View Full Version : Mantles for a Tash-Ardent?

2018-10-14, 09:46 AM
Looking for both thematics and power.

2018-10-14, 12:23 PM
Did you mean Trash-Ardent, or is there some context here that you need to provide?

2018-10-14, 12:53 PM
Did you mean Trash-Ardent, or is there some context here that you need to provide?

See what you get for mentioning TRASH​? ;)

2018-10-14, 01:37 PM
See what you get for mentioning TRASH​? ;)

Is that what drew the Mancunian spambot?

2018-10-14, 02:06 PM
Did you mean Trash-Ardent, or is there some context here that you need to provide?

Pretty sure they're referring to Tashaltora, the feat from Eberron for monk/manifesters.

Freedom gives you some amazing mobility and defensive powers, so absolutely take that as one of your primary mantles. As for other choices:

Conflict is a safe bet for your other primary mantle due to some good powers, including Psionic Lion's Charge, Dimension Slide, and even Spirit of War.
Deception probably doesn't do much for you, but it does give you Concealing Amorpha, so ... that's something?
Destruction has some cool touch attack powers that IIRC you can use with unarmed strikes, so that might be interesting.
Fate is boring, but it has a strong granted power, decent self-buffs, and Metafaculty for pissing off your DM. Other than Conflict, this is IMO your best choice for your other primary mantle.
Force is good early in your career for the AC bonus powers, but tails off pretty quickly once you start to gear up.
Guardian gives you Damp Power and Mind Over Energy, both of which are pretty handy.
Justice might be worth it later on for the high-level powers, but definitely isn't a good investment early.
Law might or might not be worth it for Steadfast Perception alone. Depends on your DM.
Life gives you Stygian Ward and Psionic Restoration. Otherwise, ignore it.
Physical Power is alright, nothing special. Some self-buffs.
Repose is mostly useless but will net you Psionic Mind Blank if you absolutely need it.

Honorable mention go to creation and Creation and Time, which are good for any ardent, regardless of focus. If you want Astral Construct and/or time travel shenanigans, take these. Otherwise, skip 'em.

Personally, I'd probably go for Freedom and Conflict at 1st level, then grab Guardian, Fate, Time, and Justice. That gives you some nice self-buffs, a couple of panic buttons, and a touch of utility. If you need the immunity powers, you can grab them with Expanded Power.