View Full Version : So, who wants to Punch Papa Greenhilt in the face?

Charles Phipps
2007-09-17, 04:04 PM
Seriously, if Durkon were to resurrect him and Xyrkon to kill him...

I'd be rooting for the Lich.

There's a point when good natured ribbing becomes verbal abuse.

And I think less of Roy to take it, even from his own father.

RMS Oceanic
2007-09-17, 04:39 PM
I have to admit, Eugene's got a lot of nerve digging into Roy like that when the closest he ever got was
(SoD Spoilers)A diner Xykon spent twenty minutes reading a paper three months prior!

2007-09-17, 04:44 PM
Yeah, he definetly should feel the pain of being d4 once.

2007-09-17, 04:54 PM
I want to stick needles under Eugene's fingernails followed by pouring boiling oil on all his uhh... tender places... followed by stuffing powder from the hottest peppers around into his notstrils and under his eyelids and then apply torquinets to tops of his legs and arms untill his limbs become gangrenous...

Does this count as yes?

2007-09-17, 04:56 PM
I want to stick needles under Eugene's fingernails followed by pouring boiling oil on all his uhh... tender places... followed by stuffing powder from the hottest peppers around into his notstrils and under his eyelids and then apply torquinets to tops of his legs and arms untill his limbs become gangrenous...

Does this count as yes?Eh, I'd just use Monkey Grip to crush him with Large weapons.

2007-09-17, 05:00 PM
And I think less of Roy to take it, even from his own father.

I think you just wanted to think less of Roy.

And besides, the last time Roy talked to his dad he told him exactly where he could shove it. Eugene is just getting back at him for giving this huge speech about how he was gonna save the world...

And then getting owned.

2007-09-17, 05:04 PM
I've always disliked Eugene's treatment of his son, but by now, I'm not sure whether I'm more annoyed with Eugene, or with Roy for taking it. So far, he's been doing nothing but the verbal equivalent of Total Defense, and he should know that that's nothing but a way to guarantee you get your butt kicked eventually. He should be throwing Full Attacks in his dad's face, with Insults of Opportunity tossed in for good measure.

2007-09-17, 05:04 PM
So, exactly what are you going to do to an incorporeal being who's in the Celestial Realm, especially considering that the only way you'll get within striking distance of him at the moment is to become incorporeal yourself?

2007-09-17, 05:04 PM
I actually like eugene and his amazing use of sarcasm

the last four panels of the new strip made my favorite OotS moments list

Charles Phipps
2007-09-17, 05:09 PM
I think you just wanted to think less of Roy.

Or....just a thought...I just want to see Roy punch him.

Oeep Snaec
2007-09-17, 05:10 PM
I agree with squidthingy. Eugene was hilarious in this comic. I personally expected Rich to do something on Haley and Belkar, but this was great comedy relief.

Yoritomo Himeko
2007-09-17, 06:12 PM
Seriously, if Durkon were to resurrect him and Xyrkon to kill him...

I'd be rooting for the Lich.

There's a point when good natured ribbing becomes verbal abuse.

And I think less of Roy to take it, even from his own father.

Well, it was unfair of Eugene to blame Roy for the fall of AC because it was Miko's fault the city fell. No one else's.

Anyway, I wonder if this is going to lead to Roy rethinking magic and learn to think before he acts.

2007-09-17, 06:28 PM
Anyway, I wonder if this is going to lead to Roy rethinking magic and learn to think before he acts.I think it's going to lead him to be mad at Belkar for tricking him into going on a suicide mission.

2007-09-17, 07:17 PM
You know this probably counts as the only person, from Belkars prophesy list, who Belkar will get to kill. Roy was on the list but the list was stipulated with an "or" so Roy might be the only one he will kill and since he's eventually going to be ressurected i'm guess that gonna cheat belkar out of his destiny.

2007-09-17, 08:01 PM
Me, I think it's good that Roy is being respectful to his father. You're supposed to respect and obey your parents, even if they're bastards to you. I don't deny that Eugene is being a total bastard, but Roy is responding in the best way possible.

2007-09-17, 08:16 PM
Plus he's dead.

What can Roy do to a dead guy?

Its also kind of hard to stand up to your dad who's telling you that you suck after you just got killed due to your own stupidity.

2007-09-17, 08:33 PM
Or....just a thought...I just want to see Roy punch him.

I'd LOVE to see Roy punch Eugene in the face. Seriously, I would PAY Rich to make a comic with that scene.

2007-09-17, 09:15 PM
I have to admit, Eugene's got a lot of nerve digging into Roy like that when the closest he ever got was
(SoD Spoilers)A diner Xykon spent twenty minutes reading a paper three months prior!

ahh yes but SoD spoilers: He also had the opportunity to attack Xykon! He probably could've convinced half that tavern to help him, gone and kicked ass, and been back in time for supper.

2007-09-17, 09:41 PM
About as many people as the ones who hate Miko's guts. That is, approximately 25/26ths of the forum population. I, however, am proud to be the one in twenty-six who thinks Eugene is awesome.

2007-09-17, 09:47 PM
About as many people as the ones who hate Miko's guts. That is, approximately 25/26ths of the forum population. I, however, am proud to be the one in twenty-six who thinks Eugene is awesome.

AND I AM WITH YOU! He's old, he's aloud to be crotchity and treat people like crap, it comes with the territory, he's like Jolee Bindo.

2007-09-17, 10:00 PM
i think alot of the eugene hating has to do with him doing what he always does but now roy is dead. Roy doesnt seem that mournful of his death, so i dont see why someone who has direct proof of a decent life after death, should really care either <_<

basilisk 89
2007-09-17, 10:27 PM
I root for Eugene because I hate Roy. :smallamused:

2007-09-17, 10:31 PM
Actually, I'd like to see Eugene get his cummupance by both of them running into Grandpa Greenhilt, who expresses his disgust that Eugene repented the way of the warrior, renounced the family heirloom and went to that Fanshy-Shmancy Wizard school.

2007-09-17, 10:36 PM
And if Eugene had not gone into the Fanshy-Shmancy Wizard school, no one n the family would have to deal with Xykon!

2007-09-17, 10:39 PM
I'd LOVE to see Roy punch Eugene in the face. Seriously, I would PAY Rich to make a comic with that scene.

We fathers of the world rejoice in your existence.

Of course, most of us aren't like Eugene. Seriously, he has a major "bitchy mom" thing going on. Guilt is the purview of the ladies where I come from.

Charles Phipps
2007-09-17, 10:45 PM
I root for Eugene because I hate Roy. :smallamused:

It's impossible to hate Roy.

Not so much his dad.

2007-09-17, 11:39 PM
Well, it was unfair of Eugene to blame Roy for the fall of AC because it was Miko's fault the city fell. No one else's.

Eh, I take issue with that. Considering the enemy wasn't just an army that outnumbered the city's forces three to one, but also led by an extremely high level cleric and near (if not) epic level lich, Azure City was kinda up a creek without a paddle, whether Miko had killed Shojo or not.

Honestly, I like Eugene, and I love the back and forth moments between him and Roy. However, I'd really like to see Roy get to be the aggressor more often then he has been. Roy's whole speech to Eugene, and his eventual decision to fight Xykon not because of the oath but because he honestly believed someone like Xykon should be destroyed for the good of the world, was a good start for him in escaping the mold his father (initially accidentally, and now purposefully) created and tried to hold him too. I'd just like to see Roy become a bit more self-assertive, is all.

The Hop Goblin
2007-09-18, 01:01 AM
Seems to be alot of jaded feelings about parents permiating the forum.

2007-09-18, 01:23 AM
No, Eugene is absolutely right. He's been right the entire time, wizards are much better than fighters. Roy is a badass, with incredible intelligence and determination. Now imagine Roy as a wizard, breaking the plot panel after panel. V could continue to do the blaster caster, and Roy would be free to Batman it up, using save-or-dies against all the threats, teleporting at will, summoning gigantic fortifications, crushing things with a forceful hand.

And for the thrilling conclusion of the story... Roy stops time itself and blows up Xykon before he even knows what happens.

At least his sister is smart and was paying attention when it was time to pick a character class.

RIP :roy:, shouldn't have been a fighter. :smallsigh:

2007-09-18, 07:16 AM
Actually, I'd like to see Eugene get his cummupance by both of them running into Grandpa Greenhilt, who expresses his disgust that Eugene repented the way of the warrior, renounced the family heirloom and went to that Fanshy-Shmancy Wizard school.

I wouldn't mind seeing this happen, in fact why not bring the entire Greenhilt warrior lineage back to have a mutual stompdown on Eugene's oversized wizardy ego.

I personally don't have one opinion one way or another about over- or under- powered classes, because I'm in a game group where one player is such an efficient min-maxer, he can take a warrior class or a spellcasting class and turn it into an unstoppable DEATH MACHINE. So I'm not going to argue over whether a wizard is a better class than fighter, or vice versa.

I do, however, think Eugene is a pompous, opinionated jackass. If there are any rogues in heaven, one of them needs to deliver a Sneak Attack Boot to the Groin. :smallamused:

Death Giant
2007-09-18, 07:33 AM
Papa better look behind his sorry ### because i'm gonna be behind it slauthering him when he is (if he's ever reserected) reserected:smallannoyed:

2007-09-18, 07:36 AM
Me, I think it's good that Roy is being respectful to his father. You're supposed to respect and obey your parents, even if they're bastards to you.

...what? Why?

Tempest Fennac
2007-09-18, 07:43 AM
Roy didn't know about the blood oath when he first became a Fighter, and he would have probably hired someone other then Vaarseuveus due to how the party would have needed another front-line fighter (while Wizards are great fo problem solving, and blasting large groups of enermies, they are usless at taking damage or if they run out of spells). I would also have to agree with the point which Jefepato made a minute ago. Incidentally, does anyone think Roy would have made a good Duskblade considering what the class does?

2007-09-18, 07:49 AM
As far as I am concerned, those two are welcome to make one another's not-quite-afterlife resemble hell. Eugene's caustic remarks are at least moderately entertaining... but in the light of his own record re the blood oath (that took voluntarily rather than having it forced on him), the big talk is pathetic more than anything else.

About the treatment of parents: Respect is something that has to be earned, and Roy has no business holding back. Especially not if you consider how much he is given to (rather inelegant) put-downs otherwise.

Jerks, both of them. Roy, however, is at least a responsible jerk and looks after his own; Eugene can't make that claim. Now if he realised how many traits he inherited straight from dad and did something about them, maybe I'd even stop disliking him... fat chance of that though.

Note: this is personal dislike, not the claim that he isn't a good and even admirable person.

2007-09-18, 09:33 PM
And I think less of Roy to take it, even from his own father.

I think he figures it's not worth his time to bother arguing too much with his father, even if it comes to not talking to him at all. What can he even do to stop dear old dad from harping on him? Take the invisible sword strapped on his back and run him through with it?

basilisk 89
2007-09-18, 10:42 PM
It's impossible to hate Roy.

No it's not. I hate Roy Greenhilt. He is my least favorite character in the strip. I just don't like him. I like Church, Red vs. Blue's Roy, But I just can't stand that Bluepommel guy. :smallconfused:

2007-09-18, 10:56 PM
i say we reincarnate Roy's dad into a goblin. :smalltongue:

Charles Phipps
2007-09-19, 11:19 AM
No it's not. I hate Roy Greenhilt. He is my least favorite character in the strip. I just don't like him. I like Church, Red vs. Blue's Roy, But I just can't stand that Bluepommel guy. :smallconfused:

I liked Church right until the very last story.

2007-09-19, 11:41 AM
No, I wouldn't want to see Roy punch Eugene in face. Eugene is moronic, elitist, arrogant bastard and a disgrace to all wizards(I seriously can't see how can he be LG), but punching him in the face would be going down to his level. What I'd like to see is Roy pulling out a speech to his "dear" dad as he did in #293 making him shut up.

2007-09-19, 11:55 AM
I'm pretty sure that OtOoPCs makes it clear that Eugene died of old age and cannot be resurrected. I know that this topic is supposed to be hypothetical, but I thought I'd point it out.

I've always disliked Eugene's treatment of his son, but by now, I'm not sure whether I'm more annoyed with Eugene, or with Roy for taking it. So far, he's been doing nothing but the verbal equivalent of Total Defense, and he should know that that's nothing but a way to guarantee you get your butt kicked eventually. He should be throwing Full Attacks in his dad's face, with Insults of Opportunity tossed in for good measure.

I get the impression that Roy doesn't particularly like Eugene's verbal abuse. Are you suggesting that he should respond to it by becoming verbally abusive? Should we all just go out and emulate the behaviors we hate to see in other people? I don't like to see it either, so I really don't want to see Roy do it. Standing up for yourself is one thing, but attacking someone else is another.

2007-09-19, 12:11 PM
After today's comic, I think Papa Greenhilt got his just desserts :smallamused:

2007-09-19, 12:21 PM
Me, I think it's good that Roy is being respectful to his father. You're supposed to respect and obey your parents, even if they're bastards to you.
...No. Just, NO. When someone's being a bastard to you, you shouldn't let them victimize you. Eugene's being a bastard, and there is no valid reason Roy should take it...And there are parents out there far, far worse than Eugene.
Genetic parentage != being worthy of respect (and I say that as someone who gets along with his parents swimmingly.)

2007-09-19, 01:02 PM
...No. Just, NO. When someone's being a bastard to you, you shouldn't let them victimize you. Eugene's being a bastard, and there is no valid reason Roy should take it.

Except, so far, everything Eugene has said is right.

I'm not saying its nice, but like I said earlier, its hard to defend yourself and your actions, after said actions just got you killed.

Charles Phipps
2007-09-19, 01:28 PM
Except, so far, everything Eugene has said is right.

I'm not saying its nice, but like I said earlier, its hard to defend yourself and your actions, after said actions just got you killed.

That would hold more weight if Eugene had any useful advice.

Twilight Jack
2007-09-19, 02:15 PM
That would hold more weight if Eugene had any useful advice.

He does. It's just retroactive.

To wit: "You should have been a wizard."

2007-09-19, 02:55 PM
So, who wants to Punch Papa Greenhilt in the face?

If Mr Burlew did his job right? Everyone!

2007-09-19, 10:36 PM
Ooh I wan't to punch Papa Greenhilt in the face! I do ! I do!

...with a spiked guantlet

2007-09-19, 10:45 PM
I wouldn't mind seeing this happen, in fact why not bring the entire Greenhilt warrior lineage back to have a mutual stompdown on Eugene's oversized wizardy ego.

I personally don't have one opinion one way or another about over- or under- powered classes, because I'm in a game group where one player is such an efficient min-maxer, he can take a warrior class or a spellcasting class and turn it into an unstoppable DEATH MACHINE. So I'm not going to argue over whether a wizard is a better class than fighter, or vice versa.

I do, however, think Eugene is a pompous, opinionated jackass. If there are any rogues in heaven, one of them needs to deliver a Sneak Attack Boot to the Groin. :smallamused:
Personally I think the Greenhilts will be
Alternating between wizards and warriors every generation each one with a form of mutual estrangement. That would be pretty fun if that was true. Generations of sarcasm and arguments.

Charles Phipps
2007-09-19, 11:09 PM
He does. It's just retroactive.

To wit: "You should have been a wizard."

Then Roy never would have been able to throw Xyrkon through the gate.


Lizard Lord
2007-09-19, 11:31 PM
Well, it was unfair of Eugene to blame Roy for the fall of AC because it was Miko's fault the city fell. No one else's.


That's not true.

Xykon, Redcloak, and Kubota had something to do with it.

2007-09-20, 01:06 AM
roy's dad is a bit of a well what i would call him would either be censored or get my post deleted. but his views on character optimization remind me of this forum alot.

Fineous Orlon
2007-09-20, 01:45 AM
That would hold more weight if Eugene had any useful advice.

He does. It's just retroactive.

To wit: "You should have been a wizard."


Useful advice is not retroactive advice about how you should have lived your life.

The stats threads somewhere have Rich saying Roy has 18 in strength, 14 in intelligence, IIRC, not really great wizard fodder. Varsoove, for instance, has an 18 intel at least, as stated in the comic.

Roy would need to have been created differently to be a great wizard, from a character POV.

OTOH, if Roy goes gish, adding wizardry to his fighting, well, we'll see...

I think he has an acceptable Intel to be a fair gish.

As far as to punching Eugene in the face, I could stand to see Roy pointedly bringing up how close Roy got now, TWICE, to destroying, or enabling the destruction of, Xykon. The first time perhaps Roy only failed because Dad didn't tell him about Phylacteries. The second time Roy failed, Xykon was almost defeated shortly after anyway. However, Eugene's grand scheme with Shojo, and all its attendant lying, sent Miko around the bend, eventually causing Soong to fail.

"So, Dad, not only did you never even fight Xykon, you carry a fair bit of responsibility for Xykon's continued survival even now."

2007-09-20, 01:54 PM
Personally I think the Greenhilts will be
Alternating between wizards and warriors every generation each one with a form of mutual estrangement. That would be pretty fun if that was true. Generations of sarcasm and arguments.
Not so: The sword was originally his great-grandpa's (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0113.html), before his grandpa used it to slay a dragon. Eugene really is the black sheep of the family.

2007-09-20, 07:26 PM
Me, I think it's good that Roy is being respectful to his father. You're supposed to respect and obey your parents, even if they're bastards to you.
Screw that. Says who? [Edit: Removed possibly incendiary real-world reference.]

Let's just say I respectfully disagree, with every iota of my being.

basilisk 89
2007-09-20, 10:09 PM
I liked Church right until the very last story.

What did Church do in Episode 100 to make you not like him?

2007-09-20, 11:18 PM

Useful advice is not retroactive advice about how you should have lived your life.

The stats threads somewhere have Rich saying Roy has 18 in strength, 14 in intelligence, IIRC, not really great wizard fodder. Varsoove, for instance, has an 18 intel at least, as stated in the comic.

Roy would need to have been created differently to be a great wizard, from a character POV.

OTOH, if Roy goes gish, adding wizardry to his fighting, well, we'll see...

I think he has an acceptable Intel to be a fair gish.

Um actually, his Strength is 17+ and his Intelligence is 14+. He's also 13th Level, meaning he's had three stat-ups. It's likely he's put them all into Strength. Therefore, the assumption he started with equal Strength and Intelligence has alot of merit. Meaning he'd probably have a 17+ in Int by now had he become a Wizard.

2007-09-20, 11:19 PM
Like I mentioned in the #486 Discussion thread, I liked Eugene less when I didn't know he was hounding Roy so much so he could get on into the afterlife. Really, when you look at it in those terms, he was trying to do his son a favor as well as help himself out.

Frankly, I'm impressed he didn't bother him more.

Fineous Orlon
2007-09-21, 12:31 AM

Useful advice is not retroactive advice about how you should have lived your life.

The stats threads somewhere have Rich saying Roy has 18 in strength, 14 in intelligence, IIRC, not really great wizard fodder. Varsoove, for instance, has an 18 intel at least, as stated in the comic.

Roy would need to have been created differently to be a great wizard, from a character POV.

OTOH, if Roy goes gish, adding wizardry to his fighting, well, we'll see...

I think he has an acceptable Intel to be a fair gish.Um actually, his Strength is 17+ and his Intelligence is 14+. He's also 13th Level, meaning he's had three stat-ups. It's likely he's put them all into Strength. Therefore, the assumption he started with equal Strength and Intelligence has alot of merit. Meaning he'd probably have a 17+ in Int by now had he become a Wizard.

I am unable to verify my assumptions above as per Roy's numbers, so I retract them. I did reread Rich's post concerning Roy's numbers

... V has a higher Int, but has a moderate Wisdom and a poor Charisma (shouting about your arcane power all day is not the way to make friends). Roy has a very good Int, a very good Wis, and a decent Charisma. Thus, he's the most filling meal.

... and while I can assign numbers to the adjectives higher [pretty clearly 18, by V's say-so], very good, decent, and moderate, I will leave that to others.

Anyway, I stand by my earlier point, advice on how you SHOULD HAVE LIVED YOUR LIFE is not useful in the slightest in the vein of constructive criticism.

It is useful if you get a whole-life do-over, or if you feel you need your dad to push you to say to other smart people, "My Dad thinks smart people should become wizards."

I do not find that to be useful advice.

Twilight Jack
2007-09-21, 10:19 AM
Then Roy never would have been able to throw Xyrkon through the gate.


Well, I don't know who Xyrkon is, but Roy is still a large strong human being. As a fighter, he is an exceptionally intelligent example of his class. As a wizard, he'd have been an exceptionally strong one. Much stronger than Xykon, no matter which way you slice it. He may very well have still managed a higher grapple check than the lich and pulled down the gold medal in the lich-tossing event. At that point he was what? Level 8-10? His strength would have been no more than two lower than it was. One can't categorically say that it wouldn't have been enough.

Twilight Jack
2007-09-21, 10:24 AM
Anyway, I stand by my earlier point, advice on how you SHOULD HAVE LIVED YOUR LIFE is not useful in the slightest in the vein of constructive criticism.

It is useful if you get a whole-life do-over, or if you feel you need your dad to push you to say to other smart people, "My Dad thinks smart people should become wizards."

I do not find that to be useful advice.

Of course it isn't useful advice, unless you're Marty McFly. It seems that the Detect Sarcasm ability is in seriously short supply.

My earlier assertion was a joke. If you've continued to debate it honestly, then it's on you.

Green Bean
2007-09-21, 10:26 AM
Then Roy never would have been able to throw Xyrkon through the gate.


Too true. If only there was some sort of spell that let you use your INT stat for grapples... (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/telekinesis.htm) :smallwink:

2007-09-21, 10:35 AM
You know, maybe it's like Sabine says. Not all families are the same. Judging by the way Roy and Julia interact, I'm not sure the gruff, snarky and sacrastic commentary isn't just the way they all always relate to one another in that family. That's how I've been reading it, and I don't think less of Eugene over it. Roy and his sister are both shown to be strong-willed, intependent thinkers. If this relationship was really an irritation to them, they're pretty well let it be known (And both have)

As for me, I'm coming to like Eugene more and more every time I see him. And frankly, if I was stuck in that quasi-afterlife while my son decided to be a rebel, I'd be a lot more unpleasant, not to mention laying that afterlife-guilt-trip on him a LOT earlier, when it might be a tool of manipulation, instead of now, when it's just the facts of (un)life.

2007-09-21, 10:51 AM
You know, maybe it's like Sabine says. Not all families are the same. Judging by the way Roy and Julia interact, I'm not sure the gruff, snarky and sacrastic commentary isn't just the way they all always relate to one another in that family. That's how I've been reading it, and I don't think less of Eugene over it. Roy and his sister are both shown to be strong-willed, intependent thinkers. If this relationship was really an irritation to them, they're pretty well let it be known (And both have)

As for me, I'm coming to like Eugene more and more every time I see him. And frankly, if I was stuck in that quasi-afterlife while my son decided to be a rebel, I'd be a lot more unpleasant, not to mention laying that afterlife-guilt-trip on him a LOT earlier, when it might be a tool of manipulation, instead of now, when it's just the facts of (un)life.

uhh, If i recall correctly it's Eugene's fault he and Roy are stuck there.

2007-09-21, 10:57 AM
Completely agree. Doesn't change the fact that it's a situation likely to increase snarky tendencies.

2007-09-21, 11:57 AM
I like Eugene for the same reason Belkar (and I) liked Shojo - he makes fun of Roy right to his face.

I find very little to like about Roy. I find him only slightly less obnoxious than Miko, Elan and Belkar. Frankly, I wish he would not be resurrected. I know he will, of course, but I wish wouldn't.