not have to call attention to us..." Haruka crossed her arms across her chest before looking away from him.

She turned her attention back to Taiga, eyes darting between her and Hugh, "Maybe we should follow him to the Pokemon Center? If nothing else, we can get some information about this city, and there's a chance the assistant will be there." she managed to articulate to her before others seemed to be converging on their location. Haruka grimaced some before introducing herself to the newcomers to their group, "Hello. I am Morimoto Haruka. You can call me Haruka." she said as politely and clearly as possible, but her thick accent may have made her hard to understand.

big teej
2018-10-18, 06:50 PM
Vincent adjusts his glove and thinks for a moment before answering Vivian, "Truth be told? I don't have much of one. I thought it'd be fun, gives me an opportunity to travel a bit, see more of the region than I have... and it gets me out of writing essays for a while." He laughs.

2018-10-18, 07:45 PM
"Hello, you must be Vincent's friend Taiga, I'm Vivian, an acquaintance of his, it's very nice to meet you" extending a hand to Taiga. Tank and Eliza begin to pawing at Vivian's legs also wanting to say hello, she crouches down to introduce them "Oh, I'm sorry, this is Tank and Eliza, it seems they want to say hello too."

Taiga forgoes Vivian's offered hand and offers her a short nod instead. "Good to meet you too, I guess." Her face softens a little at Vivian's two pokemon and their antics. "Tank, Eliza," she says with a nod to each.

Haruka grimaced as Marcus rattled out that little announcement. Tell the world that we're new, label us and just announce it to everyone? What if there were people that prey upon the novice? So much for a low profile. Haruka huffed a bit in frustration as she crossed her arms, looking up at Marcus, "You did not have to call attention to us..." Haruka crossed her arms across her chest before looking away from him.

She turned her attention back to Taiga, eyes darting between her and Hugh, "Maybe we should follow him to the Pokemon Center? If nothing else, we can get some information about this city, and there's a chance the assistant will be there."

Haruka grimace is mirrored on Taiga's face. It's obvious that she follows the same train of thought as the purple-eyed girl. "I think we can trust Hugh, if my gut feeling is anything to go on," she says to Haruka in Japanese. "Let's go with him. You coming Vincent?" She asks the last bit in English as she starts to follow Red Track Suit. "We've stood around long enough."

2018-10-18, 08:47 PM
Akira turns to Yusuke and nods and turns to Haruka. “If it’s more comfortable, you can continue on in Japanese rather than English. I know how, aggravating the language can be.” Akira says in Japanese.

He will start on his way to the Pokémon Center when Yusuke and Yu are ready.

TJ Zen
2018-10-19, 07:10 AM
Haruka grimaced as Marcus rattled out that little announcement. Tell the world that we're new, label us and just announce it to everyone? What if there were people that prey upon the novice? So much for a low profile. Haruka huffed a bit in frustration as she crossed her arms, looking up at Marcus, "You did not have to call attention to us..." Haruka crossed her arms across her chest before looking away from him.

"Oh no, Friends." Marcus says, smiling to the purple-eyed girl. "Every band is stronger playing together."

Pointing at Haruka and the rest of the group. “So new friends and others on the circuit?” Nice to meet you all!

Akira turns to Yu when he mentions better ideas of places to look. “Bad thing is, she could be anywhere. But it is the most logical place to start.”

"Yes sir! Lots of new faces and adventures." Marcus says, walking up to Hugh. "I think we're ready. Shall we?"

big teej
2018-10-20, 12:28 AM
Vincent glances between the Akira and Haruka and says in correct, if improperly enunciated Japanese "Fleeing the problem will never solve it, besides, it's rude."

2018-10-20, 12:49 PM

By the time Marcus approaches Hugh about proceeding towards the Pokemon Center, he finds that the youth has already crossed the street alongside his sister Blanc and is walking away from the terminal into the city.

As you follow Hugh through the streets of Aspertia you begin to see a gradual transition in your surroundings, as the bustling commercial district eventually gives way to the tranquil, somewhat sleepy, residential district. After roughly forty-five minutes of travel on foot you see Hugh come to a stop at a road that appears longer than any others you've seen in the residential district thus far. If you were to take a look to the North and South, you are left with the impression that the road could likely span the entire length of the residential district.

Drawing closer, you see Hugh remove a pokeball from his belt and release what appears to be a small bipedal mammal covered in blue in white fur, sporting a scallop's shell on its stomach. You readily identify this creature as the Sea Otter Pokemon, Oshawott, who excitedly greets it's trainer and his younger sister. Hugh and Blanc exchange a few words with one another before sharing a long hug and Blanc turns to leave.

She only takes a few steps before turning to you all. "I know we just met but... if you're going to travel with pokemon make sure you all take really good care of them!" Blanc says smiling warmly. "Goodbye!" The young girl waves farewell before crossing the street.

As you watch Blanc depart you notice that Hugh's smile falters for only for a moment before loosing a small sigh. Though his smile is quick to return as his sister makes to leave a second time.

You sense pain in Hugh's expression after hearing his sister's words, though only for a moment.

"Arashi, can you aim a Water Pledge over Blanc for me?" Hugh asks quietly to the Oshawott, to which it happily obliges. The sea otter, steps forward and raises it's arms. You feel a rapid increase of ambient moisture in the air as water begins to condense into a glowing orb above the mammal. Once the ball of liquid equals the otter in size, Hugh's Oshawott sends the sphere sailing through the air until it bursts several feet over Blanc in a small downpour of rain. The girl stops dead in her tracks. "Thank you for the help partner." Hugh says in a low voice to Arashi before recalling it and calling out to his sister. "You were right! It looks like it rained today after all huh?!" he finishes grinning.

There's a brief pause as Blanc stands on the other side of the street facing away from you all. She slowly turns her head to look back and replies in a quivering voice, "I... I love you!". You see an unrestrained smile emerge across her features as the girl dressed for rain quickly raises an arm to her eyes. She then turns back and begins running down the street.

"Sorry to keep you all waiting, now let's get going! The Pokemon Center is just around the block!" Hugh says to the party as he begins jogging down the sidewalk in the opposite direction of Blanc. Following in Hugh's wake, you eventually find yourself in front of an expansive two story structure with large glass windows and an arched roof. "Here it is, the Aspertia City Pokemon Center! You guys can go ahead though..." Hugh casts a glance down the road past the park neighboring the center. "I gotta check something out first, but you can come with me if you'd like?"

Due to the quiet of the day in the residential district it's relatively easy to spot anything that stands out along the road. You notice that Hugh glances at a woman further down the road who appears to be inspecting the building in front of her. A church or a school perhaps?

"Here, message me if you guys manage to find the Professor's Assistant inside of the Pokemon Center. I'll be down the street at the Trainer's School if anyone needs me for anything!". Hugh exchanges contact information with anybody who is willing to before he leaves.

2018-10-20, 11:59 PM
Vivian and her little menagerie follow along with the crowd being led by Hugh, the Spring breeze blowing across the the little town felt very scenic and relaxing, like something out of a picture; looking at some of the younger trainers around her, she felt a ping of envy, "How lucky these kids are, being able to experience this while still young and their futures so bright", these thoughts dissipated as the group suddenly stopped.

(Perception 6) Vivian watched the exchange between Hugh and Blanc with a bit of confusion, "Was it safe for such a young girl to run off alone?" she thought to herself, but she began to remember moments in her youth when she would sneak away and go off on her own.

Tank and Eliza were beginning to slow down some in their romping and started becoming more curious of their surroundings instead, they would tug at Vivian to get her attention, wanting to go on and keep exploring. The group continued on and that seemed to satisfy their need for discovery, for the time being. Upon finding the Pokemon Center, Hugh began to look distracted by something down the way

(Perception 10) "I'll go with you, it seems as though Tank and Eliza aren't quite done "exploring" yet." she gestures at the two as they, from what it would appear, begin to interrogate a bush.
"Your name is Hugh, right? I over heard you speaking to Taiga earlier, so sorry to eavesdrop, my name is Vivian, it's nice to meet you. "

She exchanges contact information with Hugh

big teej
2018-10-21, 06:10 PM
Vincent frowns at Hugh's antics. "Classy." He mutters under his breath. He squares his shoulders and follows Hugh the rest of the way to the pokemon center. He follows the boy's gaze (http://orokos.com/roll/671537) down the street to the woman, shrugs, and turns on his heel to walk into the pokemon center.

"Of course it can't be that easy." He says to himself as he enters the pokemon center, looking around for a woman matching Bianca's description. Assuming he doesn't spot one, he'll approach the service desk and ask if they've seen anyone matching the info the professor gave.

2018-10-22, 08:58 AM
Haruka's eyes scanned over practically anything she could glance at as they traveled on foot through the city. Signs with writing...oh boy, her Master may have neglected to mention to her that none of the signage here would be in a language she could understand. This began to worry her some as the squiggly shapes did not make any sense to her. Perhaps this was intentional though? While it is imperative of her to complete her mission while here in Unova, it is also most definitely a coming of age test that she knew she would need to complete before returning to her village. After some time, she watched Hugh bid a farewell to his younger traveling companion before they continued to the Pokemon Center.

Upon arrival, she could see Hugh growing distracted by something down the way, but she couldn't quite tell what. Upon the offer, she would exchange her Xtransceiver information with hugh, choosing to scribble it down on a piece of paper she had with her and handing it off to him

]On the paper, Haruka wrote her name with her number, though when Hugh would go to read it, he would see her name written in Japanese kanji (森元春花) above her written out number.

Haruka followed in the foot steps of Vincent, taking notice of the girl with green hair observing her pokemon's fascination with a bush. Haruka was mesmerized by the structure, most homes weren't as big as this in her village. She spun around in the center, before looking around and seeing who all was in the Pokemon Center, wondering if any interesting individuals were loitering around the care center.

Perception (People Watching): (http://orokos.com/roll/671950) 13

TJ Zen
2018-10-22, 10:26 AM

She only takes a few steps before turning to you all. "I know we just met but... if you're going to travel with pokemon make sure you all take really good care of them!" Blanc says smiling warmly. "Goodbye!" The young girl waves farewell before crossing the street.

"Of course, Little Sunshine! Be Safe." Marcus says.

"Arashi, can you aim a Water Pledge over Blanc for me?" Hugh asks quietly to the Oshawott, to which it happily obliges. The sea otter, steps forward and raises it's arms. You feel a rapid increase of ambient moisture in the air as water begins to condense into a glowing orb above the mammal. Once the ball of liquid equals the otter in size, Hugh's Oshawott sends the sphere sailing through the air until it bursts several feet over Blanc in a small downpour of rain. The girl stops dead in her tracks. "Thank you for the help partner." Hugh says in a low voice to Arashi before recalling it and calling out to his sister. "You were right! It looks like it rained today after all huh?!" he finishes grinning.

There's a brief pause as Blanc stands on the other side of the street facing away from you all. She slowly turns her head to look back and replies in a quivering voice, "I... I love you!". You see an unrestrained smile emerge across her features as the girl dressed for rain quickly raises an arm to her eyes. She then turns back and begins running down the street.

"Sorry to keep you all waiting, now let's get going! The Pokemon Center is just around the block!" Hugh says to the party as he begins jogging down the sidewalk in the opposite direction of Blanc. Following in Hugh's wake, you eventually find yourself in front of an expansive two story structure with large glass windows and an arched roof. "Here it is, the Aspertia City Pokemon Center! You guys can go ahead though..." Hugh casts a glance down the road past the park neighboring the center. "I gotta check something out first, but you can come with me if you'd like?"

"Here, message me if you guys manage to find the Professor's Assistant inside of the Pokemon Center. I'll be down the street at the Trainer's School if anyone needs me for anything!". Hugh exchanges contact information with anybody who is willing to before he leaves.

Marcus Trades contact information with Hugh and proceeds into the Pokemon Center. He walks up to the nurses station and speaks to the Attending.

"Excuse me, I was wondering if you've seen a young woman named Bianca? She's blonde, sporting an incredibly cute bob cut with a big green hat on top, and is wearing a bright orange coat so she should be hard to miss." says Marcus, reciting the xtransceiver message he'd heard earlier. "She may be lost so if you have any way to assist us we'd greatly appreciate it." He says again behind a charming (http://Charm Spending 1 AP 4/5 remaining: 5d6 22) smile.

2018-10-22, 12:30 PM
Akira follows Hugh and the group, smiling during the exchange between Hugh and Blanc. he turns and whispers to Yusuke. "Ya know, never had any siblings but you're the closest thing to a brother I've got. This little competition of ours should be interesting." Akira nods when Blanc mentions being kind to Pokemon, patting Skull. "Anything else would be unacceptable, stay safe." Akira doesn't say anything when he notices (http://orokos.com/roll/671989) Hugh's expression change, instead opting (http://orokos.com/roll/671990) to continue conversation.

When they reach the Center, Akira recalls Morgana and Skull as per rules he had heard for Pokemon Centers on no loose Pokemon. "Sorry guys, gotta follow the rules as per Uncle's orders..... More fun later though." The mew and bark disappear with the flash. Akira exchanges contact info with Hugh. "Don't hesitate to call if you need help man, anything can happen while we're all out there."

Akira enters the Pokemon Center and looks around (http://orokos.com/roll/671992) to see if he can find the woman of description in the message. He figures Marcus is asking the nurse so there's one less lead he has to follow. Even going so far as to listen to other conversations (http://orokos.com/roll/671994) that may be around him to pick up clues.

2018-10-22, 08:49 PM
Taiga walks with Vincent, excited to actually be moving again. She can feel the blood rushing through her veins after sitting for so long on the bus. She watches, one eyebrow raised as Hugh has his pokemon soak his sister with a Water Pledge, but shrugs and continues to follow him. He knew the city, and obviously knew the best route to get to the Center. She hadn't been to many big towns, other than Saffron City in Kanto, in the last few years, and she knew that cities could be confusingly laid out, and she didn't really want to get lost on her first day here.

Perception (http://orokos.com/roll/672092): 16

Before Hugh finally leaves, Taiga does notice the woman down the street that distracted him, but can't bring herself to care about it. The sooner he left, the better, in her opinion.

Taiga lets Vincent do the talking to the attendant. In her current mood, she was sure that it would not have ended well.

Chiba Yu
2018-10-23, 12:17 AM
Yu notices(orokos.com/roll/672135) the small change in Hugh's demeanor. Yu takes note(orokos.com/roll/672136) of the pain on his face. He reminds himself to pry a touch if ever he were alone with Hugh.

Yu sees(orokos.com/roll/672138) the woman further down the road, but thinks little of it, until it's mentioned.

"I'll come with you, Hugh. Here's my number, for the future. Are you looking for a more permanent travel companion? I find myself loose in a sea of previously connected people, with none myself."

Yu keeps his eyes open for the Assistant, hoping to pick her out amidst the new surroundings. orokos.com/roll/672139

2018-10-24, 07:38 PM
During the walk to the Pokemon Center


Yusuke chuckles, "I thought you knew I felt the same way? With that being said, you should already know that I'm not going to go easy on you just because you're my little brother."

Party (Outside of the Pokemon Center):


Hugh laughs. "Oh, I wouldn't worry about that if I were you. I know my introduction was a bit uh... abrupt? It's nice to officially meet you too Vivian." He looks over at the pair of pokemon as they play around the border of the park. "They definitely look full of energy! Can't say I've ever seen any pokemon like those two before."


After handing Hugh the paper you see him immediately begin to enter your contact information.

"Mo-ri-mo-to... Ha-ru-ka.", you hear Hugh whisper quietly to himself. He offers you a slight nod when you walk away.


"Likewise!" Hugh offers as he flashes a grin. "I know we've all just met but if you ever need help just give me a call and I'll be there to back you up."


Hugh registers your contact info in his Xtransceiver before slowly shaking his head. "Sorry, can't say that I am at the moment but I'd definitely consider it later on. For now I want to focus on improving myself as a Trainer and growing stronger together with my partner! I'll be ready once I've proven to myself that I can stand on my own two feet." He says reassuringly.

"Even if you don't really know anyone here now you shouldn't let that stop you from using that opportunity to meet new people and make new friends! Everyone I've met here so far seems friendly enough, so I don't see any harm in trying. At least give it some thought for now." Hugh pats your shoulder before walking away.

In front of the Pokemon Trainer's School (Vivian and Yu):

You walk for less than a block as Hugh leads the way past the park towards what appears to be a large and newly built structure.

As you pass the park, you get the strange sensation that you're being watched. As your eyes survey the surrounding park they pick up nothing of note... until you see glowing pair of sharp red eyes that seem to be following you. You blink and just like that, the eyes have disappeared.

The barking of a puppy fills the air before you're able to pinpoint it's source. As the three of you approach the building you find yourselves blockaded by a beige puppy (https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/pokemon/images/f/f2/Rockruff_concept_2.JPG/revision/latest?cb=20160704032921) baring it's teeth with it's bushy tail raised in alert. It's sports a collar of white fur with what seem to be several rocks embedded around it's neck.

"Hey, cut it out will ya!? You can't just go around barking at every man you see okay? Just most of'em..." A woman with tanned skin and shoulder length brown hair (http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/24900000/Anime-Girl-Guitar-msyugioh123-24946842-500-429.jpg) smiles as she lights the end of her cigarette and pockets her lighter. "Sorry about that, Treble gets worked up real easy. Don'tcha boy?" She kneels down and the dog puppy happily returns to her side, basking in the attention as she pets it. "So..." She looks the three of you over, "You all here to visit the Pokemon Trainer's School too?" She points at the building (https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/a/ab/Aspertia_Gym_Animated_Trailer.png/772px-Aspertia_Gym_Animated_Trailer.png) in front of her with the burning end of her cigarette.

Inside of the Pokemon Center (Vincent, Haruka, Marcus, Akira, Taiga):

As you enter the Pokemon Center you are immediately greeted by the sounds of people and pokemon alike over the soft music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VcYwGwY4pE) that plays throughout the lobby.

On your left you see a foyer large enough to host several groups of people as they wait inside of the Center. A door at the end of the foyer leads outside to the park beyond where you can see several children and pokemon at play. On your right you are greeted by a pair of sales associates who give you all a friendly wave from behind the counter of a PokeMart, the shelves behind them are filled to the brim with products conducive to supporting the everyday life of a trainer in addition to goods for the average consumer. On either side of the main service desk you see a large set of stairs leading to the upper floor of the building and behind those staircases are two areas containing PC's and kisoks for personal use.

You hear the loud pop of bubblegum as you walk up to the front counter of the Pokemon Center. The young woman at the desk eyes the five of you as she continues to chew her gum until you reach her. "Welcome to the Aspertia City Pokemon Center! How can I be of service to you today?" Even though you can tell that the line is well practiced, the young woman seems to be genuinely excited about helping you.

She leans back in her chair, appearing to be listening with some interest as Vincent asks his question about Bianca. Just as she sits up to respond she stops and locks eyes with Marcus as he makes and inquiry of his own. You hear the loud pop of another bubble as the musician finishes his last sentence. Her eyes narrow slightly.

"Well aren't you just the sweetest drink of chocolate milk I've seen in a long while." she says smiling warmly before her features contort into a scowl. "Well as much as I'd love to help you at the moment, I find myself currently unable to do so because I KNOW you didn't just cut in front of the gentleman standing right here!" The woman raises her voice as she tilts her head to the side. "You know back where I'm from- oooooh!", the woman cuts herself short as she begins to get worked up.

She stops and takes a deep breath, clearing her black bangs from her vision before speaking again. "Okay, hold on... Why don't we both try this again from the top? And because you asked so nicely you can either stay right there and listen to the answer of your question now or you can stand in line and I can speak with you after I'm finished here, your choice." Her smile returns as she gives Marcus a quick wink and leans back into her chair. "Now where were we? You were asking about a young woman named Bianca right?" she asks Vincent. "And what's with the piece of junk on your arm anyway?", the woman takes a long look at Vincent's gauntlet before looking back to him. "You into steampunk or somethin'?" Though her tone is sarcastic you can tell she's actually quite curious.

Despite your searching none of you can seem to find a woman matching the description of Bianca within the Pokemon Center, however you do notice that several people are now watching the exchange at the front counter, while the pair of sales associates at over at the PokeMart seem to be trying their hardest to ignore the incident.

After reiterates that the party is actively searching for Bianca the woman's eyes light up. "You're in luck! I know exactly where the lady you're looking for is. Apparently she flew in this morning instead of taking the bus and planned on waiting for you all here at the Pokemon Center but eventually her nature got the better of her and after some direction from yours truly, she set off to go sightseeing not too long ago. If she isn't at the Pokemon Trainer's School you should try looking for her at the Lookout, it's probably the most famous spot in the city. Anything else I can do for you?" the woman adds as she throws her feet onto the desk. "No seriously, I'm here all day."

2018-10-25, 03:48 PM
Vivian gives Hugh a quick glance before responding to the young woman "To be honest, I'm not sure why we came over this way, but finding this school seems fortuitous. My name is Vivian, this is Hugh, and... I'm sorry I don't believe I ever caught your name." she gestures to the other young man that came along. Turning back to the stranger "Is the school open or are you waiting on someone Miss..." She pauses waiting for a response from the young woman with her hand extended.

Tank and Eliza come out from behind Vivian and edge their way towards Treble, hoping to meet the new strange Pokemon before them, with Eliza taking the lead she gestures as if asking the new Pokemon to play with them.

2018-10-26, 11:26 AM
Akira laughs when Yusuke mentions not going easy on him. "I'm sorry you said younger brother? Eh don't expect me to go easy on you either! Though..... Akira glances around and leans in closer to whisper to Yusuke "If you need to do something along the lines of what we did years ago, call me if you need the assistance. Competition will be on hold for that duration if we need to use those skills. Deal?

Akira flashes a grin right back at Hugh. "Will do bud."

At the Pokemon Center
Akira chuckles a bit at Marcus's antics and tries to stay out of the big guy's way. Vincent his name was? Odd gauntlet.... he thought to himself. As the woman mentions the Pokemon School or the Look Out, Akira turns to Yusuke. "To the Lookout it is. I'm sure Hugh or one of the others would have called if they found Bianca by now." Akira glances back at the group. "I'm going to head on that way. Anyone else need anything while here?" He turns back to the woman. "Thank you ma'am!" He says with a short bow.

Once outside, Akira will call Morgana and Skull back out for them to take their regular spots as they begin to make way to the Lookout. As he walks, he sends a quick message to the group at the Pokemon School.

OOC: I'm assuming we all heard the info getting spread around but if not then just to Hugh.

Hey someone at the Pokemon Center said that if Bianca wasn't;t at the school she'd be at the Lookout. I'm on my way there now. Wanted to give you threads up.

TJ Zen
2018-10-27, 11:04 AM
At the Pokemon Center
Akira chuckles a bit at Marcus's antics and tries to stay out of the big guy's way. Vincent his name was? Odd gauntlet.... he thought to himself. As the woman mentions the Pokemon School or the Look Out, Akira turns to Yusuke. "To the Lookout it is. I'm sure Hugh or one of the others would have called if they found Bianca by now." Akira glances back at the group. "I'm going to head on that way. Anyone else need anything while here?" He turns back to the woman. "Thank you ma'am!" He says with a short bow.

Marcus mouths "sorry." to the young lady. "Come on, Akira. Let's head to the Lookout. Scales, Siren time to spli- wait... We should get some pokeballs... just in case." Marcus says walking over to will to a clerk and commerce for some of the useful orbs. "Thank you." He chimes. "Alright we're ready. Lets roll!"

big teej
2018-10-27, 09:19 PM
Vincent covers his amusement with a cough and smiles at the attendant, though he winces at her comment about his gauntlet. "Uh, something like that, Yeah." He clears his throat. "I appreciate the help, I'm new to the area though, could I get the same set of directions Bianca got so I can find her?" After getting directions to The Lookout, Vincent will nod in thanks and say "I appreciate your help, maybe in the future when I'm a little less pressed for time I can show you a thing or two about appearances being deceiving" he holds up his gauntlet in farewell.

He turns to Taiga and says "I've seen this movie once or twice, there's no way this woman's at the Trainer School, we should head straight to The Lookout"

Vincent will then leave the Pokemon Center and make his way towards The Lookout.

Chiba Yu
2018-10-30, 12:29 AM
Yu notices something that distracts him in the direction of the park, seeming to be trying to figure something out... orokos.com/roll/673645 and orokos.com/roll/673650

Yu turns back towards the group when Vivian attempts to introduce him.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm Yu. My sincerest apologies for not introducing myself sooner. It was not my intention to ignore..."

Bubba will attempt to engage the puppy, dancing happily if he chooses to play with him.

2018-10-30, 08:50 PM
He turns to Taiga and says "I've seen this movie once or twice, there's no way this woman's at the Trainer School, we should head straight to The Lookout"

Vincent will then leave the Pokemon Center and make his way towards The Lookout.

"If you say so," Taiga replies. "You coming Haruka? Apparently we're heading to the Lookout," she says over her shoulder to the other girl. "Since somebody couldn't do their job right..." she grumbles under her breath.

She'll stop Vincent before he gets too far out of the Pokemon Center. "We should exchange contact info, just in case. I thought I had your number but... I can't find it in my Xtransceiver."

big teej
2018-10-30, 09:00 PM
Vincent stops in his tracks. "That's a really good idea, actually." He says, somewhat nonplussed. Why didn't I think of that? He turns on his heel and exchanges contact info with Taiga.

2018-10-31, 07:40 AM
Haruka turned her attention to the shop. She had the basics for traveling, but she really didn't have any Pokemon supplies. At least she confirmed it as she pushed her things around in her hip-satchels as well as her bag. She maneuvered her way to the queue for the shop counter, patiently waiting her turn. When she came up to the counter, she did her very best to ask for what she wanted after surveying the wares, "May I have...four basic balls, one potion, one affliction heal?" she said, accent quite thick as she began counting out her money, handing over https://i.stack.imgur.com/oU2dc.png1400 and patiently waiting for her order. Once she had it in hand, she heard Taiga calling out to her, "Yes, coming!"

She raced over to Taiga, who was accompanied by Vincent. She held out her hand to him, not quite remembering if they had a proper greeting, "My name is Haruka. Nice to meet you!" she said with a small smile! She wasn't sure what tongue to speak with him, so she went with the native of the land. She noticed Taiga and Vincent exchanging xtransceiver information, and decided to do the same with both.

OOC: Haruka did some light shopping, and has requested 4x Basic Ball, 1x Affliction Heal, 1x Potion. Haruka exchanges xtransceiver with Vincent and Taiga.

2018-11-01, 03:06 AM
Vivian and Yu

You let your mind wander for a moment in an effort to recall something, if anything, that could help you identify who or what the pair of eyes belong to and... nothing.

Despite coming up short you do get the sense that the pair of eyes you saw didn't belong to a human or at least any you've met before.

The young woman transfers the cigarette from her right hand to her left as she stands and takes Vivian's free hand. "My name's Sonia, it's nice to meet ya." She gives Vivian's hand a slight shake before taking a step back to look at the pokemon that emerge from behind the researcher. "Oh, and this is my partner Treble." She looks down at the Rockruff and smiles as she gives it a nod in affirmation. The puppy's eyes light up as it bounds over to the other two pokemon. The canine curiously sniffs the the air around them before arching it's back, tail wagging, and barking to invite the others to play. "He can be a little rough around the edges every now and then but he's a real sweetheart once you get to know 'im."

The beige puppy begins to playful chase and be chased by the other pokemon and barks intermittently in excitement. As the pokemon play "tag" it becomes readily apparent that Eliza is the fan favorite as the others seem to gravitate towards her with greater frequency.

Hugh takes a step towards Sonia and speaks, "Honestly, when I saw you down the street I thought you might be someone with the Pokemon League; but it looks like we're in the same boat?" He looks up at the Trainer's School for a moment before turning his attention back to you all. "They actually finished building the school about a week ago but I was told by one of the attendants at the Pokemon Center that it wouldn't open until a Teacher or Gym Leader recognized by the league starts working there." He sighs as he interlaces his fingers behind his head. "But who knows when that will be..."

The three of you hear the chime of a message notification from your respective Xtransceivers go off. Hugh quickly reads the message from Akira and starts up again. "WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT?!" Hugh exclaims as he turns and begins running back towards the Pokemon Center. It only takes a moment for him to stop dead in his tracks and call back out to you all. "The Outlook is the city's most famous spot! I'd be willing to bet that Bianca is probably still up there looking at the scenery! Sonia, you're a new pokemon trainer too aren't you? Why don't you come with us to meet the professor's assistant?!"

Before Sonia can reply Hugh has already taken off and is heading back down the street. "There's no way I got this wrong!"

"Uhmmm... okay?" Sonia says aloud as she looks between the two of you. She laughs, "So is he always like that or is he just particularly energetic today?". Treble begins to run after Hugh before stopping to turn and look back at his trainer, barking in excitement. "You wanna go after him huh? Figures!" Sonia says taking in a final breath of smoke from her cigarette before releasing it skyward. She puts out the cigarette on the ground and finds a nearby trash where she can safely dispose of it. "If you don't mind us taggin' along we'll go with ya. I got a message earlier today from Professor Juniper that said her assistant would be at the Pokemon Center. When I checked in she was nowhere to be found so I decided to kill some time by lookin' around the city. We were actually on our way back to the center before running into you guys. Change of plans I guess?" She smiles and walks over to her Rockruff. "Let's get goin'!" Sonia readjusts the straps of her bag and guitar case and starts walking in the direction Hugh took off with her puppy leading the way.

Vincent, Marcus, Taiga, Akira, Haruka:


"That's fine by me." Yusuke replies smiling. "We don't want to keep the lady waiting if we don't have to right?" Yusuke eyes you curiously as the two of you leave the Pokemon Center and offers the attendant a small wave.

The attendant waves goodbye as she watches the two of you exit the center.


The attendant smiles and nods at your apology then waves you goodbye with her fingers.

Both of the sales associates are quick to greet you and ring you up for several pokeballs within seconds of your request. Once your transaction is completed they both wish you good luck and wave as you make your way out of center after Akira.

Be sure to list what you've bought from the PokeMart and make changes to your available funds and inventory respectively.

Vincent, Taiga, and Haruka:

The associates at the PokeMart gladly work together to help with Haruka to help her acquire everything she needs and ring her up quickly. "I like your scarf, I think it really suits you.", the female attendant comments as Haruka takes her leave.

"Once you go through the front doors, go left and then follow the main road towards the. If you can do that then you'll find yourself at the Lookout in no time; easy enough right?" The young woman says to Vincent.

"Don't worry about it, it's my job after all. And technically trainers, or anyone else for that matter, aren't supposed to bring arms into the Pokemon Center but I guess I can make an exception for you just this once..." The edges of her mouth curl up before she breaks into laughter, "Okay, I'm joking! But seriously I'll see you all later if you decide to stop by. Catch ya later!"

She enthusiastically waves goodbye to the three as you depart the center. You hear the loud pop of bubblegum before the automated doors of the center slide shut.


As you exit the Pokemon Center your group is nearly blindsided by a young man wearing a red track jacket. You instantly recognize him as Hugh.

"Sorry about that!" he practically skids to a stop. "Just so you guys the know, the Lookout is that way." Hugh points in the direction that the attendant indicated and then bolts. "C'mon, let's go!"

The rest of the group reconverges outside of the center with someone new in tow just as Hugh leaves.

After walking in Hugh's wake for a few minutes you finally reach a large set of stairs built into a small cliffside. A street sign standing in the ground next to the staircase reads: "Aspertia City Lookout Ahead - Unova unfolds before your eyes!"

As you begin climbing the stair you can feel the wind begin to pick up once again as a sweet scent fills the air. When you finally reach the top you are greeted by the warmth of the late spring sun and a gentle breeze that seems as if it's trying to spirit you away (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtlUqGIzy_c) into the panorama (https://robson.pl/image/foto_upload/big/14392_c.jpg) before you. You also see Hugh conversing with a young woman sporting a bright orange coat and a green hat atop her blonde bobbed hair (https://pm1.narvii.com/6177/96c8fa81ebe6a05c504f290dfdbf1d10f4d17f5d_hq.jpg).

"It's SO pretty isn't it?!" shes asks Hugh. "Yeah it really is ... Oh hey, everyone's here!" Hugh replies turning the woman's attention to you all.

The young lady's eyes follow Hugh's gesture to your group and she quickly leaves her spot along the railing to face you. She greets the group with a big smile and small but nervous wave. "Hey there! The view of Route 19 is simply amazing don't you agree?! Oh right! My name's Bianca. I'm Professor Juniper's research assistant but... you probably already knew that?", She laughs at herself before looking the group of pokemon trainers over. "Anyway, it's nice to meet you all!"

"So you're the new trainers Professor Juniper told me all about! I mean, you have to be right? Hugh here looks ex-act-ly how she described him and so do the rest of you."

Bianca adjusts her glasses before reaching into her bag and pulling out what appears to be a tablet of some sort. "Okay let's see here..." She uses a finger and touches it's surface for a few moments before starting up again. "I have a list of all of the trainers that I'm supposed to meet with today. If you don't hear your name called out or if someone you know is missing please let me know!"

"A-ki-ra Na-ru-kami!? Derek Marsh! Ha-ru-ka Mori-moto!? Marcus Kingston! Sonia Rios! Taiga I-ga-ra-shi! Vincent Sharpe! Vivian Sweet! Yu Chi-ba! Yu-su-ke Ku-ru-su!" She visibly exhales as she finishes the list. "Hmm... there sure are a lot of foreigners in this group huh? I'm incredibly sorry if I butchered anyone's name! So, is there anyone here who's name I didn't call out already or anyone that might be missing?"

2018-11-01, 09:44 AM
On the way to the Lookout....
Akira turns to Marcus and Yusuke. "Yusuke I know I have your contact info but Marcus we should probably exchange that while we're thinking about it. I meant to get the other Yu's info but we'll see them there." Akira will provide his Xtransceiver info to Marcus and put his in if he responds with it.


Akira is taken aback by the view. He had heard of it but he hadn't had the chance to come see it until now. Unova had been his home since he was young but this was something entirely new. Something beautiful. He listens to Bianca as she starts explaining and calling names. She's pretty cute. Akira can't help but think to himself as the woman is talking. He reacts with a hand wave and smile as his name is called. As she finishes the roster and apologizes, Akira smirks a bit casting a glance at Yusuke to see his reaction. He hadn't heard of the other two mentioned, that Derek or Sonia. If he actually had to pick a traveling companion, well he had it narrowed down to two maybe three.

"Can't say that I've seen a Sonia or Derek." Akira says looking around then back to Bianca.

TJ Zen
2018-11-01, 10:26 AM

As you exit the Pokemon Center your group is nearly blindsided by a young man wearing a red track jacket. You instantly recognize him as Hugh.

"Sorry about that!" he practically skids to a stop. "Just so you guys the know, the Lookout is that way." Hugh points in the direction that the attendant indicated and then bolts. "C'mon, let's go!"

The rest of the group reconverges outside of the center with someone new in tow just as Hugh leaves.

A fellow Musician. Cool dog.

After walking in Hugh's wake for a few minutes you finally reach a large set of stairs built into a small cliffside. A street sign standing in the ground next to the staircase reads: "Aspertia City Lookout Ahead - Unova unfolds before your eyes!"

As you begin climbing the stair you can feel the wind begin to pick up once again as a sweet scent fills the air. When you finally reach the top you are greeted by the warmth of the late spring sun and a gentle breeze that seems as if it's trying to spirit you away (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtlUqGIzy_c) into the panorama (https://robson.pl/image/foto_upload/big/14392_c.jpg) before you. You also see Hugh conversing with a young woman sporting a bright orange coat and a green hat atop her blonde bobbed hair (https://pm1.narvii.com/6177/96c8fa81ebe6a05c504f290dfdbf1d10f4d17f5d_hq.jpg).

This is definitely her. The Professor's description was spot on.

"It's SO pretty isn't it?!" shes asks Hugh. "Yeah it really is ... Oh hey, everyone's here!" Hugh replies turning the woman's attention to you all.

The young lady's eyes follow Hugh's gesture to your group and she quickly leaves her spot along the railing to face you. She greets the group with a big smile and small but nervous wave. "Hey there! The view of Route 19 is simply amazing don't you agree?! Oh right! My name's Bianca. I'm Professor Juniper's research assistant but... you probably already knew that?", She laughs at herself before looking the group of pokemon trainers over. "Anyway, it's nice to meet you all!"

"So you're the new trainers Professor Juniper told me all about! I mean, you have to be right? Hugh here looks ex-act-ly how she described him and so do the rest of you."

Bianca adjusts her glasses before reaching into her bag and pulling out what appears to be a tablet of some sort. "Okay let's see here..." She uses a finger and touches it's surface for a few moments before starting up again. "I have a list of all of the trainers that I'm supposed to meet with today. If you don't hear your name called out or if someone you know is missing please let me know!"

"A-ki-ra Na-ru-kami!? Derek Marsh! Ha-ru-ka Mori-moto!? Marcus Kingston! Sonia Rios! Taiga I-ga-ra-shi! Vincent Sharpe! Vivian Sweet! Yu Chi-ba! Yu-su-ke Ku-ru-su!" She visibly exhales as she finishes the list. "Hmm... there sure are a lot of foreigners in this group huh? I'm incredibly sorry if I butchered anyone's name! So, is there anyone here who's name I didn't call out already or anyone that might be missing?"

On the way to the Lookout....
Akira turns to Marcus and Yusuke. "Yusuke I know I have your contact info but Marcus we should probably exchange that while we're thinking about it. I meant to get the other Yu's info but we'll see them there." Akira will provide his Xtransceiver info to Marcus and put his in if he responds with it.


Akira is taken aback by the view. He had heard of it but he hadn't had the chance to come see it until now. Unova had been his home since he was young but this was something entirely new. Something beautiful. He listens to Bianca as she starts explaining and calling names. She's pretty cute. Akira can't help but think to himself as the woman is talking. He reacts with a hand wave and smile as his name is called. As she finishes the roster and apologizes, Akira smirks a bit casting a glance at Yusuke to see his reaction. He hadn't heard of the other two mentioned, that Derek or Sonia. If he actually had to pick a traveling companion, well he had it narrowed down to two maybe three.

"Can't say that I've seen a Sonia or Derek." Akira says looking around then back to Bianca.

"I'm going to wager Sonia is the woman with the pup." Marcus says quietly to Akira. "But that still leaves Derek Marsh.. Has anyone seen him?" He says to the crowd at-large.

big teej
2018-11-01, 07:48 PM
Vincent looks past Bianca to the view of his home region, taking it in, the enormity of the task he's set before himself, and the rewards that go with it, starting to sink in. His attention is brought abruptly back to the orange jacketed trainer at the mention of a name he hadn't heard in almost 6 years. Derek is here!? Vincent closes his eyes against the flashbacks from his childhood and suppresses a shudder. He pales slightly. He'll nudge Taiga and say very quietly "This could get ugly in a hurry."

2018-11-02, 03:47 AM
Delighted to see their Pokemon getting along, Vivian is caught off guard by Hugh's sudden outburst. She gathers her things and begins to give chase after Sonia and the others, she cries out behind her "Come on Yu, let's not be left behind! Tank, Eliza, let's not let Sonia and Treble beat us there!" the duo let out a happy cheer and start racing after, they rush ahead as Vivian caught up to Sonia and try to out run the happy puppy.

(Upon getting to the Lookout)

Vivian had winded herself and was on the verge of collapse when she made it to their destination, Tank and Eliza, while seeming thrilled, had worn themselves out and began to snooze soundly together. As she begins to catch her breath, she looks up to Sonia and gives her a weak smile "That was a lot farther then I thought it would." she breathes a deep sigh and looks up, seeing the scenery for the first time and taking it in. "I had a lot of fun." She offers to exchange transceiver contacts with Sonia and Yu.

After a moment of recovery, Vivian rises up during Bianca's role-call.

Tank and Eliza sleepily wander over and yawn loudly next to Vivian, they begin to cozy up to her and look around the surrounding (Tank orokos.com/roll/674432[/url]) (Eliza orokos.com/roll/674433[/url])

2018-11-02, 04:46 PM
Taiga is paying the absolute modicum of attention to the proceedings, inwardly seething.

This lady couldn't have waited for us at the bus stop?! Instead we had to chase her around half of the town. She pauses in her thoughts for a moment. To be fair, I wouldn't have wait for a bunch of new trainers to arrive either... It's her JOB though-

Vincent's nudge gets her attention. "What do you mean?" she asks out of the corner of her mouth, looking around at the other people gathered. She didn't see anything out of the ordinary that set off her mental alarm.

Chiba Yu
2018-11-05, 03:42 AM
"Right, of course! We can't be left behind!"

He scoops up Bubba and keeps pace with Vivian, trying to take care for the small pokemon that might be underfoot.

Yu happily swaps contact info with Vivian, and Sonia if willing, upon arrival. Yu will also respond as called, and confirm that he hadn't seen nor met a "Derek" on the way here.

Before the group breaks up, he'll ask Akira, Ryuu, and Hakura if they'd like to exchange numbers with him. Bubba will happily greet all of them with a small gurgle when he approaches.

2018-11-06, 12:47 AM
Haruka took a moment as Bianca went through the roll call to take in the sight of the Unova region from the lookout. This place was big, finding her target was going to be like finding a needle in a haystack. The moment she heard her name, she raised her hand, "I am Haruka" she stuttered out before her iridescent eyes once gain turned back to the sprawling Unova region. She had quite the journey ahead of her, and promptly returned to Taiga's side, waiting with her and Vincent, wondering what happens next.

2018-11-06, 09:15 AM
As Yu mentions exchanging contact info Akira nods as Morngana mews at Bubba. “Sure thing, actually meant to do this earlier on before we split across the city. Speaking of traveling, me and Ryuu are going to be traveling separately since this is a sort of competition for us. Want to travel the circuit together?” Akira asks with a smile. He will exchange info with Haruka as well, if she is willing.

2018-11-07, 09:48 PM
At the Lookout:

When you glance at Yusuke you notice that his eyes are closed as he appears to be listening intently to Bianca. It's only after she finishes listing off names from her roster that he finally opens his eyes. "So what do you think? I bet you wouldn't mind having her as your research assistant huh?", he says in a low whisper as he elbows you playfully.

"I guess that makes two of us then... Ten outta Ten would run again!", Sonia offers with a weary smile between ragged breaths. "Someone remind me to never do that again alright?"

She gladly exchanges contact information with the two of you as you make your way up the stairway to the lookout.

As your pair of grass types slowly settle down, you notice that Tank struggles to stay awake as he keeps vigil over the smaller more vulnerable fruit pokemon, while Eliza is already fast asleep.

It only takes a few moments before Hugh speaks up. "...Hey, Bianca? I didn't hear my name called!"

"Oh, you're right! That's strange... Let me take another look." She replies as she swipes a finger across the digital screen, her eyes scanning it's surface. "Hmm... okay, I think I've figured it out!"

"...And?", the dynamo replies rather quickly.

"It looks like the reason why I didn't call out your name is because it was never on the list! And now that I think about it, that would explain why I only have ten pokedexes with me...", she puts a finger up to her chin in thought.

"Wait! I need to get a pokedex if I'm going to learn more about pokemon and become strong enough to take on the Unova League! Please..." Hugh is cut short as Bianca bursts into laughter. A look of confusion overtakes his face.

"Hey there's no need to get serious all of a sudden! I really wish you could've seen the look on your face a few seconds ago; it was priceless! I was just joking about the Pokedex before though, you totally get one too! And just so there aren't any hard feelings between us I'll even start with you."

Bianca picks up a large green duffle bag sitting by the railing of the Lookout and brings it back over to where she was previously standing. She opens up the bag, revealing a large cylindrical container and a metal case beside it, then removes what appears to be one of several slender cellphones and a thin plastic case containing five basic balls.

"On behalf of Professor Juniper and the Unovan Pokemon League I'm happy to gift you all with a set of five basic Pokeballs to begin your respective journeys with in addition to a state of the art Pokedex! For those of you who don't already know, the Pokédex is a high-tech device that automatically records the data of any Pokémon you encounter and is virtually unrivaled as a Pokémon encyclopedia! In short Professor Juniper wants you all to carry this Pokédex, visit a lot of places, and meet all sorts of Pokémon and people in the Unova region!"

Hugh gladly accepts the pair of gifts and apology from the Professor's Assistant, even going so far as to give her a hug. "Thank you, I won't let you down!" the young man says smiling as he takes a few steps back to give everyone enough space to come forward.

Bianca readjusts her glasses and laughs. "Well that was definitely unexpected but I'm happy I could help you out!" She repeats the process by withdrawing a Pokedex (https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/1/1b/Pok%C3%A9dex_BW_art.png) and a plastic case filled with five basic Pokeballs and hands a set out to each of you. "Okay, now with that out of the way, Yu and Yusuke, I'm sorry, am I saying your names right? I've also brought three starter pokemon as a gift for perspective trainers with me to serve as partners during your journey! Since each of you only has a single pokemon registered to your Trainer ID number we'd like to give you the opportunity to add another member to your team."

Bianca removes the cylindrical container from the duffle bag and excitedly presents the contents inside to the Yu's (https://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbjtlhjhie1r3ifxzo1_500.gif). "Ta-daaa! In here is the pokémon that will be your new partner!". Yusuke will offer Yu the first pick of partner pokemon before selecting one of his own.

"Hey don't keep us waiting! Let's see your new partner pokemon!", Hugh chimes in.

After both Yu's make their selection from the available partner pokemon...

"Oh, wow! You two and your new partners are perfect matches! By the way, did you two want to give nicknames to either of your pokemon?", Bianca adds.

"I know my sister already said this but... everyone make sure that they take really good care of their pokemon from here on out! Got it?", Hugh echoes the words of his sister as he watches the pair of trainers meet their new partners for the first time.

Bianca audibly sighs. "This is starting to remind me of when Cheren, Hilbert, and I first met our partners two years ago... Ooh, I just thought of something cool! You all have at least two Pokémon with you right? Why don't you all have a Pokémon battle?! We have more than enough space up here on the lookout and there's even enough people here to make even pairs!"

2018-11-08, 09:16 AM
Akira smirks at Yusuke's response. "Definitely has me considering a change in careers right now. Certainly seems like my type." Akira whispers back.

After the introduction and all between Bianca and Hugh, when it is Akira's turn to take the beginning gifts he bows in thanks and audibly thanks Bianca. Pocketing the small cellphone looking black device and placing the poke balls in an easily accessible spot.

Akira eagerly awaits the choice of Yusuke's starter Pokemon, he wasn't sure what to expect from his best friend this time. Though he is taken aback at the mention of everyone having a battle right now. "Have a battle right here? Could be fun, what do you say Ryuu?" Akira looks at his friend and brother, now turned rival.

He then turns to Bianca, "Were you expecting singles or doubles for these battles, or our choice?"

Akira steps aside to battle with Yusuke, motioning for Skull to sit aside and watch the battle. ”Alright Morgana, let’s show him how it’s done!” The purple cat leaps off Akira’s shoulder and takes a stance on its hind legs. Morgana darts at Ryuu’s Pokémon as soon as it materialized, striking it and returning looking at any spoils from the theft.

Morgana is Initiative 19

Morgana uses Thief!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/676962): 1d20 9
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/676963): 3d6+1d4+8 18

2018-11-09, 12:54 PM
Haruka bows to Bianca when she is handed her Pokedex as well as the gift of 5 Basic Pokeballs. "Thank you." she responded before taking a few steps back to organize her belongings. It was after everyone had gotten their things that she heard the suggestion of a battle. It felt like it would delay her mission as well as participation in the circuit. However, it would be a good opportunity to see how her two partner pokemon were in a real battle instead of just daily training.

She had an opponent in mind, too. Haruka approached Taiga and unclipped one of the Lure Ball’s off of her obi. She held it up and smiled, “It’s been too long since we’ve face each other. It’s not exactly a hand out hand fight, but it’ll be interesting to face you again, Igarashi-San. How about one Pokemon each?” She proposed.

TJ Zen
2018-11-09, 04:45 PM
"Thank you very much." Marcus says to Bianca with a wink and a flirtatious grin after collecting his equipment. He waits a moment for Sonia to collect her pokeballs and 'dex before approaching her.

"A fellow musician, I see." Marcus Says, Pointing to the guitar. "The name's Marcus. And you're Sonia if I heard correctly. Nice to meet you. You up for a friendly spar?" He says, smiling again.

Charm on Bianca Spending 1 AP 3/5 remaining (http://orokos.com/roll/676575): 5d6 16
Charm on Sonia Spending 1 AP 2/5 remaining (http://orokos.com/roll/676577): 5d6 14

2018-11-11, 08:06 PM
Taiga accepts her Pokedex and the basic balls without comment. She holds in a groan as the assistant tell them to battle. They'd already been delayed enough today! It was time to get going!

She does however, grin wickedly as Haruka comes up to her and proposes a battle. "You're right Haruka. Out of everyone here, you are definitely the one I want to battle the most. Let's head over there," she says pointing out some open ground.

"One on one, you said?" Taiga unclips the stark white Premier ball from her belt and throw it to the middle of the impromptu field.

A small, blue, jackal headed pokemon appears. The Riolu punches the air a few times and bounces on his feet, warming up after spending so long in his pokeball.

Once Haruka makes her selection, Taiga begins shouting her first orders. "You're gonna have to be fast Kaien! Get in there and hit it with Quick Attack!"

Taiga and Kaien's Initiative is 5
Taiga issues Focused Orders as her Standard Action
Kaien uses Quick Attack!
To Hit: (http://orokos.com/roll/677008) (AC 3): 8 +2 from Focused Orders for 10
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/677012)- Normal, Physical: 24 + 5 Bonus Damage

2018-11-11, 09:25 PM
Haruka walks over with Taiga to a spot where they could have a quick friendly battle. Out of her Lure Ball came Larvesta, the fuzzy white larva shaking a bit, and then it was struck across the flank by the small blue, bipedal canid. Flames erupted from the caterpillar's horns, singing Taiga's Pokemon. Haruka winced before issuing some of her own commands, "That thing's fast! Time to fight back! Drain it of its vitality!" she commanded. Brinstar's fuzz stood on end before rearing back and began to drain the very essence from Taiga's Pokemon!


15 - [Standard] Haruka issued Agility Orders to Brinstar!

Brinstar gains +2 EVA [3/3/3]
11 - [Free] Brinstar Activates Flame Body upon being hit by Quick Attack!

Enemy Kaien is Burned!
11 - [Standard] Brinstar uses Absorb on Enemy Kaien!

Attack Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/677040) 15
Damage Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/677041) 24 Grass Damage vs. Special Defense!
Brinstar recovers 6 HP (If my math is right)

2018-11-11, 10:44 PM
The Riolu yelps as the flames singe his arms and front paws. He bares his small fangs at the caterpillar and growls.

"You're fine Kaien. Push through the pain and hit it again!"

The Pokemon attempts to punch the bug-type again, but the Larvesta is easily able to move out of the way.

Taiga issues Focused Orders!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/677055): (AC 3) 2+2 from Focused Orders
Kaien loses a Tick of HP from Burned

2018-11-11, 10:52 PM
Haruka called out to Taiga, "After we're done, let's be sure to go to the Pokemon Center and get these two taken care of. They'll deserve it after all of their hard work!" she said before pointing at the small blue pokemon, "Brinstar, drain it again. It's looking like it's on the ropes!" Brinstar's bristles stood on end again before it once again began draining the health of Taiga's Pokemon.


15 - [Standard] Haruka issues Agility Training to Brinstar!

Brinstar's Evasion goes up by +2 [3/3/3]
11 - [Standard] Brinstar uses Absorb on Enemy Kaien!

Attack Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/677057) 14 [AC2]
Damage Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/677058) 21 Grass Damage vs. Special Defense!
Brinstar heals 4 HP

2018-11-11, 10:57 PM
Vivian pulls out Tank and Eliza's respective pokeballs and beams them both back in, "C'mon you sleepy heads, we're finally getting started.", after securing them to her belt, she proceeds to head towards Bianca. Upon receiving both her pokedex and starter balls, she, with great cheer, thanks Bianca.

"I think I'll have to sit this first fight out, my little partners seem to have had a little too much fun already." and pats the balls on her belt.

Vivian side steps and stands next to Bianca to catch all the battles going, she listens and watches intently at all of them. (Perception-9 orokos.com/roll/677062)

2018-11-11, 11:08 PM
Taiga smirks. Her adrenaline is pumping; she can feel the blood in her ears. This was so much better than sitting on a bus! "I agree. Both are doing great! Show her you're not done yet, Kai!"

The Riolu mirrors his trainer's smirk as Brinstar's draining attack ends and slams his knee into the caterpillar again.

Taiga issues Focused Orders!
Kaien uses Quick Attack!
Injury Roll (http://orokos.com/roll/677059): 4
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/677063): (AC 3) 15 +2 from Focused Orders
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/677064) (Normal, Physical): 27 +5 Bonus Damage
Kaien loses a Tick of HP from Burn

2018-11-11, 11:22 PM
Haruka could see Brinstar shuddering a bit after the last hit. It chittered a bit, "Just a bit more, you can do it, Brinstar. Show it that the fire in your heart is like no other!" Brinstar hustled up and began to thrash about, spreading embers from its horns straight at the poor Riolu.


Injury Roll [Larvesta]: (http://orokos.com/roll/677067) 4, 6

15 - [Standard] Haruka issues Agility Orders to Brinstar!

Brinstar gains +2 EVA [3/3/3]
10 - [Standard] Brinstar uses Ember on Enemy Kaien

Attack Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/677068) 8 [AC2]
Damage Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/677070) 27 Fire Damage vs. Special Defense!

2018-11-11, 11:53 PM
Kaien yelps again as the flames wash over him, aggravating his burns further.

"C'mon Kai! Push through! You can do it! One more hit should bring it down!" Taiga yells, clenching her fist.

The Riolu grits his teeth and quickly punches the Larvesta one more time. After the attack his knees shudder, but he manages to stay standing, just barely.

Taiga issues Focused Orders!
Kaien uses Quick Attack!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/677071) (AC 3): 13 +2 from Focused Orders
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/677072) (Normal, Physical): 26 +5 Bonus Damage
Kaien takes a Tick of HP from Burn

2018-11-12, 12:16 AM
Haruka returned Brinstar and clipped it back to her Obi, "That was a good fight. Just like the last tournament we got to participate in together where you put me out in the ring when we were both barely holding on." Haruka took a few steps forward to come face to face with Taiga, only a tad shorter than she was, "I've missed seeing you by the way. I've always looked forward to spending tournament downtime with you. I was heartbroken that year you didn't show up...and the next..." she lamented rubbing at her arm before looking back at Taiga, "Would you like to travel this circuit together? I mean...can I come along with you and Vincent...if you'll have me?"

After a post battle chat with Taiga, Haruka made a point to check in with Bianca, "Hello. I have finished with Taiga. We are going to the Pokemon Center...where should we go after?" she stammered out, still wildly uncomfortable and unknowledgeable with the language she was trying to speak.

big teej
2018-11-12, 08:51 AM
Vincent saunters up to Bianca and accepts his pokedex and new capture gear. "Thank you." He says with a nod and then quickly scoots out of the way of the rest of the new trainers. He turns to suggest to Taiga that they skip out on the practice battle and get right to it, but sees that the martial artist's friend has challenged her first. Well, so much for that... He thinks to himself. He shrugs and walks over to the lookout's railing, keeping an eye on the battles and enjoying the scenery. He takes a moment to attach the empty pokeballs to his belt and adjust the settings of his new pokedex to his liking.

Vincent, noticing Vivian standing off to the side, will approach her and say "Do you have plans for the circuit? I think it'd be wise to move in as large a group as possible, at least early on, ya know? Would you like to come along with the three of us?" He gestures at Taiga and Haruka, figuring Taiga's friend being a more or less permanent addition to their group.

After Taiga and Haruka's battle concludes, he'll walk over and say "That wasn't bad, you guys look like you've done this before. Is there anything we need to do before we go get your pokemon patched up and get this trainwreck moving?"

Chiba Yu
2018-11-13, 08:33 AM
Yu will happily come forth to pick a new partner, along with Accepting his Pokedex and Basic Balls. He makes room before sending out the small otter Pokemon. "Thanks for all your assistance, Bianca. You're doing just fine with the names." After a small pause, he nods, a smile spreading across his face. "I think Oda is a good name for the little guy. But I don't think I'll be getting him into a fight right away. I'm perfectly happy to spectate this first set."

While the battles are going on, Yu is getting acquainted with his new friend! The small otter seems to happily play along with Bubba on the sidelines, the two getting acquainted quickly. He's approachable for conversation, though he starts paying closer attention as one of the battles heats up.

2018-11-13, 08:55 AM
After Taiga and Haruka's battle concludes, he'll walk over and say "That wasn't bad, you guys look like you've done this before. Is there anything we need to do before we go get your pokemon patched up and get this trainwreck moving?"

Haruka looked to Vincent, iridescent eyes growing wider and a slight panic setting in, "Wrecked Train? Oh I hope everyone is fine!" she said as she began looking to see if she could see smoke or something indicating the incident that Vincent just described.

2018-11-13, 11:33 PM
Getting Started (Party):

After Yu receives his Pokemon from Bianca, Ryuu makes his own selection and opts to take Snivy. "This Snivy should work wonderfully with Zephyr." He thanks Bianca with a bow and releases the Pokemon after finding the space to do so. Anyone listening can easily overhear the name Ryuu has chosen for his Snivy; Ieyasu.


Ryuu smiles, "Of course little brother! A battle sounds like fun, how about one pokemon each?"

Ryuu joins Akira and asks that Ieyasu watch the match by his side. "Ready when you are!", he calls out to you as he tosses a pokeball, releasing a brown fox-like creature with long ears, a fluffy cream colored mane, and a bushy tail. "Let's show them what you can do Zephyr!" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gqjln6Gy-Ak)

As Morgana springs into motion she strikes and is struck simultaneously in midair by the Eevee. Both mammals land across from each other in front of the opposing trainer and turn to face the each other.

19 - Morgana
10 - Akira, Yusuke, Zephyr

Morgana used Thief!
Morgana couldn't find anything on the enemy Eevee...

Zephyr activated Sprint as a Free Action!
Ryuu issues Focused Orders on Zephyr's Initiative!
Zephyr uses Covet as an Interrupt! (Priority: Limited)
Morgana took 27 Normal Physical vs Defense! +5 Bonus Damage

Zephyr couldn't find anything on the enemy Purrloin...

Morgana has Initiative!


"Um... Y-You're welcome!" You see Bianca's face redden a bit after you give her your thanks.

"A fellow musician, I see." Marcus Says, Pointing to the guitar. "The name's Marcus. And you're Sonia if I heard correctly. Nice to meet you. You up for a friendly spar?" He says, smiling again.

"Let me guess, the guitar on my back gave me away didn't it?", she smiles in return as she sizes you up. "Yeah Sonia's my name, it's nice to meet ya..." She trails of and gives you a curious look as she inclines her head to the side. "Hey, do I... know you from somewhere? You seem familiar to me for some reason."

"You wanna battle with me huh?" She thinks for a moment and looks to her Rockruff who's already begun to bark in excitement as if it could understand your intention to fight. "Sounds fun! Looks like Treble is in too. So... uh, are we like, using one pokemon each or two? And what kinda pokemon battle will it be?"

Reigniting a Rivalry (Haruka and Taiga):

"Woah! Your battle was A-MA-ZING! It was SO close!" Bianca calls out to both of you as your battle reaches it's conclusion. "This reminds me of when I battled Hilbert when we first started out!"

Kaien gained 35 EXP!
Kaien gains the Rivalry ability only when actively battling against Brinstar.
Taiga gained 5 Trainer EXP!
Brinstar gained 18 EXP!
Brinstar gains the Rivalry ability only when actively battling against Kaien.
Haruka gained 3 Trainer EXP!

Rise of the Regent (Party):

In the wake of Taiga and Haruka's battle anyone paying any sort of attention to the surrounding area of the Lookout notices a very large canine with maroon colored fur and sharp red eyes emerge from the stairway. Its raises it's nose to the air and sniffs for a few seconds before lowering it's head and begins searching for something.

The beast makes no attempt to conceal it's presence as it takes several steps towards the group of trainers, eyeing everything and everyone in sight before it finally rests its gaze upon Vivian. The monster licks it's nose and visibly "grins" before loosing a noisy howl (https://youtu.be/lPi41SYpFj8?t=10).

As if on cue a young man appears at the staircase and slowly makes his way toward the hyena. When he finally reaches the top of the stairs the height and size of the man are made apparent as he visibly stands a few inches taller than either Marcus or Vincent. His muscular frame is only accentuated by form fitting button up shirt he wears slightly open with both sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

"Alright Alex, that's enough..." The canine falls silent as the man stands by it's side though it eyes remained glued to Vivian. The mans eyes search across the faces for something in particular until they eventually come to a rest on Bianca. "I finally found ya... So you're the professor's reasearch assistant?" His eyes light up with a predatory gleam. "Bianca right? The name's Derek, Derek Marsh, and I believe you have at few things you're waiting for me to pick up.", he finishes with a grin.

TJ Zen
2018-11-13, 11:59 PM
"Um... Y-You're welcome!" You see Bianca's face redden a bit after you give her your thanks.

"A fellow musician, I see." Marcus Says, Pointing to the guitar. "The name's Marcus. And you're Sonia if I heard correctly. Nice to meet you. You up for a friendly spar?" He says, smiling again.

"Let me guess, the guitar on my back gave me away didn't it?", she smiles in return and as she sizes you up. "Yeah Sonia's my name, it's nice to meet ya..." She trails of and gives you a curious look as she inclines her head to the side. "Hey, do I... know you from somewhere? You seem familiar to me for some reason."

"You wanna battle with me huh?" She thinks for a moment and looks to her Rockruff who's already begun to bark in excitement as if it could understand your intention to fight. "Sounds fun! Looks like Treble is in too. So... uh, are we like, using one pokemon each or two? And what kinda pokemon battle will it be?"

"Oh I'm no one special." Marcus says, with a smirk.

"We should have a Doubles Match!" Marcus chirps. "It let's the duos play together and find their rhythm. Also your Rockruff looks rearing to go! and if your second is anything like him, I bet he's a handful! the more, the merrier!"Marcus croons.

"Scales! Siren! Its time to Shine!" The Pair yip in unison and take an aggressive stance.

Initiative: 5 for all!

2018-11-14, 09:34 AM
Akira winces seeing the hit Morgana has taken and commands her to return the favor, using her speed to her advantage.

Akira issues Agility Orders! +2 EVA

Morgana uses Thief!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/677596): 1d20 5
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/677597): 3d6+1d4+8 15

Injuries (http://orokos.com/roll/677598) 4 and 2

2018-11-14, 02:15 PM

Ryuu instructs Zephyr to hold her ground as she braces for Morgana's incoming attack. Morgana lunges at her opponent once more only to see the brown fox slip away from her assault at the last second.

"Take it down now!" Ryuu calls out to Zephyr and the Eevee responds instantaneously as it throws itself shoulder first into the Purrloin, sending Morgana into a gentle slide across the ground.

Morgana used Thief! But it missed... (BY ONE!)

Ryuu issues Focused Orders to Zephyr!
Zephyr's Accuracy increased by +2!

Zephyr used Tackle!
34 Normal Physical vs Defense! +5 (Bonus Damage)

OOC: Provided my math is right, this attack should be more than enough to KO Morgana however because this battle is meant to be a warm up to the campaign, I am hand-waiving the two new injuries and vitality loss!

Morgana gained 18 EXP!
Morgana gains the Rivalry ability only when actively battling against Zephyr.

Ryuu claps slowly before he starts moving towards you. "It looks like I win this time Akira. Though I expect that we'll both have grown a lot stronger as trainers the next time we battle." He says smiling as he takes a knee to praise his Eevee and introduce her to his new Snivy. "Now let's go get Morgana patched up, after this..." His eyes narrow slightly as he watches the large maroon hyena emerge from the staircase with an even larger man in tow.


"Right... I've heard that one before." She shoots back with a knowing look.

"And Treble is always ready to go." Sonia laughs as she looks to her Rockruff who barks back with excitement. She removes a pokeball from her belt and chucks onto the field, releasing a tiny yellow humanoid creature that sports a pair of horizontal black stripes across torso and arms, and a pair of rectangular horns that jut straight out of the top of it's head. In fact, it's horns almost resemble a 2-pin flat plug. "Alright Amp, you're up!" The tiny humanoid smiles wickedly as it begins to swing it's arms in circles. You hear the crackle of electricity as you see arcs of energy race between it's horns.

"Go get'em Treble!" (https://youtu.be/rCa-4SMxLk8?t=7) Sonia cries with the same energy as her rock puppy who responds in turn with a chilling howl.

10 - Sonia, Treble, Amp
5 - Marcus, Siren, Scales

"Amp, try your best to shock the blue one! Treble you tackle the scaly one!" The two pokemon attack in unison with Amp unleashing a bolt of electricity into the blue sea lion as Treble barrels into the dragon type.

"You're lookin' pretty good out there boys, keep it up!", Sonia cheers.

Sonia issued Focused Orders to Amp!
Amp's Accuracy increased by +2!

Amp used Thunder Shock on Siren! (It's Super Effective!)
29 Electric Special vs Special Defense +5 Bonus Damage

OOC: Provided my math is right, this attack should be just enough to OHKO Siren however because this battle is meant to be a warm up to the campaign, I am hand-waiving the four injuries she would gain and the vitality loss!

Treble used Tackle on Scales!
21 Normal Physical vs Defense +5 Bonus Damage

2018-11-14, 05:26 PM
Akira runs out to Morgana, holding the knocked out cat in his arms. ”You did great Morgana, take a good rest now.” Akira says as he recalls Morgana to her Luxury Ball. As Ryuu approaches, Akira stands and congratulates him. ”Yeah you win this time, but next time.... I’ll be stronger! Morgana hasn’t seen much action since.... well you know.”

Akira turns to look at the Eevee and Snivy, motioning Skull over. ”Zephyr is pretty amazing. Where did you find her?”

As Ryuu stops to look at the man and maroon hyena, he tenses up on hearing the guy’s name. ”Yeah, lets go after seeing how this plays out.....”

Akira approaches Haruka. ”Hey I just wanted to say I’m sorry for my rudeness earlier. You guys traveling together? Safe travels!” He says to Haruka, Taiga, and Vincent.

He approaches Yu then. ”Hey bud, care for a traveling companion?”

2018-11-14, 09:41 PM
Haruka took a few steps forward to come face to face with Taiga, only a tad shorter than she was, "I've missed seeing you by the way. I've always looked forward to spending tournament downtime with you. I was heartbroken that year you didn't show up...and the next..." she lamented rubbing at her arm before looking back at Taiga, "Would you like to travel this circuit together? I mean...can I come along with you and Vincent...if you'll have me?"

"My sensei decided to go a different route in my training," Taiga explains. She puts her hand on her hips. "I missed you too Haruka. You were always the one I was excited to see. I always knew it would be a good fight." She holds out a fist for the ninja to bump.

"You're welcome to come with us."

TJ Zen
2018-11-15, 11:22 AM
Siren collapses after the electric light show and Marcus recalls her immediately. "Looks like they wanted to go up-tempo. Sorry girl we'll need thicker skin to stay and play. Scales how're you driving?" Marcus Asks as he turns to see scales pushed back by the rock dog. But scales doesn't look like his energetic self. his face is deadly focused and his scale are trembling (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AebrcJoBPv4). "Be careful, Scales. another one like that and the act'll be over before your finale!"

Focus (http://orokos.com/roll/677834): 3d6+1 14

big teej
2018-11-15, 10:01 PM
Vincent does a double take when Derek identifies himself, his lip curling in a sneer, his fists clench. Now that he's actually been confronted with his childhood tormentor, fear has been momentarily supplanted by ire and confusion.

"Yeah, uh, it'll be nice to have you with us Haruka." He says absently. Taiga, he says quietly, he juts his head towards the newly appeared trainer and his hound. "That's him." Vincent takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "We should collect Vivian if she's coming with us and leave... there's nothing to be gained by remaining here..."

Edit: What's Derek's Aura look like?

Chiba Yu
2018-11-16, 12:31 AM
Yu seems to be watching a couple of the battles intently, almost studying the goings-on while still keeping an eye on his own pokemon. When the large hyena howls, he shifts his attention to it, trying to think of what it is or if it was what he saw earlier... https://orokos.com/roll/677987

When Akira approaches him, Yu will smile and reply: "I'm 'in the market' it seems. I'd be happy to travel with you and your friend Ryuu, which I assume is the case?

2018-11-16, 01:15 AM
Vivian takes notice of the large man that has approached her and Bianca, a small sigh of relief comes over her when she realizes that she isn't the focus of the large mans attention. Vivian gently places a hand on Bianca's shoulder, give a "good luck" kind of smile and tries to slip away towards Vincent's little party.

As she is walking away,Vivian begins looking around, as she scans the area for Vincent, her eyes lock with the Mightyena's; she notices that regardless of where she moves, it's eyes are trained on her, the feint glisten of saliva dripping from the sides of it's toothy maw. This sends shivers running down her spine, she scans more quickly, occasionally noticing the Mightyena still honed onto her, she finally spots Vincent's party and urgently walks over to him.

Upon reaching the three trainers, she grabs Vincent by the collar and the words spew out of her mouth "Ithinkthatyou'reabsolutlyrightandIammostappreciati veoftheinvitationtotravelwithyou,maywepleasegonow?". A cold sweat runs down her neck as she can still feel the Mightyena's gaze.

2018-11-16, 11:31 PM
Akira smiles as Yu seems to accept his offer of traveling companion. "Actually, Ryuu wants to travel separately from me for a while. This way we won't expect what each other has in store for our meet ups around the circuit." Akira does look at the large group he had just apologized to a moment ago. "Though a few more bodies wouldn't hurt. Especially if...... Akira's voice trails off, keeping an eye on the hyena and its trainer. He will scan the hyena with his new black PokeDex to identify it.

He couldn't help but think back to a break in at a Plasma base. He was starting to miss those days of breaking and entering. Eh, his days of breaking into places and stealing stuff were done. For now. "Could always see if Marcus wants to join up, he's pretty cool so far from what I can tell. He then squats down to say hi to Yu's two Pokemon. "Bubba and Oda seem to be getting along just fine. Take it you have a preference for Water types?"

2018-11-17, 05:52 PM
Haruka was still quite concerned about this ‘trainwreck’ that Vincent had mentioned. He seemed concerned with leaving as quickly as possible, and with good reason! There was a trainwreck, and if they were going to help those people, it would be best to hurry along and see to them! She turned to Taiga and Vincent, stammering and struggling in the native tongue of the land, “So...we are going?” She asked Taiga and Vincent.

Chiba Yu
2018-11-20, 01:17 AM
Yu raises an eyebrow when Akira tells him Ryuu wouldn't be traveling with them. "So instead of traveling together, you're competing? Whatever suits you I guess. Insofar as allies go, I'm not picky." He shrugs. "Sonia seemed nice enough, too. She'd be worth asking when they conclude their battle."

Yu Smiles at the mention of his pokemon getting along. "Bubba is a little charmer, I'm not surprised. He'll dance as often as breathe, and is really my favorite little dude. And, I do have a preference for Water types... A strong one. I'm going to avoid using non-water types as much as I can get away with on this journey."

2018-11-20, 01:20 PM
Akira shrugs at Yu's mention of him and Ryuu competing. "Yeah not exactly what I had in mind for the adventure but Ryuu suggested it." Akira leans in and whispers "Sometimes I really don't know what goes on in his head." Akira nods in response to not being too picky about companions. "I'll second that sentiment. She's not bad, certainly giving Marcus a run for his money."

As Yu talks about Bubba, Akira smiles and looks at Morgana's ball and over at Skull. "I know what you mean, Morgana is my favorite little dude too. Right next to Skull here." Akira chuckles as he pats Skull's head. "Hopefully they all get along. Skull is pretty chill he just looks like he'd be rough." Akira chuckles. He smiles at Yu and his Pokemon. "You sound to Water types like I am to Dark types. A very strong connection. I have the same goal with making sure I don't use as many non Dark types as possible.

2018-11-20, 05:22 PM

"I'd accept nothing less!" Ryuu responds reassuringly. He glances at Zephyr before offering you answer. "She was actually a gift from my parents. I specifically requested an eevee as a partner for my journey so my grandparents sent one over from Kanto via PC."

Ryuu recalls both Zephyr and Ieyasu before moving to rejoin the party.

As you activate your pokedex, it only takes a moment for it to register Mightyena, the Bite Pokemon.

Mightyena travel and act as a pack in the wild. The memory of its life in the wild compels the Pokémon to obey only those trainers that it recognizes to possess superior skill.


"Alright boys, it's two on one now so let's try and end this!" Sonia calls out to her duo. The musicians rockruff readies itself for another tackle but is cut off by the bipedal plug pokemon that crashes into Scales shoulder first, sending the scaled lizard tumbling into it's trainer where it lands unconscious. Amp swings his arms wildly creating arcs of electricity between his horns, then beats his chest in triumph. Treble rushes past Amp and sniffs Scales before leaping into his trainers arms and barking in excitement.

"Way to go Treble, you guys were great together! OW! OW! OW!" Sonia cries out as her rockruff nuzzles her while grinding the rocky spikes on it's neck across her skin. She sets the puppy down and makes her way over to you. "Okay little guy, I love you too but that's more enough tough love for today... You looked pretty cool out there too kid!" she says as passes her elekid who rubs a finger across its face just underneath where its nose would be.

"Thanks for the battle Marcus, honestly I was unsure about it at first but that was actually A LOT of fun! I can really see why people and pokemon enjoy the sport so much now.", she says as she offers you a hand to shake.

Sonia issues Focused Orders to Treble!
Treble's Accuracy increased by +2!

Amp used Quick Attack on Scales! (Priority Limited)
24 Normal Physical vs Defense +5 Bonus Damage
Scales is KO'ed!

Marcus gains 3 Trainer EXP!
Marcus' team gains 60 EXP that can be distributed between the two participants in any way the character chooses!
Siren gains the Rivalry ability when battling ALONGSIDE OR AGAINST Sonia's pokemon.


In the brief window between Derek's arrival and Vivian's "aside" with you, by focusing your mind you are able to see the aura emanating from your former bully. The man is swathed in a dark crimson aura and you can just barely feel some sort of underlying emotion coming from him. At first it comes across as a smoldering anger but when you see a similar aura begin to radiate from Alex you then realize that the emotion isn't anger, it's hunger and a deeply rooted one at that.

Based on what you remember from your previous "encounter" at the park you know that the pair of eyes from before DO NOT belong to a Mightyena but DO belong to a larger predator of sorts. It is also painfully obvious that the particular Mightyena is much larger than other members of it's species even in comparison to other females.

"Oh! So YOU'RE Derek? I was wondering when you were going to show up! You know you're pretty late to the party right? Then again I suppose that wasn't your fault since I wasn't exactly where I was supposed to be before..." her Bianca's voice trails off as she nervously pushes her tips of her index fingers together. "But you're here now so let's just call it even okay!?" She excitedly offers to shake Derek's hand which he politely takes.

"Now that you're here let's get you caught up!" Bianca reaches into her duffel bag once more and removes a pokedex, a plastic case filled with 5 basic pokeballs, and the last pokeball from the cylindrical container.

"I've already given everyone else their starting gear in addition to the formal gifting on behalf of Professor Juniper and the Unova League, so if you wanna get the entire rundown it would probably be best to hear it from someone else. Oh! And since you were the last to arrive that means you've also been chosen as the partner for this Tepig by default! The saying goes 'always save the best for last' but in the case of these starters I think that they're all top notch picks as partner pokemon! Why don't you go ahead meet the little guy for yourself? And while you're at it why not give him a name too?!"

"Hmph... sure, why not?" Derek pockets the pokedex and deposits the case into his bag before taking a few steps back to release the Tepig. The pig squeals in delight as it's released and makes two circles in quick succession surveying it's surroundings before inching up to the man towering over it. Derek squats low and prods the pigs nose with a finger as it begins to sniff wildly at his hand in curiosity. "It's tiny..." He says unenthusiastically.

"Yeah, isn't it great!? He's SO cute! And if you two train hard together it won't be long before he evolves into a big and powerful Emboar just like Hilbert's did!" Bianca offers with encouragement.

"Sorry, but am I somehow supposed to know who this Hilbert guy is?" Derek retorts.

"Oh, right! It all happened so quickly two years ago just before the Unova League shut down temporarily, but my friend Hilbert was the former Unova League Champion!"

You all visibly see Bianca's eyes light up as she's about to go into greater detail, but you see her mentally catch herself as she's struck with sudden realization.

"I ALMOST FORGOT!" Bianca exclaims as she looks around, making sure you're all still within eyesight and earshot. "Before you guys go I have two important requests to ask of you from two VERY important people. The first is to head Northeast to Floccesy Town and pay a visit to the town's local Unova League Official. After 'an assessment of your capability as a pokemon trainer', by this Official I was instructed to notify you all that the Aspertia City Gym Leader WILL NOT accept challenges from trainers who possess two or fewer pokemon. Which means that Gym Leader would like each of you to add at least one more pokemon to your collections if you want to take on the Aspertia City Gym, which will officially open to the public in 5 days by the way."

Bianca inhales deeply and audibly exhales. "Okay, I'm pretty sure that's everything! Any questions?" She looks around at everyone gathered at the lookout waiting patiently for anyone to speak up.

"Just one..." Derek pipes up as he brushes his new tepig to the side with his hand. "Why didn't you tell me that you were challenging the Unovan Circuit too Vincent? He gets up and strolls over to you, finally coming to a stop beside his Mightyhena once more. "It's been a while Sharpe...", Derek makes an effort to stand as straight as possible casting his Mightyena in his shadow, "how ya been buddy?" He casts a quick glance at Haruka, Taiga, and Vivian, his predatory grin emerges once more. "And who are your friends?"

"I don't know why, but Alex seems to be really sweet on you for some reason Ms...?" Derek leaves the sentence hanging in the air as he looks at Vivian. His Mightyena's eyes remained trained on Vivian though it hasn't moved an inch.

It's readily apparent to anyone who's worked with pokemon before that Derek's Mightyena seems to be waiting for it's trainer to issue a command of some sort. While the intent of that command is unclear it's obvious that the pokemon is ready and waiting to carry it out on Vivian.

I'm trying something new so just play along with it for now!

Both Brinstar and Kaien gain the Rivalry ability when battling ALONGSIDE OR AGAINST the other trainer's pokemon.

big teej
2018-11-21, 12:04 AM
Vincent's fists clench as Derek approaches. He closes his eyes against the memories. He opens them again and looks up at his childhood tormentor. He takes an involuntary step back. "Yeah, it has, but I'd say not nearly long enough." He manages through grit teeth. He sighs, calms. "Kick rocks Derek." Vincent mutters dismissively and turns to Vivian, Taiga, and Haruka. "Come on, we should get your pokemon healed and stock up on supplies before we head out."

Unless one of his companions, or Derek, attempts to stop him, Vincent will flee, I mean, uh, "Tactically Retreat", leave the lookout and head to the pokemon center.

TJ Zen
2018-11-23, 03:11 PM
Siren gains 30xp! Siren gained 3 levels! Siren learned "Disarming Voice"!

Scales earned 30xp! Scales earned 3 levels! Scales and Siren are level 8.

"Whew! That was certainly a good show by your crew! Flashy and functional in equal measure. It's easy to see why you're ready for this." Marcus says, Mock-bowing in concession and shaking her hand.

"Me and mine have a bit more wood-shedding to do before we're ready, but the next time we face off things will be different." Marcus says with his trademark grin.

"I ALMOST FORGOT!" Bianca exclaims as she looks around, making sure you're all still within eyesight and earshot. "Before you guys go I have two important requests to ask of you from two VERY important people. The first is to head Northeast to Floccesy Town and pay a visit to the town's local Unova League Official. After 'an assessment of your capability as a pokemon trainer', by this Official I was instructed to notify you all that the Aspertia City Gym Leader WILL NOT accept challenges from trainers who possess two or fewer pokemon. Which means that Gym Leader would like each of you to add at least one more pokemon to your collections if you want to take on the Aspertia City Gym, which will officially open to the public in 5 days by the way."

Bianca inhales deeply and audibly exhales. "Okay, I'm pretty sure that's everything! Any questions?" She looks around at everyone gathered at the lookout waiting patiently for anyone to speak up.

"Just one..." Derek pipes up as he brushes his new tepig to the side with his hand. "Why didn't you tell me that you were challenging the Unovan Circuit too Vincent? He gets up and strolls over to you, finally coming to a stop beside his Mightyhena once more. "It's been a while Sharpe...", Derek makes an effort to stand as straight as possible casting his Mightyena in his shadow, "how ya been buddy?" He casts a quick glance at Haruka, Taiga, and Vivian, his predatory grin emerges once more. "And who are your friends?"

"I don't know why, but Alex seems to be really sweet on you for some reason Ms...?" Derek leaves the sentence hanging in the air as he looks at Vivian. His Mightyena's eyes remained trained on Vivian though it hasn't moved an inch.

It's readily apparent to anyone who's worked with pokemon before that Derek's Mightyena seems to be waiting for it's trainer to issue a command of some sort. While the intent of that command is unclear it's obvious that the pokemon is ready and waiting to carry it out on Vivian.

Intuition (http://orokos.com/roll/679491): 3d6 10 Marcus is paying attention to the interactions between Derek and the others but eyes the fiendish dog warily.

"Say now, You wouldn't be looking for some traveling companion to Floccesy Town would you?" Marcus says, pulling himself back to his conversation with Sonia "I'm gonna mention joining up to Akira and his friends. We'll have a regular traveling band! What do you say? " Marcus says, flashing a brilliant smile to the Young Musician.
Charm Spending 1 AP 1/5 remaining (http://orokos.com/roll/679494): 5d6 15

Marcus walks to the 3 men standing and talking. "Well gents, it looks as if we're all heading in the same direction. Care to travel together? I'd imagine it being much more manageable with greater numbers. Interested?"

2018-11-25, 03:18 AM
Vivian doesn't hear the question asked of her, her focus is solely on the Mightyena, she eyes it nervously as if trying to gauge when it will lunge at her. She makes eye contact with the great beast and tries to send it her thoughts Please don't eat me, please don't eat me..., almost like a mantra she continues to repeat the phrase in her mind, but instead of steeling herself, focusing on the Mightyena has had a reverse effect, she is only getting more frightened of it. She begins to notice just how sharp it's teeth are, how it pants, breathing in her scent, learning it; it isn't just watching her, its plotting it's wicked deeds. Vivian see's it in it's eyes, it will be her undoing.

Suddenly a voice pierces through the intense stare-down, she isn't sure who said it but someone has clearly shouted "COME ON", it was happening now, the command was given, soon the Mightyena will come at her.

Vivian gives out a loud yelp and begins to run away from the look out, she could no longer feel the fatigue from earlier, she starts running back into town, surely if she is mauled in town, her chances of survival would be even greater.

(orokos.com/roll/679753 survival 16) As she runs to town, she attempt to throw off her scent as she escapes.

[Woot woot page 5] (I would like to now make it official, Vivian is now afraid of large dark coloured canines)

2018-11-25, 09:46 PM
Intuition (http://orokos.com/roll/679896): 17

Taiga stares up at Derek defiantly. As he asks who Vincent's friends are and after Vincent walks away, she grins back and cracks her knuckles. "The name's Taiga Igarashi. We'll meet again Derek. I look forward to it, but my guide is leaving me behind. See ya!" She throws him a half mock salute, half wave, then turns and trots to catch up with the Unovan native.

"So that's Derek, huh? He looks strong," she says to Vincent. "I can't wait to fight him. His Mightyhena looks mean too. Like it wanted to eat... ehhh... whatshername... Green-Hair. Kaien might need to evolve before he takes on that beast."

Once they get back to the Center, she will turn in Kaien's pokeball to the attendant.

2018-11-26, 07:36 AM
"Hey Marcus, just what I was about to ask you!" Akira chuckles a bit, keeping his eyes on the Mightyena. "What do you guys say we split to the Pokemon Center before that guy decides to go a little crazier towards anyone but the Vincent dude?" As they are on their way to the Center, Akira will introduce himself to Marcus's new companion Sonia.

That Derek guy, gives me a bad vibe. Kinda reminds me of someone ya know what I mean Ryuu?" Akira will ask making sure that Skull is close by his side.

At the Center, Akira will hand over Morgana's ball and wait out the healing. Taking time at the PokeMart stand to stock up on items. He then proceeds to organize them, keeping the new black PokeDex in his front pants pocket.

3 Potions for 600 Pokken
3 Basic Balls for 900 Pokken
1500 Pokken remaining

big teej
2018-11-26, 08:18 PM
Vincent is disturbed from his thoughts by Vivian charging past him. "Hey, Vivian, wait up!" He jogs a few paces after her, but if she doesn't slow down or respond, he'll slow back to a walk and shrug. "Well, I've already had to find one girl today..." Vincent will then return to the pokemon center. Upon arrival, he'll head to the pokemart kiosk and purchase a few items, then find a chair with some flat space to do some tinkering while he waits for Haruka and Taiga's pokemon to be healed.

He'll drape his work surface with a thick cloth and spread out various mechanical and techno bits and bobs along with the tools of his trade. After about half an hour, he's cobbled together a pokeball, indistinguishable from the 5 Bianca gave him. Another 30 minutes, and a blocky frame has been affixed to the body of the ball. He unscrews the cap from the spray on potion he bought and fits it to the receptacle in the case.

He'll then pack up his pokeball tool kit and various scrap techno bits left. "ow." He looks at the bead of blood on his thumb, cut on a piece of circuit board.

Vincent expends 100 Poken and 30 Minutes to craft a Basic Ball
Vincent expends 500 Poken and 30 minutes to craft a Medicine Case
Vincent spends 1,000 Poken on a First Aid Kit
Vincent spends 600 Poken on 3 Affliction Heals
Vincent spends 200 Poken on 1 Potion
Vincent has 600 Poken left of his starting 3,000

2018-11-28, 09:33 AM
Haruka followed in tow with Vincent and Taiga. With the hastened pace, she assumed they were going to go aid in this wrecked train, but found out that they arrived at the Pokemon Center. Makes sense, their pokemon should be fighting fit before going to aid anyone! Once at the counter, she would gently place the Lure Ball containing Brinstar in one of the trays and gingerly hand it over to the Nurse, "Thank you for looking at Brinstar for me. Um, my travel partner there," she said while pointing over to Vincent, "said there is wrecked train. Are people and pokemon ok?" she stammered, hoping to finally glean some information about this supposed wrecked train that Vincent had mentioned earlier.

While waiting for Brinstar, she would head to the hospitality area, and change. She emerged in something a tad more comfortable. She was wearing an long-sleeve undershirt that clung tightly to her skin, it having that sheen that most athletic wear has on it. Over it she was wearing a lavender t-shirt that had a tri-forked design on it, reminiscent of the crest of the Venomoth. Athletic shorts and proper sneakers adorned her legs and feet and she was now ready to travel! She tied her hair up into a ponytail before rejoining with Taiga and Vincent

2018-12-04, 02:37 AM
Vivian was not, by any means, particularly athletic; this is not to say she is out of shape, but the life of an academic does not cater well to maintaining a strong physique. The running had made her thoughts go a tad fuzzy and she had still not fully recuperated from her last race, but here she was, this time, running for her life or to be more accurate, well being. She had run straight into town, but began taking corners and getting herself lost. She had never been lost before seeing as she had always had an excellent sense of direction, but to reiterate, her mind was a blur at the time, this could be forgiven. She saw a large sign in the shape of a pokeball and began to head towards it, she had somehow made it to the pokecenter, though she had gone a very long round-about way of it. As the doors slid open for her, her addled mind did not know it was a pokecenter, but the sign felt comforting and safe. Her vision blurred and her breath panting hot air from the excessive activity, she dropped to her knees, the linoleum floors were cool and felt good on her legs. A nurse approached and seeing her in her state helped her to a bench and brought her a cup of water, while she rested her senses began coming back to her, she thanked the nurse graciously and looked around, it was at this time she realized where she was and remembered leaving Vincent, Taiga, and Haruka behind. She felt awful, emotionally and physically; she pulled out her Xtransceiver and begins to dial, only to discover she doesn't have any of their contacts. A sudden rush of panic washes over as a millions thoughts rush through her head "What if they left without me?" "Maybe they think I abandoned them!" "They're only kids, what kind of adult am I?!?!" her mind was racing. As she was slowly starting to doubt her decisions about this whole endeavor, a familiar and concerned voice began asking about train victims in slightly broken Unovan.

2018-12-09, 12:31 AM
Vincent, Taiga, Haruka, Vivian:

You see Derek's eyes visibly narrow, however only slightly as he stares Vincent down. The larger man in maroon says nothing to the group until Vincent makes to leave. "You really know how to make a guy feel special Sharpe..." His smile returns as he eyes Taiga, Haruka, and Vivan again. "Hmph, and women too apparently. We're gonna have to catch up sometime, you and me. It'll be fun, just like old times..."

When Vivian takes off anyone watching will see the Mightyena make to chase after her but it's caught by the scruff of it's neck before it even can even lunge at the green haired woman. Despite being restrained the Mightyena's eyes remain fixed on the stairway to the lookout while Derek retains his grip on the beast. In a similar fashion to his pokemon Derek's focus remains on Taiga and Haruka as they leave.

As he asks who Vincent's friends are and after Vincent walks away, she grins back and cracks her knuckles. "The name's Taiga Igarashi. We'll meet again Derek. I look forward to it, but my guide is leaving me behind. See ya!" She throws him a half mock salute, half wave, then turns and trots to catch up with the Unovan native.

"Then that makes two of us.", he offers you a parting wink as the party makes their way back to the Pokemon Center.

Marcus, Akira, Yu:

Sonia chuckles and as she recalls her pair of pokemon. "Thanks for the praise but I wouldn't go so far as to say we're 'ready' for anything just yet." She shakes the musician's hand. "We'll be lookin' forward to facing off against you guys again too."

The guitarist takes a few seconds to look at Akira and Yu after Marcus offers for her to travel with them to the next town. "Sure, I don't see why not. I'd rather travel with a band than go solo anyway." Sonia joins your trio and introduces herself to each of you in turn.

When the four of you set off to return to the center Ryuu will say goodbye to everyone before pulling Akira aside. "Looks like this is where we part ways, at least for now anyway. I'll see you in Floccesy in a few days. Stay focused out there and remember what you're here for!" With that Ryuu departs toward the North Gate and waves goodbye to you over his shoulder.


"Goodbye everyone and good luck out there! Make sure to look out for each other out there!" Bianca calls out to everyone as you all depart.

Derek takes his leave with his Mightyena in tow shortly after Vincent's party departs and mentions something about finding lunch to Alex. Hugh speaks to Bianca thanking her once more before leaving the lookout soon after.

At the Center

The attendant at the front desk happily greets any member of the part that checks in their Pokemon for treatment, however you quickly notice that the young woman who was sitting behind the counter before is nowhere to be found.

When Haruka inquires about a train the nurse at front desk tilts her head in slightly before answering. "I'm sorry miss, but there hasn't been any news of a trainwreck in the region recently. At least to my knowledge anyway. However if you have any other questions or concerns I'd love to help."

An hour passes as you're left to your own devices and shortly after the hour mark a voice speaks over the intercom paging everyone who checked in their pokemon for treatment to the front desk. Once every pokemon is returned to it's trainer and you all find that only the party and employees of the pokemon center remain in the quiet of the lobby.

OOC: Sorry to keep you all waiting. Let's get this show on the road!

2018-12-10, 09:34 AM
Haruka would nod to the Pokemon Center attendant after hearing about there being no train wreck, "Oh...that is good. My...person I met there," she said motioning at Vincent, "said a thing about train wreck." she said. She would also ask for directions to the next town they had to travel to, though she most likely butchered the pronunciation of it. After her clothing change, she confronted Vincent, frowning profusely at him, "There is no wrecked train. Why did you say there is train wreck?" she stuttered and stammered, having to look up a good foot or so just to make eye contact with him. She dropped it after her complaint, it was no good to start petty squabbles and bickering with someone she barely knew.

After confronting Vincent, she felt like there were eyes on her, and the rest of her party. She peered over to see the green-haired woman from back on the lookout upon meeting with Bianca. Oh! Wasn't she the one that took off running when that big guy with the large canid approached Vincent? She meandered her way over to her, looking to finally make a proper introduction. She looked slightly upward at the girl with the green hair, broken speech coming out again, "Hello. You ran off before I could meet you. I am Haruka. Nice to meet you!" she said enthusiastically while struggling through some of the syllables. She extended one of her hands to Vivian, "I hope we can work together." she said, hanging up on the last word as she struggled with the language.

After waiting the hour, she happily collected Brinstar from the nurse and clipped it back to her belt. She turned to Taiga, Vincent, and Vivian, "We can go now? I am excited to go!" she said as she was dancing on her feet a little bit, eager to leave the Pokemon Center and start out on their journey. She was ready to hit the road and start the circuit, as well as start working on the real reason she was here.

Perception (Pokemon Spotting) 1AP to Boost: (http://orokos.com/roll/706972) 14

big teej
2018-12-10, 04:38 PM
Vincent, not trusting himself, his voice, or Derek's self control, ignores his childhood bully's parting words and stares straight ahead until well away from the lookout.

When Haruka brings up the train wreck, he looks down at her, perplexed. "Huh? I never said anything..." realization dawns and Vincent chuckles. "It's an expression." He offers by way of explanation.

On his way out the door with the group, Vincent will notice Vivian "Oh hey, I was worried we'd have to come find you as well. Do you need anything before we head out?"

Once everyone's ready and they leave the center, Vincent will try to maintain normal conversation with his travelling companions, but is visibly nervous and constantly checking over his shoulder.

Once outside the city proper, he removes a pokeball from it's socket on his chain and releases one of his partners, a black avian with a large yellow beak and feathery tufts vaguely hat shaped on it's head. "Maggie, c'mere." Vincent says, holding out his forearm. The murkrow croaks and obliges by fluttering up and roosting on his arm. "I need you to keep an eye out for me okay?" He asks. Maggie adjusts her grip on his gauntlet and tilts her head to the side. Vincent points to the treetops surrounding them. "I want you to fly a little bit above the trees and keep an eye out for anything interesting for me okay? and watch out for bigger birds, if you see any, swoop right back down to me, okay?" Vincent pats his shoulder with his free hand.

Maggie croaks in his face and turns away. "Aw come on, please?" Vincent asks, poking his bird in the wing. Maggie croaks and then takes off, gaining altitude and wheeling overhead.

Releasing Maggie to look for pokemon off the beaten path, or just oddities for the group to investigate.
Vincent's also keeping an eye out for pokemon as they travel.
Vincent's Boosted Perception: 17 (http://orokos.com/roll/684106)
Maggie's Perception: 11 (http://orokos.com/roll/684107)

Vincent looks around, gauging the mood of the group. "So... I have an idea about how we should spend our time before challenging the first gym." He clears his throat. "I figure, it'd be more efficient to train for a few extra days before attempting the gym, than potentially get unlucky and have to challenge the gym twice. To that end, I think we make the most of our opportunities to and from Floccesy. That's two days out, and two days back. I say we spend our third day looking to see what we can find around the town itself, find the league official, and train at the courts. Then, when we get back, we see what we can find around Aspertia and in the foothills to the west. Spend some more time at the courts, and then walk in and kick butt and take names at the gym."

Vincent shrugs. "But I'm not overly attached to that idea, it just seems the most efficient means of quickly strengthening our team to me. What do you all think?"

2018-12-12, 07:26 PM
Taiga nods her head to the attendant as she picks up Kaien's pokeball. She joins Vincent, Haruka, and Vivian outside and begins the journey to Floccesy. She listens carefully to Vincent's plan, nodding along as they walk.

"I definitely don't have a problem with more training. I have to catch at least one more Pokemon too before we get back and that we give me at least a few days to look for another team member."

Once the group gets out of town, Taiga releases a small orange bird with stubby yellow wings that look more like fluff and a crest of three yellow feathers on it's head. The little bird chips and hops up to what seems like it's usual spot on the martial artist's left shoulder. The Torchic cuddles up to Taiga's face and chatters a bit to itself.

"Keep an eye out, Mugen," she says to the bird. "We're far from home and we're sure to see some new Pokemon."

Perception (http://orokos.com/roll/684682) (Using Intuition through Mystic Senses) (3/5 Field AP remaining): 19

2018-12-13, 09:20 AM
As Ryuu pulls him off to the side Akira is a bit downtrodden. Though he knew this was coming he still felt disappointed in seeing his best friend off. Yeah, I'll be sure to keep my wits about me out there. Though this won't be nearly as bad getting lost as a few other adventures." Akira chuckles. Seriously though, you stay safe out there Ryuu. See you in a few days." He waves good bye to his friend and returns to the group.

After healing...

Akira turns to see the comments about a train wreck and is curious what that was about, then sees the other group beginning to leave. After picking up Morgana's poke ball and thanking the nurse, Akira turns to his group of You, Marcus, and Sonia. "We should start heading out too. I'm thinking we make it to Floccesy in a couple days, fill out our rosters with what would help us out the most and spend some time training in town for the third day. Head back here and train some on the way and then take on our first gym challenge. Sound good?" When the rest of the group is ready, when they head outside to the outskirts of town, Akira will recall Skull and bring Morgana back out. He pets his partner, in totally being a law-abiding citizen, as she sits on his shoulder, mewing to be let in the bag. Akira keeps his eyes peeled for Pokemon on their walk.

Perception + 1AP (http://orokos.com/roll/684813): 4d6 20 4/5 F AP remaining.

2018-12-16, 01:06 AM
Hearing Haruka, Vivian headed over to where the voice was coming from, she felt slightly sick from all the running, but mustered the energy to seem fine. "Hello Haruka, it's very nice to meet you, I'm sorry for the unsightly display earlier." Vivian began following her back to where Vincent and Taiga were waiting, she apologized to the two of them and listen to Vincent's suggestion. 'That sounds like an excellent idea Vincent, please give me a moment to stock up on some supplies before we go if that's alright." Vivian still wasn't feeling herself, but she resolved to not be a burden on them anymore and training would give her the experience she severely needed. She perused the shop and gathered what she thought would be necessary and made her way to the party. Regardless of where they were going, Vivian pulled ahead of the group a few feet and began clearing potential obstructions (survival 13 orokos.com/roll/685911). Tank and Eliza come out of their pokeballs and seeing Vivian happily clearing brush, playfully join her.

(I don't know the shop list, I will edit this once I have my shopping list done)

TJ Zen
2019-01-07, 11:11 AM
After receiving Siren and Scales back from the Nurse Marcus bows with a flourish. "Thank you for all your help." He says with a beaming smile."Sorry for the delay. Everyone Ready?! On to Floccesy Town!"

Perception spending ap (4/5 remaining) (http://orokos.com/roll/706969): 3d6 10

2019-02-27, 11:51 PM

After everyone has had their respective partners returned to them and made their preparations your group is able to depart towards the North Gate of Aspertia City uninterrupted... relatively.

"Hey! Wait!", you hear someone call out from behind you as the sound of a sole set of running feet draws closer. Should any of you stop to turn around and look you'll find a young girl doubled over in an attempt to catch her breath standing a few feet away.

She straightens herself up and scans the group before her eyes finally rest on Taiga. Anyone watching her would immediately recognize the girl as Blanc, Hugh's younger sister. "Um...", she starts hesitantly, "I know we don't really know each other but...". She looks down at the basic ball cupped in her hands for a moment before looking back up to Taiga, "Can I ask you for a favor?". She pauses for a moment, appearing to wait for a response before continuing but her youth gets the best of her. "I need you to give this to my brother, Hugh." Blanc lifts up the pokeball as she speaks. "I know that he probably wouldn't take this from me but... he might if you gave it to him? He said that you have 'good instincts' and that he could trust you so, I thought I could too. So, could you give this Pokemon to him for me... please? This way he'll always have someone else to look out for him even when I'm not around."

Your Journey Begins!

As you emerge from the North Gate of Aspertia you are greeted by the sight of the grasslands and pockets of forest that constitute the majority of Route 19 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxwKmkmBIX4). There is a visible and clearly beaten path that winds through the grasslands between the forests that line either side however it seems the surrounding wilderness is relatively untamed despite being so close to Aspertia.


Only half an hour has passed since you've left Aspertia City when you see a small blue quadruped with a long nose curiously trying to sniff a pair of brown bidedal rodents with sharp red eyes not too far from the trail. Whenever the small blue mammal attempts to familiarize itself with the pair by using it's nose the pair of rodents quickly circle around it and and watch it wearily. You get the feeling that while you normally would've been spotted out on the open grassland, the interference from the small mammal has provided enough of a diversion to get closer to the scene.

Off in the distance on the opposite side of the grassland you can vaguely make out the unmistakable form of the Unova region's favored farm animal. A lone Tauros grazes in peace on the windswept grasses of Route 19 without a care in the world. While you may easily spot it, the Tauros appears to be completely oblivious to your presence.


An hour passes and the trail you're walking takes your caravan through a sparce woodland where you're immediately greeted by the agitated chirping and cawing of birds in the canopy above. A trio of blue and white feathered birds with red markings and split tails attempts to "hold their ground" against a duo of larger red, black, and brown feathered birds. While the smaller trio remains defiant in the face of their bullies it seems they are fighting a losing battle.

As you travel further into the forest it seems to to have quieted down at least in comparison to the war of the wings you encountered earlier. That is until a slender black figure bolts across the path ahead of you into a nearby tree and nestles itself atop a perch on a low hanging branch. The sound of barking can be clearly be heard in the vicinity as it begins to draw closer before finally emerging to reveal a small orange furred fox as the source of the sound. The fox runs up to the base of the tree where the Purrloin is perched and begins to yap frantically at the feline to no avail.

After some time traveling through the brush you find yourselves at the edge of a small clearing inside of the forest where the sun shines brightly upon the ground unimpeded by the surrounding canopy. While the grass here is wild and untamed you can't help but notice a cluster of several "blades" of grass that stand a bit taller than that of the surrounding area at the foot of a tree. Should you move further into the clearing you immediately notice that while three of the blades effortlessly give way to the wind, one solitary blade appears to be moving back and forth at the edge of the thick grass that carpets the ground.

By now you're well into the afternoon and have just emerged from the surrounding forest to see more grassland and a beautiful view of the mountains that lie to the northwest. As you leave the forest you feel a presence at the edge of your consciousness. You're briefly filled with a sense of childlike curiosity and wonder before the feeling vanishes. When you turn to look over your shoulder you see nothing at first however a second look reveals the silhouette of a small humanshaped infant hiding itself at the edge of the forest as it watches the party. Were it not for the horn on it's head you may not have spotted it at all.

OOC: Happy Pokemon Day everyone!

Chiba Yu
2019-02-28, 04:05 AM
Yu, having balled his pokemon, nods in agreement with Akira. "Although I am dedicated to my type, I will need some compliments to it as well. I'm happy to begin travel and have new companions right away."

(Perception: http://orokos.com/roll/707081)
(Shopping done for: 5 Basic Balls(1,000) and 3 Potions(600) Leaving 1,400)

2019-02-28, 01:24 PM
As they reach the outskirts of town, Akira watches as the little girl runs up to Taiga from a distance. HE kinda shrugs it off since they're not all in a group. As they reach the outskirts, Morgana has already jumped into his bag and was purring away as they walked. Skull was by his side, trotting along and keeping an eye on Marcus, Yu, and Sonia.

As they ventured forward, Akira noticed the Phony he thought it was and the numerous Patrat playing in the field. "Hey those Patrat are usually very observant, would make for a nice lookout......" He thought aloud. He then looked at his companions. "I'm going to snag one!" A smirk crept across his face as he took out a basic ball from the meeting with Bianca and he had Skull walk up beside him. "Ok Skull, if it doesn't stay in and attacks, you hit it right back ok?" The demon dog nodded and kept his gaze focused on the little rat.

Akira let loose the ball towards the closest Patrat and hoped for the best as the ball hit the rat and it energized into the sphere.

Akira throws a Pokeball at Patrat! Trainer level 1 and a basic ball!
Throwing a Pokeball (http://orokos.com/roll/707200): 1d20 12
Capture (http://orokos.com/roll/707201): 1d100 68

A little while later.

Akira thought he felt something following them so he turns around. He didn’t think much of it but then he noticed the shadow of what looked like a kid. With a...... horn? “Hey Marcus check out that Pokémon there. The one with the horn trying to hid.” He shakes his companion’s shoulder to get his attention, keeping his eye on the Pokémon so it doesn’t run away.

big teej
2019-03-01, 08:03 AM
Vincent spies the curious elephantine critter and points it out to his companions. "I think I'm gonna go catch that thing, shouldn't take but a minute or so, but if you gals wanna keep going I'll catch up." Unless one of them wishes to come catch a patrat, Vincent then strides through the grass to within a pokeball's distance of the Phanpy. "You're a curious one, aren't you?" Vincent says to it before beaning it with a ball and waiting to see if the ball would click shut or if he was going to have to go searching through the grass for broken circuits.

OOC: Throwing a pokeball at the Phanpy, if it breaks free, Maggie will descend and attack it.
Pokeball Throw: 9 (http://orokos.com/roll/707415)
Capture Roll: 66 (http://orokos.com/roll/707416)
if it breaks free, Maggie attacks on Initiative 7
Maggie attacks with Astonish, 14 to hit (http://orokos.com/roll/707417)
Phanpy takes 18 Ghost Damage vs. Defense and 2 Bonus Damage no bonus damage because I forgot Astonish was Ghost not Dark.

TJ Zen
2019-03-01, 04:14 PM
Akira thought he felt something following them so he turns around. He didn’t think much of it but then he noticed the shadow of what looked like a kid. With a...... horn? “Hey Marcus check out that Pokémon there. The one with the horn trying to hid.” He shakes his companion’s shoulder to get his attention, keeping his eye on the Pokémon so it doesn’t run away.
"Hmm?" Marcus says turning around, seeing the little horned toddler. "Well hello little guy! You Hungry?" Marcus says, sitting down and reaching into his bag. The musician pulls out a hand full of food and offers it to the Pokemon. "Come now, it's good." Marcus smiles handing some to Scales and Siren and offering the rest back to the toddling mon.

Charm attempt on Ralts spending AP 3/5 remaining) (http://orokos.com/roll/707500): 5d6 15

If pokemon comes over and eats, Marcus will scan it with the pokedex and attempt to catch it.

Pokeball "toss" (http://orokos.com/roll/707503): 1d20 16

Catch! (http://orokos.com/roll/707504): 1d100 86

Chiba Yu
2019-03-02, 06:19 PM
"I should like to pursue that clump of grass, if no one objects to my doing so... I think it will be a fine tactical addition to my roster.
Before the words were even out of her mouth, she had already started to move towards it, releasing S her Seviper. He quietly hissed in anticipation...

2019-03-03, 04:54 PM
"Hey! Wait!", you hear someone call out from behind you as the sound of a sole set of running feet draws closer. Should any of you stop to turn around and look you'll find a young girl doubled over in an attempt to catch her breath standing a few feet away.

She straightens herself up and scans the group before her eyes finally rest on Taiga. Anyone watching her would immediately recognize the girl as Blanc, Hugh's younger sister. "Um...", she starts hesitantly, "I know we don't really know each other but...". She looks down at the basic ball cupped in her hands for a moment before looking back up to Taiga, "Can I ask you for a favor?". She pauses for a moment, appearing to wait for a response before continuing but her youth gets the best of her. "I need you to give this to my brother, Hugh." Blanc lifts up the pokeball as she speaks. "I know that he probably wouldn't take this from me but... he might if you gave it to him? He said that you have 'good instincts' and that he could trust you so, I thought I could too. So, could you give this Pokemon to him for me... please? This way he'll always have someone else to look out for him even when I'm not around."

Taiga stops as she hears small footsteps behind the group. Mugen chirps in a questioning way as Blanc runs up. He hops off of Taiga's shoulder as the girl explains what she's here for.

One of the Aura Guardian's eyebrows raise. "Why wouldn't he take this Pokemon from you?" she asks. She gestures to the orange and yellow bird that's looking in between the two girls. "Mugen was a gift from my mother."

She sighs and holds her hand out. "Alright kid, I'll take it to him."

2019-03-29, 12:34 PM

Blanc begins to open her mouth to answer but promptly decides against it; not a sound escapes her lips as she looks away with uncertainty.

She turns her gaze to Mugen when you gesture to the fiery pokemon and her eyes light up once again with child-like wonder. "He looks strong... just like you!" Blanc smiles revealing a missing tooth.

When you offer to take the pokeball the young girl quickly deposits the basic ball in your open hand and follows up with a brief hug. "Thank you so much! I really mean it!" Blanc takes a step back and makes to leave. "I promise I'll find a way to pay you back some day okay?" She turns and begins running off into the relative peace of suburban Asperita.

Akira and Vincent:

As you begin to close in on your respective target you notice another trainer accompanied by their partner pokemon mirroring your movement with similar intentions, though you both quickly realize that your quarry isn't the same. At least not this time around anyway...

Two pokeballs fly through the air in quick succession at their seemingly unaware targets. The first bounces off of the head of a Patrat before energizing while the second tags the previously preoccupied elephant in the rear. It looses a trumpet of sound in alarm before disappearing in a beam of light.

Patrat was caught!

Lv.2 Patrat

Gender: Female
Nature: +Speed/-Sp.Def
Trait: Defense
Ability: Keen Eye

Known Moves: Tackle

Loyalty: 2

Skull gains 1 EXP!

Phanpy was caught!

Lv.1 Phanpy

Gender: Female
Nature: +Attack/-Sp.Def
Trait: Defense
Ability: Pickup

Known Moves: Tackle, Growl, Odor Sleuth, Defense Curl

Loyalty: 2

Maggie gains 1 EXP!

The remaining Patrat cries out in alarm and scurries off further into the field before disappearing into the ground. You soon hear the echoed cries of several other Patrat in the distance.


When you initially approach the tiny humanoid shy's away and shifts in an attempt to hide itself behind the tree. However after you've offered it food you can see the pink horn atop it's head poke out from behind it's cover before the rest of the pokemon emerges cautiously from the roots of the tree.

While you never see the creatures mouth move save for eating the food you've offered it you hear the voice belonging to that of a young child in your mind as it looks up at you mid bite, crumbs lining it's mouth.


When activated your pokedex registers the tiny creature instantly and begins to prompt you with general information about the humanoid.

Ralts, Feeling Pokemon - Psychic/Fairy

"Ralts senses the emotions of people using the horns on its head. This Pokémon rarely appears before people. But when it does, it draws closer if it senses that the person has a positive disposition."

When you move to tap the creature with the pokeball you may be surprised to see that it doesn't shy away as ball draws closer. You hear the tap of the basic ball against the creatures horn before it disappears in vibrant flash of red light.

Ralts joined your party!

Lv.3 Ralts

Gender: Female
Nature: +Defense/-Defense
Trait: Sp. Defense
Ability: Trace

Known Moves: Growl

Loyalty: 3


As S winds his way through the tall grass towards his sleeping target you notice that the single leaf moving back and forth stops dead in it's tracks before suddenly surging towards the two of you. When it comes to a stop a few meters away from S you can just barely make out the shape of a green reptilian quadruped with a leaf protruding from the top of it's head.

The creature looks at the sleeping pokemon at the foot of the tree and then back to the two of you. It whips the leaf on its head around in what appears to be a form of intimidation and cries out defiantly while holding its ground.

While the wild pokemon before you seems ready to fight, you get the sense that it's incredibly wary of the two predators before it.

Despite the odds stacked against it, the creature seems to be fighting it's instincts to run. It appears to have some sort of connection to the sleeping plant pokemon behind it.

Chiba Yu
2019-03-30, 04:27 AM

"S, Halt." S freezes, waiting for further commands. Terumi begins to speak to the small leaf-whipper. "Is this your friend? There's no need to be scared, I'm looking for friends, you can both come with me if you'd like. http://orokos.com/roll/714320(Charm, boosted.)

big teej
2019-03-30, 07:09 AM
Vincent strides over to his pokeball and picks it up. "huh... maybe this whole 'pokemon trainer' thing is going to be easier than I thought..." He smiles, pleased at having successfully caught his first pokemon. He sockets the ball into the chain on his hip and turns to rejoin Taiga and the others before stopping dead in his tracks. The faint euphoria and butterflies of his success dropping out of his gut into a sense of overwhelming doom.

"Oh no..." Vincent gulps, thinking back to his early college days, and even earlier, in high school, and the ordeal he went through with Ares and Maggie. "What the hell am I going to name this thing?"

Walkin' in the Woods

Having succeeded in shaking off the burden of naming his new pokemon (for now), Vincent eagerly takes the opportunity to try his hand at expanding his roster again. Seeing the small fire fox, he again begs off his companions for a moment. This time, he decides to take a safer bet.

"Maggie, give that fox a love tap for me." Vincent orders, pointing at the fox.

Maggie flutters over the fox, jabbing down with her crooked beak as she passes by. As soon as Maggie clears out of the way, Vincent lobs a pokeball at the Vulpix... only to watch it go sailing by into the bushes.

Maggie used a flying Struggle Attack on Vulpix!
14 to hit (http://orokos.com/roll/714663)
Wild Vulpix took 29 Flying Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/714664) vs. Defense and 1 Bonus Damage
Vincent threw a pokeball! but it missed! (http://orokos.com/roll/714665)
EDIT: If either of the anticipated 2 Injuries cause the vulpix's Speed Evasion to become zero, the pokeball hits.

2019-04-02, 01:12 PM

As Akira stalked the Patrat, he looked at the other trainer mirroring his movements. Oh damn, it's that big dude with the gauntlet...... Didn't catch his name though but I need a Murkrow..... He quickly realizes that the big dude isn't after his quarry.

Akira waves and nods in response to seeing Vincent walk up to retrieve his catch as well. As he turns with Skull in tow, Akira stops for a minute. "I have no idea what to name this one........" He's frozen there for just a moment before returning to his companions.

In the woods.....

Akira follows along with Terumi and Marcus as they make their respective attempts at capturing new companions. Akira was a little interested in what appeared to be an Oddish that Term was after, and admired the serpent following her orders.

When Terumi returns to the group, Akira will turn to her. "S is rather impressive. I wouldn't mind eventually adding someone like him to my team."

As Marcus made his capture of the child like Pokemon that was pointed out to him, Akira smiled as he returned to the group. "Seems like you were successful in that little encounter. Something you were really hoping for?" Akira chuckles a bit.

Early Evening.....
As the day starts to wind down, Skull's vigilance wavers a bit as he begins to appear more relaxed than he had been around their new friends. Akira recalls Skull for the time being and no sooner did he go back in the ball did Morgana's head pop out from his bag, yowling a yawn. "Well hi there sleepy head! We got a new companion for you to meet when we make camp." Akira looks around to his traveling companions. Camp wasn't a bad idea since they had a couple days to travel left. "How are you two feeling? Want to keep going for a bit or find somewhere to settle down or a while?"

Regardless, Akira will look around for more Pokemon and anything interesting he notices as they continue to walk.

Perception (http://orokos.com/roll/715014): 3d6 14

TJ Zen
2019-04-03, 03:22 PM
As Marcus made his capture of the child like Pokemon that was pointed out to him, Akira smiled as he returned to the group. "Seems like you were successful in that little encounter. Something you were really hoping for?" Akira chuckles a bit.

"H-Hey Did you hear that?!" Marcus says, looking back at the trainer. "It said something,'friend?' maybe. That's so Cool. My Pokemon can talk! Amazing! I can't wait to see where else our journey takes us. Lets get going, times'a wastin!"

Early Evening.....
As the day starts to wind down, Skull's vigilance wavers a bit as he begins to appear more relaxed than he had been around their new friends. Akira recalls Skull for the time being and no sooner did he go back in the ball did Morgana's head pop out from his bag, yowling a yawn. "Well hi there sleepy head! We got a new companion for you to meet when we make camp." Akira looks around to his traveling companions. Camp wasn't a bad idea since they had a couple days to travel left. "How are you two feeling? Want to keep going for a bit or find somewhere to settle down or a while?"

"Bunking down doesn't seem like such a bad idea. Let's peek around for a another catch and Crash."

Perception spending ap (3/5 remaining (http://orokos.com/roll/715454): 3d6 18
Survival (Spending Ap, 2/5 AP Remaining) (http://orokos.com/roll/715455): 3d6 16

2019-04-09, 10:20 PM

"S, Halt." S freezes, waiting for further commands. Terumi begins to speak to the small leaf-whipper. "Is this your friend? There's no need to be scared, I'm looking for friends, you can both come with me if you'd like.

You feel some of the tension in the air dissipate as you call off S however the tiny plant pokemon backs itself out of the tall grass to rejoin it's dozing companion. While it seems to be less wary of your presence there still seems to be an air of uncertainty as it looks between you and S and back to the other pokemon.


Walkin' in the Woods

Maggie flutters over the fox, jabbing down with her crooked beak as she passes by. As soon as Maggie clears out of the way, Vincent lobs a pokeball at the Vulpix... only to watch it go sailing by into the bushes.

You immediately hear the small fox yelp in mixture of surprise and pain as it struggles to pick itself back up after receiving a sharp peck from Maggie's beak. To your surprise the tiny fox is able to lift its shaking frame as it quickly spots it's assailant and spits out ball of flame at it's assailant in retaliation!

The embers manage to find their target and singe some of Maggie's black feathers but the damage seems minor.

Maggie takes 10 Special Fire Damage vs Sp. Defense! (+1 Bonus Damage)

Vulpix - 9 (Vulpix used Ember on Maggie!)
Maggie - 7
Vincent - 6

Maggie has initiative!

All PC's (Adrian included):

Please roll Perception or any relevant skill you wish to use in it's place if you intend to look for Pokemon before or after setting up camp. I will post in response once I have all rolls. Remember that the skills used to search for Pokemon will influence not only how you come across Pokemon but also what Pokemon you may find in turn.

2019-04-10, 07:01 AM
Perception Roll AP Boosted (http://orokos.com/roll/717410)- 12

Chiba Yu
2019-04-10, 09:50 AM
Terumi's expression softens, and she recalls S before extending some pokemon food towards the two small creatures in front of her.

"I did not mean for S to scare you. I sincerely mean to have you both join me as friends. I promise, I will not separate you so cruelly from your friend."

Terumi will use balls on both if they seem willing.

To Akira, later: "S is my stalwart companion. He and I have a lot of trust in each other, but I suspect our bond is not unlike yours with the partners you carry."

To Akira and Marcus, even later: "I believe that is wise. I can assist with any part of setting up camp, I've read a few books on the subject..."


2019-04-10, 08:14 PM
Boosted Perception Roll (https://orokos.com/roll/717610): ...7

big teej
2019-04-10, 08:53 PM
Vincent is going to have Maggie do nothing and then throw another pokeball.
Pokeball throw: 19 (http://orokos.com/roll/717350)
Capture roll: 56 (http://orokos.com/roll/717628)
Vincent is throwing the pokeball with the medicine case on it at the vulpix

After everything's wound down, Vincent will suggest to Taiga and Haruka that they find a comfy spot to make camp and do some dusk pokemon hunting.

He'll walk about a hundred yards or so away from the campfire, making sure to keep it in sight, and do a circuit around it, trying to get a feel for what pokemon are nearby and see what he can see.
Boosted Perception: 13 (http://orokos.com/roll/717625)

After his first circuit, he'll do it again, this time trying to use his observations to walk into something he's looking for.
Boosted Intuition: ...7 (http://orokos.com/roll/717626)

2019-04-11, 09:49 PM
Haruka agreed with Vincent. A camp would be advisable. After getting camp set up, she will attempt to utilize her skills she picked up during her training in the forest village she was raised in when it comes to seeking out new pokemon. She decided to take a different approach, not just relying on her eyes this time, but her understanding of nature itself for hunting down new pokemon.

Haruka will make a Boosted Survival Roll for Pokemon Hunting!
Survival (Pokemon Hunting): (http://orokos.com/roll/717941) 13

2019-04-15, 03:23 PM
Forest Encounters


Once S is recalled you notice the plant pokemon visibly relax a bit however it opts not to take the food you've offered. It moves over to the other resting plant and sits, though it's eyes remain trained on you it seems comfortable enough to tolerate your continued presence.

Sometimes you just gotta try catching them the old fashioned way!


You hear Maggie caw out in annoyance but the Murkcrow otherwise follows your orders. Your pokeball finds purchase on the bridge of the Vulpix's nose before it has a chance to fire off another volley of flame at your or Maggie!

Vulpix was caught!

Lv.4 Vulpix

Gender: Female
Nature: +Sp. Attack/-Sp.Def
Trait: Sp. Attack (Bro, you got so lucky!)
Ability: Flash Fire

Known Moves: Ember, Tail Whip

Loyalty: 2
Injuries: Atk, Sp. Attack

Maggie gains 2 EXP!

Maggie perches on a nearby branch and preens her singed feathers as she watches over you with a single eye as you move to collect your new addition.

You notice that the Purrloin that was perched where Maggie currently rests has disappeared.

Under the Setting Sun - Party

As the sun slowly begins its descent the ambient temperature starts to drop and a cool breeze signals the impending fall of night. In the last few hours of light your party emerges from the forest only to be greeted by the sprawling fields of Route 19 once again.

Terumi, Marcus, Akira:

Sonia loudly yawns as she stretches both arms skyward. "A little rest sounds good to me to! We've covered a lotta ground today and there's definitely more ahead of us tomorrow." She smiles playful as she gestures at the winding path before you. "Though I wouldn't mind looking around for some pokemon before we call it quits tonight."

Your party makes its way across the inviting landscape taking in the various sights and sounds nature has to offer, including the noisy cry of a Spearow that's perched itself on a nearby rock as it surveys the fields.

"Hey, if you guys don't mind I think I'm gonna try catching that pokemon over there." Sonia says to the party in a low whisper as she points to a slender grey cat with white markings that appears to be stalking up to the unsuspecting Spearow."

As the wind blows across the fields you notice nothing out of the ordinary until the swaying of the grass reveals a glimpse of something purple. A pair of long ears emerges vertically from the grass and begin to sway with the wind, turning as if searching for something.

The two of you hear rustling and growling coming from the tall grass nearby just before you catch two flashes of blue and yellow that pass by. Should you follow the trail of growls and rustling grass you will find yourselves observing a pair of blue-black feline pokemon with yellow stars at the ends of their tails playful wrestling with one another.

It was only for a moment but you could've sworn that you saw patches of deep red on the larger of the two felines during the tussle, blood maybe?

Once everyone in the party reconvenes Marcus is able to spot a swath of grass not too far off from the trail that appears relatively level and could provide you all with ample space to set up camp and sleep.

Taiga, Vincent, Haruka:

Your party makes its way across the inviting landscape taking in the various sights and sounds nature has to offer, including the cooing of a lone Pidove that's landed just beyond the path behind you, searching the vicinity for an easy meal.

The gentle slopes of the surrounding hillside easily provide your party with enough space to set up a campsite just about anywhere. Even as the last light of the sun begins to fade away the starry night sky provides ample visibility across the grasslands as does the light of your campfire.

As you begin to analyze the area surrounding your campsite you quickly find that you're not the only one in search of wild pokemon. A slender figure winds its way through the tall grass in a serpentine fashion, occasionally stopping to raise it's head into the air and taste it with an outstretched tongue.

Now using what you've learned about the area around your campsite you attempt to search once more for any pokemon nearby. However it seems as though your encounter with the serpentine pokemon from before has sent any other pokemon in the immediate vicinity packing.

Should you leave the campsite to look for nearby pokemon you find your endeavor fruitless. You can't help but consider that your aura may have alerted any wildlife and scared them away...

However, upon returning to the campsite you hear rustling near your belongings despite no one in the party being present. A closer look revels a short black tail protruding from the inside of your traveling gear.

As you wander away from camp the memories of your studies growing up deep within Eterna Forest return to you. The encroaching darkness of night washes over you as you're filled with the sensation of life springing forth from ground and throughout the forests of your home. As your senses begin to return to you, you find yourself further off into the grassland than you remember and face to face with a small blue beetle emerging from the ground before you.

Your Journey Begins!



2019-04-15, 06:07 PM
Haruka whispers to herself the moment she locked her iridescent eyes on the pokemon before her "虫だ!" She thrust her hand into her bag to procure one of the pokeballs given to her by Bianca, and started off with an attempt to capture it. She figured it should be relatively easy, but she was not going to underestimate her target, not by a long shot. The ball sailed from her palm and straight towards the blue beetle, hoping she was able to hit it, but her eyes were still adjusting to the dim light somewhat.

11 - [Standard] Haruka (Trainer Level 1) throws a Basic Ball at the Bug!

Pokeball, Go!: (http://orokos.com/roll/718823) 5 [AC4]
Capture Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/718824) 86

Haruka froze in place, but quickly regained her composure, releasing Brinstar, whose horns glowed brightly with imminent flame, "Brinstar, web it up!" she commanded, hoping to slow the little beetle down!

11 - [Move] Haruka releases Brinstar! His Initiative is 11!
11 - [Move] Brinstar closes in on the beetle!
11 - [Standard] Brinstar uses String Shot on the enemy beetle!

Attack Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/718825) 5 [AC3]
Enemy Pokemon's Speed is lowered -2 Combat Stages
Brinstar activates Swarm! Brinstar gains +5 Damage Reduction!

big teej
2019-04-15, 08:47 PM
in the woods...

Vincent picks up the cased pokeball with a grin. He sockets it into the chain and then raises an arm to call for Maggie. Maggie flaps silently down to the profered arm. "Hey there pretty bird." He croons to it, scritching around her beak. "You did perfectly. I'm sorry my aim was off and it got you singed, but you'll be fine." He promises. Maggie caws in indignation before chittering contentedly with her praise. "I think you've shouldered enough of your burden for today, eh? let's rest for now." Vincent says before zapping Maggie with the beam to return her to her pokeball.

after camp...

Deciding Maggie had enough fun for the day, Vincent releases Ares for his walk around camp to look for pokemon. "Come on, let's go for a walk." The growlithe bounds back and forth and generally stays underfoot as Vincent leaves camp, but quickly falls into step in the tall grass, sniffing at the ground.

When he spots the serpent snaking through the grass, Vincent falls to a crouch, resting one hand on Ares head. "Look there, see that? We're gonna take that thing with us, okay? I want you to jump on it if this doesn't work." He whispers to Ares. The fire puppy yips in response and tenses, ready to pounce. Vincent slowly straightens, a pokeball in his raised hand.
Vincent throws the ball, only for it to get hung up on his gauntlet and plunk into the ground, (http://orokos.com/roll/718854)bouncing halfway between the newbie trainer and his new catch.
Ares pounces on the ball.
Vincent lowers his head and covers his eyes with a hand. He takes a deep breath. "Ares." He says flatly. His puppy perks up, the pokeball clenched in it's teeth. He points at the snake. "Sic'em"

The Growlithe follows his arm, and then chases down the snake, teeth bared. (http://orokos.com/roll/718855)

Vincent throws a pokeball...
But it Missed! (Nat1)
Ares used Bite on ??? 5 to hit (http://orokos.com/roll/718855) vs. AC3
It hopefully did 22 Dark Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/718856)vs. Defense and 5 bonus Damage

2019-04-15, 10:00 PM
Taiga sighs as she wanders around with Mugan still perched on her shoulder. She knows her emotions are out of whack, but she is trying her hardest to not not to let it affect her anymore, at least for today.

When she returns to the camp she hears the rustling and pinpoints the culprit in her bag. The aura guardian squats next to her bag and waits for the Pokemon to notice her. As soon as it's head leaves her bag, she says, "Sup dude."

"If you're looking for food, I have something pretty good in there if you'll let me get it."

If the Pokemon moves out of the way, Taiga will grab a box of strawberry pocky from an outside pocket of her backpack. She takes three out and puts one in her mouth, gives one to Mugan who chirps in delight as he munches on it, and offers one to the other Pokemon.

TJ Zen
2019-04-15, 11:38 PM
"Good Luck." Marcus whispers in return. "We'll Look a bit over this way. Come on guys!" Marcus says over to Akira and his 'mon. "Oh that reminds me. Come on out, little gal." Marcus says releasing Pirouette from her ball. "OK guys, Its up to you all to show her the ropes and make her feel welcome." Siren and Scales walk over to the green haired tyke and motion for her to play. Her expression changes and she starts chasing around the larger dragon. As they play Marcus motions to Akira, "We should stay in step with our fellow trainer, lets look for some 'mon on our own." Marcus says Motioning to the woods.

After a bit of searching, he stumbles upon a couple of blue and black felines. "Akira, come look. The 2 look like they're playing. The big one had a gash on its side, maybe? Either way, we should be careful. We could have a some nice additions to our troupes?" Marcus scans the pokemon and turn back to his crew. "Ok guys, ready on stage! It's time to perform." Marcus makes some space from his allies and begins crooning a sweet lullaby to the 2 cats. The cats tussling lightens up and in seconds they're curled up around each other. "Well how do you like that? I sung them right to sleep." Marcus says pulling out a pokeball and tapping the larger one on the head.

Perception spending ap (2/5 remaining) (http://orokos.com/roll/718862): 3d6 8
Attack Roll: Sing (2 Targets) (http://orokos.com/roll/718876): 2#1d20+1 21 19
Pokeball "toss" (http://orokos.com/roll/718877): 1d20 11
Catch! (http://orokos.com/roll/718878): 1d100 59

2019-04-16, 10:00 PM
As they look around, Akira follows along with Marcus and nods at Sonia. "Sure thing, best of luck! We'll be back in a couple moments." Akira smiles at Marcus's new addition as Morgana mews.

When they come upon the two lions playing, Akira can't help but smile and smirk. Thinking they would be a great addition to his team. When Marcus points out the gash Akira looks more closely. "Dang, didn't even notice that and I usually have good eyes. I wonder what did that? I'll take the smaller one if you want the bigger one? Akira has Morgana step out of the bag but Marcus had already sung the pair to sleep. Nice work! I need to keep that trick in mind. He takes out a Pokeball and taps the smaller of the cats on the head as it sleeps.

Throw (http://orokos.com/roll/719162): 1d20 6
Capture (http://orokos.com/roll/719163): 1d100 31

Chiba Yu
2019-04-16, 10:47 PM
(Time to throw all the pokeballs!)

(Earlier, on the way to camp...)
Terumi throws a pokeball at the awake pokemon of the two! (throw)http://orokos.com/roll/719177 (Catch)http://orokos.com/roll/719178

(Later, patrolling at night...)
Terumi throws a ball at the aforementioned ears right away! Should the ball break, S will be released with her move action. Should it be captured, she will move to collect the ball. (throw)http://orokos.com/roll/719179 (Catch)http://orokos.com/roll/719180

2019-04-24, 01:43 PM
Forest Encounters


The quadruped watches your every movement as it rests beside it's sleeping companion but is too slow to react as you peg it with a basic ball!

Chikorita was caught!

Lv.5 Chikorita

Gender: Male
Nature: +Attack/-Attack
Trait: Sp. Attack
Ability: Aroma Veil

Known Moves: Tackle, Growl

Loyalty: 2.5

S gains 3 EXP!

Your pokeball drops to the ground and immediately clicks shut after connecting with its target. It rests perfectly still in the shade of the tree beside the sleeping plant where the Chikorita once was.

Under the Setting Sun

Terumi, Marcus, Akira:

Your pokeball streaks through the air, finding it's mark as the pair of ears along with your pokeball disappear into the tall grass!

Nidoran (M) was caught!

Lv.5 Nidoran (M)

Gender: Male
Nature: +Speed/-Sp. Defense
Trait: Physique
Ability: Poison Point

Known Moves: Peck, Leer, Focus Energy

Loyalty: 2

While you can't see whether or not your capture was successful you hear the audible click of the pokeball as the Nidoran is energized. It only takes a few moments of searching through the tall grass to find where your pokeball landed.

Marcus' Pokedex lights up as it registers the pair of Pokemon.

Shinx, the Flash Pokemon

Its forelegs have a muscle-based system of generating electricity. Its body shines if endangered.

After the musicians performance puts his audience to sleep you both find that you can easily capture either of kittens as they put up virtually no resistance while asleep.

Zorua was caught!


Gender: Male
Nature: +Physique/-Physique
Trait: Speed
Ability: Illusion

Known Moves: Scratch, Leer

Loyalty: 2

The pokeball clicks shut instantly in your hands as you tap the sleeping kitten and your pokedex immediately updates upon capture. Though if you were to check it's contents you would find that the newly recorded data doesn't quite line up with what you just caught.

Zorua, the Tricky Fox Pokemon

To protect themselves from danger, they hide their true identities by transforming into people and Pokémon.

Shinx was caught!


Gender: Female
Nature: +Sp. Attack/-Sp. Attack
Trait: Physique
Ability: Rivalry

Known Moves: Tackle

Loyalty: 2

The pokeball clicks shut instantly in your hands as you tap the sleeping kitten and your pokedex immediately updates upon capture.

Haruka, Vincent, Taiga:

The basic ball glances off of the blue bugs horn and energizes it as it drops to the ground. You see the pokeball shake once before it shatters revealing the agitated beetle.

Haruka froze in place, but quickly regained her composure, releasing Brinstar, whose horns glowed brightly with imminent flame, "Brinstar, web it up!" she commanded, hoping to slow the little beetle down!

Brinstar's String Shot finds it's target and the beetle finds itself bound by silky threads. Brinstar's glow draws the beetles attention and it lunges at the larvae with it's horn only to find run head first into the dirt.

11 - Haruka threw a Basic Ball! But the pokeball broke...
11 - Brinstar used String Shot on ???! ???'s speed fell by -2CS!
6 - ??? used Peck! But it missed!

New Initiative:
11 - Haruka, Brinstar
6 - ???

Haruka and Brinstar have initiative.

Ares surges forth into the tall grass and it's only a matter of seconds before you hear a disgruntled hissing and agitated rattle of the serpent's tail.

As you approach you find the fire dog squaring off with the purple serpent, which appears to be bleeding from nasty bite on the yellow band of it's upper body.

11 - ???
6 - Vincent
4 - Ares

Vincent and Ares have initiative!

When she returns to the camp she hears the rustling and pinpoints the culprit in her bag. The aura guardian squats next to her bag and waits for the Pokemon to notice her. As soon as it's head leaves her bag, she says, "Sup dude."

"If you're looking for food, I have something pretty good in there if you'll let me get it."

You see the black tail of the pokemon go rigid as it protrudes from the bag and a few moments pass before the creatures slowly extracts itself from your belongings and turns to face you.

A tiny wide-eyed yellow mouse looks back at you, remaining perfectly still as if paralyzed by indecision. It watches closely as you remove the sticks of pocky from your bag and distribute them among those present. It hesitates, but only for a moment, before it eagerly takes the stick of pocky offered to it and begins nibbling curiously at the treat.

Your Journey Begins!

The current time reads 11:00 as you glance at the digital screen of your Xtransceiver. Several hours have passed since the express bus first departed from the sleepy station in Floccesy earlier this morning towards its destination in Aspertia City. The ride along the coastline has been nothing short of peaceful thus far and the bus' scenic route has provided you with ample opportunity to get a clear look across the azure waters of the greater Unovan Bay at Castelia City's world famous skyline.

During the ride you've noted that despite its size the bus is only carrying a handful of passengers, yourself included. While the majority of the passengers seem to be dressed for business or leisure there's one among them that stands out from the rest. A young woman with tan skin and short cut auburn hair wearing a seafoam tank top and teal jumpsuit (https://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/characters/15/89068.jpg) sits a couple of aisles in front of you, but what catches your eye is the pokeball she idly rolls around in her hand. Aside from the din of the bus's engine and some occasional snoring the cabin is silent. The young woman's steady gaze remains fixed on the ocean beyond.

It isn't long before Castelia City begins to fade away in the distance as the blues of Unovan horizon give way to the verdant and rapidly growing treelines on either side of the road. Just as a few of the passengers begin to strike up friendly conversation with one another the bus slowly comes to a stop as it pulls into an open-air terminal, revealing the tranquil cityscape just beyond border of the forest.

When the vehicle is no longer in motion, the doors to the bus open and its speakers loose an electronic version of its iconic canine's howl. The other passengers get up, gathering their belongings as if on cue, and take their leave. You hear a female voice over the bus' intercom. "As always, we'd like to thank you again for choosing Blackhound Express! We wish you safe travels and look forward to your next ride with us!"

The driver sends you off with friendly smile and a tip of her black hat as you exit the bus, a lock of her silver-blue hair hangs loose from underneath her cap as she does so. Once the last passenger has exited the bus, it soon departs and the sound of a message notification on your Xtransceiver fills the air. You shortly hear the sound of a second message notification coming from a nearby Xtransceiver.

"Hey there! I hope this message reaches you in time!" You are greeted by the friendly face of the Pokemon Professor (https://pokemonworldunovareturnofthefrozenruler.obsidianpo rtal.com/characters/1233729) you've previously had limited correspondence with during the application process for your Trainer ID. You see the woman look away from the screen and hear the shuffling of several papers before she faces you again. "If the information I have here is correct you should have arrived along with several others in Aspertia City not too long ago. Oh right! Where are my manners? My name Professor Aurea Juniper or just Professor Juniper if you'd like. I've sent you all to Aspertia City to begin your journey as a Pokemon Trainer on the Unova Circuit, but before any of you take off I'd like you to meet with my Research Assistant, Bianca. Bianca has already notified me that she arrived at the city early this morning so you won't have to wait much longer. Though knowing her she isn't the type to sit still for very long. If she isn't at the bus station try the city's Pokemon Center. She's blonde, sports an incredibly cute bob cut with a big green hat on top, and is wearing a bright orange coat so she should be hard to miss. It's her first time visiting the city so in the event that she's lost you may have to find her on your own. But that's what an adventure without a few unforeseen events every now and then right!?" The Professor makes no attempt to suppress a laugh and winks at you playfully before continuing. "Be sure to keep your Xtransceiver on hand as I plan to follow up you with you all in the next few days. Until then!" Juniper waves goodbye and the message ends.

You notice that the time of the original recording was 11:00AM today.

A gentle breeze blows through the terminal, the cool spring air brushing against your skin seems to usher you skyward. When you look around it seems that most if not all of the other passengers have already departed station with the exception of the young woman from before. She appears to be searching for something in the surrounding area and somewhat frustrated despite her efforts.

2019-04-24, 10:33 PM
As the bus passes place after place Adrian's eyes are glued to the glittering blue ocean. Wow! I've never seen the ocean so close! I should take a picture and maybe come back here some time. Adrian thinks to himself. He pulls out his Xtransceiver fumbling with it a bit but manages to pull up the camera and snapping a shot of the ocean before him. After taking the picture he notices another person watching the blue sea, I wonder if it's a new sight for her aswell.

When the vehicle is no longer in motion, the doors to the bus open and its speakers loose an electronic version of its iconic canine's howl. The other passengers get up, gathering their belongings as if on cue, and take their leave. You hear a female voice over the bus' intercom. "As always, we'd like to thank you again for choosing Blackhound Express! We wish you safe travels and look forward to your next ride with us!"

Surprised by the noise and the sudden movement of the people around him Adrian is a little slow to grab his things and join the line off. Adrian bows to the woman as he exits the bus "Thank you very much ma'am" After he touches down on the platform Adrian stretches and lets out a sigh of comfort. When he is startled again by the noise of his Xtransceiver. He opens the message with a little less struggle this time and watches the video play through. Guess I should find this Bianca woman

When you look around it seems that most if not all of the other passengers have already departed station with the exception of the young woman from before. She appears to be searching for something in the surrounding area and somewhat frustrated despite her efforts.

Adrian straightens his sling bag and notices the woman from before. Walking up to her he calls out to her"Howdy, did you lose something? I can help you find it."

big teej
2019-04-25, 04:58 AM
Vincent shudders, cramming down the primal fear the rattling caused as he chase's Ares through the tall grass, retrieving his pokeball on the way. Catching up to the hound squaring off with the snake, and seeing the damage Ares' first strike caused. Vincent calls out "Good job Ares!" and throws the slightly saliva-sticky pokeball at the purple snake, the ball collides with the snake's body and energizes the purple serpent.

Pokeball throw :17 (http://orokos.com/roll/721658)
Capture Roll: 59 (http://orokos.com/roll/721659)

2019-04-25, 01:40 PM
Far From Home

Adrian straightens his sling bag and notices the woman from before. Walking up to her he calls out to her, "Howdy, did you lose something? I can help you find it."

The woman's head snaps back towards you and she quickly looks you up and down with a furrowed brow. Her expression remains unchanged for a few moments before her ultimately giving way to a sly smile.

"'Howdy?'", the young woman asks rhetorically while arching a single eyebrow. "He actually said 'Howdy' to me..." She says quietly to herself as she make no attempt to stifle a laugh before continuing. "So, I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that you're not exactly from around here either?" She lets the question linger in the air only for a gentle breeze to carry it away before you can respond.

"Hey, uh... I'm sorry, what's your name?" She offers you a hand and a confident smile.

Under the Setting Sun

Vincent shudders, cramming down the primal fear the rattling caused as he chase's Ares through the tall grass, retrieving his pokeball on the way. Catching up to the hound squaring off with the snake, and seeing the damage Ares' first strike caused. Vincent calls out "Good job Ares!" and throws the slightly saliva-sticky pokeball at the purple snake, the ball collides with the snake's body and energizes the purple serpent.

The pokeball finds it's mark and you hear one final rattle of the snakes tail as it disappears in a flash of red light!

Ekans was caught!


Gender: Male
Nature: +Sp. Defense/-Sp. Defense
Trait: Speed
Ability: Shed Skin
Known Moves: Wrap, Leer

Loyalty: 2

The ball clicks shut instantly and your pokedex chimes immediately as it updates itself with information on your newly acquired companion.

Ares looses a bark and hustles over to retrieve the pokeball on instinct. He returns to you wagging his bushy tail triumphantly, basic ball in mouth, as he waits for you to retrieve the saliva covered sphere.

2019-04-25, 01:52 PM
"The name's Adrian." He says shaking her hand. "Yeah I'm not from around these parts, I'm from Lentimas Town up in the mountains. What's your name?"

2019-04-25, 02:11 PM
Haruka watched as the horn buried straight into the dirt, "That could have been bad!" she said as she pulled out another ball and tossed it at the blue beetle, hoping this time to make her first wild catch! Though it would be for naught as the ball simply spun backwards as it rolled off of her fingers and landed behind her. She panicked slightly, "Go easy on it, Brinstar!" she instructed her bug. Brinstar seemed to understand as it began spooling silk in its mandibles before launching it at the blue beetle.

11 - [Standard] Haruka attempts to throw a Pokeball and SUPER misses

Pokeball, Go!: (http://orokos.com/roll/721861) 1 [AC4]
11 - [Standard] Brinstar uses a Bug-Typed Struggle attack against the Blue Beetle!
Attack Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/721862) 18 [AC6]
Damage Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/721863) 20 Bug Damage vs. Special Defense + 1 Bonus Damage

At the top of the round, Haruka will attempt to make another throw at the bug, hoping to catch it again if Brinstar did not KO it.

11 - [Standard] Haruka (Trainer Level 1) throws a Basic Ball (-0) at Blue Beetle

Pokeball, Go!: (http://orokos.com/roll/721864) 16 [AC4]
Capture Roll: (http://orokos.com/roll/721865) 82

big teej
2019-04-26, 06:35 PM
Vincent snaps his fingers, eyeing the pokeball with a smile. "Good job Ares." He says to the dog, trying to take the ball. Ares growls and wags his tail. "Drop it." Vincent commands, wiping off the sphere with the hem of his shirt before adding it to the ever-more crowded chain. He stoops again to scratch the fire dog under the chin and behind the ears, murmuring a steady stream of encouragement and praise.

Standing straight, he glances around at the dying light and opts to head back to where the group's made camp. He'll get a modest dinner going and feed his pokemon, releasing his new catches separately and making sure they've acclimated before adding more.

Once food's taken care of, Vincent recalls his team except for Ares, finds a comfortable spot, methodically packs the bowl on his pipe, and enjoys the last vestiges of the sunset.

"So..." He says to his companions. "Was the first day of your 'big pokemon adventure' everything you'd hoped it'd be?" Ares sniffs at the end of Vincent's pipe and then lays down near his feet. As the group chats and settles in for the night, Vincent decides that each of his new catches behaved well enough to leave them out as a group, and after a strobe of released pokemon, Vincent and Ares are joined by Maggie, Arianrhod, Wraith, and Nacirema.

2019-04-26, 09:04 PM
Far From Home

"Adrian huh?", she says as she looks you over once more. "I'm Liz. And if you're from Lentimas then you're pretty far from home cowboy. So what brings you out this way? Can't be business..." she asks dubiously.

2019-04-26, 09:21 PM
"Nice to meet you Liz. I'm here to take the Unova circuit. My master sent me here to begin my journey. Adrian raises his arm grabbing his bicep with a big smile across his face. "I'm going to be the strongest so I can beat any foe in my path. Right now my goal is to prove to Marshal that I can be a better fighter than him. His hands go to his hips "I guess you're here to take the circuit too, you were messing with a pokeball on the bus earlier. Is that what you lost?

2019-04-26, 10:34 PM
Far From Home

Liz raises an eyebrow and listens with an amused expression. So... you're a martial artist and a cowboy? I'm impressed."

"Unfortunately you're only half right cowboy. I'm also here to take on the Unova Circuit but I haven't lost any Pokemon, and I don't plan on it either." She flashes the basic ball hiding underneath the draping portion of her jumpsuit before looking off into the distance. "What I am looking for is the nearest Pokemon Center and seeing as you're not from around here I'll go ahead and assume that you don't know where it is either?"

She sighs. "I know Professor Juniper already set us up on the Circuit but would it have killed the lady to give us directions at least?" Liz slings her bag over a single shoulder and starts to leave. "So, you coming or are you just gonna stand there? The building ain't gonna find itself right?" She laughs at the thought.

2019-04-26, 11:24 PM
"This seems to be your area of expertise. I haven't ever been in a big city before. So I'll follow you." He says grinning. "I don't know much about that this Xtransciever can do but does it have a map? Adrian readjust his sling bag and follows Liz, his eyes wandering from one building to the next taking in the surrounding activity. He occasionally let's loose a glimmer of discomfort at the crowded city feel but doesn't say anything about it.

TJ Zen
2019-04-27, 12:52 PM
"What? Zorua?! That what this thing said?" Marcus ask shaking the pokedex."He immediately empties the pokemon again to see a small black and burgundy fox. "Whoa! YOU'RE AWESOME!" He says sitting beside it as it yawns still groggy. "Hey little guy! we're gonna go on an adventure! Meet your new friends!" While The fox slowly gets acclimated to all the new friends. Marcus goes back on the prowl looking for one last catch (http://orokos.com/roll/722508) before bed.

2019-04-27, 01:01 PM
Akira beams as the ball clicks shut. ”I have the perfect name for you!” When Marcus starts questioning his PokeDex, Akira calls back out the sleeping lion. ”Looks like you got a little copy cat! Errrr fox really. Guess I got the kitten. Still, that’s an awesome addition!” Akira starts to make his way back to the campsite, after recalling Panther, he follows along with Marcus, slightly entertained.

Perception (http://orokos.com/roll/722515): 3d6 11

To Terumi (very late time warp!)
Akira nods and smiles. ”It is very similar, Morgana and Skull have looked out for me many a time on our adventures. I’m glad that S is of the same cloth.”

2019-04-27, 06:22 PM
Under the Setting Sun

Brinstar's silk strikes the blue beetle dead on but the bug stands strong in spite of the attack. It lunges itself headfirst into the Larvae in retaliation and sharply jabs Brinstar with the horn that proudly adorns it's head. Just at the bugs square up against one another the beetle is pelted by your pokeball and disappears in a flash of red light!

??? used Peck on Brinstar!
It Hit!
Brinstar takes 22 Physical Flying Damage vs defense (It's Super Effective!)

Karrablast was caught!

Lv.2 Karrablast

Gender: Male
Nature: +Defense/-Defense
Trait: Attack
Ability: Shed Skin

Known Moves: Peck

Loyalty: 2

The stillness in the air is finally broken by the click of your pokeball as it comes to a rest. It sits in place, perfectly still, almost defiantly, as it waits to be claimed.

2019-04-27, 08:33 PM
Under The Setting Sun

Taiga smiles as the little yellow mouse takes her treat and nibbles on it. "It's good right?"

Mugan chirps in agreement as he finishes off his piece.

"If you come with me, I'll make sure you're fed all the time. I'll make you strong. What do you say?"

Taiga takes an empty Pokeball off of her belt and offers it to to the mouse.

Throw (http://orokos.com/roll/722640) (if needed): 11
Catch?! (http://orokos.com/roll/722641): 76

Taiga is trainer level 1 and is using a basic ball

At Camp

Once food's taken care of, Vincent recalls his team except for Ares, finds a comfortable spot, methodically packs the bowl on his pipe, and enjoys the last vestiges of the sunset.

"So..." He says to his companions. "Was the first day of your 'big pokemon adventure' everything you'd hoped it'd be?" Ares sniffs at the end of Vincent's pipe and then lays down near his feet.

Taiga lounges by the fire after dinner. She's laying on her back with one leg crossed over the other, with her arms behind her head as a pillow. Mugan sits in the crook of one of her arms and Kaien leans against her side. "After we finally left town, I would say it went okay. At least we got to walk a bit. Our battle was pretty great, Haruka. Ya know, I'd say that was probably the highlight of my day." Her Riolu yips in agreement.

Chiba Yu
2019-04-28, 07:42 AM
In the woods...
Terumi goes to collect her new companion, and as she approaches, she'll lightly tap the sleeping plant with a Basic Ball! http://orokos.com/roll/722731

Shortly after...
Terumi gives a slight smile to Akira at the mention of his partners. "Should we get them acquainted with one another? I assure you, despite his appearances, S is not worth being afraid of. While I'm in charge." If Akira accepts, Terumi will release S and allow him to get acquainted with the smaller pokemon. S is inquisitive, but stays close to Terumi.

Under the Setting Sun...
Terumi smiles as she retrieves the still ball. This has been a successful day. If she sees no other pokemon this evening, she will return to camp, leaving S out of his pokeball overnight.

2019-04-29, 05:31 PM
Haruka treks back towards the campsite that Vincent, Taiga, and herself have set up for the evening. Upon being asked about their first day on their adventure, at least that's what she think he was asking, "It was good. Saw a lot of Pokemon. I caught one too!" she managed to work out, slowly but surely as her grasp of the English language was incredibly rough. She releases Brinstar, and her new Pokemon, a Karrablast, to show off to Vincent and Taiga. "I am going to call him Valiant." she said as she picked up the blue beetle, and pushed him closer to Brinstar. "I'm going to leave these two out to sleep with us tonight, will that be ok?" she asked Taiga in native tongue, flashing glances at Vincent as she hoped that didn't offend him.

She piled up some leaves, Brinstar spitting up some silk to bind them together, forming a bit of a nest. He climbed onto it and made some room for the new companion, Haruka ushering him to sleep next to the warm larva, "Sleep well tonight, and in the morning, you'll both be like new." she said with a smile before turning back to Vincent and Taiga. "Good Night. See you in the morning." she stammered before turning in for the evening, listening the crackling of the campfire, and the sounds of nature around them before drifting off to sleep.

big teej
2019-04-29, 06:30 PM
Vincent exhales a thick cloud of smoke, eyeing the new bug. "I can't see it being a problem." He points at the makeshift nest with the stem of his pipe. "Seem's a lotta effort for each night though, or are ya plannin on taking that with us?" He reaches over and rubs Wraith under the chin, and shoos Maggie away from the fox. "Be nice, she's with us now." Maggie tilts her head one way and then another, studying the fox before stretching her wings and croaking in acceptance. Her display is interrupted by Arianrhod's sniffing proboscis.

"Well, hopefully tomorrow will be as productive as today." Vincent offers. He pauses, thinking about their morning spent chasing Bianca.

"On second thought, maybe we can aim for twice as productive..."

Vincent will stay up and chat with either or both of the girls if they're feeling talkative, otherwise when he's done he'll clean out his pipe, and pack in for bed, surrounded by a small petting zoo worth of pokemon.

2019-05-02, 10:40 AM
Back with Terumi

Akira nods, and chuckles a bit. The same can be said of Skull, at least when he's not being overly protective. But he seems to have taken a liking to you both. Morgana is more of a social one, with the caveat that she will try to sneak around and scout some." Akira accepts and rouses Morgana from her sleep and lets her and Skull get acquainted with S. Morgana sniffs the serpent and mews while Skull stays close to Akira. Skull will allow Terumi to pet him is she chooses, as will Morgana.

Later in the evening
If he doesn't see anything or if Marcus doesn't see anything else, he will leave Morgana out of her ball for the night and call it a day back at camp.

2019-05-03, 08:37 AM
"It is just a pile of leaves held by silk." Haruka told Vincent before looking at her two bugs getting settled in, "No effort at all." she mentioned. She heard him musing about getting more done the next day. "I have minimum requirement for that lady we have to visit." she said, pointing to the new bug she had just captured, her English laden with a heavily thick accent as she tried her best to sound her words out, "But others would be nice."

She yawned wide, rubbing at her eyes before stretching her arms upward. She turned to Vincent, then Taiga, "おやすみ" she said to them, wishing them a good night before turning in and getting a good night's rest before the next day.

Haruka is ready to proceed to Day 2

2019-05-04, 11:36 PM
Bright Lights, Big City!

As the two of you depart the station Liz stops dead in her tracks after you ask about the Xtransceiver's map functionality.

She stands in silence for a moment as one does when they suddenly come to an important realization. "You know... you make a good point, for a cowboy anyway." Liz says playfully as she activates her Xtransceiver and navigates through several screens. "There. It says the Pokemon Center should be that way." She points into the distance directly away from the commotion of the terminal. "Let's get goin'!"

As you follow Liz through the streets of Aspertia you begin to see a gradual transition in your surroundings, as the bustling commercial district eventually gives way to the tranquil, somewhat sleepy, residential district. After roughly forty-five minutes of travel on foot you see Liz come to a stop at a road that appears longer than any others you've seen in the residential district thus far. If you were to take a look to the North and South, you are left with the impression that the road could likely span the entire length of the residential district.

"So if I'm reading this right the Pokemon Center should be right over... there!" Liz points out a large building just beyond your peripheral vision before deactivating the navigation on her Xtransceiver. The two of you eventually find yourself in front of an expansive two story structure with large glass windows and an arched roof. "Alright this it, let's go in..." Liz casts a glance at the building neighboring center but then shifts her focus to the space between the two buildings. She elbows you softly, "Hey... does that look like the Professor's Assistant to you? She's gotta be right?"

In the park next to the Pokemon Center you see a young woman with sporting her blonde hair in a bob cut, wearing a green hat and an orange jacket talking to a man with medium length black hair who appears to be about her age. He wears a white dress shirt with an orange tie and blue jeans. (https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/388e366fe8dcf35f4e3f80738e055ea4/5D3E1694/t51.2885-15/e15/s480x480/11282747_1437041329931305_1868944599_n.jpg?_nc_ht= scontent-otp1-1.cdninstagram.com) The two seem to be having an animated conversation with the woman exhibiting most of the animation, though her tone appears to be a positive one.

2019-05-04, 11:55 PM
Perception AP Boosted - (https://orokos.com/roll/724359) 10

"She's blonde, sports an incredibly cute bob cut with a big green hat on top, and is wearing a bright orange coat so she shouldn't be hard to miss." Adrian replies teasingly. "Yeah looks like her. he chuckles. "Wonder who the other guy is.", "Come on lets go see what's up" He says elbowing Liz and walks towards the duo. "Excuse me, you're Bianca right? Addressing the woman. "My names Adrian and this is Liz. We got sent a message to meet with you from the Professor."

2019-05-10, 09:23 PM
"She's blonde, sports an incredibly cute bob cut with a big green hat on top, and is wearing a bright orange coat so she shouldn't be hard to miss." Adrian replies teasingly. "Yeah looks like her. he chuckles. "Wonder who the other guy is.", "Come on lets go see what's up" He says elbowing Liz and walks towards the duo. "Excuse me, you're Bianca right? Addressing the woman. "My names Adrian and this is Liz. We got sent a message to meet with you from the Professor."

Liz's eyes narrow slightly at your insinuation but ultimately gives you a smile in return. "Well he's wearing a tie so whoever he is he must be important." She shrugs and follows suit.

The blonde pauses mid-sentence and turns to the two of you before tilting her head to one side. "Hmm... wasn't that... two hours ago?" she stares intently at your faces for a few moments until the young man speaks up and breaks the silence.

"Friends of yours Bianca?" he asks flatly as he appears to instinctively straighten his tie as he eyes the two of you. "Judging by your appearances, I'm going to guess that neither of you are from around here? So that means you're here in Aspertia for either business, pleasure, or... most likely, prospective trainers? Or is my hypothesis incorrect?"

2019-05-10, 09:34 PM
The blonde pauses mid-sentence and turns to the two of you before tilting her head to one side. "Hmm... wasn't that... two hours ago?" she stares intently at your faces for a few moments until the young man speaks up and breaks the silence.
"Was that two hours ago?! We just got into town!" Adrian bursts out laughing. "Sorry about that, Marshal and I must of lost track of time in Floccesy."

"Friends of yours Bianca?" he asks flatly as he appears to instinctively straighten his tie as he eyes the two of you. "Judging by your appearances, I'm going to guess that neither of you are from around here? So that means you're here in Aspertia for either business, pleasure, or... most likely, prospective trainers? Or is my hypothesis incorrect?"
"Yeah, we are trying to travel the league. We were told to come find the professor's assistant."

2019-05-11, 07:34 PM
"Was that two hours ago?! We just got into town!" Adrian bursts out laughing. "Sorry about that, Marshal and I must of lost track of time in Floccesy."

"Yeah, we are trying to travel the league. We were told to come find the professor's assistant."

"Hmm..." Bianca puts an index finger to her chin as she gathers her thoughts. " Yeah that was definitely two hours ago... probably?"

"I think you're overlooking the fact that we've been speaking with each other here for the past forty-five minutes Bianca. Which means you would've received your message roughly three hours ago.", the young man suggests.

"Yeah, you're right! You're so smart Cheren!" Bianca throws herself headlong into Cheren who finds himself caught in a tight hug. "Hey Bianca, cut it out already!" He struggles to escape Bianca's grasp to no avail and looses a sigh. "This is so unprofessional..." Cheren looks away for a moment before finally opening his mouth again to speak. "So... If the two of you are Pokemon Trainers then I presume you'll both be needing a Pokedex of your own?", he clears his throat.

"Hm? Oh, right!" Bianca straightens herself out. "Let's get you guys started then! Prince could you bring my bag over to me please?" You hear rustling in the surrounding grass before you finally see the creature creating the noise. A large green serpent with gleaming red eyes and swathes of yellow markings on it's body makes it's way towards you carrying a large duffle bag at the end of it's tail. When the serpent reaches Bianca's side it sets the duffle bag in front of her before offering the woman a bow and waiting with it's head lowered. "Thank you so much my sweet Prince!" Bianca runs her hand along the serpents head before opening the duffle bag and removing a tablet. The serpent raises it's head into the air and postures itself regally as it eyes the two of you. "Alright, let's see what we've got... Ah, here we are! Adrian Rivera and Elizabeth Rodriguez right? It looks like the two of you have already registered for the Unova Circuit and are already licensed trainers, so I just need to get you guys started!"

"Yeah and it's just 'Liz' by the way." Liz answers a bit embarrassed.

"Noted!" Bianca replies. "And if everything I have here's correct, Liz is scheduled to pick up a Pokedex in addition to a new partner Pokemon while Adrian only needs to receive a Pokedex. Is that correct?" She readjust her glasses slightly as she eagerly awaits your answers.

2019-05-11, 07:43 PM
You hear rustling in the surrounding grass before you finally see the creature creating the noise. A large green serpent with gleaming red eyes and swathes of yellow markings on it's body makes it's way towards you carrying a large duffle bag at the end of it's tail. When the serpent reaches Bianca's side it sets the duffle bag in front of her before offering the woman a bow and waiting with it's head lowered.

Adrian's eyes widen in awe as the serpent appears. Wow, I've never seen something like that before. His attention is captured by the pokemon until Bianca's voice breaks his trance. "What. Yeah sounds right to me."
"What new partner are you getting Liz?"

2019-05-11, 09:43 PM
Adrian's eyes widen in awe as the serpent appears. Wow, I've never seen something like that before. His attention is captured by the pokemon until Bianca's voice breaks his trance. "What. Yeah sounds right to me."
"What new partner are you getting Liz?"

Liz nods in affirmation, "Yeah, that sounds about right." She give you a sideways glance and grins. "żNo te gustaría saber?"

"Alright then, let's get you guys on your way!" She opens up the bag, revealing a large cylindrical container and a metal case beside it, then removes what appears to be one of several slender cellphones and a thin plastic case containing five basic balls.

She clears her throat. "On behalf of Professor Juniper and the Unovan Pokemon League I'm happy to gift you two with a set of five basic Pokeballs to begin your respective journeys with in addition to a state of the art Pokedex! If you didn't already know already know, the Pokédex is a high-tech device that automatically records the data of any Pokémon you encounter and is virtually unrivaled as a Pokémon encyclopedia! In short Professor Juniper wants you all to carry this Pokédex, visit a lot of places, and meet all sorts of Pokémon and people in the Unova region!"

Bianca gives Cheren a sidelong glance. "Even you have to admit that was very professional Cheren." The young looks away and you notice his features flush ever so slightly.

She withdraws two Pokedex and two plastic cases filled with five basic Pokeballs and hands a set to each of you. "Okay, now with that out of the way, Liz I've also brought the remaining starter pokemon in my possession as a gift to serve as your partner during your journey!" Bianca removes the cylindrical container from the duffle bag and excitedly presents the contents inside to the Liz. "Ta-daaa! In here is the pokémon that will be your new partner!".

LIz thanks Bianca, accepts the pokeball, and releases the creature inside. A small bipedal mammal covered in blue in white fur emerges from the ball, it sports a scallop's shell on its stomach. The tiny otter shakes out its fur and takes in it's surroundings, its eyes filled with curiosity. "Esta parece ser tan inteligente como ella es linda. Thank you for everything Bianca, I promise to take good care of her!" Liz kneels to meet her new partner pokemon and after spending a few moments introducing herself she picks the mammal up and cradles the pokemon in her arms.

"I know! You and your new partner look like a perfect match!" Bianca replies excitedly. "Okay, I think that's everything right!?"

Cheren clears his throat once more. "I believe you're leaving out something very important and incredibly relevant to the beginning of their journey." Bianca tilts her head in confusion. "Before the two of you depart you need to know that there are requests that are being asked of you by the Unova League. The first is to head Northeast to Floccesy Town and pay a visit to the town's local Unova League Official. There the League Official will evaluate your capability as a Pokemon Trainer through an assessment of their choice. Secondly you are hereby notified that the Aspertia City Gym Leader WILL NOT accept challenges from trainers who possess two or fewer pokemon. In other words, the Gym Leader would like each of you to add at least one more pokemon to your respective collections if you want to challenge sthe Aspertia City Gym, which officially opens to the public five days from now."

Bianca laughs. "Oh yeah! I was totally gonna say that Cheren, you just beat me to it!" She offers Cheren a playful wink. "Okay, I'm pretty sure that's everything! Any questions?" She looks between the two of you and patiently waits for anyone to speak up.

2019-05-11, 10:10 PM
Liz nods in affirmation, "Yeah, that sounds about right." She give you a sideways glance and grins. "żNo te gustaría saber?"

Adrian smirks and takes the pokedex and pokeballs and places them in his pockets.

A small bipedal mammal covered in blue in white fur emerges from the ball, it sports a scallop's shell on its stomach. The tiny otter shakes out its fur and takes in it's surroundings, its eyes filled with curiosity.

"What is that!" He says pulling out his newly acquired pokedex. "Oshawott, they sound like a fierce pokemon. If these are the pokemon I get to see on my journey I can't wait to get started!"

Cheren clears his throat once more. "I believe you're leaving out something very important and incredibly relevant to the beginning of their journey." Bianca tilts her head in confusion. "Before the two of you depart you need to know that there are requests that are being asked of you by the Unova League. The first is to head Northeast to Floccesy Town and pay a visit to the town's local Unova League Official. There the League Official will evaluate your capability as a Pokemon Trainer through an assessment of their choice. Secondly you are hereby notified that the Aspertia City Gym Leader WILL NOT accept challenges from trainers who possess two or fewer pokemon. In other words, the Gym Leader would like each of you to add at least one more pokemon to your respective collections if you want to challenge sthe Aspertia City Gym, which officially opens to the public five days from now."

"Well I guess we can always come back here to challenge the gym after traveling to Floccesy."

"Okay, I'm pretty sure that's everything! Any questions?" She looks between the two of you and patiently waits for anyone to speak up.

"What type of gym is being built here? And which way do we head to get to Floccesy."
"A menos que quieras viajar solo." He says turning to Liz.

2019-05-13, 03:36 PM
Into the Unknown:

"What is that!" He says pulling out his newly acquired pokedex. "Oshawott, they sound like a fierce pokemon. If these are the pokemon I get to see on my journey I can't wait to get started!"

Oshawott the Sea Otter Pokemon

The scalchop on its stomach is made from the same element as claws. It detaches the scalchop for use as a blade.

"Well I guess we can always come back here to challenge the gym after traveling to Floccesy."

Cheren nods in agreement. "Yes, that is meant to be the intention of the request however you both have the right to challenge the Unova League in any manner you wish so long as you follow all League guidelines and regulations."

"What type of gym is being built here? And which way do we head to get to Floccesy. A menos que quieras viajar solo." He says turning to Liz.

"An excellent question." Cheren replies. "One you will only have the answer to once you return from Flocessy." His eyes narrow slightly but for the first time since you've met him a smile lines his features. Bianca looks at you then back to Cheren and smiles warmly but says nothing.

"Flocessy Town? It's that way!" Bianca points Northeast. "Just follow the main road through the Northern Gate and you'll find yourselves on Route 19 which will lead you to Flocessy. If you don't stray far from the path that is." She laughs, "Though I recommend stocking up on any supplies you may need before making your way to the next town."

"I'm really glad that I got the chance to meet you two! I hope you both enjoy your respective journeys and I wish you the best!", "As do I." Cheren adds. Cheren, Bianca, and her Serpent send you off with a wave as you depart. "Oh and be sure to keep in touch! I'm only a call away if you need me!"

As the two of you depart Liz will speak up, "Okay, after giving it some thought I figure there's no reason why we couldn't travel together. Based on what I've seen from ya you'd practically be lost without me and who knows, it may actually be fun? So you ready to get goin' or what?"

OOC: Adrian may use this opportunity to visit the Pokemon Center to purchase any items or refresh any spent AP

As you emerge from the North Gate of Aspertia you are greeted by the sight of the grasslands and pockets of forest that constitute the majority of Route 19 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxwKmkmBIX4). There is a visible and clearly beaten path that winds through the grasslands between the forests that line either side however it seems the surrounding wilderness is relatively untamed despite being so close to Aspertia.

OOC: Perception Roll


Only half an hour has passed since you've left Aspertia City when you see a tiny blue bird with red plumage adorning it's head perched on a rock as it pecks at what appears to be the remains of a green larvae. Moving closer reveals a second pokemon nearby lurking in the tall grass. A small mammal sporting striped brown and white fur slowly inches it's way toward it's unsuspecting prey.

Liz will mention that she's interested in catching the bird but will defer the capture opportunity to you if you feel strongly about it.

Off in the distance on the opposite side of the grassland you can vaguely make out the unmistakable form of the Unova region's favored farm animal. A lone Tauros grazes in peace on the windswept grasses of Route 19 without a care in the world. While you may easily spot it, the Tauros appears to be completely oblivious to your presence.


An hour passes and the trail you're walking takes you through a sparce woodland where you're immediately greeted by the yipping and barking of a pair of small black dogs. The canine duo attempts to chase down a tiny brown bunny but the rabbit is able to stay ahead of it's pursuers by winding between the trees as it flees. While the rabbit appears to have the edge currently you can assume this chase will ultimately boil down to a contest of endurance.

After some time traveling through the forest you find yourselves at the edge of a small clearing where the sun shines brightly upon the ground unimpeded by the surrounding canopy. On the other side of the clearing you are easily able to spot the sleeping figure of a yellow and brown humanoid pokemon resting at the foot of a tree. The woodland remains quiet and all is still but for some reason you can't help but get the feeling that you're being watched from just beyond the treeline by something else.

By now it's well into the late evening when you emerge from the surrounding forest to see more grassland and a beautiful view of the mountains that lie to the northwest just as the sun dips below the horizon. As you begin to leave the forest you hear what could be the sound of wood splintering nearby. Should you follow the sound you will find a small brown mammal with a green shell running down it's back tackling a tree. The creature appears to be a bit worn down from the activity but hasn't sustained any visible damage judging by the state of it's shell. It seems completely oblivious to your presence as it's focus remains trained on tree.

2019-05-13, 05:20 PM
As the two of you depart Liz will speak up, "Okay, after giving it some thought I figure there's no reason why we couldn't travel together. Based on what I've seen from ya you'd practically be lost without me and who knows, it may actually be fun? So you ready to get goin' or what?"

Adrian waves goodbye to Bianca and Cheren as they leave for the road. "Am I that bad with cities." He laughs. "This will definitely be fun, I mean we get to explore the whole region! Lets stop by the pokemon center, I want to pick up a few things."

OOC: Adrian will buy 5 potions

Grasslands -

Perception Roll Boosted (https://orokos.com/roll/726245) - 10
"You can take the bird, I'll see about this other little guy." Once Liz is ready he will release his partner Knight, a small humanoid pokemon with a green cap, "Alright partner help me fight this guy."

Initiative -
Adrian - 8
Knight - 7

Adrian steps close to Knight ready to cover for the pokemon if need be. The two step close to the stalking pokemon "Alight confuse it Knight!." The Ralts releases a wave of confusion on the pokemon that seems to shake it off easily.

Adrian activates Stalwart Bastion giving Himself and Knight 8 DR
Knight uses Confusion on the Pokemon - (https://orokos.com/roll/726246) 2

Forest -

An hour passes and the trail you're walking takes you through a sparce woodland where you're immediately greeted by the yipping and barking of a pair of small black dogs. The canine duo attempts to chase down a tiny brown bunny but the rabbit is able to stay ahead of it's pursuers by winding between the trees as it flees. While the rabbit appears to have the edge currently you can assume this chase will ultimately boil down to a contest of endurance.

"While pokemon still need to eat, I don't think I can just leave that bunny alone. Wanna help? Adrian will take off after them whether Liz joins or not. Heading off the duo of dogs Adrian will attempt to get their attention.

Perception Roll Boosted - (https://orokos.com/roll/726247) 13

After some time traveling through the forest you find yourselves at the edge of a small clearing where the sun shines brightly upon the ground unimpeded by the surrounding canopy. On the other side of the clearing you are easily able to spot the sleeping figure of a yellow and brown humanoid pokemon resting at the foot of a tree. The woodland remains quiet and all is still but for some reason you can't help but get the feeling that you're being watched from just beyond the treeline by something else.

Adrian will pull out his pokedex and scan the sleeping pokemon. "Be careful Liz, I think something else is nearby.

By now it's well into the late evening when you emerge from the surrounding forest to see more grassland and a beautiful view of the mountains that lie to the northwest just as the sun dips below the horizon. As you begin to leave the forest you hear what could be the sound of wood splintering nearby. Should you follow the sound you will find a small brown mammal with a green shell running down it's back tackling a tree. The creature appears to be a bit worn down from the activity but hasn't sustained any visible damage judging by the state of it's shell. It seems completely oblivious to your presence as it's focus remains trained on tree.

Adrian's curiosity piqued he quietly heads towards the sound. If Liz is with him he will express his interest in the Pokemon. Pulling out his dex Adrian will scan the pokemon before approaching. He looks at the tree and the little pokemon beating his head against it."Are you training or trying to break the tree? How long have you been here anyways?"

2019-06-12, 12:07 PM
The night is long...

"You can take the bird, I'll see about this other little guy." Once Liz is ready he will release his partner Knight, a small humanoid pokemon with a green cap, "Alright partner help me fight this guy."

Liz nods and takes up a position on your flank before releasing a pokemon from a basic ball. A tiny blue turtle emerges from the pokeball and locks its eyes on it's target after receiving direction from it's trainer.

Adrian steps close to Knight ready to cover for the pokemon if need be. The two step close to the stalking pokemon "Alight confuse it Knight!." The Ralts releases a wave of confusion on the pokemon that seems to shake it off easily.

The raccoon's hair stands on end just before shaking off the shock of confusion and turning in surprise.

"Galeón get in there!" Liz says to the tiny turtle, before it throws itself shellfirst into the would be assailant. She throws a pokeball at the tiny bird who starts taking off after being startled by the sudden commotion. The pokeball hits it's mark and drops to the ground, shaking wildly before it finally clicks.

The raccoon finds its feet after getting knocked back by the incoming tackle and takes a moment to size up it's opponents... before deciding to turn tail.

Knight gained 1 EXP!

Liz smirks as she moves to pick up the newest addition to her roster, "I think that went pretty well, don't you?" She kneels down to get a closer look at your partner. "So who's this exactly? He's pretty cute."

"Oh yeah! I should probably introduce you to my partner, Galeón." She says petting the tiny turtle by her side. "Don't let his appearance fool ya, he's about as tough as they come and getting stronger by the day."

"While pokemon still need to eat, I don't think I can just leave that bunny alone. Wanna help?" Adrian will take off after them whether Liz joins or not. Heading off the duo of dogs Adrian will attempt to get their attention.

"Don't worry, we're with you Cowboy!", Liz replies as she sends out Espada.

Buneary - 15
Liz, Espada - 10
Adrian - 8
Ivory, Poochyena - 6

The Buneary quickly moves to take refuge at the foot of a nearby tree and stands perfectly still. "Hey, let's try taking them out one at a time!" Liz asks as she sends out Espada. "Hit the one on the right!"

Espada wastes no time adjusting and throws herself into rightmost Poochyena, knocking it to the ground. The dog eventually gets up but is breathing heavily as it does so.

Adrian has Initiative!

After some time traveling through the forest you find yourselves at the edge of a small clearing where the sun shines brightly upon the ground unimpeded by the surrounding canopy. On the other side of the clearing you are easily able to spot the sleeping figure of a yellow and brown humanoid pokemon resting at the foot of a tree. The woodland remains quiet and all is still but for some reason you can't help but get the feeling that you're being watched from just beyond the treeline by something else.

Adrian will pull out his pokedex and scan the sleeping pokemon. "Be careful Liz, I think something else is nearby.

Abra, the Psi Pokemon -

Using its psychic power is such a strain on its brain that it needs to sleep for 18 hours a day.

Liz raises an eyebrow at your statement, "I'm gonna guess you're talking about something other than the sleeping pokemon over there, right?", she says thumbing at the Abra. "It's all yours if you wanna try catching it, otherwise lead the way."

Adrian's curiosity piqued he quietly heads towards the sound. If Liz is with him he will express his interest in the Pokemon. Pulling out his dex Adrian will scan the pokemon before approaching. He looks at the tree and the little pokemon beating his head against it."Are you training or trying to break the tree? How long have you been here anyways?"

"This one's a bit of an oddball huh? I wonder what it's up to..." Liz comments. "It's all yours if you're interested."

Chespin, the Spiny Nut Pokemon -

Such a thick shell of wood covers its head and back that even a direct hit from a truck wouldn't faze it.

The Chespin stops what looks like it's workout and turns in surprise. It elects to stand in place as you approach but you get sense that it's wary of your presence. The Chespins eyes remain fixed on you as you draw near.

Into the Woods

Terumi goes to collect her new companion, and as she approaches, she'll lightly tap the sleeping plant with a Basic Ball!

Oddish was caught!

Lv.4 Oddish

Gender: Female
Nature: +Special Attack/-Defense
Trait: Phys
Ability: Photosynthesis

Known Moves: Absorb

Loyalty: 2.5

The pokeball clicks immediately after it energizes as the newest addition to your roster puts up virtually no resistance.

As the two of you make your way back to camp the pleasant smell of the grasslands is replaced by a musky odor that immediately brings tears to your eyes. The source of the smell is easily noticed as you see the unmistakable purple and white tail of a Stunky go by in the tall grass.

A sudden shift in the tall grass catches your attention, and you think you hear the crackling of electricity drawing closer to the Stunky with each passing moment.

Taiga smiles as the little yellow mouse takes her treat and nibbles on it. "It's good right?" Mugan chirps in agreement as he finishes off his piece. "If you come with me, I'll make sure you're fed all the time. I'll make you strong. What do you say?" Taiga takes an empty Pokeball off of her belt and offers it to to the mouse.

The tiny mouse hastily finishes it's food and listens to what you have to say. While it doesn't appear to understand what you're saying it's ears visibly stand at attention when you mention food.

The pokemon slowly inches over to you, cautiously inspecting the pokeball you've offered it. You're unsure whether or not it's next action is out of willingness or curiosity however the mouse elects to tap the pokeball, disappearing as it's energized. The pokeball begins to shake wildly!

Pichu was caught!

Lv.4 Pichu

Gender: Female
Nature: +Special Attack/-Special Defense
Trait: Speed
Ability: Cute Charm

Known Moves: Thunder Shock, Charm

Loyalty: 2.5

The basic ball in your hand finally comes to rest after the struggling stops and the ball has successfully energized.

TJ Zen
2019-06-12, 12:32 PM
"Oh... that smell is rancid." Marcus says in pauses trying to compose himself. "A stunky?! too aptly named. Let's get out of here Akir-wait. Did you see that little spark? I think something is tracking it. Let's see what it is." He says again in a whisper.

2019-06-12, 12:44 PM
Liz smirks as she moves to pick up the newest addition to her roster, "I think that went pretty well, don't you?" She kneels down to get a closer look at your partner. "So who's this exactly? He's pretty cute."

"Oh yeah! I should probably introduce you to my partner, Galeón." She says petting the tiny turtle by her side. "Don't let his appearance fool ya, he's about as tough as they come and getting stronger by the day."

"Yeah, about as well as we could hope." He says with a laugh. The little pokemon hides behind Adrian's leg peeking his head around when attention is turned to him. "This is Knight, he's one of my first catches when I traveled to Aspertia. Marshal thought he would be a good partner for me starting out" Adrian plucks another pokeball from his belt and releases Ivory. "This is my other friend, Ivory. I found this little guy trying to take food from me back in Lentimas when I was training." Ivory waves to Liz with his bone in hand. Adrian returns both his partners before heading off.

The Buneary quickly moves to take refuge at the foot of a nearby tree and stands perfectly still. "Hey, let's try taking them out one at a time!" Liz asks as she sends out Espada. "Hit the one on the right!"

Espada wastes no time adjusting and throws herself into rightmost Poochyena, knocking it to the ground. The dog eventually gets up but is breathing heavily as it does so.

"Alright Ivory be careful with this one, don't underestimate your opponent." Ivory growls at the leftmost canine before Adrian lobs a ball in its direction.

Ivory Uses Growl - (https://orokos.com/roll/733650) 8
Damage Roll - (https://orokos.com/roll/733651) 6 Normal Damage
Poochyena Loses 1 CS in Attack

Adrian throws a Pokeball - (https://orokos.com/roll/733652) 9
Catch Roll - (https://orokos.com/roll/733653) 3

Liz raises an eyebrow at your statement, "I'm gonna guess you're talking about something other than the sleeping pokemon over there, right?", she says thumbing at the Abra. "It's all yours if you wanna try catching it, otherwise lead the way."

"I have no interest in it, so I'm good to move on."

The Chespin stops what looks like it's workout and turns in surprise. It elects to stand in place as you approach but you get sense that it's wary of your presence. The Chespins eyes remain fixed on you as you draw near.

"Training to get stronger? I can understand that." Adrian unwraps his arm bands showing scarred and calloused hands. "I'm doing the same, I want to be able to protect those who are in need of help." He turns to a nearby tree readying himself like Marshal taught before launching his fist into the tree splintering a good chunk of the tree. "Want to travel with me, and together we can get stronger." Adrian says with a big smile, holding out a pokeball towards the Chespin.

Adrian uses Bulk Up
Adrian uses Rock Smash on the tree - (https://orokos.com/roll/733654)18
Damage roll - (https://orokos.com/roll/733655) 45 Fighting Damage OOC: Forgot to add the 1 CS Bonus

Charm Roll Boosted for disposition - (https://orokos.com/roll/733656) 9

2019-06-12, 12:45 PM
Akira reels at the stench and his eyes start to water. "Holy hell..... Stunky really lives up to the name but that could come in handy...." Akira takes out a ball and tosses it at the skunk Pokémon, then turns to Marcus and begins whispering along with him. "Yeah, I'm a little curious too.

Akira throws a Pokeball!
Throw (http://orokos.com/roll/733657): 1d20 2

2019-06-26, 10:42 PM
The night is long...


Adrian's pokeball connects with the black hound and begins energizing it before falling to the ground!

Poochyena was caught!

Lv.4 Poochyena

Gender: Male
Nature: +Speed/-Speed
Trait: Special Attack
Ability: Teamwork

Known Moves: Tackle, Howl

Loyalty: 2.0

The pokeball clicks shut immediately after it energizes and and lays still in the grass.

Ivory gained 2 EXP!

After watching it's partner disappear in a flash of light the remaining Poochyena growls in defiance before deciding against further confrontation and fleeing.

"Not bad Espada! And you too cowboy.", Liz adds as she recalls her Oshawott. "Unless you want to see if you can convince our damsel in distress here I'm ready to move on if you are?" She says pointing to the Buneary slowly emerging from behind the tree. The bunny locks up as if stricken by paralysis once it realizes that the two of you are watching it.


"Training to get stronger? I can understand that." Adrian unwraps his arm bands showing scarred and calloused hands. "I'm doing the same, I want to be able to protect those who are in need of help." He turns to a nearby tree readying himself like Marshal taught before launching his fist into the tree splintering a good chunk of the tree. "Want to travel with me, and together we can get stronger." Adrian says with a big smile, holding out a pokeball towards the Chespin.

The Chespin watches Adrian's display of martial prowess intently. It's eyes linger on the splintered bark of the tree before moving back to the pokeball you've presented it.

The small woodland mammal takes a few steps forward, looking between you and the pokeball before it throws itself headfirst into your chest!

The wild Chespin used Tackle!
19 Normal Physical vs Defense!

After landing on the ground in front of you the mammal takes a moment to inspect your physical condition before looking to the splintered bark of the tree. It's gaze lingers for a moment before turning back to the pokeball if it's still within reach and headbutting it. The Chespin disappears in a flash of red light and the click of your pokeball echoes throughout the treeline.

Chespin was caught!

Lv.5 Chespin

Gender: Male
Nature: +Attack/-Attack
Trait: Defense
Ability: Battle Armor

Known Moves: Tackle, Growl, Vine Whip

Loyalty: 3.0

"Way to go Adrian... I'm impressed." Liz offers, her expression conveying genuine surprise. "It looks like the little guy really resonated with you huh?"

A good night's sleep

The last rays of the setting sun have already disappeared beyond the horizon by the time you make your way back into the sprawling grasslands of Route 19. You're met by a pleasant spring night's breeze and the sight of what appears to be two campfires on opposite sides of the path up ahead.

"Seems as if we aren't the only ones who were headed this way. You think they could be the other Pokemon Trainers Bianca mentioned? Regardless we should consider settling down for the night, it's getting late." Liz comments.

You have officially joined the party! I leave the choice to you to join either group of trainers and interact with them as you wish.

The party on the left side of the path consists of Marcus, Akira, Sonia, and Terumi while the party on the right consists of Vincent, Taiga, and Haruka.

Akira's pokeball misses it's mark and lands in the tall grass, startling the skunk. In that moment a green hound surges forth from beyond the tall grass and tackles the Stunky. Faint traces of electricity can be seen coursing along the green fur that coats it's body.

12 - Marcus
10 - Akira, Wild Stunky
9 - Electrike

Marcus has initiative!

OOC: All players are free to conclude the events of their first night or to continue to play out any interactions with other characters or NPCS.

A Chance of Rain - Morning Day 2

The night passes by peacefully without any incident and your respective parties are able to enjoy some quality rest underneath the stars. In the morning you wake to a gray overcast sky and significantly cooler temperatures than the previous day. Your Xtransceiver receives a notification, the display indicates that the region is expected to experience showers of rain ranging from a light drizzle to a steady downpour throughout the day.

All players may open today's training window and play out any interactions they desire.

The upcoming biome is Forest. Please roll any relevant skills you wish to use for PokeSpotting and include them in your next post.

2019-06-27, 12:06 AM
Forest -
Adrian pats Ivory on the head "Nice going bud, that was good for a first battle." After Liz's statement he turns and looks at the Buneary before turning away. "Nah, lets head out."

A new ally -

Adrian barely moves from the hit and looks down at the pokemon grinning from ear to ear. "That was a good hit, you've got some real power." As the pokemon enters the pokeball his eyes widen a little until the ball clicks shut.

"Way to go Adrian... I'm impressed." Liz offers, her expression conveying genuine surprise. "It looks like the little guy really resonated with you huh?"

He slowly re-wraps his arms still smiling "I believe we will go far together. He has the same passion I do when it comes to fighting." Standing up he readjusts his bag "Maybe sometime we should battle and you can see." He gives a playful tap on her shoulder with his fist before heading back towards the road.

Night falls -

"Seems as if we aren't the only ones who were headed this way. You think they could be the other Pokemon Trainers Bianca mentioned? Regardless we should consider settling down for the night, it's getting late." Liz comments.

"Maybe, why don't we go and see." Adrian heads to the group on the right. Approaching the fire he takes note of the sleeping girl and quiets his voice a little when introducing himself. "Hey there. I'm Adrian and this is Liz." He points to the girl with him "Mind if we hang out with you guys? We just came from Aspertia and are starting the circuit."

OOC: Adrian has approached the group of Vincent, Taiga, Haruka

The Next Day -

Adrian wakes in the morning and slowly sits up clutching his chest. After a minute he takes a deep breath and gets up and moves a little ways away from the camp. He releases his team and pairs them up. "Good morning guys, hope you all slept well. Knight, Ivory we have two new additions. Meet Smoke and Guerrero." Knight walks up to Guerrero staring intensely at the pokemon. "Why don't we get started with today's training so you can get to know each other better." Adrian takes them through his morning routine, coaching them before he pairs them off to spar. After all is done he will return his team and look around to see if anyone is awake.

Morning Training - (https://orokos.com/roll/737928)
Knight - 5 Level Up! 5 --> 6
Knight Learns Double Team!
Ivory - 5 Level Up! 5 --> 6
Smoke - 4
Guerrero - 4

Adrian Applies Inspired Training onto his team

Pokespotting Rolls - (https://orokos.com/roll/737929) 7

Chiba Yu
2019-06-27, 12:25 AM
Waking up at 6:30 sharp, Terumi will instantly begin training with her pokemon, new members being introduced to S. She gets them acquainted with one another, noticing that Z and Y seems to like each other best, and encourages them to play with the others, too.

Training rolls (http://orokos.com/roll/737933)

TJ Zen
2019-06-27, 01:43 AM
"Ooh now that's a slick looking mon. I think you'll be great. Akira, take a step back." Marcus says to his traveling companion. He gathers himself and hums something of a lullaby (http://orokos.com/roll/737934). The lullaby lilts through the air and drift off. "There we go." He says, scanning the sleeping canid tapping the sleeping Electrike (http://orokos.com/roll/737936) and seeing it energize into the Pokéball (http://orokos.com/roll/737937).

After the Encounter Marcus will find a spot to bunk down for the evening with his traveling companions.

The sun warms Marcus' face when he finally wakes. He'll do some casual stretching to limber up and Train his pokemon while he's rounding into form for the day.

EXP (http://orokos.com/roll/737944)
(http://OOC: Morning Training)Scales - 7
Siren - 4
Pirouette - 8
Masquerade - 6
Neon - 9

Once everyone is ready to greet the day, Marcus will continue looking to fill out his roster (http://orokos.com/roll/737946).

2019-06-27, 06:03 AM
Akira's eyes widen when he sees the Electrike pounce, not so much in surprise but in the thoughts of Dammit that thing may steal my prey! When Marcus mentions his interest, Akira will nod and agree. "Definitely pretty slick, seems right up your alley too!" He takes a step back when Marcus tells him to, thinking that his companion was about to put the Pokémon to sleep again so they could be easily captured. After they've fallen asleep, Akira will walk up tot eh Stunky and tap it with a Pokeball. "Ya know, I gotta learn that trick of yours sometime Marcus." He says with a chuckle.

Throw (http://orokos.com/roll/737981): 1d20 17
Capture (http://orokos.com/roll/737982): 1d100 80
OOC: Seriously the time I want it to be low?
If he doesn't capture it he'll try to tap it with a second Pokeball before walking away.

Once they are done, Akira picks up the ball that missed and find their campsite.

The next morning....

Akira wakes as the light hits his face, no stranger to waking up early. After stretching a bit he'll find some space to let his roster out to train. "Morning guys." He'll greet his traveling companions.

Morgana Training EXP (http://orokos.com/roll/737985): 1d4 3 Level 6 to Level 7!
Training EXP (http://orokos.com/roll/737986)
OOC: Just realized I could roll them like this, left out the Stunky incase I don't manage it but will go back and change if I do.
Skull gains 7
Navi gains 6
Queen gains 7

After all is said and done he will recall everyone but Morgana and is ready to start the day. Akira keeps his eyes peeled for anymore Pokémon he can add to his team, for him and his companions. As they get prepared to set out, Akira will turn to Terumi. "I just realized I hadn't asked you this but, are there any specific Pokémon or a type that you are after or prefer?"

Perception (1AP Boost) (http://orokos.com/roll/737988): 4d6 15

big teej
2019-06-27, 07:37 AM

After Adrian introduces himself and Liz, Vincent leans back and takes the pipe from his lips to ask "It seems you got a bit of a later start than we did... Did you have difficulties tracking down Bianca?" Vincent closes his eyes and suppresses a sigh of frustration.


Vincent awakes bleary eyed and groggy. He looks around, seeming somewhat confused. His gaze fixates on his bag and he begins pulling several items out, including a black bag with a double headed axe design picked out in silver. Eventually, through some mysterious arcane ritual, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrS1yTp3QgQ) he produces a steaming cup of Black Axe Coffee. He takes his first sip and immediately seems much more content with the world. "Ah... cofffeecoffeecoffee". Vincent's Xtransceiver pings and he lifts the device and examines the weather notification. "Well, this oughta be fun." He mutters. "Did anyone remember to pack an umbrella for their journey?"

While still sipping at his coffee, Vincent looses his whole roster and lectures them on the importance of being goal oriented and always working forward with a plan. To further hone their focus, he has each of his pokemon in sequence take multiple tries to hit a thrown coin out of the air with a ranged attack.

After camp is packed up and the group is ready to head out, Vincent leaves Wraith out of her cased pokeball. Vincent is quicly lost in the peacefulness of their surroundings as they enter the forest.

Vincent applied Focus Training to his Roster, Vincent's pokemon gained Experience! (https://orokos.com/roll/737996)
Ares gained 6 Experience! Ares Leveled up to 6!
Maggie gained 5 Experience! Maggie leveled up!
Arianrhod gained 4 Experience
Wraith gained 5 Experience
Nacirema gained 4 Experience

Vincent's Pokemon became Focused!

Arianrhod's Pickup! ....5 (https://orokos.com/roll/738001)

pokemon hunting: Boosted Perception for all the attempts!
..... 9 (https://orokos.com/roll/738002)

2019-06-27, 08:24 AM
Haruka slowly rouses, stretching her arms. She heard someone wish her a good morning in English, but in a groggy, still waking state, she didn't pay it much mind. She stretched and went to go check on Brinstar and Valiant who were sleeping outside their pokeballs last night to recover. That's when it clicked. The person who wished her good morning wasn't there last night. There were two other people that weren't there last night. What happened while she was sleeping!? She went a little wide eyed, stuttering, stammering, "G...good morning? Who are you?" she asked, turning to Taiga for some help, "Who are they? Did they get here after I went to bed? What on earth did I miss?" she asked in her native tongue.

After the rather settling down, she will release Aqua and proceed through training for the morning. She felt the usual agility drills were a bit lackluster, so anyone who were to shoot a look at Haruka as she trained with her bugs would see her engaging a game of leap frog with her Pokemon, hoping to improve their agility through this old fashioned game!

After she packed her stuff up, and returning all but Valiant to their pokeballs, she turned to Taiga, Vincent, Adrian and Liz, "I am ready to go to the next town." she told them, once again her English broken and heavily accented. She picked up Valiant and perched him on her backpack. He would immediately start acting like a little watchman, shielding his eyes as best it could with his diminutive limbs. She would follow the rest of the trainers, keeping eyes trained on the trees through the forest in the overcast weather, occasionally peering to the ground to see if what wasn't in the trees was crawling about.

Haruka Opens the Training Window!

Haruka goes through Experience Training with her Roster.

Brinstar gains 8 EXP. (http://orokos.com/roll/737998) Brinstar levels up to Level 8
Aqua gains 7 EXP. (http://orokos.com/roll/737999)
Valiant gains 5 EXP. (http://orokos.com/roll/738000)

Haruka applies Agility Training to her Pokemon. Her Roster gains +5 Initiative for the day!

Haruka chooses Aqua. Aqua loses 2 Tutor Points and gains the Swarm Ability!

Pokemon Spotting: (http://orokos.com/roll/738006) 9

2019-06-27, 06:34 PM
Once the mouse is caught, Taiga releases it again. "See? Not so bad, huh?"

The Pichu chitters at her trainer and looks around for more food. Taiga offers some of the Pokemon food that Kaien and Mugen had been munching on previously and the Pichu jumps on it. After a good meal, the mouse approaches the other Pokemon and after some quick introductions, settles in with them for the night.

"Maybe, why don't we go and see." Adrian heads to the group on the right. Approaching the fire he takes note of the sleeping girl and quiets his voice a little when introducing himself. "Hey there. I'm Adrian and this is Liz." He points to the girl with him "Mind if we hang out with you guys? We just came from Aspertia and are starting the circuit."

OOC: Adrian has approached the group of Vincent, Taiga, Haruka

"Hey guys, the name's Taiga Igarashi," she says with a half wave. "You can hang out for the night if you want. I don't mind."

"G...good morning? Who are you?"[/I] she asked, turning to Taiga for some help, "Who are they? Did they get here after I went to bed? What on earth did I miss?" she asked in her native tongue.

"They're trainers on the circuit too," Taiga replies to her in Japanese. "They come up to us last night while you were asleep. No need to worry, they seem like good people."

After introductions are made, Taiga will move a bit away from the group and start her daily training. She and Kaien meditate at first before the Pichu, now named Rika, jumps on the two of them in the middle of playing tag with Mugan. Taiga sighs and starts instructing her three Pokemon in their daily training.

Kaien (http://orokos.com/roll/738155) gains 6 XP
Mugen (http://orokos.com/roll/738156) gains 8 XP- Levels up to 6!
Rika (http://orokos.com/roll/738158) gains 4 XP

Pokespotting (http://orokos.com/roll/738161) (Boosted and using Mystic Senses): 19

2019-06-29, 12:20 PM
After Adrian introduces himself and Liz, Vincent leans back and takes the pipe from his lips to ask "It seems you got a bit of a later start than we did... Did you have difficulties tracking down Bianca?" Vincent closes his eyes and suppresses a sigh of frustration.

Adrian gives an embarrassed chuckle "Yeah, cities are a lot bigger than I imagined. Luckily there was a map we could follow to the Pokemon Center."

She went a little wide eyed, stuttering, stammering, "G...good morning? Who are you?" she asked, turning to Taiga for some help, "Who are they? Did they get here after I went to bed? What on earth did I miss?" she asked in her native tongue.

"The name's Adrian. Sorry to scare you didn't mean for that to happen."

Chiba Yu
2019-06-29, 03:17 PM
Post morning training, Terumi comes back to camp and is greeted by Akira, and he asked THE question. It was time.
"Ah yes. My preference for pokemon is the most strategic pokemon and the most strategic type, Poison. Poison lacks raw power usually and must rely on cunning and intelligence to function on the level of some other types have. Dark is similar, but is a little too... brutish for my tastes. I am quite pleased with pokemon that follow a similar pattern, such as Foretress. While it lacks offense, its toolkit makes it a versatile and threatening pokemon in its own right...
She seems to be able to carry on for much longer if not interrupted.

2020-01-19, 01:36 PM
The night is long...

Electrike was caught!

Lv.2 Electrike

Gender: Female
Nature: +Speed/-Defense
Trait: Sp. Atk
Ability: Lightning Rod

Known Moves: Tackle, Thunder Wave

Loyalty: 2.0

Reminder: You may apply Exp. Training to this Pokemon for the following morning.

Stunky was caught!

Lv.1 Stunky

Gender: Male
Nature: +Sp. Def/-Sp. Def
Trait: Sp. Def
Ability: Stench

Known Moves: Scratch, Focus Energy

Loyalty: 2.0

Reminder: You may apply Exp. Training to this Pokemon for the following morning.

A Chance of Rain - Morning Day 2

The night passes by peacefully without any incident and your respective parties are able to enjoy some quality rest underneath the stars. In the morning you wake to a gray overcast sky and significantly cooler temperatures than the previous day. Your Xtransceiver receives a notification, the display indicates that the region is expected to experience showers of rain ranging from a light drizzle to a steady downpour throughout the day.

After both groups of trainers conclude their respective morning routines and training regiments, you all eventually find yourselves moving into the dense forest that lies ahead. As you travel deeper into the woods the drizzle of the early morning finally gives way to steady rain however the canopy above manages to provide you with some refuge from the elements. The forest appears to be teeming with life as sounds of a variety of creatures can be heard all around you in spite of the weather.

As you follow the heavily traveled path that winds through the woods you come across a tiny green bulbous pokemon with a yellow face making it's way across your path with a berry in it's hands. It seems oblivious to your presence at first but once it notices the pokemon immediately takes shelter at the foot of a nearby tree dropping it's berry in the process. A moment passes before a small rodent sporting purple fur scurries onto the trail and snags the fallen fruit. It briefly inspects it for a few seconds before finally turning it's attention in your direction, studying the group of trainers.

Not far off of the beaten path the sounds of fluttering wings and the scratching of wood can be heard. Should your curiosity draw you closer you will find a small gray and white bird flying frantically around the trunk of a tree, occasionally stopping to peck at two hollowed out holes within it. A pair of red worm like pokemon can be seen poking their heads outside their respective hollows only to be forced to retreat back into them when the bird returns to their side of the tree.

The journey to Flocessy town continues to be a peaceful one as the wildlife of the forest appears to be relatively docile thus far. The din of the rain beating against the foliage hanging overhead can be heard in every direction of the forest creating a natural white noise during your travel. But as time passes you can faintly hear what seems to be giggling in the canopy above you. At first you see nothing but eventually you're able to catch glimpses of green, red, and blue moving through the branches above.

Using the laughter as a guide you're able to spot a trio of monkey pokemon tailing your group of travelers from up above. They all follow you at a relatively safe distance but their behavior is what catches your attention, as they each appear to take turns mimicking the trainers in your party, some slightly more exaggerated than others, which generates more laughter among them in turn.

2020-01-20, 01:50 AM
Perception (1AP To Boost): (https://orokos.com/roll/781591) 16

Haruka will keep her eyes peeled to the forest and foliage around them as they continue their journey to the next town. A few of the Pokemon interest her as they travel. The first was the little green pokemon. She will immediately pull out her pokedex and point it in its direction the moment it took shelter at the base of the tree. If it was the pokemon she thought it was, she was absolutely intent on catching it! The second were the pair of little red pokemon. That bird was going to be a bit problematic, but a well timed pokeball might catch at least one of the little red worms!

Encounter 1: Haruka will use her Pokedex to identify the bulbous green pokemon with a yellow face!

Encounter 2: Haruka is interested in the worms, however that bird seems to be a bit of a problem. She turns to any party members that investigated with her, and she points to the bird, "I want a worm, but the bird might be mad...I'm afraid of birds..." she admitted to whoever followed with her.

2020-01-20, 11:37 AM
Adrian follows the group along the path hands behind his head, enjoying the weather and forest atmosphere. Sometine during the walk he catches up to the other people he has yet to meet, tapping Akira on the shoulder Adrian introduces himself "Howdy, I'm Adrian, nice to meet you!"

2020-01-20, 03:55 PM
Noir gains 7 EXP! (https://orokos.com/roll/781680)

With Morgana on his shoulder, Akira walks along with the group, not really showing much interest in the Pokémon that he sees about their travel. He does take a moment to turn to Sonia and ask her something that he's been curious about. "Say Sonia, I didn't get much chance to ask you but what are you looking for in particular?" Akira will listen to her response intently. Morgana jumps in Akira’s bag when the drizzle becomes heavier.

When he feels the tap on his shoulder, Morgana meows at the human. Akira turns to meet Adrian. "Nice to meet ya Adrian. I'm Akira, and this is Morgana. Cool tattoo by the way. Where are you from?" He will let Adrian direct the conversation from there.

Eventually he does notice the bird and worms, and walks over to inspect them, seeing the girl he still believes he was a jerk to lament over her fear of birds. "Doesn't look like it'll give them up without a fight..... Not really my style but could see where one member is. You grab the worm you want and I'll distract the bird if that works for you." Whatever Haruka's response, Akira grabs a ball from his belt and calls out the Shinx from last night. "Ok Queen, zap that bird."

Akira calls out Queen!

Rivalry! Quick Action to select the Bird as a Rival! Queen gains 1 CS to ATK, SPD, and SPATK!

Queen uses an Electric type Struggle!
To Hit (https://orokos.com/roll/781681): 1d20+1 20
Damage (https://orokos.com/roll/781682): 4d4+12 18

Akira 10
Queen: 15

2020-01-20, 06:44 PM
Adrian stretches out his arms looking at them "Thanks, I got them after I left Lentamis. Where do you come from?" Adrian stretches his hand out to Morgana brushing his head a couple times before pulling away. After Akira answers, Adrian cranes his head around Akira and looks to Marcus "Nice to meet you too! The name's Adrian."

2020-01-20, 09:19 PM
Taiga pulls her jacket out of her pack and pulls the hood up as the rain gets worse. Mugan huddles inside her hood by her cheek, warming her face. She follows Haruka and Vincent, trying to keep as much of the rain off of her Torchic as possible.

As Haruka finds the tree filled with worms, Taiga chuckles. "Yeah, I'm not a big fan of birds either."

Mugan pecks at her ear, chirping angrily.

"You're the exception," she says, patting the fire-type through her hood.

It looked like the dark-haired guy --What was his name? Aka... something...-- had it, so Taiga stayed out of the battle.

big teej
2020-01-21, 07:49 AM
As the drizzle intensifies, Vincent steps off the side of the path beneath a tree and pulls an all-weather poncho from his bag and slips it over his head, pulling the hood up. He recalls the damp Wraith before rejoining the group. "Great weather for a walk, huh?"

Not seeing anything particularly interesting between the rain and the trees, he'll urge his companions to hurry on to maybe find somewhere drier before time to stop for the day.

2020-01-21, 11:03 AM
Worm Tree

Haruka was startled the moment someone mentioned the bird and immediately went to combat it. Haruka releases Aqua, and stands ready to instruct her pokemon, as well as throw a pokeball!

With the sudden surprise of the shocking attack made by the Shinx, Haruka attempts to throw a pokeball at the first worm that pops its head out.

11 - [Standard] Haruka (Trainer Lv. 1) throws a Basic Ball at a Worm
Pokeball, Go!: (https://orokos.com/roll/781778) 4 [AC4]
Capture Roll: (https://orokos.com/roll/781779) 98


11 - Haruka
06 - Aqua

Waiting on Initiative Table before declaring actions

2020-01-22, 10:39 PM
A Chance of Rain - Cont.


Who's that Pokemon!?

Your Pokedex chimes as the bulbous Pokemon is identified.

Budew - The Bud Pokemon

Sensitive to changing temperatures, the bud blooms when it's warm, releasing toxic pollen.


With Morgana on his shoulder, Akira walks along with the group, not really showing much interest in the Pokémon that he sees about their travel. He does take a moment to turn to Sonia and ask her something that he's been curious about. "Say Sonia, I didn't get much chance to ask you but what are you looking for in particular?" Akira will listen to her response intently. Morgana jumps in Akira’s bag when the drizzle becomes heavier.

Sonia's gaze seems distant as she stares up into the canopy but quickly snaps back to reality upon hearing your question. Her brow furrows slightly as she tilts her head. "Uh... I don't think I'm picking up what you're putting down. Would ya mind running that by me again? Your question was a bit vague.

They say two trainers are better than one... (Haruka and Akira)

Eventually he does notice the bird and worms, and walks over to inspect them, seeing the girl he still believes he was a jerk to lament over her fear of birds. "Doesn't look like it'll give them up without a fight..... Not really my style but could see where one member is. You grab the worm you want and I'll distract the bird if that works for you." Whatever Haruka's response, Akira grabs a ball from his belt and calls out the Shinx from last night. "Ok Queen, zap that bird."

An electric current races out from the Shinx and connects with the avian assailant! It looses a loud cry as it plummets from the air but manages to steady itself just before hitting the ground, quickly turning to identify it's attacker. The beating of its wings appear to be a bit more erratic.

Haruka was startled the moment someone mentioned the bird and immediately went to combat it. Haruka releases Aqua, and stands ready to instruct her pokemon, as well as throw a pokeball!

Perhaps startled by the surprise attack initiated by Akira, Haruka's Pokeball goes wide eventually landing in the grass near the foot of the tree. Sensing an opportunity to elude their assailant both worms emerge from the hollows within the tree and slowly begin their ascent upwards.

Queen - 15
Haruka - 11
Akira, Bird - 10
Aqua - 6
Worm 1, Worm 2 - 5

Taking a Walk (Party)

Some time passes as the group continues along the trail that winds through the woods. As the terrain becomes a bit more uneven, the surrounding trees become more scarce, and the rain transitions to a faint drizzle once again. Eventually you all find yourselves entering a large clearing at the foot of a small cliff. Upon entering the glade your attention is immediately drawn to the sound of a massive slumbering quadruped clad in shaggy brown fur and huge ringed horns protruding from it's head.

Should you divert your attention from the sleeping beast you eventually notice that your group isn't alone within the glade. What appears to be a lone man sits still atop of the cliff formation that overlooks the surrounding area, the sleeping pokemon, and most notably, you.

2020-01-24, 01:04 PM
To Sonia and Adrian
Akira listens to the response from Sonia and figures he was a bit vague. Sorry for that. What I meant was what kind of Pokémon are you looking for or even what are you looking for out of this journey?" He listens intently to her response.

Akira smiles as Adrian tells him about the tattoos and coming from Lentamis. "Ah Lentamis? Can't say that I've been there but it would be interesting to go and see. Bit of a weird answer but originally I came from Ecruteak City back in Johto. My Unlce and I moved to Striaton City early in life and I've been there ever since. Met my friend Ryuu there and he had a similar situation moving there early. Some years later, I found Morgana here and nursed her back to health from an injury." Morgana looks up and meows in response. "Mow!" Purring follows suite.

Worm Tree and a Bird!

Akira smirks as Queen hit her mark easy. "Alright Queen, looks like we gotta hit it again!" Queen's fur crackles as she sends another bolt into the bird, shocking it once more.

Akira issues Agility Orders!
Queen EVA +2! 3/2/4

Queen uses an Electric Type Struggle!
To Hit (https://orokos.com/roll/782415): 1d20+1 16
Damage (https://orokos.com/roll/782419): 22 Elec v Def

2020-01-24, 01:22 PM
Haruka peered the worms trying to get away and rummaged around in her bag for another ball. She was intent on catching at least one of them! She hurled it with a bit of a curve, the ball sailing through the air towards one of the worms!

11 - Haruka (Trainer Lv. 1) throws a Basic Ball at a Worm
Pokeball, Go!: (https://orokos.com/roll/782420) 6 [AC4]
Capture Roll: (https://orokos.com/roll/782421) 94

big teej
2020-01-26, 06:55 AM
Vincent eyes the big buffalo warily, glancing at the man overhead. He peers more closely at the buffalo-pokemon, trying to discern if it looks well fed and cared for - anything that would indicate it isn't a wild pokemon. During this examination he also looks carefully for signs of injury, disease, or age, anything that would explain the absence of any herd.

When he spies Adrian attempting to sneak up on the beast, he'll hiss to those still nearby "What is he doing!?"

gm called perception: 13 (https://orokos.com/roll/782726)

Boosted Perception to examine the Boufalant: 18 (https://orokos.com/roll/782727)

2020-01-26, 10:26 AM

"There's not much to see unless you like dirt and rocks."

Forest Opening

Adrian takes note of the man and approaches awe struck by the new pokemon. His hand out stretched, he attempts to pet the beast.

Perception - 12 (https://orokos.com/roll/782156)

Stealth - 8 (https://orokos.com/roll/782648)

2023-10-27, 06:16 PM
[Pokemon World: Unova 2] Return of the Frozen Ruler



The show goes on!

Drizzle continues to fall from the sky creating a soft static that echoes throughout the glade as the Spring rain makes contact with the surrounding canopy. The shaggy beast slumbers peacefully out in the open, seemingly undisturbed by the light downpour as the man perched at the top of the cliff overlooking the glade sits in silence, unmoving.

The Bouffalant before you appears to be in excellent condition despite it's age, which is made readily apparent by the graying hairs of its curly mane and the numerous scars etched across its face and horns. While this species of Pokemon are renown throughout the region for their size and strength, this particular specimen strikes you as unusually large.

big teej
2023-10-27, 11:26 PM
Load Game Data:

"There's an old American saying, maybe you have something similar in Kanto." Vincent says quietly to Taiga, his eyes drifting from the Bouffalant to the man the college-kid-turned-circuit-trainer is willing to assume is it's trainer.

"'Beware the old man in a profession where men die young.'"

The young mage points at the Bouffalant "That is an exceptionally large, old, and battle-proven specimen. I think we should pay common courtesy to the gentlemen up on the cliffs, that likely owns the beast, and move along."

2023-10-28, 05:09 PM
Taiga looks between the old man on the cliff and the Bouffalant. Vincent’s words bring back memories from her training with Sugiyama-sensei.

“Old warriors do not get old by accident,” she mutters from under her hood. “I agree with you Sharpe-san. We should keep going.”

2023-10-30, 04:24 PM
As you opt to move on beyond the glade towards Floccesy you hear a voice call out through the static just before you reenter the tree line.

"Leaving so soon?!"

The man slowly rises to his feet then takes a step forward so that he stands at the edge of the clifftop. "The two of you are trainers, yes? Are you headed to Floccesy Town by any chance?"

Even from this distance you can make out the fiery reddish-orange hue of the mans hair (https://i.pinimg.com/736x/a7/00/70/a70070f99c6c19ff987d48be54e3f2b5.jpg) and what appear to be several basic poke balls lining the front of the poncho he wears.

big teej
2023-11-02, 10:07 PM

Vincent raises a hand to cover his eyes, shielding them from the rain as he looks up at the old trainer. "Correct on both counts, sir. Are you you looking for a certain set of travelers?"

Without taking his eyes off the man, he whispers to Taiga. "He looks strong, I'm surprised you didn't wanna arm wrestle him or something."

is it "Raining" or is it just raining?

2023-11-03, 10:14 AM
Taiga rolls her eyes at Vincent, even though Mugen chirps in agreement with the other trainer.

“What’s your name?” she calls up at the man. “I’m Taiga Igarashi,” she says with a proud tone. She bumps her traveling partner’s elbow with her own. “This is Vincent Sharpe.”

2023-11-06, 02:58 AM
Vincent raises a hand to cover his eyes, shielding them from the rain as he looks up at the old trainer. "Correct on both counts, sir. Are you you looking for a certain set of travelers?"

"I am indeed! I've been waiting for the last of the trainers who've departed from Aspertia yesterday to pass through here," the older man answers.

The weather appears to be a normal spring downpour.

Taiga rolls her eyes at Vincent, even though Mugen chirps in agreement with the other trainer.

“What’s your name?” she calls up at the man. “I’m Taiga Igarashi,” she says with a proud tone. She bumps her traveling partner’s elbow with her own. “This is Vincent Sharpe.”

"My name is Alder!" he replies proudly before throwing himself over the edge of the cliff. Alder falls several feet until he finally makes contact with the cliffs rocky surface once more, using the soles of his sandals and an outstretched hand to slow his descent as he slides down it's uneven face. The daredevil leaps from cliff once he's halfway down its slope and lands in the damp grass of the glade, rolling to dissipate the force generated from the fall.

Alder slowly rises to his feet once again and shakes the elements from his person before crossing the grass to meet the two of you on the outskirts of the glade.

"I'm..." He starts, though seems to consider his next words carefully before continuing. "A Pokémon Trainer with a keen interest in our world. (https://youtu.be/Xc8GSEInLrE) One of my goals in this life is to share how wonderful it is to walk toward the future together with Pokémon with as many people as I can."

The large stature, sun-kissed skin, and fiery mane of hair quickly give away the true identity of the older man standing before you. This self-proclaimed "Pokémon Trainer" is none other than Alder, Champion of the Unova League.

"Taiga. Vincent." The veteran nods his head at each trainer. "It's a pleasure to meet both of you," he says with a broad smile as he offers his weathered hand in greeting. "If the two of you intend to speak with Floccey's Unova League representative then look no further!"

big teej
2023-11-06, 10:38 PM
There are Random Encounters, and then there are Random Encounters:

A little unsure of himself, the situation, and this old man. Vincent peers at him more closely, trying to gauge his true intentions. His concentration is soon broken by the Old Man Leaping. Off. A. Cliff.

The academic mage's jaw drops as the man glissades and tumbles down the rock face and lands in front of them.

Is this what Circuit Trainers are like?! Vincent thinks, stunned at the display. He turns his head to look at Taiga for a brief moment before back to the old man.

Maybe she's more cut out for this than I thought.

Vincent clears his throat and takes the veteran trainer's hand. "Yes Sir, that's us, and that's what we're about. I appreciate you saving us a walk." Vincent put on his 'please the teacher' voice and face, unsure how to interact with this... man of the wilds.

General Knowledge: 4.....
Aura Reading just works, Copied for convenience: this character can see and read the Aura of other living beings. Aura conveys two pieces of information. First, it’s hue or color reveals something about the personality of the target. The hue may change over time if an individual undergoes significant changes in personality or worldview. Second, the aura may appear brighter or darker at times, brightened auras indicate good moods and intentions, whereas darkened auras can reflect a sour mood or deceptive or negative intentions.

Attempting that ye olde Teacher Charm: 9! ha!

2023-11-09, 08:34 AM
Taiga watches the man’s athletic display with a wide smile.

She bows her head and then takes the man’s offered hand in a firm handshake. “We were told to come find you— that’s there’s supposed to be some sort of test?”

Excitement begins to build in her. Their first real test, exactly what she’d been looking forward to.

OOC: not rolling because Taiga can’t make the roll anyway on 2d6

2023-11-10, 02:53 PM
Vincent clears his throat and takes the veteran trainer's hand. "Yes Sir, that's us, and that's what we're about. I appreciate you saving us a walk." Vincent put on his 'please the teacher' voice and face, unsure how to interact with this... man of the wilds.

Alder lets out a hearty laugh as he shakes Vincent's armored hand. "Don't thank me just yet young man! Floccesy is still a morning's walk away."

He turns Vincent's right hand over onto his own so that the back of the gauntlet faces skyward. "Forgive an old man for his ignorance, but what exactly is it that you're wearing?" The older trainer asks with seemingly genuine curiosity.

A fiery orange aura emanates from Alder, dancing around his figure like a gentle flame. The fire glows bright and you can almost feel the warmth radiating from him.

She bows her head and then takes the man's offered hand in a firm handshake. “We were told to come find you— that’s there’s supposed to be some sort of test?”

Alder's grip is firm though it's clear that he's making an effort not to exert too much pressure on your much smaller hand. "A test?" He smiles at Taiga's words. "One could certainly interpret it that way."

The older trainer kneels so that he can get a better look at the fledgling Pokémon standing beside Taiga. "Your Torchic is a fine-looking Pokémon." Alder nods in approval before continuing, "But I can tell that it's not exactly a seasoned combatant yet, nor are the two of you as trainers..."

"It has been decided!" Alder exclaims as he returns to his feet once more. "I'll shall train the two of you personally along with the others from who've traveled from Aspertia! Follow me!" The veteran enters the treeline without another word. The slumbering Bouffalant slowly rises and attempts to shake the morning rain from it's shaggy hide before following in it's trainers wake.

OOC: Roll for PokeSpotting!

big teej
2023-11-10, 06:11 PM
Shugyo! Shugyo! Shugyo!

Vincent's face flushes slightly, despite himself. He tugs at the gauntlet, adjusting it for a more comfortable fit after the handshake.

He considers the man, and his answer for a moment. Well, he probably can't throw me out of the league over it, and he seems earnest enough...

"It's... It's an embarrassingly crude, but functional prototype. It channels energy."

Vincent makes a grasping motion with his hand and a flickering orb of purple and blue energy appears in his palm, tongues of colorless flame trail up from between his fingers. Vincent raises his hand and clenches his fist, bringing it forward in a jabbing motion with two fingers extended. The strange energy coruscates around his gauntlet before pelting out in the direction of his point, fading out several dozen yards into the sky, safely away from the trio of trainers.

"How many others are there? What kind of training? Do you need to inspect our whole rosters?" Vincent can't help but fall back into old habits now that the man has more explicitly defined himself as their tutor, for however brief a time.

Orokos still seems to be a nope.
Witness me dice - 18 on Arcane Struggle to show off.
poke-spotting - Novice Perception, not boosting. 10

2023-11-11, 02:30 PM
Mugen fluffs up under the man’s praise, then deflates a little as Alder suggests that he has little experience.

Taiga pats his head and scoops the bird up before depositing him on her shoulder. “That’s what we’re here for. To train. To get better,” she tells the Torchic.

She watches with interest at Vincent’s display. Okay, that was… kinda cool.

When Alder charges off into the treeline, Taiga feels a rush of adrenaline flow through her. This guy seemed like he knew what he was doing, and he wanted to train them? It was exactly what she had been longing for since that stupid bus ride over here. She quickens her pace to keep up with the two men and the buffalo as they enter the trees.

OOC: Pokespotting (using Mystic Senses— Boosted): 14 (https://orokos.com/roll/994856)

2023-11-21, 03:49 PM

"It's... It's an embarrassingly crude, but functional prototype. It channels energy."

"A prototype you say? I've never seen anything like it." The older man admits as he uses a free hand to rub his stubble covered chin.

Vincent makes a grasping motion with his hand and a flickering orb of purple and blue energy appears in his palm, tongues of colorless flame trail up from between his fingers. Vincent raises his hand and clenches his fist, bringing it forward in a jabbing motion with two fingers extended. The strange energy coruscates around his gauntlet before pelting out in the direction of his point, fading out several dozen yards into the sky, safely away from the trio of trainers.

"Most impressive! That was quite the display of power." Alder exclaims.

"How I wish Shauntal were here to see this. I would send her a digital recording however I seem to be... incompatible with most forms of technology." The veteran looses a hearty laugh.

. . .

The forest is silent in the aftermath of the morning rain save for squelches produced by the Bouffalant plodding behind it's trainer.

"How many others are there? What kind of training? Do you need to inspect our whole rosters?" Vincent can't help but fall back into old habits now that the man has more explicitly defined himself as their tutor, for however brief a time.

"I can see the two of you are quite eager to begin your training. Youth is a wonderful thing is it not?" Alder says as he looks back over his shoulder smiling at the two of you. "I assure you that the answers to those questions will be made clear in due time. As for now, try focusing on the present and enjoying this experience with the Pokémon that walk beside you." Alder slows his pace to match that of his Bouffalant and continues on in silence though his expression and demeanor remain warm and inviting. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRO9gTRt2IM)

Less than half an hour passes as before you spot the first signs of life beginning to stir once more within the forest. As you pass under a large, low-hanging branch, that stretches out above you, you spot a small yellow worm-like creature wrapped in leaves happily nibbling on the damp green foliage of tree. A second insect inches it's way towards the first, it's magenta carapace undulates with each movement, yellow eyes set on the oblivious caterpillar.

A small gray and white colored bird flitters about from branch to branch in the canopy above, clearly interested in the pair of insects on the unprotected branch. It draws closer to the overhang though seems a bit unsure of itself as it approaches.

After the first Pokémon sighting your walk through the woods remains relatively uneventful for the next hour until you spot a pair of green ears poke out from the underbrush accompanied by a faint buzzing a little ways off of the path. Following the ears and buzzing eventually leads you to a larger tree within the forest and reveals the beasts that they belong to, a small rotund bipedal mammal with shaggy green fur that appears to be following a lone Combee toward the tree. As you draw near the tree the buzzing intensifies and you can see the Combee rejoin what looks like a massive vibrating honeycomb. The biped, enchanted by the buzzing, begins to work it's way up the trunk of the tree climbing inch by inch until it it's finally able to pull itself up onto a branch that extends directly beneath the honeycomb. The Pokémon salivates as it pulls itself towards the vibrating structure.

big teej
2023-11-24, 08:04 PM
Roster Padding:

OOC: Having conferred with my fellow trainer, Vincent will be going after the 'magenta worm' (Venipede?) and the 'green eared rotund biped' (???)

Vs. Bug

"I'd like to pad my roster a little more before we reach Floccesy" Vincent announces, his eyes trained the bugs and their insecure guest.

He works the chain that holds his roster through his fingers, thinking carefully about who of his limited options is the most optimal choice.

The young mage pulls a ball from it's socket and waits for his moment. Electricity faintly crackles around his gauntlet. He takes a deep breath, let's it out slowly and acts.

He lobs a pokeball up into the branches with the predator and prey bugs and points a finger of his other hand at the bird, discharging the bolt of electricity up at the avian menace.

"Nacirema, wrap up that purple one!" Vincent orders, confident that the leafy bug will either flee or be easily dealt with next.

The collegiate mage frowns, watching Nacirema slither towards the magenta worm, but tighten it's coils on the branch, hesitating to attack the bug.

Probably the first time it's been told not to kill something... an alien experience I'm sure...

Vincent sends out Nacirema [Move Action]
Vincent used Thundershock on Pidove?
to hit: (https://orokos.com/roll/995472)19!
Wild Pokemon was Paralyzed!
Damage: 25 (https://orokos.com/roll/995473) Electric Damage vs. Special Defense!

Nacirema is speed 10, Nacirema acts immediately!
Nacirema attempts to grapple the magenta worm!
BUT IT MISSED (https://orokos.com/roll/995474)

Vs. Mystery Monster

Vincent looses Ares as they emerge into the clearing, following the pokemon following the combee home. "I've got an idea buddy."

Vincent takes a knee next to his first pokemon and scratches him vigorously behind the ears. The growlithe's tongue lolls out of his mouth and he doesn't seem attentive to any of his master's scheming.

"I want you to dash right at that hive and scare 'em all off, then we'll catch that green... thing." Vincent glances at the shaggy pokemon again.

"After we'll all have a sweet snack, sound good?"

Ares pants happily.

"Sic 'em!" Vincent hisses.

Ares' eyes snap open and the dog sprints into the clearing and unleashes an oversized roar at the tree.

Ares used Roar! (Cone4) directed at the Combee tree, angled in a manner to not include the mystery green-eared pokemon
to hit: 15 vs. AC3 (https://orokos.com/roll/995475)
Damage: 8 (https://orokos.com/roll/995476) +5? (I don't remember if focused training applies to this)

Vincent readies a pokeball.

2023-11-29, 11:00 PM
Bug Eat Bug?

"I'd like to pad my roster a little more before we reach Floccesy" Vincent announces, his eyes trained the bugs and their insecure guest.

"Certainly." Alder replies with a knowing nod. The older trainer extends a hand in front of the lumbering quadruped signaling for his Bouffalant to stop. "It's only natural for a wild Pokémon to catch a trainer's eye."

The young mage pulls a ball from it's socket and waits for his moment. Electricity faintly crackles around his gauntlet. He takes a deep breath, let's it out slowly and acts.

He lobs a pokeball up into the branches with the predator and prey bugs and points a finger of his other hand at the bird, discharging the bolt of electricity up at the avian menace.

"Nacirema, wrap up that purple one!" Vincent orders, confident that the leafy bug will either flee or be easily dealt with next.

The collegiate mage frowns, watching Nacirema slither towards the magenta worm, but tighten it's coils on the branch, hesitating to attack the bug.

The tiny starling shrieks in a combination of surprise and pain as electricity suddenly courses through it's body. As it begins to flitter about in a panicked state it's made obvious that the beating of it's wings is unsteady. The magenta insect scuttles around the bottom of the branch and pivots it's body so that it's yellow eyes are fixed on it's would be assailant, it's two antennae now standing at attention. The starlings cry is enough to startle the feasting caterpillar who begins to inch further along the branch in an attempt to find an escape route.

Surprise Round:
Wild Starly suffered massive damage!
Wild Starly was Paralyzed by the Attack!

Nacirema - 10
Venipede - 9
Vincent - 6
Starly - 5
Sewaddle - 4

Wild Sewaddle attempts to flee!

Nacirema has initiative!

The Bear and the Bees

"I want you to dash right at that hive and scare 'em all off, then we'll catch that green... thing." Vincent glances at the shaggy pokemon again.

"After we'll all have a sweet snack, sound good?"

Ares pants happily.

"Sic 'em!" Vincent hisses.

Ares' eyes snap open and the dog sprints into the clearing and unleashes an oversized roar at the tree.

Ares' roar echoes throughout the small clearing causing the massive honeycomb to vibrate wildly before splitting into swarm of several Combee who retreat from the disturbance. This sudden movement reveals a large hourglass figure hidden within their formation, though it's details are obscured by the of bugs that frantically buzz around it. The hungry Munchlax looks on in disbelief as it watches it's breakfast fly away. It extends a stubby arm in a futile attempt to grab one of the Combee but they buzz about well outside of it's reach. The Munchlax lets itself slump onto the branch as it groans in defeat. The swarm of Combee continue to buzz about as they circle the shrouded figure, seemingly unwilling to stray too far from it and begin to fly in a tighter formation.

Surprise Round:
Combee Swarm immediately shifts 4 hexes away!
??? is revealed!
??? immediately shifts 5 hexes away!

Combee Swarm - 14
??? - 7
Vincent - 6
Ares - 4
Munchlax - 3

The Combee Swarm holds it's action!
??? uses Defend Order!
The Combee Swarm comes off of hold and moves to surround ???!

Vincent and Ares have initiative!

big teej
2023-12-01, 09:54 PM
Bug Battle:

"Nacirema, I need you to wrap up that bug before it hurts you!" Vincent calls encouragingly to his snake.

The massive purple serpent hisses and holds up it's rattle menacingly at the venipede, but isn't able to find traction and trap the bug in it's coils.

Vincent issues Focused Orders, Nacirema Accuracy +2
Nacirema used Grapple on Venipede!
grapple attempt, Mark II: 1..... (https://orokos.com/roll/995828)
but it missed!

A Bigger Net: (https://youtu.be/QT9BeGNnCqw?si=2NamWpgelzDPf8jl)

Well that... wasn't quite what I expected. Vincent looks at the agitated swarm in chagrin.

"Ares, go after what we came for, sic that fatty!" Vincent points at the despairing munchlax, reading another pokeball.

Ares darts over, jaws open, and clamps down on the rotund pokemon, shaking his head side to side, growling.

Vincent rises from his crouch and lobs a pokeball at the munchlax.

Ares used bite!
9 to hit (https://orokos.com/roll/995829)vs. AC 3
Damage: 27 (https://orokos.com/roll/995830)Dark Damage vs. Defense & 5 Bonus Damage!

Vincent threw a pokeball!
to hit: 13 (https://orokos.com/roll/995831) vs. AC 4 + speed evasion
Capture Roll: 23 (https://orokos.com/roll/995832)