View Full Version : Can anyone recommend me something similar to Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash

2018-10-13, 09:31 PM
I was wondering if there was any show/anime that has similar theme of Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash? It's anime with group anime where fights seem to have weight and bit less flashy such as SAO.

2018-10-13, 10:03 PM
The only thing I can think of would be Log Horizon. Like Grimgar, it is about a group of people transported from our world to a different one. But the difference is that it is an MMO and they keep their memories of the old world. The themes are pretty similar, though, about learning how to live in a new world and such.

2018-10-15, 10:21 AM
Ahh Grimgar. The worst show I still inexplicably like.

Anyway, if you’re just trying to find a series where fights feel weighted and not just flashing lights to confuse the viewer into thinking something cool is happening. Well, animation may not be what you’re looking for. That is kind of their bread and butter.

But for what it’s worth. Batman the Animated Series was decent for its time.

I vaguely remember Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood having a certain weight to the combat as well. Except for Fuhrer Bradley, anyway, until the end.

If you’re looking for a show that shares the theme of humanizing the monsters while slowly making us realize that the “heroes” we are watching are regularly butchering goblins who were literally doing nothing wrong until the protagonists attack them.

Honestly, I don’t think I’ve seen a show pull that off other than Grimgar. Also probably why I still like it.

2018-10-15, 12:40 PM
The only thing I can think of would be Log Horizon. Like Grimgar, it is about a group of people transported from our world to a different one. But the difference is that it is an MMO and they keep their memories of the old world. The themes are pretty similar, though, about learning how to live in a new world and such.Of the many "trapped-in-an-MMO" genre Animes out there, I have to say that Log Horizon is my favorite due to the rampant munchkinism and game fandom both being portrayed in an oddly positive light. The enthusiasm of the trapped PCs varies widely, but remarkably one PC ...
... is seeking a portal back to the real world where her infant daughter is -- in order to get her and raise her inside the game world. She's admittedly more than a bit of a nut, but everyone she interacts with, including the normally hyper-rational Shiroe, finds her enthusiasm to be very infectious.

2018-10-15, 05:05 PM
Re:Zero is similar in that the protagonist gets transported to another world, but is woefully unequipped to deal with it and goes through a lot of suffering.

Fable Wright
2018-10-15, 08:20 PM
It's currently airing, but Goblin Slayer. Low magic, relevant tactics, one bad sword swing has gotten characters killed, and gets into group and adventurer dynamics as time goes on.

FIghts are pragmatic, short, and deadly. Hits most of the tones you're looking for. I'm enjoying it much more than Grimgar.

2018-10-15, 09:44 PM
It's currently airing, but Goblin Slayer. Low magic, relevant tactics, one bad sword swing has gotten characters killed, and gets into group and adventurer dynamics as time goes on.

FIghts are pragmatic, short, and deadly. Hits most of the tones you're looking for. I'm enjoying it much more than Grimgar.

This is what I opened up the thread to recclmend, it’s similar but be wary because Goblin Slayer is a lot more brutal when it’s establishing its setting.

2018-10-16, 02:34 AM
This is what I opened up the thread to recclmend, it’s similar but be wary because Goblin Slayer is a lot more brutal when it’s establishing its setting.

Yeah, I haven't seen it, but I heard it opens with a rape scene?

2018-10-16, 10:09 AM
I've only read the manga, but Goblin Slayer is basically Kids' First Berserk.

It's nowhere near as grimdark as Berserk, but there's a fair bit of fetish pandering.

2018-10-16, 12:39 PM
Yeah, I haven't seen it, but I heard it opens with a rape scene?

Yea so, if you take away the fantasy elements the truth that main character wants to commit genocide and that only works because they set the goblin up as being totaly petty unrepentant monsters that may well have been created from the ground up by literal dark gods to cause meta-humanity nothing but misery and sadness in every conceivable style and flavor. The story sets this up(first episode spoilers) having a group of highly marketably generic looking protag-kun and what in any other series would be his soft echi harem get murderated by; failing to bring any antidotes, failing to check their metaphorical corners when moving along the tunnel, wandering off and leaving leaving party members behind/not paying attention and noticing party members moving forward, bringing a long sword into a small cave, trying to be the hero instead of using teamwork, and an overall failure to respect their enemies. And yea, it’s and it’s a fairly brutal series of scenes and not just because of one who gets captured, although for my money the first fight in Grimgar felt more brutal in its violence for being much less over the top. I’ve been reading the manga during my off time after the first few episodes came out and it doesn’t seem like anything quite that bad happening in the future. There was a bit involving a higher level squad that otherwise would have been fine getting captured and tortured to death because the fighter didn’t wear a helmet but that looks like it was mostly cut in the anime version so I assume it will probably be maintaining a softer tone from there.

That said the story sets itself up more as en examination of adventuring and it’s culture and how lateral thinking, proper care for you equipment and choosing the right tools for the job, studying your enemy and never assuming that they are to weak or stupid to challenge you, and other basic skills are the most important parts of adventuring compared to raw talent or skill. Also you should really wear helmets, they are important.

While it does have its fair share of bloody violence it isn’t really trying to set itself up as the grimdark bloodfest people are assuming it wants to be, the real grim aspect of the setting being the way adventurers consider the goblin threat beneath them despite how awful they are because they jobs don’t pay as well leading to two out of every three level one parties getting destroyed by what really amounts to human apathy and greed and lets goblins cause much more horror then would happen if they were treating as a real threat despite the poor pay day.

2018-10-16, 12:59 PM
Also you should really wear helmets, they are important.

Although the prequel comic does drop the ball a little on helmets.

When GobSlay-kun buys his helmet at first it has horns on, but they both break off when they get grabbed in fights. In keeping with the "be practical" theme he should have encountered a serious problem the first time that happened and then realised the problem and broken the other one.

Because a big part of being practical in fights is not giving enemies things to grab hold of like silly horns on your helmet.

2018-10-16, 06:04 PM
Although the prequel comic does drop the ball a little on helmets.

When GobSlay-kun buys his helmet at first it has horns on, but they both break off when they get grabbed in fights. In keeping with the "be practical" theme he should have encountered a serious problem the first time that happened and then realised the problem and broken the other one.

Because a big part of being practical in fights is not giving enemies things to grab hold of like silly horns on your helmet.

Prequel manga? Looks like I have more things to read!