View Full Version : Pathfinder Has Anyone Played Crownfall?

2018-10-13, 03:20 PM
War for the Crown looks interesting, and I’m wondering what it’s like to play through the opening chapter. The AP is advertised as being heavy on intrigue, but the description of Crownfall sounds more like Escape from L.A.

Are there any social/intrigue elements to Crownfall, or is it more of a kick-in-the-door start to the story? And what sort of new monsters are included?

2018-10-13, 05:11 PM
I just finished running Crownfall. It is roughly 1/3 political roleplay and 2/3 dungeon crawling. It leads nicely into the second book, which is much bigger on the political elements.

2018-10-13, 10:34 PM
I´m not going to play this particular AP, just read through all the books of it so far and made notes.

It´s the "intrigue AP" but it´s still PF, so the intrigue vs. adventure ratio will not drop below 50/50 and the intrigue vs. combat ration will not fall below 2/3 to 1/3 and the whole AP will stick to the usual "quest format". So, yeah, bring characters that can survive the first book, can function as a coherent party and cover all the usual roles, while still being keyed towards the intrigue theme.