View Full Version : Proficiency question

2018-10-13, 04:40 PM
Filling in my character sheet for the first time and got confused by proficiency.
So if you have a class bonus of 2 for wisdom and you have a starting wisdom of 14 and proficiency in medicine what would be its score? I thought it would be 4.
Applying this to charisma also with class bonus but with a score of 8 but proficiency in intimidation. I thought it would be 1 with others at -1.
Final one which the builder confuses me on. With intel of 10 and no class bonus (dont think) proficiency in religion would be ??? Builder says 2 but I dont know where its getting that from.

2018-10-13, 04:54 PM
Filling in my character sheet for the first time and got confused by proficiency.
So if you have a class bonus of 2 for wisdom and you have a starting wisdom of 14 and proficiency in medicine what would be its score? I thought it would be 4.
Applying this to charisma also with class bonus but with a score of 8 but proficiency in intimidation. I thought it would be 1 with others at -1.
Final one which the builder confuses me on. With intel of 10 and no class bonus (dont think) proficiency in religion would be ??? Builder says 2 but I dont know where its getting that from.

Your Proficiency Bonus is based only on your total level and increases as you level up. It starts at +2, then goes to +3 at level 5, etc...

You add your proficiency bonus to skills and saves you are "proficient in".

So if you are proficient in Religion and your INT is 12 for a +1 bonus then your total bonus is: 1 (INT) + 2 (Proficiency) = 3.

2018-10-13, 04:54 PM
So if you have a class bonus of 2 for wisdomThere is no such thing.

You are probably thinking about your class giving you proficiency in Wisdom saving throws.

A Wisdom (Medicine) check is not a saving throw. Don't mix these notions.

you have a starting wisdom of 14 and proficiency in medicine what would be its score? I thought it would be 4.The formula for your Wisdom (Medicine) check is:

1d20 + 0.5*(Wisdom - 10) + proficiency

With 14 Wisdom, and a starting profiency bonus of 2, it is indeed 1d20 + 4.

2018-10-13, 04:58 PM
Sure am mixing the saving throw. Just found the info. I had been treating in my head proficiency as +1. Sorry for the hassle. Cheers

2018-10-13, 04:58 PM
"Class bonus of 2 for wisdom" makes no sense for anything but saving throws. If you are proficient in Wisdom saving throws then at level 1 you add your proficiency bonus of 2 to your Wisdom saving throws, in addition to whatever your Wisdom bonus itself is.

If you are level 1 with a Wisdom of 14 and proficiency in Medicine your bonus is +2 (from a 14 Wisdom) and +2 for a proficiency at level 1 for a total of +4.

If you are level 1 with a Charisma of 8 and proficiency in Intimidation your modifiers are -1 (from a Charisma of 8) and +2 for proficiency at level 1 for a total of +1.

If you are level 1 with an Intelligence of 10 and no proficiency in Religion your modifiers are 0 (from an Intelligence of 10) and 0 for no proficiency for a total of 0. If you were proficient in Religion your modifiers would be 0+2 for a total of +2.

2018-10-13, 04:58 PM
Filling in my character sheet for the first time and got confused by proficiency.
So if you have a class bonus of 2 for wisdom and you have a starting wisdom of 14 and proficiency in medicine what would be its score? I thought it would be 4.
Applying this to charisma also with class bonus but with a score of 8 but proficiency in intimidation. I thought it would be 1 with others at -1.
Final one which the builder confuses me on. With intel of 10 and no class bonus (dont think) proficiency in religion would be ??? Builder says 2 but I dont know where its getting that from.

Using "class bonus" is probably what is confusing you. That's not a 5E term. What you have is an ability check where you get to add in your proficiency depending on the situation. To make a Wisdom check you add your Wisdom modifier which is +2 for Wisdom 14. When you make a check for Medicine, if you are proficient in it you add your proficiency modifier, +2 at 1st level, so you have a total +4 to the roll because of the +2 from Wisdom. Your class has nothing to do with this. Rogues and Bards have Expertise which does affect things, but we'll ignore that for now. Your Medicine check is +4.

Intimidation is a Charisma check. With an 8 Charisma you roll at a -1. If you are proficient in Intimidation you add your proficiency, +2, so you have +1 to the roll total.

With Intelligence of 10 and not proficient in Religion you add +0 to Religion rolls. Again, there is no such thing as a "class bonus" in 5E. You choose to be proficient in a skill or not which allows you to add your proficiency modifier to a roll or not. As for why your Builder gives a +2, either you clicked the proficiency button in the program without realizing you did or there's a glitch in the program. For example, if you are playing a cleric the program might think but off course you are proficient in Religion so it automatically says you are even though you didn't want to nor even clicked the button that says you are. Using a Builder program is helpful but never blindly accept its word.