View Full Version : Brave New World

2018-10-15, 09:46 AM
As you step through what you have been told is called gateway, you feel as you have never felt before. Not that you could have known what it feels like to travel to another world, but you didn't really expect it to feel like passing through jello. Still, the strange feeling aside, what you feel when you reach the other side it even more fantastic then the journey itself. Power. Overwhelming surge of power almost knocks you of your feet. You realize that what little power you felt on the other side was but a small fraction of what you can wield, and that is both exciting and scary. As you look around you notice that all five of your companion are right there with you and they are as confused as you are. Looking around you can see a large mountain in the distance, as well as forest and something that looks like desert in the distance.
"It takes a bit to get used to. Well, to be honest it takes a long time, but you'll get there." As you turn towards the voice you see a stern looking young man accompanied by four other people. "The name is Marcus Nikas, I have been sent to welcome you to the settlement." Although his voice is far from unpleasant or monotone you notice that he doesn't really sound too friendly. "We will leave as soon as you get adjust to the atmosphere. We are in a hurry, we need to distribute the supplies immediately." He signals his team to start checking the supplies that were pushed through the gateway when you were passing through.
As the rush of passing through the gateway slowly fades and the reality of completely new world starts to settle, what will you do to adjust to the situation?

2018-10-15, 10:43 AM
Ace puts her hands on her hips as she emerges on the other side and finds that...it, too, is filled with people who don't care about you and are just trying to do their jobs. She'd be offended, if she weren't busy with letting her mind adjust to the new environment she suddenly finds herself in, with the growling of Fenrir from deep in her soul. Their connection, already a strong as iron, feels that much more prominent here.

"So, this is..." She tries to remember the name of their colony as she hops on the spot, getting her body warmed up for the trek ahead. "Remind me, what's this place called? I'm Ace, by the way."

2018-10-17, 04:39 AM
"Polaris. It's named after the North Star. It's a pretty good name for our first step into this world, don't you think?" Says one of the other newcomers. "I'm Leila, we didn't really have a proper meeting on the other side. I guess we should get to know each other since we will probably be working together."

2018-10-17, 06:27 AM
Logan couldn't claim to remember the trip there. Hell, he didn't remember much from the last few weeks at all - ever since his first outburst, they'd kept him sedated enough at all times to keep him out of it. The scar on his arm was looking to be permanent- a large angry mark from the first and only time they'd misjuged how quickly he'd fight off the sedative - and he'd tried to rip off his own skin. They had to top him up hourly - or two hourly, if they'd needed to talk to him, and even then he'd been dazed and unfocused.

They'd timed it so it'd been nearly two hours when he stepped through the portal - his head still filled like it was packed with cotton, and he was struggling to maintain focus on anything for more than a few seconds, but even he felt the lurch as he'd passed through. And he could breathe, properly, for the first time in weeks. The constant sense of claustrophobia, the sense that his chest was a cage, gone. He let out a sigh, and relaxed into his natural form at last, nails sharpening into claws, hair growing into a clear mane, skin darkening to match the colour of his fur. Even his eyes, though still somewhat glazed over, took on a leonine amber hue.

He looked around, only partially taking in what surrounded him. He wasn't sure where he was, or who he was with, but it all felt so familiar, so right, that he couldn't bring himself to worry about it. He was clearly home, so why sweat the details.

"You doing okay there big guy?"
He turned to the source of the voice, mind slowly whirring as he tried to process the words, and his eyes attempted to focus on the man beside him.
"Wh're yo'" he slurred, staring blankly at the unfamiliar face that was slowly coming into sharper focus.
"Rude. We've had this conversation twice already Logan." They had? That didn't sound right. "Though I guess we've knocked you back out pretty quickly the other times. ...You've usually come around quicker than this, but I guess that's a good sign, if you're still relaxed enough that your fight or flight reflex hasn't kicked in..." He continued muttering, making notes on a small tablet as he did. "Given you already transformed a bit, it looks like that was the problem after all, the shift in cognition of your own body not matching up with the restrictions of the old world on your abilities..."

Logan stared at him blankly. His mind was starting to properly refocus, and he was pretty sure he'd processed all the individual words in that sentence. He just had no clue what they meant. Clearly it showed on his face.
"Don't worry about it big guy, I'll try and explain as we go," he replied, craning to place a hand on Logan's shoulder. Logan had never been a small man, but even in the confines of the old world, his body had managed to use the transformation to gain several more inches, both in height and broadness. Still, this was ridiculous - he must have grown again when he'd shifted, because he was easily scraping seven foot now, and the sheer width of his shoulders was downright unnatural. Hell, there was space enough for an extra neck- Oh. He had called himself Chimera a couple of times.

"A-anyway, I'm Cooper," the man in the labcoat said, as much for everyone else's benefit as Logan's.This here's Logan. There were some...irregularities with how he took to the Atma Virus, so I'm here to study and keep and eye on him."
"S'aight," he managed, and Cooper smiled weakly.
"Still a lot of sedatives in his system, but he should be fine soon once he finishes purging them. He's a nightmare to keep down, let me tell you."

2018-10-17, 07:01 AM
"Nice to meet you, Leila." Ace nods at the only person who seems to want to address her. "So...should I do anything while we talk? I don't see anything to punch."

2018-10-18, 04:36 AM
"Why would you want to punch anything?" Was Leila's confused answer. "Are you expecting an attack? I am not picking up any hostiles."
"That is one way to test our new powers, isn't it?" Says another newcomer. "The name is Damien, it is pleasure to meet you. And this over here" he points to the ghostly figure behind him "is Hidehiko." Damien clicks his fingers and the figure suddenly disappears. At the same time a beautiful, ornate spear appears in Damien's hand. "I could get used to this." He says with a mischievous smile.

2018-10-18, 07:00 AM
"I'm good at punching things." Ace shrugs. "I figure that's why I'm here if any reason, right?"

Then Damien performs his summoning of spear and ghost and she tilts her head. "Huh. That's one of the things from the briefing, right? Which one?"

2018-10-19, 12:54 PM
At the presence of the persona, Logan's eyes suddenly snapped into sharp focus, and he dropped into a combat stance. After a few awkward seconds, he seemed to realise more or less where he was.
Cooper sighed. "That fight or flight instinct of yours really is impressive. By the way, looks like you're drooling there a bit big guy."
He wiped his mouth with his sleeve. His head was still a little fuzzy, but after that shot of adrenaline he was at least mostly lucid now. "What? It's not my fault you never give me any demons to eat. Wouldn't eat that thing though. Smells all wrong, smells... thin? Hard to explain. And I guess we're teammates or something too?" He still wsn't that sure what was going on - the last thing he cleary remembered was an explosion - but who cared? He felt amazing!

"Name's Chimera," he added, almost as an afterthought. "Or Logan. Whichever floats your boat."

2018-10-19, 03:30 PM
"That is my Mirage. He is nice enough guy, just don't listen to everything he says." He gives Ace a thorough look, as if he was studying her. "Judging by the lack of a Tag Ring or a COMP I'm assuming that you are a Persona User? If that is true you should be able to bend at least one element to your will. It's pretty handy when you want to do more then just punch."
"If we are showing what we can do I guess I should show you my power." Says the last newcomer. She pulls out a small handheld device and as she presses a few buttons a female figure appears in front of her. The scantly dressed blond flutters her wings before she disappears back into the device. "My name is Amelia Strauss, and that's just one of the many minions that I can summon. Pretty cool, isn't it?"

2018-10-19, 04:03 PM
Ace nods at the words of the dude addressing her, then tilts her head at the scantily-clad woman Amelia summons. "Yeah, pretty cool. Is IIs that minion of yours single, or...?"

2018-10-23, 03:07 PM
Amelia gives Ace a rather confused look before she starts chuckling. "You almost had me, I didn't expect you to be the funny one."
"So, we have the heiress, the little Oracle over there, and not to mention the army men." Damian says. "So, what makes you so special to join to join this little club? Aside from your Persona, naturally."
"H-how did you know?" Leila asks with a stutter.
"Oh please." Damian answers with a chuckle. "You're not the only one who can read the people."

2018-10-23, 03:11 PM
"Me?" Ace asks Damian when he questions her presence. "I won the gold medal for boxing at the last Olympics, for Germany. Probably obvious." But, if he didn't recognize her in the first place, he probably wouldn't recognize a German accent.

2018-10-26, 11:02 AM
"That's pretty cool." Damian answers. "Now I know who I'm standing behind in a fight."

As the conversation slows down you soon start to approach the settlement. At first sight it looks pretty simple, a large amount of wooden buildings, three of which are rather large, and a lot of people busy with their own stuff.
"Welcome to your new home. At least for the next three months." Marcus says as he puts the supplies on the ground. "That building over there" he points towards one of the largest buildings "is the mess hall. I suggest you introduce yourself to Natalia first. She practicably runs the entire place. That building over there" he points to another large building "is the sleeping quarters. You will probably find a better place to stay, but that's the best you will get right now. The last place you need to visit is the warehouse over there." He points to the last large building. "You will get your basic supplies over there, and a little extra if you earn it. I look forward to seeing you actually do something useful." He picks up the supplies as if he was leaving, looks at you all and sighs. "I really hope you guys fit in, we need more people who are actually doing something useful."

2018-10-26, 12:13 PM
"Natalia. Got it." Ace replies, then follows Marcus' instructions and heads to the building the woman apparently resides in.

2018-11-02, 07:25 AM
As you pass through the wooden door you find yourself in a rather large room filled with tables and benches. Much like the outside, the interior is functional, but not too aesthetically pleasing. You presume that it must have been crafted in a hurry, using wood from a nearby forest and handful of nails that were brought over, but it does look like it is stable. To the left of the entrance you see a large desk and next to it a rather long shelf with a couple dozens plates of food. You recognize the room is one large cafeteria, and you should probably get familiar with it, since this is where you will be eating all your meals.
"Looks like you are a little early for dinner, I'm afraid I can't offer you more then just leftovers." Says the blond woman behind the desk. "You must be the new recruits I've heard so much about." She adds, flashing you a rather friendly smile.

2018-11-02, 04:37 PM
"But...there is more than leftovers for dinner, right?" Ace raises her eyebrow at the kind woman. "I can't maintain this," She gestures at herself. "With scraps."

2018-11-06, 07:01 AM
"We get about 150 people here every day, and not a single unsatisfied customer. Unlike the rest of the settlement this cafeteria works perfectly." She gives you a through look and chuckles slightly. "I'm guessing Marcus told you to drop by and introduce yourself?"

2018-11-06, 07:33 AM
"Yeah. That, and informed me of his expectations for me doing something useful about a million times." Ace held out her hand to the woman. "I'm Ace, by the way."

2018-11-06, 07:45 AM
"He can be a little harsh sometimes, but he's actually a nice guy once you get to know him. Intense, but nice. Still, someone as blunt as he is makes my job a lot easier." She comes closer to your group and in one elegant, almost fluid motion she shakes Ace's hand, as well as everyone else's. "The name is Natalia Kowalski, it is a pleasure to meet you." She says, as the others introduce themselves.

2018-11-06, 07:50 AM
"You too." With their handshake finished, Ace folds her arms. "So, what do you actually do here?"

2018-11-06, 08:10 AM
"I do whatever it takes to keep this place going." She makes a vague hand gesture as she continues to list her duties. "I make sure that everything is finished on time, gather the local gossip, fill in for the head cook when needed... Someone needs to know how many meals the lab rats need and how many rations our expeditions need to pack, and nobody else wants the responsibility."

2018-11-06, 08:45 AM
"Oh." Ace says. She's never met somebody who enjoys admin before. "So...is this what you dreamed about doing when you were little?"

2018-11-06, 10:08 AM
"Of course I did, love being in the center of attention. It's the most fun I ever had." She says as she chuckles again.
"Watch yourself Ace." Damian half-whispers. "She is more then just a pretty face and sunny disposition."

2018-11-06, 01:42 PM
Ace raises an eyebrow at Damian, then looks at Natalia. "Damian is implying you're dangerous, so...what is it? Do you summon demons? Uphold a strict curfew? Administer spankings to naughty boys and girls?"

2018-11-06, 02:07 PM
"Is that the only danger you can think of? Physical punishment?" She chuckles somewhat ominously. "What you friend is referring to is my considerable social influence, and he doesn't want you to give me any advantage over you. And I'm guessing your little oracle can tell you all about my demons."
"I don't use my gifts to spy on my allies." Leila answers, with a slight tremble in her voice.

2018-11-06, 03:38 PM
"Right." Ace made a thinking noise. "Why don't you give me a list of things you don't want me to do and then I won't do them? That seems like the best way to not get in your bad books."

2018-11-06, 05:05 PM
"Now why would you get in my bad book? Besides, I'm not a vengeful bitch, if I have a problem with something you do I'll tell you. Communication is fun."
"She wouldn't dare to make a move against us anyway. She wouldn't mess with the Strauss clan." Amelia says.
"Careful, little heiress." Natalia says. "Your sister might hold a significant position, but that doesn't give you the right to step on some toes."

2018-11-06, 05:25 PM
"No toe stepping. Got it." Ace says. She doesn't particularly want to get involved with the mild rivalry taking place in front of her, but...she's there anyway. "Are there any other foot-related things I should avoid?"

2018-11-06, 06:05 PM
"Lazarus and Jerrick. You look like a fighting sort, so chances are you will be working with them a lot." She gives you are rather serious look before she continues. "Never get in the middle, unless you are called for. Even then, Jade usually has the last word, so it would be best to follow her lead."
"Lazarus is still here? Wasn't he sent home after being wounded?" Damien asks, visibly disturbed.
"Gossip travels further then truth it seems. No surprise there. He chose to stay, because he believes he is too stubborn to die. I, on the other hand I'm not keen on testing that theory, but it's nice to know that he is so...dedicated."

2018-11-06, 06:11 PM
"What kind of place will I be sleeping in?" Ace asks, since making irreverent comments doesn't seem to be working out in her favor. "There's privacy, right?"

2018-11-06, 06:22 PM
"Most people tend to find their own place pretty soon, so the communal accommodations are not as bad as they could be. You will probably need to share a room with the heiress and the oracle, but that's not really bad, considering the alternative. When we first got here all the girls were in one big room. Sharing the room with 19 other girls sure is fun."

2018-11-06, 06:29 PM
"Right. And, uh, this is military or whatever, right? I don't have to follow some rules about fraternization, right?" Sharing a room with Amelia and Leila doesn't sound too bad, at least from what she's seen of them. They haven't called her out on being obnoxious yet, which is always a plus.

2018-11-06, 06:38 PM
"Legally speaking we are supposed to abide by the rules of those who brought us here. Most of us are not military, so we don't have any strict rules." She answers with a shrug.
"Don't ask, don't tell?" Damian says with a chuckle. "I can work with that."

2018-11-06, 06:51 PM
"Not as good as you'd think." Ace holds a pausing finger up to Damian. "The problem with that rule is that all it does is enforce an existing, implicit heteronormativity. So, **** that. Where are all the gay women at?" She asks Natalia.

2018-11-06, 07:15 PM
"I don't have a problem with using majority as default setting, as long as it doesn't invalidate the minority." Damian answers. "Of course, finding the actual balance is kinda tricky to achieve."
"Well, we haven't really segregated the lesbians yet, so I can't really help you with that." Natalia answers with a chuckle. "Best advice I can give you is just try mingling, something might turn up."

2018-11-06, 08:06 PM
"Look, the defaul-" Ace scratches her forehead. "Right, now's not the time for this talk." She looks back to Natalia. "Got it. Where does the mingling happen?"

2018-11-07, 07:15 AM
"There are some people who come here after diner, it is the closest thing to a club that we have. We have plenty of room, and it doesn't look that bad." She says, while drawing an imaginary circle in the air. "You should also check out the river, there's usually an acoustic guitar or two playing late at night, and people gather to share the stories of their exploits. Some say it's a magical place."

2018-11-07, 08:29 AM
"What's magical in a place where I can, apparently, summon a manifestation of a Norse deity?" Ace asks.

2018-11-10, 03:22 PM
"It's the magic of the moment, something that can't be described with simple word." She says with a wink.

2018-11-10, 09:36 PM
"Oh." Ace says. "Cool. Any suggestions on where I should check out next?"

2018-11-12, 01:11 PM
"I would suggest you check out the warehouse first, it's the biggest building around, so you can't miss it." Natalia answers. "HDB is there, so you will be taken care of. You can get all your basic supplies there, and maybe pick up some useful advice, too."

2018-11-12, 01:51 PM
"Guess I'll go there." Ace shrugs. "Once I know what a HDB is. And if you've not got anything else to tell me."

2018-11-13, 04:26 PM
"Now what would be the fun in me telling you everything?" She answers with a chuckle. "Sometimes it's better to experience things on your own."
"I think we got everything we can from her." Damian says. "Although I will make sure to come later, it pays to be informed."

2018-11-13, 08:20 PM
"Okay. Let's get out of here." Ace says. "Later, Natalia." She slinks out of the room, with mind set on the warehouse and the mysterious acronym within.

2018-11-16, 12:47 PM
After doing everything you can in the cafeteria, you find you way towards the warehouse, which is not hard, considering it's the largest building in the settlement. As you enter the huge wooden structure you are greeted with a rather ordinary interior. To the left and right you notice a number of shelves with all kinds of small trinkets and tools. In front of you you see three large desks, two of which are occupied. Behind the desks you notice a few more shelves, and behind them piles and piles of all kinds of stuff. To an outsider like you it probably looks like a huge mess, but you assume that whoever is in charge here knows where everything is.
At the desk to your left you notice a annoyed looking young man in middle of what looks to be some rather complex calculations. On the desk to your right you see stacks and stacks of paper and a young girl who is going through them and rearranging them on the other side of the desk. They both look absorbed in what they are doing, and they don't even seam to notice your entrance.

2018-11-17, 05:34 PM
Ace opts for the girl, because she seems less busy and might be into her.

"Hey. I'm Ace, I'm new, and I'm looking for somebody to show me some of the stuff around here. Know anyone?"

2018-11-17, 05:39 PM
"That depends on how new you actually are, and what you are interested in." The girl answers without even looking at you. She takes a moment to finish arranging the papers in her hands, sighs and finally looks at you. "What exactly are you looking for?" She asks in a somewhat friendly manner.

2018-11-18, 03:54 PM
"I got here about twenty minutes ago, so...certified fresh." Ace replies. "And, uh, I don't know. Natalia said I should check this place out, and here we are. Something about HDB?"

2018-11-18, 04:20 PM
As you mention what Natalia said the girl starts to chuckle and you hear the man mumble something that sounds like "damn traditionalists" before he continues with his work. "Then you are certainly in the right place. That grumpy over there is my brother Halden." The man sighs, but says nothing. "And my name is Dawn, Dawn Bain." As she is saying that she digs up a few sheets of paper, gives you all a look and nods slightly. "We have prepared some basic supplies, as well as your identification badges." She moves towards the middle desk and points at the six badges of various colors. At the same time you notice the man move towards the back and starts bringing linens, uniforms and other similar supplies. "If you need anything beyond that you are free to make a request."

2018-11-19, 08:52 PM
Ace decides to check out the uniform to see what kind of crap she may or may not decide to wear. "So...HDB is Halden Dawn Bain?"

2018-11-20, 06:11 PM
"Apparently, some people think it's a funny way to mess with the newcomers." Halden says without even looking at you.
"On the other hand, some people use it because they know that the two of us run this warehouse. With some help, naturally." Dawn adds. "You only really need two sets of uniforms, for the inspection that is never going to come. Ever." Dawn answers the question you didn't ask. "You can usually wear whatever you want, and even if your assignment requires you to wear uniform you can usually get by with a custom version. We don't really do uniformity around here, as you might have noticed." She adds.

2018-11-20, 08:04 PM
"Right, but, what is the uniform?" Ace asks. "I'm really hoping there's not a skirt involved."

2018-11-21, 06:15 AM
"They were going for as generic as possible, so it's your standard military uniform, slightly influenced by whoever brought you here." Dawn answers. "But I have seen a few girls pulling off a combat skirt. Not a bad look, if you can actually manage to fight in high heels." She adds.

2018-11-21, 08:38 AM
"...you're joking, aren't you?" Ace asks Dawn, her face deadly serious.

2018-11-21, 11:00 AM
OOC: I'm assuming you said that to Dawn, not Damian. Correct me if I'm wrong.
"It work pretty well if you're a mage type, or if you are into acrobatics and all that stuff." Dawn answers. "At least that's what I've hear. Not really my style, so I can't confirm."

2018-11-21, 11:15 AM
"Great. Callouses, clawed feet, and complaints about how these shoes are so painful but look soooo pretty for all my time here." Ace rolls her eyes. "Hey, how does this uniform stuff work with magic or whatever? Apparently I can change into a new outfit when I use my powers and I heard that kind of replaces whatever you're already wearing."

2018-11-21, 03:33 PM
"That should be fine, you just won't look as coordinated, unless you get a full team of mode shifting Persona Users." Dawn answers. "It acts the same as it does with any other outfit, and it can be very practical if you are in your formal uniform and need to change into something more appropriate for combat." Halden says as he finishes bringing your supplies. He makes his way towards the desk that Dawn was at, and starts going through the papers, mostly ignoring the rest of your conversation.

2018-11-21, 03:41 PM
"What's mode shifting?" Ace asks, as she nods a thanks to Halden for bringing her supplies.

2018-11-23, 11:40 AM
"That's what some people call it when persona users change their uniform in combat." Dawn answers. "For some reason, some people like to say "shift into turbo" when they do it." For the first time since you entered the warehouse you here a genuine laughter coming form Halden. "You are too young to understand that one." He says, putting on his serious face again.

2018-11-23, 11:45 AM
"...okay." Ace says, as she picks up her things. "After what feels like ten thousand years of initiation, it seems like I'm free...? Or do I have to go somewhere else now?"

2018-11-23, 12:14 PM
"When you get to the sleeping quarters you will find a grumpy named Daleon there." Halden says. "He is the guy who handles your daily assignments. Technically, you don't have to introduce yourself to him, since you can see all of your assignments on the chore board, but it would be kinda rude not to. Especially since his office is right next to your room."

2018-11-23, 10:42 PM
"Great, thanks." Ace nodded at the man. "See you around." She says to the pair, then heads off to see Dareon. She quietly hopes that she isn't letting her mouth run away with her, because half of these people don't deserve half as much attitude as she's given. .

2018-11-29, 08:10 AM
It doesn't take much to find your new accommodation, since it is the second largest building in the area, even larger then the cafeteria. As you enter through the large door, you find yourself face to face with a rather small woman sitting behind a large desk. To her right you see a massive board overflowing with all kinds of charts and small notes. From the entrance it looks like a huge mess, but as you get closer you start to notice patterns and you realize that it makes a lot more sense then you initially thought. Most of the board represents assignments for the entire settlement, and you can even find your name on it. As you are somewhat distracted by the board, the women gets up from her desk and takes a few steps towards you.
"You must be our newcomers. I was expecting you a little earlier, but I see you have already been to the warehouse. It's good that you can find your way around the settlement without a guide. My name is Aliana, I am the head administrator of this section." In spite of her small stature, that is even less impressive when she stands up, her voice carries a sense of authority, and you get the idea that it would be best to be respectful with this woman.

2018-11-29, 08:45 AM
Ace turns to look at the small woman, which is something she's had to get used to anywhere that isn't germanic. Especially among other women.

"Hey. I'm Ace." She offers her hand to the woman. "I'd give you my title, but I don't know what it is."

2018-12-03, 01:36 PM
"Titles need to be earned." The woman responds, while giving you a through look. "Judging by your appearance, I am assuming you are warrior type. Jerrick can probably provide you with a title, assuming you prove yourself worthy."

2018-12-04, 09:44 AM
Ace can't help but laugh at the woman informing her that she needs to earn a title. "Yeah, that won't be a problem. Have I met Jerrick?"

2018-12-06, 07:06 AM
"Not unless you went to the barracks, and that is about a mile from here." The woman responds. "You have combat training tomorrow, so you will have a chance to meet him."

2018-12-06, 09:09 AM
"How does that work?" Ace asks, as she leans against whatever's available. "What do they teach in combat training?"

2018-12-08, 09:26 AM
"We all channel our powers differently, but one constant is that every power has combat applications." She answers in a less condescending way. "You are not required to be on the front lines, unless you choose to be, but you do need to know how to defend yourself. Basic combat training encompass basic use of your power as well as some simple maneuvers that are easy to master. Any further training is up to you."

2018-12-08, 09:47 AM
"What about armor?" Ace raises an eyebrow at the woman. "I've seen uniforms, but not anything I'd call armor. Old times or otherwise."

2018-12-14, 07:53 AM
"Some people do prefer to wear armor, but it's mostly for show. The uniforms we provide are more then enough to protect you. More then anything else you could think of, at least. They were designed to support you in combat, and the materials we used are specifically picked to support your combat style, and it should feel pretty comfortable."

2018-12-14, 05:13 PM
"Right..." Ace nods. "I think I've got the basics down. What now?"

2018-12-20, 06:39 AM
"It's really up to you, you are free until tomorrow morning. Daleon is in his office, if you want to introduce yourself, but you don't have to."

2018-12-20, 09:51 PM
"Might as well do it before I have to." Ace shrugs. "See you later." She says to the woman, then goes off to find Daleon.

2018-12-21, 09:00 AM
The points to the door behind her, that is Daleon's office. She also says that your sleeping quarters are at the end of the hall, left room for the boys, right one for the girls. As you enter the office you realize that the two army guys are no longer with you, and only Damian and the girls follow you in. The room you enter is rather simple, like most of the settlement you have seen so far, with only a desk, a small bed, some chairs and lots and lots of papers. Behind the desk you see a man that appears to be in his late thirties, with a rather serious expression on his face. "Welcome newcomers, is there something I can help you with?" He asks in a rather unfriendly, but non-hostile tone of voice.
Daily updates from now on, or I'm gonna quit. This has become quite ridiculous, you really shouldn't wait a week for my response.

2018-12-23, 02:09 PM
"No, just a hello is nice. I'm here to introduce myself. I'm Ace." Ace introduces herself with a little nod of her head. "These are my hangers-on." She briefly gestures her hand in the direction of Damian and the others, who she'd almost forgot were with her.

2018-12-24, 03:57 PM
"Well, that's not the most unpleasant thing I have been called." Damian says. "Damian Leventis. It is a pleasure to meet you."
"Yes, we have been expecting you." Daleon says. "I trust that we will have no trouble with you?"
"Of course not." Damian says. "I am here to help. Just like everyone else." He points towards the others.
"Leila Amini."
"Yes, the oracle. Your addition should be a great boon to our community." Daleon answers. He doesn't pay much attention to her, but he does treat her with respect he doesn't afford to anyone else.
"Amelia Strauss." The last of your companions introduces herself.
"Yes, the heiress. Let me be perfectly clear, you got here because of your family's influence. And because you were given special attention, you can be sure that I will pay special attention to everything you do. And if you do anything to disturb this place, you will be sent home immediately."
"I was hoping you were going to pay attention. I will show you what Strauss clan is all about." Amelia answers rather arrogantly.
"We will see. Just remember, your sister got you here, but she won't be able to hide your mistakes." Daleon answers sternly.

2019-01-01, 07:42 AM
"Well. Now that the awkward part's over, I guess we can be on our way?" Ace suggests. The fact that Daleon's being a bit of a **** isn't too surprising, whether it's because he's salty about Amelia being rich or just takes his job too seriously.

Sorry for the wait! I must have gotten the notification when I wasn't available to post and forgot to reply.

2019-01-01, 01:27 PM
"Yes, you are free to go. If you need anything feel free to ask me or Aliana, assuming your question is reasonable."
As you leave Daleon's office the girls rush towards their room, but Damian makes a subtle hand gesture, asking you to stay behind.
"Nice show, isn't it?" He says with a smile. "I get the feeling you're not amused, but I'm guessing we'll have to deal with it."

2019-01-01, 05:01 PM
"Crotchety old people are a thing wherever you go." Ace shrugs. "We'll deal. Unless they start being more of a pain in the ass than monsters, anyway."

2019-01-01, 06:07 PM
"True, but he does have a point. Not about fight prejudice with more prejudice part, that's rather dumb."Damian makes a vague hand gesture, to indicated his disinterest. "Strauss clan is rather powerful, and Amelia never denied that she was given special treatment. Maybe she didn't earn her place here, like we did." He shrugs. "Nothing we can do about right now, I guess, but it's something that will affect us."

2019-01-01, 08:51 PM
"Will it?" Ace raises an eyebrow at the man. "What even is Strauss Clan? Is that some Naruto stuff or what?"

2019-01-02, 07:40 AM
"I'm guessing we're going to be grouped together often, being newcomers and all. Like it or not, her problems are going to be our problems." He shrugs again, not knowing what else can be said. "I guess Hyuga would be the closest, if I remember correctly." Damian says with a half-smile. "They are rather influential group in our circles. Money, power, fame and all that stuff. Not that there's anything wrong with that and they have done some amazing things, but the more power you have, the easier it is to abuse it."

2019-01-02, 08:14 AM
"Our circles? What does that mean?" Ace asks, as she finds the nearest thing to lean on, and leans on it. "The people who know about being able to summon things, read minds, that kind of a thing?"

2019-01-02, 09:10 AM
"Pretty much. There are a few loosely organized groups, but Strauss clan is essentially taking care of entire Europe on their own. It's both impressive and frightening at the same time." Damian scratches his beard, trying to think of what else Ace should be aware of. "It's a good thing our powers only work when there's some kind of disturbance. At least in the other world." He says as he effortlessly summons his Mirage. "It's still scary and exciting at the same time."

2019-01-02, 09:15 AM
Ace's eyes widen as Damian summons his mirage, but she ultimately manages to keep her cool. "Y'know, I haven't even summoned Fenrir yet. Don't know if that's a good idea where we're standing, probably some rule about not doing cool stuff on the premises, right?" She sighs. "Oh well. So, reckon I should buy some lip balm for kissing Amelia's ass or what?"

2019-01-02, 09:39 AM
"Quite the opposite, I would say." He performs a simple hand gesture and his Mirage manifests in his hand. "I probably shouldn't have done that inside. Anyway, I'm not saying to milk it for at that it's worth, but she's gonna need friends here a lot more then you and I will. If you want to make friends with her that great, but don't let her stomp all over you. I certainly won't."

2019-01-02, 12:18 PM
"Trust me, that's not going to happen." Ace says, then glances down the hall. "Anyway, I'd better get going. Else they'll have stolen all the good spots in our dorm by the time I get there."

2019-01-03, 12:38 PM
"I guess the others already picked their beds." Damian says as his spear disappears. "Sorry for keeping you. I'll see you later."

As you enter your new room you are greeted by a rather sweet scent of Amelia's perfume, that is a lot more subtle then you would expect. The room you enter is a rather small, but that's not surprising. It is large enough to support three beds, two desks and a handful of shelves, and not much else. Like the rest of the settlement, it's mostly made out of wood, with a small window. You can see that Amelia has already taken the solo bed, leaving you and Leila the bunk bed on the opposite wall. "Do you want the upper or lower bunk? I'm fine either way." Leila says.

2019-01-03, 01:44 PM
"Later." Ace nods to Damian as he departs.

When she gets to the dorm room, it's somehow not surprising that Amelia has taken the solo bed, nor that the quarters are small. But she can deal with it.

"You'd best take the top bunk." Ace says, as she gives the bunk bed frame a little rattle. "If you fall on me, it's an apology and a little bruise. If I fall on you, it's probably a few broken ribs." She doesn't see the need to gesture at her lanky, muscular body, because it's already so obvious.

2019-01-04, 05:07 PM
"I didn't think of it that way." Leila answers with a chuckle. "But I think our beds are sturdy enough. I hope." She looks at the window, and then at the door, as if she was checking if anyone is listening in. "So, now that's we're finally here, what are your first impressions?"

2019-01-04, 07:43 PM
Ace shrugs. "About what I expected, aside from all the weird powers everyone has. What about you?"

2019-01-05, 07:05 AM
"I'm still trying to get used to all the power." Leila answers. "It's kinda overwhelming, but I guess that's just the transition."
"I guess there's a downside of knowing things?" Amelia tries to join in on the conversation.
Do you want to engage in some "girl talk", or do you want to skip to the next day?

2019-01-05, 09:01 AM
"Better to know things than...uh, to not know things." Ace says, as she seats herself on the bottom bunk and stretches her arms,."Are the two of you heading straight to bed?"

I think I'd quite like to talk with them some. We've been pretty goal-oriented in getting to know the place so far and I'd like some bond-building.

2019-01-08, 12:10 PM
"I was thinking of doing some exploration, but I'm free until tomorrow morning, so I guess I'm staying in." Amelia says. "Not really ready to go to sleep, so I might as well unpack."
"I'm a little tired, but not ready to go to bed yet." Leila adds. "So, you have combat practice tomorrow?"
Sorry for the delay, but Christmas suck a little more then I expected. Luckily, it's (almost) over.

2019-01-08, 01:37 PM
"Let me know if you want some help." Ace says to Amelia, then looks to Leila with a shrug. "I guess. Might be fun. They don't cover monsters in boxing, but I'm hoping that none of them like being punched in the face."

2019-01-09, 02:40 PM
"It's nice of you to offer, but I didn't really bring much, beyond clothing." Amelia answers. "I'll be damned if I let them force me wear those horrible uniforms." You notice a slight change in Amelia's demeanor, as if she is a little more relaxed and friendly, probably because there's only three of you in the room.
"I'm sure you'll be fine, you did mention you won some kind of medal, right?" Leila's answer is a little more blunt then you expect. "I'm sorry, I'm not really into athletics, so I don't really know anything about it."

2019-01-09, 03:27 PM
"What kind of stuff do you normally wear?" Ace asks Amelia. "I think a frilly dress might stand out among uniforms, but maybe this place is more fabulous than I thought."

She blinks at Leila, then shakes her head. "Gold medal for boxing in the most recent Olympics. I don't expect everyone to know, not outside of Germany, anyway."

2019-01-09, 03:39 PM
"It's not something they advertise, but you are allowed to wear whatever you are used to, for the most part." Amelia answers with glee. "I've been trained to fight in a combat skirt for years, it gives me unparalleled flexibility and I look damn good wearing it. I'm not going to give it up now."
As you answer Leila's question Amelia's face changes from one of smugness, to what can vaguely be described as respect. "That's where I know you from!" She says. "That's impressive, I was hoping for companions that won't hold me back, but you might actually push me forward."

2019-01-09, 03:50 PM
"And, a combat skirt is what?" Ace raises an eyebrow at Amelia. Her enthusiasm is good, but she's never heard of one of those before. Except maybe when she got angry about high heels earlier, but she'd been too petty in the moment to actually pay attention. "I can try to push you forward." She adds, letting herself smirk as she's recognized. "Might have to dial it down a few notches so I don't lay you out in sparring, though."

2019-01-09, 04:06 PM
"This one is my favorite." She pulls out what looks like an ordinary knee-length skirt, but on closer inspection you notice that it's made out of special material and it's somewhat differently shaped when compared to a standard skirt. "If you want to actually land a punch, you'll have to get close." Amelia flashes you a rather confident smirk. "But I think it would be better to practice on the Shadows. I bet I can drop them before you can close in."

2019-01-09, 04:08 PM
"Lots of people can drop people before I could." Ace shrugs. "They'd need a gun to do it, but it's possible, I guess."

2019-01-09, 04:14 PM
"All I need is my COMP." Amelia smirks. "Still, I wouldn't be able to do my job if there weren't people like you standing in the front. We can call it even."
"Uhm, I'm not really good at fighting, but I'll support you the best I can." Leila says. "Plus, I'll get all the info for you."

2019-01-09, 08:43 PM
"I guess we could. Do you have a gold medal in comping?" Ace asks Amelia, with a grin that she hopes is more playful than mocking.

"Get the info...? Like, recon?" She asks Leila.

2019-01-10, 12:16 PM
"They really should hand out medals for it, I would definitely get one." Amelia answers. "Although it would probably be silver, since my sister would get gold."
"Something like that." Leila answers. "I can sense things. And provide backup. That's pretty much all I can do."