View Full Version : Rules Q&A Epic level spell slots

Mango Eldar
2018-10-15, 08:58 PM
My understanding is that a character who can cast epic level spells (presumably needing the Epic Spellcasting Feat) has a number of epic spell slots equal to her relevant Knowledge rank divided by ten, rounded down, but none of the epic spellcasters' character sheets seem to confirm this.

By this rule, Mordenkainen and The Simbul should have three 10th level slots each but they don't. The fact that The Simbul has zero seems to suggest that you need to have the Improved Spell Capacity feat to get 10th level slots - but I don't see rules to support this. Mistake in the entries?

If my read is correct, and the Epic Spellcasting opens up the 10th level slots, then why would you ever get Improved Spell Capacity unless you already had Epic Spellcasting i.e a character with 20 ranks in Knowledge, who selects the former would get two slots, and a character who selects the latter would get one.

2018-10-15, 09:08 PM
My understanding is that a character who can cast epic level spells (presumably needing the Epic Spellcasting Feat) has a number of epic spell slots equal to her relevant Knowledge rank divided by ten, rounded down, but none of the epic spellcasters' character sheets seem to confirm this.

By this rule, Mordenkainen and The Simbul should have three 10th level slots each but they don't. The fact that The Simbul has zero seems to suggest that you need to have the Improved Spell Capacity feat to get 10th level slots - but I don't see rules to support this. Mistake in the entries?

If my read is correct, and the Epic Spellcasting opens up the 10th level slots, then why would you ever get Improved Spell Capacity unless you already had Epic Spellcasting i.e a character with 20 ranks in Knowledge, who selects the former would get two slots, and a character who selects the latter would get one.

Epic Spells don't actually grant tenth level slots, they grant epic spell slots they are different. However epic spells for all other purposes count as tenth level slots for effects like Glob of Invulnerability, Save DC, etc.

Doctor Awkward
2018-10-15, 09:25 PM
10th-level spells slots =/= Epic spell slots.

"Epic spells have no fixed level. However, for purposes of Concentration checks, spell resistance, and other possible situations where spell level is important, epic spells are all treated as if they were 10th-level spells."

Saving throws are also calculated differently, being DC 20 + ability score modifier.

The reason why The Simbul does not know any epic spells is because she doesn't have the Epic Spellcasting feat. You need that feat before you can develop and cast epic level spells.

Mango Eldar
2018-10-15, 10:21 PM
The reason why The Simbul does not know any epic spells is because she doesn't have the Epic Spellcasting feat. You need that feat before you can develop and cast epic level spells.

Yes she does.

But regardless, you're saying that because epic spell slots are not technically normal spell slots they just don't appear on character sheets?

Doctor Awkward
2018-10-15, 10:53 PM
Yes she does.

But regardless, you're saying that because epic spell slots are not technically normal spell slots they just don't appear on character sheets?

She doesn't in my copy of Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (pg. 200). Unless she was reprinted somewhere else.

But I'm saying that if an NPC is capable of casting an Epic Spell, it will say so in their statistics block.

2018-10-15, 11:05 PM
She was updated in the Epic Level Handbook, and she does have Epic Spellcasting.

2018-10-16, 07:17 AM
She was updated in the Epic Level Handbook, and she does have Epic Spellcasting.

I think that might be a misprint - with the intent being that she has Epic Leadership - I think her listed Leadership score, being way above 25, was consistent with that.

2018-10-16, 11:45 AM
Yes she does.

But regardless, you're saying that because epic spell slots are not technically normal spell slots they just don't appear on character sheets?

Epic level spell slots are their own thing. Idk if they'd be on a sheet or not but they wouldnt be on the 1-9+ list because slots above level 9 are acquired by that feat as was said previously not epic spellcasting. Spell slots above level 10 and Epic Spell Slots are tracked separately and both require different feats to use.