View Full Version : Warlock Capstone

2018-10-14, 08:15 PM
My friend and I are looking at certain weak capstones and trying to make them better. We stumbled on a good idea but I was a bit stymied at the amount of brewing it would take.

In much the same way that the Paladin capstones are each tailor-made to their oaths, we want to do the same thing for the warlock.

Here are the Patrons for a quick reminder

Great Old One
Hexblade (Which we call the Accursed Ones*)

*rename Hexblade to Patron: Accursed Ones
You swear a vendetta on those who have wronged you. Dark entities who have fallen from grace yet are unable to escape their oppression, such as the Raven Queen, Prometheus, Levistus, Lolth, Yeenoghu attempt to live vicariously through you and gift you with some of their power.

2018-10-15, 08:27 AM
Not sure what you are asking?

My view on the hexblade is this.

The weapon shares it's powers with the person that agrees to its terms.

2018-10-15, 09:21 AM
I should make that more clear.

I am asking for ideas about individualized capstones for the warlock patrons. Similar to the Paladin capstones but not as powerful.

I put up what my group has renamed/reflavored the Hexblade to help with that.

2018-10-15, 10:03 AM
They should have just made the hexblade have a magical weapon with powers. Would have been much easier to understand.

2018-10-15, 10:06 AM
I think I understand. You're hoping to make each Warlock Patron option to flavorfully match their corresponding capstone ability. The Hexblade didn't match, but rather than changing the capstone, you changed the flavor of the class so that it suits.

I'm making an assumption here, but you're either looking for suggestions to change the capstone or by reflavoring the class so that the current capstone works. Am I correct on that?

Truth be told, after looking at all of the Patrons, they appear to all match just fine. Hexblade was a little off (mostly because the class itself is all over the place as a melee/curse-thing). Maybe the Celestial could do with some reflavoring, as its capstone is a holy nova explosion in case you start dying.

Otherwise, Fiend throws someone through Hell, Archfey basically betwitches someone into being friendly and being unable to see anyone else but you for a minute with only a single save, Undying basically gets Second Wind while being able to reattach limbs, and the Great Old One can possess someone to be their permanent servant.

I guess, which of those do you not see as matching the Patron?

2018-10-15, 10:19 AM
Prometheus, the Raven Queen, Lolth and Yeenoghu didn't fall from grace, though.

At least not in the default lore.

2018-10-15, 10:35 AM
I think the OP is talking about replacing the warlock's capstone, Eldritch Master, by patron-specific 20th-level features.

Great Old One can possess someone to be their permanent servant.If only.

2018-10-15, 11:06 AM
I think the OP is talking about replacing the warlock's capstone, Eldritch Master, by patron-specific 20th-level features.

This. Sorry I have been so unclear about in this thread.

Prometheus, the Raven Queen, Lolth and Yeenoghu didn't fall from grace, though.

At least not in the default lore.

The Raven Queen is definitely scorned/cursed. Promethius has to deal with a divine punishment. Lolth is forever changed and chases away into the abyss. I'll give you Yeenoghu but I felt that the Hexblade class actually matched what a gnoll patron would do.

So yes I want to get rid of the base warlock capstone and replace it with a 20th level patron-specific archetype feature. I don't need someone to do all of them, unless they are struck with inspiration. I just wanted to see if anyone had any ideas.

2018-10-15, 11:09 AM
My friend and I are looking at certain weak capstones and trying to make them better. We stumbled on a good idea but I was a bit stymied at the amount of brewing it would take.

In much the same way that the Paladin capstones are each tailor-made to their oaths, we want to do the same thing for the warlock.

Here are the Patrons for a quick reminder

Great Old One
Hexblade (Which we call the Accursed Ones*)

*rename Hexblade to Patron: Accursed Ones
You swear a vendetta on those who have wronged you. Dark entities who have fallen from grace yet are unable to escape their oppression, such as the Raven Queen, Prometheus, Levistus, Lolth, Yeenoghu attempt to live vicariously through you and gift you with some of their power.

I did a rework around that idea about a year back where I rewrote the warlock as a non-casting class and made their capstone patron specific, I will see if i can find it.

Well as soon as I figure out how to post a google drive doccument at least.

2018-10-15, 11:21 AM
The Raven Queen is definitely scorned/cursed. Promethius has to deal with a divine punishment. Lolth is forever changed and chases away into the abyss. I'll give you Yeenoghu but I felt that the Hexblade class actually matched what a gnoll patron would do.

Not really the same as a fall from grace, but fair enough.

So yes I want to get rid of the base warlock capstone and replace it with a 20th level patron-specific archetype feature. I don't need someone to do all of them, unless they are struck with inspiration. I just wanted to see if anyone had any ideas.

Since you want to make it about entities who live vicariously through people, why not make it something in the "allow you to use your opponent's greatest power against them" category?

2018-10-15, 11:30 AM
Not really the same as a fall from grace, but fair enough.

Since you want to make it about entities who live vicariously through people, why not make it something in the "allow you to use your opponent's greatest power against them" category?

Oooh curse link...

Accursed One and All
As a bonus action, you can channel all wrongs made against you to those whom you have cursed. For the next minute, whenever you take damage, those affected by your curses, such as Hex, Bestow Curse, or other spells and warlock features, take an equal amount of damage. Once you use this feature you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

2018-10-15, 12:52 PM
Summer Court
Starting at 20th level, You may cast your choice of Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion, Demiplane, or Gate, without expending a spell slot, one time per long rest.

Starting at 20th level, You may cast your choice of the spells Plane Shift, Maze, or Summon Greater Demon at any level, up to 9th, without expending a spell slot, one time per long rest.

Great Old One
Body Horror
Starting at 20th level, your body is altered in an otherworldly fashion. Whenever you finish a long rest, you gain one of the following features until you finish another long rest:

You gain another limb, such as an arm or tentacle. This limb can be used to hold your arcane focus, a shield, or a weapon, can perform somantic components, can wear a ring, and if you have the Thirsting Blade Invocation, You can attack with your pact weapon three times, instead of twice.
You gain a small mind that grows on your body like a tumor. This tumor gives you +5 to initiative and can concentrate on a spell you cast for up to 1 minute once per short or long rest, allowing you to concentrate on two spells simultaneously.
Your skin hardens, giving you resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage, and you no longer need food or water as long as you spend at least 30 minutes staring into the endless void of the night sky each day. You gain an opening in your body that leads to an extradimensional space, similar to a half-sized bag of holding.

Fate Worse than Death
Starting at 20th level, you cannot die. If damage reduces you to 0 hit points, you automatically succeed on a death saving throw and then stabilize, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. If your party restores you to life in any way, you can't use this feature again until after you finish a long rest. If your Defy Death feature has already been used, it automatically triggers as soon as you've been a 0 HP for the length of a long rest, and you can’t use this feature again for 7 days.

Otherworldly Intervention
Starting at 20th level, you can call on your patron to intervene on your behalf when your need is great. As an action, describe the assistance you seek, and roll percentile dice. If you roll a number equal to or lower than three times your warlock level, your deity intervenes. The GM chooses the nature of the intervention; the effects of Wish would be appropriate.

If your patron intervenes, you can’t use this feature again for 7 days. Otherwise, you can use it again after you finish a long rest.

Starting at 20th level, when you slay a humanoid, you can channel your spirit inside it's corpse, and your soul moves into the target's body. Your old body falls into a catatonic state as your soul leaves it. Your game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the new creature, although you retain your Alignment, your intelligence, wisdom, and charisma scores, and hit points, provided the new body's max hit points are higher than your current amount of hit points. If the target has any class levels, you can't use any of its class features beyond the first level. You can't use this feature again for 7 days.

2018-10-15, 01:04 PM
At 20th level, as an action you can become a direct conduit for your patron, giving yourself over to their power and becoming one with them. You gain different benefits depending on your patron. While in this state you can cast warlock spells of level 5 or lower without expending a spell slot and you gain a +4 bonus to your charisma score: this bonus ignores any limits. In addition, you gain a bonus based on your patron (see below). You can use this ability once. You regain the use of this ability whenever you take a long rest.

At the end of each turn, you may attempt a charisma save against your own spell save DC to end the effect. When the effect ends, you gain one level of exhaustion for each turn it had been in effect. If the effect lasts six or more turns, your patron takes control of your body, forever.

The Archfey-
All creatures who can see you are charmed by you unless they cannot be charmed. Your attacks and spells deal 2d6 additional psychic damage. You are immune to psychic damage and damage from non-magical weapons.

The Celestial-
At the start of your turn, living creatures of your choice that can see you regain a number of hitpoints equal to your Charisma modifier. Your attacks and spells deal 2d6 additional radiant damage. You are immune to radiant damage and damage from non-magical weapons.

The Fiend-
All creatures who can see you are frightened of you unless they are immune to fear. Your attacks and spells deal 2d6 additional fire damage. You are immune to fire damage and damage from non-magical weapons.

The Great Old One-
At the start of your turn, creatures of your choice that can see you take psychic damage equal to your Charisma modifier. Your attacks and spells deal 2d6 additional psychic damage. You are immune to psychic damage and damage from non-magical weapons.

The Hexblade
You treat all creatures as if they were under the effects of your Hexblade's Curse. Your attacks and spells deal 2d6 additional slashing damage. You are immune to slashing damage, and to all damage from non-magical weapons.

The Undying
You cannot be reduced to below 1 hitpoint except by radiant damage and critical hits. Your attacks and spells deal 2d6 additional necrotic damage. You are immune to necrotic damage, and to damage from non-magical weapons.

2018-10-16, 10:00 PM
Thank you everyone for giving me inspiration. Here is the first draft of what I've decided on.

Farwanderer of the Feywild
Your experience with the Fey powers, customs, and lands have made you experienced in finding the small ways through the Feywild no matter where you are.
You can cast misty step as a bonus action without consuming a spell slot.

Altering the Agreement
You summon a powerful devil to do your bidding, perhaps they should be more cautious with whom they grant power.
Once per long rest you can cast Infernal Calling as if you had used a 9th level spell slot. However, it doesn’t require concentration if cast in this way and the fiend summoned doesn’t resent your commands and obeys your commands.

Great Old Ones
Body Horror
Starting at 20th level, your body is altered in an otherworldly fashion. Whenever you finish a long rest, you gain one of the following features until you finish another long rest:
* You gain another limb, such as an arm or tentacle. This limb can be used to hold your arcane focus, a shield, or a weapon, can perform somantic components, can wear a ring, and if you have the Thirsting Blade Invocation, You can attack with your pact weapon three times, instead of twice.
* You gain a small mind that grows on your body like a tumor. This tumor gives you +5 to initiative and can concentrate on a spell you cast for up to 1 minute once per short or long rest, allowing you to concentrate on two spells simultaneously.
* Your skin hardens, giving you resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage, and you no longer need food or water as long as you spend at least 30 minutes staring into the endless void of the night sky each day. You gain an opening in your body that leads to an extradimensional space, similar to a half-sized bag of holding.

True Unlife
You have discovered the secrets of the undead. You cannot be reduced to below 1 hitpoint except by radiant damage and critical hits.*

Overwhelming Radiance
You relink your divine power back into its house and let it flow back through you.
You shine like a beacon, you shed bright light for 100 feet and dim light for an additional 100 feet. Any allies within 50 feet you can see regain all their hit points. Any enemies within 50 feet made a constitution saving throw against your warlock save DCon a failed save they take 10d6 damage and are blinded, half damage on a successful save. You can channel this pure positive energy for multiple turns however at the end of your turns your hit point maximum is reduced by half. You can’t raise this with magic as your body is inured to magic afterward. Your hotpoint maximum reverts after a long rest.

Accursed Ones
Accursed One and All
As a bonus action, you can channel all wrongs made against you to those whom you have cursed. For the next minute, whenever you take damage, those affected by your curses, such as*Hex, Bestow Curse, or other spells and warlock features, take an equal amount of damage. Once you use this feature you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.