View Full Version : Classes I should no longer play.

2018-10-16, 09:21 AM
Whether I like to admit it or not, once I use a class for an iconic character I generally feel I should not feature it again. On the other hand, other people around my table have these strong associations too; which means if a character does something to get effectively banned, the class tends to go with it. That said, I wanted to compile a list of classes I should no longer play for one reason or another. Now this is of course not a binding list and meant mostly for entertainment, but it is always something on my mind when creating new characters. I look forward to hearing your own stories.
These are in no particular order.

Beguiler - After stabbing out a crimelord's eyes and going insane (teaching the DM in the process that their NPCs were legitimately out there too), literally gave a co-player nightmares.
Incarnate - Flight at lv 1 is banned.
Warlock - Got all of Intimidate (the skill) banned.
Paladin - Accidentally blew up half of Ptolus.
Artificer - Accidentally blew up the other half of Ptolus.
Barbarian - Literacy is now a requirement for ANY character.
Ranger - Picking your own race for favored enemy bonuses apparently makes sepuku easier.
Scout - "Never runs from a fight" is hardly an appropriate personality trait when running about is "your frickin' job".
Rogue - Pickpocketed the McGuffin from the BBEG session 1, cut the game short by about 6 months.
Dragonfire Adept - If you can roll more than 4 knowledge skills at +30 or more, the knowledge of the universe will explode your head. Apparently.
Druid - Just because you can empower / maximize Reincarnate, does not mean you should. Especially if this pushes the results beyond 100.
Sorcerer - See Druid, but for prismatic spray.
Bard - Because pointing out the logical flaws of being able to perform but not compose art just is not in the spirit of the game. Also - demanding groupies.
Totemist - Remember how I said no flight at low levels? No at-will short-range teleports either. Especially not when it is a move action that moves you further than your standard move.
Spirit Shaman - Because it is poor form to have an imaginary friend when investigating a haunted asylum.
Monk - Just because your body is a weapon, does not make you an appropriate improvised weapon for the Half-Giant Fighter.
Ardent - "I need to pick new powers, but I have run out of powers to pick. What do I do?" ... Every. Single. Level. Veto'd myself from this one.
Dread Necromancer - Having your undead army made up of former party members is not okay.

That's all the ones I can remember right now, at least.
Please excuse me, I have a Marshal to build...

2018-10-16, 09:32 AM
I think some story time is warranted to explain some of these more in depth.

2018-10-16, 09:34 AM
Okay, so it wasn't me personally who got banned from the class, but one of the other players at my table who convinced the DM to ban him from ever playing the Fighter again after (ab)using Lightning Mace. ... You know, in hindsight, there was no way he was the right level to pull off that build...

2018-10-16, 09:37 AM
I think some story time is warranted to explain some of these more in depth.

If I get some more time later I may do that. Any you are particularly interested in?

2018-10-16, 09:46 AM
the spirit shaman sounds hilarious.

Hiro Quester
2018-10-16, 09:49 AM
I'm most interested in what you/DM found in the "other" category when maximizing/empowering reincarnate to roll 100(+).

2018-10-16, 10:08 AM
If I get some more time later I may do that. Any you are particularly interested in?

I want to hear about all of them honestly.

2018-10-16, 10:18 AM
How did your dm respond to a roll of 150 on the reincarnate table?

2018-10-16, 10:31 AM
How did your dm respond to a roll of 150 on the reincarnate table?

Reincarnating into one whole "other" and half a half-elf, obviously.

On topic, I've banned myself from ever playing Adamant Entertainment's Artificer (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-classes/adamant-entertainment/artificer/) again because of how completely nonsensical it is -- there's just no way to read Weird Science that doesn't either make it either useless or absolutely gamebreaking.

2018-10-16, 10:39 AM
With the one exception of my current game, I've banned myself from being an arcane caster. I've played a few, and never fully enjoyed them. I haven't been in enough games with the same DM to get anything banned, but if I was around long enough I'll be able to get the entire BoED banned.

2018-10-16, 10:39 AM
The use magic device skill.
When you are a level 15 rogue using a holy avenger as a level 19 paladin, mmm dispel at will. Not including hoarding every scroll/wand/staff you find.

2018-10-16, 11:56 AM
With the one exception of my current game, I've banned myself from being an arcane caster. I've played a few, and never fully enjoyed them. I haven't been in enough games with the same DM to get anything banned, but if I was around long enough I'll be able to get the entire BoED banned.

Why the BoED?

2018-10-16, 12:05 PM
Why the BoED?
Because there would be too many arguments about what exalted good means. Exalted characters by nature hold the party to their standards, so outside of a "we're the good guys, we help every kitten out if every tree" type of campaign, there will be a lot of party conflict. I might just be garbage at Roleplaying good characters, but those are the reasons. I also think that I could break the way the game runs with 2-3 feats and one spell.

2018-10-16, 12:11 PM
I'm currently banned from playing Kineticist (Pathfinder OA), for managing to blow up several planets. I'm also banned from playing a Wizard, not that I've actually played one at the table, they just preemptively banned me from it for fear of what I can do. I'm also no longer allowed to "do my worst" even if the DM asks me to.

Hunter Noventa
2018-10-16, 12:29 PM
I'm not banned from playing anything, but I do try to avoid playing the same class more than once with a group. Of course, I've been in the same group for gods, over ten years now so I have a pretty big list.

Fighter, Ranger, Spirit Shaman, Wizard, Rogue, Magus, Technician...I'll probably have to relax a couple of those for some upcoming ideas I have, but yeah...when the magus you're playing ascends to godhood at the end of the campaign, you know you've done something right and can hardly top that.

2018-10-16, 07:57 PM
i got BoED banned in my group due to VoP monk, DM couldn't touch him, my friend kept die-ing so i build him a near indestructible character. funny thing was the impulse boots from shape soulmeld (MoI) bound to his feet slot was giving him AoE immunity basically.

DM fiat killed my first character in 3.5 a rouge who found a module made eternal want 3/day of the 9th level spell shades. funny thing was i wasn't breaking it for the most part. i used 1 charge a day for a mordekin's magnificent mansion. but after the basic party wipe i did use it to acid storm a liches alchemical lab, DM ruled that the magical items in it (including the phylactary) detonated, leading other items to detonate. 30 mile crater left from the underground (mountain) facility and displaced people all around the world.

2018-10-17, 03:00 AM
Oh man, a bard with leadership should totally have groupies.

These stories sound fantastic, if you run out of what classes to play, I'm sure I can help you find some.

2018-10-17, 03:09 AM
Not a class but a build. Actually never got to play it, but made the mistake of describing it to my DM, at which point he said (some paraphrasing) "everything about that build is banned. Every class, every skill, every race, and every soulbind or maneuver. We are losing solidly 50% of the game content here with this ban, and it is worth it."

2018-10-17, 07:39 AM
What the heck were you trying to make? A half-dragon, half-celestial, half-fiend soulcaster initiator???

2018-10-17, 09:03 AM
Druid - Just because you can empower / maximize Reincarnate, does not mean you should. Especially if this pushes the results beyond 100.

Can we TO this? I feel like this is abusable.

2018-10-17, 09:15 AM
I want to know how that maximized empowered reincarnate worked. that seems fascinating.

2018-10-17, 10:02 AM
I want to know how that maximized empowered reincarnate worked. that seems fascinating.

You reincarnate into two races at the same time obviously :)

2018-10-17, 10:06 AM
I want to know how that maximized empowered reincarnate worked. that seems fascinating.
Since it's a base 100 system, adding 100 gets you back to where you started, so you obviously can only get the first half of the table.

2018-10-17, 10:21 AM
Since it is the one everyone is asking about, I can quickly address the druid situation (before I run out for groceries): It created a Dvati, obviously.

2018-10-17, 04:58 PM
Not a class but a build. Actually never got to play it, but made the mistake of describing it to my DM, at which point he said (some paraphrasing) "everything about that build is banned. Every class, every skill, every race, and every soulbind or maneuver. We are losing solidly 50% of the game content here with this ban, and it is worth it."
Care to elaborate?

2018-10-17, 05:25 PM
I've been banned from duskblade at at least one table, after killing the final boss dragon via massive damage save.

And rogues, but that's because I have played far too many rogues.