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View Full Version : When it comes to pbp, solo games are better.

2018-10-12, 06:46 AM
It has been on my mind a lot as of late. Pbp games usually loose a half of it's players, it sometimes takes ages for everyone to post, and generally seems that moust games don't last.

Yet it seems a lot better with solo games. Main advantage is that there is far less down time with waiting for everyone to post as there are just 2 people involved. Also in my expirance there is far more personal talk OOC.

What do you think?

2018-10-12, 06:52 AM
PbP definitely has scaling problems - especially whenever something like turn order rears its head (though to be clear - if that's coming up you probably could have picked a better game for PbP), and it working much better when scaled way down makes sense. I'd be more inclined to put that sweet spot at a group of three instead of two, mostly because two PCs opens up so much inter-party communication that isn't there for one player.

2018-10-12, 07:11 AM
#1) Solo games aren't exempt from dying like the rest of PbP games.
#2) Slow-posting isn't as much of a problem if the DM forces movement (i.e "if you don't post in X days, the NPCs will move along without you") and there are at least a couple active players.

I've personally been considering DMing a PbP game, except I accept everybody, play for a week or so, and then constrain my selection* to the players who have been active up to that point. Call it the "Throw it at the Wall and See What Sticks" method. Of course, application of #2 would be needed...

*If needed -- I can foresee where the only players left are enough for a party.

2018-10-12, 07:41 AM
I've personally been considering DMing a PbP game, except I accept everybody, play for a week or so, and then constrain my selection* to the players who have been active up to that point. Call it the "Throw it at the Wall and See What Sticks" method. Of course, application of #2 would be needed...

Opening scenario where all characters are trying to flee some catastrophe and anyone who becomes inactive is lost in the chaos?

2018-10-12, 07:42 AM
PbP definitely has scaling problems - especially whenever something like turn order rears its head (though to be clear - if that's coming up you probably could have picked a better game for PbP), and it working much better when scaled way down makes sense. I'd be more inclined to put that sweet spot at a group of three instead of two, mostly because two PCs opens up so much inter-party communication that isn't there for one player.
Possibly, I must say that I have little expirance with games with 2 players.

#1) Solo games aren't exempt from dying like the rest of PbP games.
#2) Slow-posting isn't as much of a problem if the DM forces movement (i.e "if you don't post in X days, the NPCs will move along without you") and there are at least a couple active players.

I've personally been considering DMing a PbP game, except I accept everybody, play for a week or so, and then constrain my selection* to the players who have been active up to that point. Call it the "Throw it at the Wall and See What Sticks" method. Of course, application of #2 would be needed...

*If needed -- I can foresee where the only players left are enough for a party.
I can see that working, but I haven't seen anything like this implemented before. This inisical period maybe rather chaotic and honestly, as a player I would find is hard to keep up with the game. Adisonaly, selection after a weak, I'm not sure how it would be received.

Darth Ultron
2018-10-12, 11:32 AM
What do you think?

I agree 100%. This is why I mostly only do solo PBP games. I also like lots of detail and role playing, and PBP is perfect for that.

To even get as little as three players to post at least once every 24 hours seems to be a near impossibility. The player ''wants to play", and yet can't find even five minutes a day to make a post. And it's worse when you consider in 2018 most everyone is only like a couple feet from an online computer 24/7.

So yes, finding one person that can post every day is much better.