View Full Version : The Skrull card

2007-09-17, 06:05 PM
Hmm. The old threads where this may have been appropriate seem to have vanished, so I'll just make a new thread for this:


Really, after Civil War it was only a matter of time, wasn't it?

2007-09-17, 08:20 PM
Who wants to bet that somehow Wolverine is the one who miraculously figures this out.

IE: All the heroes are standing around talking, and suddenly Wolverine offs Stark or Richard or something.

All: Gasp.
Logan: I knew'd he was crooked the moment I layed nostrils on him.

He will then proceed to lead three different teams against the Skrull menace, and single-handedly bring down their mothership via moxy, determination, and a ripped up uniform.

(Or maybe I'm just angry that for some reason only he knew something was up in House of M)

2007-09-17, 08:58 PM
Heh. The Marvel universe is so ****ed up anyways that I don't really care about continuity anymore. Bring it on! I want to see some heroes die, some others hastily ressurected, I want Wolverine to destroy a planet, I want Spiderman to kill somebody, I want Giant Man to explode and I want the Sentry to actually advance the plot (welll, maybe that's too much of a stretch. . .)

Unless of course, this is the inevitable Marvel "Crisis" that's needed for the comics industry to survive after everybody stops creaming their cheese over every single major event.

2007-09-18, 10:04 AM
(Or maybe I'm just angry that for some reason only he knew something was up in House of M)

Hey... that one actually made some kind of sense...

As much as any of it made sense.

I mean, since when was The Scarlet Witch been Suzumiya Haruhi.

2007-09-18, 12:07 PM
Congratulations, you just made me want to read House of M. I hope you're happy.

2007-09-18, 02:09 PM
Wolverine in the House of M made sense (yes, I did read it.) He wanted all his memories, and he got them- they were just of the wrong universe.

I hope that such large numbers of registered metahumans (the new, random civilian ones) are killed that the SRA is repelled.

2007-09-18, 04:54 PM
Wolverine in the House of M made sense (yes, I did read it.) He wanted all his memories, and he got them- they were just of the wrong universe.



And since when did Nightcrawler want to be a lacky for an evil SHIELD group of mutants, hmm?

2007-09-19, 09:35 AM
Who wants to bet that somehow Wolverine is the one who miraculously figures this out.

Like the article says, it's the Avengers who find it out. They address the whole Wolverine-smell thing.

As far as the Skrull Invasion, it's about time. The Skrull Invasion deals with stuff going all the way back to the Breakout that occurred in the New Avengers two years ago. So I'm glad they're finally getting back on track.

And I really hope that Tony Stark is a Skrull, because that would explain a hell of alot.

2007-09-19, 12:40 PM
And I really hope that Tony Stark is a Skrull, because that would explain a hell of alot.

I'm sorry. If Marvel does that, then they just need to wrap it up and state that they are idiots who employ idiot writers and pretty much nothing is permanent. I mean, looking at it this way, you could say that Cap isn't really dead, it was a Skrull. Uncle Ben didn't die, nor did Gwen Stacy, it was a couple of wacky Skrullies, in the wrong place at the wrong time.

What kills me, is I know that Marvel is going to use the "He was a Skrull" excuse for too many things. I mean, I really dislike the resulting MU after Civil War, but atleast it was something different. Hell, I've thought Marvel scraped the bottom of the barrel ever since the mid 90's, but every now and again they do something that's interesting...

Truth be told, I'd like to see Marvel emulate DC. Quesada comes out: "Look guys, we ****ed up. Sorry. We're doing a reboot. We'll call it uhm...lessee...Crisis of Infinite Hours Leading to the Number Zero!"

Marvel just needs to take a deep breath, pull their collective heads out of their collective a$$e$ and start over.

Of course, I could be wrong.


2007-09-19, 04:34 PM
No, you're right.

The skrull thing is their way of explaining how they'll get to the new status quo, 's all.

2007-09-19, 11:12 PM
No, you're right.

The skrull thing is their way of explaining how they'll get to the new status quo, 's all.
That's how I see it.

If Tony Stark is not a skrull, then, well...he's just a jerk and a thinly-veiled villain. And he's a thinly-veiled villain who has a movie coming out next year.

The only way I see them pulling that character out of the fire is by having him either wake up and get a clue or being a skrull. I don't see that character actually getting a clue where they have him right now.

As far as reboots, go, I have been pretty non-plussed about their reboots. After all, that's precisely what House of M was. A giant reboot on mutants. And what was the result?

The Extinguisher
2007-09-20, 12:00 AM
If Stark is a Skrull, I will be mad. Stabby mad.

Spidey's a Sleeper Skrull though.

2007-09-20, 02:04 PM
House of M was (I think) a way to get rid of the obscenely huge number of mutants- especially, but not only, X-Man. Because if that was the case, they could just have a good villain going around and killing the third- and -fourth stringers. I personally don't like this idea (the special few to up-and-coming race was a good and logical change), but I can see why it was deemed necessary.

I agree that Marvel needs a "Crisis." Not to completely restart, but just to alter history a bit, streamline characters, get rid of complicated tangles...kind of taking the tapestry of history and ironing out the bumps, trimming the edges, replacing frayed threads, and so on. But it seems they prefer to do it through killing and replacing/restarting characters and minor, piece-by-piece retcons.

2007-09-20, 03:09 PM
Personally, I think the best use of the Skrull would be to make Stark see he is a jackass.

Have some of his most trusted advisors (who don't have their own comic books) be Skrulls. Have a small arc about the Skrull getting a hold of some of the registration info (mostly for the second stringers who don't have their own comics) and sending hit squads.

As a result, he will basically be allowed to say something like "I had the best interests of the world in mind, but bad stuff happened and I take no blame for that. But as a result, I am giving SHIELD back to Nick. Sidenote: This was all one big illusion. I, Tony Stark, am not actually Iron Man. Pretend you don't know that again. Like you did the last twenty times I told you guys I was Iron Man"

2007-09-20, 03:26 PM
Even if they pull that garbage with Tony Stark saying "I never was Iron Man. See? It was a skrull impersonating me!", I'd really like for them to explain how they'll change things back to the way the used to be for Spider-man. That's going to be one hard explanation to make.

2007-09-20, 04:03 PM
My guess from my third-hand knowledge of comics:

Stark is not a Skrull. He will use the Skrulls as an excuse for "I'm not really Iron Man, silly people." Most of the rest of the pro-SHRA government are Skrulls, including the people who pushed the original sensible idea into fascism. Stark being a Skrull would be one of the biggest copouts I've heard of that didn't involve a DC character rewriting space and time because he felt like it.

2007-09-20, 04:50 PM
As far as reboots, go, I have been pretty non-plussed about their reboots. After all, that's precisely what House of M was. A giant reboot on mutants. And what was the result?

House of M wasn't a reboot, it was deletion of corrupted data :smallbiggrin: , to bad that they did in a way that prevented new mutant-characters, really why only 198? was that necessary at all?

2007-09-20, 07:29 PM
Yeah. Spidey should be a VERY interesting read. I really can't think of a single way to get him back to the status quo.

Pretty much every other character (even Cap and Stark) can be brought back with minimal effort, but one of the core components of Spiderman was that Spidey and Peter are two different entities for all intents and purposes.

And I wasn't even thinking of Stark using the "It was a Skrull" argument. I just expect something along the lines of Daredevil where nobody is at all convinced, but he goes back to protecting his secret identity.

2007-09-21, 02:25 PM
Yeah. Spidey should be a VERY interesting read. I really can't think of a single way to get him back to the status quo.

I'm pretty sure that Doctor Strange is going to cast a reality-altering magical spell that will make the whole universe (including Aunt May and Mary Jane) forget that Peter is Spider-Man. Because of (magical magi-babble) Peter himself will remember the new version of history and forget he was ever married to Mary Jane.

Strange is Marvel's one-stop shopping mart for reality-altering magical plot devices.

2007-09-21, 02:27 PM
Strange is Marvel's one-stop shopping mart for reality-altering magical plot devices.
I thought he got bumped down after Scarlet Witch's recent debacle.

Anung Un Rama
2007-09-21, 03:20 PM
Despite my infuriation at the 'ooo! lets steal one of the most overused plot ideas from modern super comics' (superhuman outlawing/registration e.g. watchmen, the incredibles, the dark knight returns etc.) concept, one good thing has come from it. The return of thor, full of pompous godly wrath at being cloned, handing Iron man his a$$ with but a couple of whacks from that lovable implement of mass destruction, Mjolnir!

2007-09-21, 08:11 PM
Thor is my hero.

2007-09-21, 08:28 PM
OH GOD! This means the Cap'n America who was shot was a Skrull, doesn't it?

2007-09-22, 03:52 PM
well, if Cap was a skrull he should have reverted to a skrull when he died...at least i think thats how skrulls work...

2007-09-22, 10:15 PM
well, if Cap was a skrull he should have reverted to a skrull when he died...at least i think thats how skrulls work...

well, OBVIOUSLY, they used psycics (they probably got some off the X-men) to switch off his shape-shifting power, so he couldn't change back. Clearly. Anyone could see that.

Green Bean
2007-09-22, 10:17 PM
well, OBVIOUSLY, they used psycics (they probably got some off the X-men) to switch off his shape-shifting power, so he couldn't change back. Clearly. Anyone could see that.

I thought it was because Sentry was punching the walls of reality again... :smallamused: