View Full Version : Pathfinder PoW/Psionics Unleashed Saving Throw Order

2018-10-18, 10:36 AM
I asked this in the RAW Q&A and got no responses. Tonight is game is game night and I need to know though.

Regarding the Nightmare Dread's "Martial Terror" (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/dread/archetypes/dreamscarred-press/nightmare-dread-archetype/) class feature

If both a Maneuver and a Terror allow for a Saving Throw, which takes place first, if any?

For example, initiating Ravaging Blow while channeling Overwhelming Fear, the order would be:

A) Target makes a Will save vs Ravaging Blow and then a Fort save vs Overwhelming Fear
B) Target makes a Fort save vs Overwhelming Fear and then a Will save vs Ravaging Blow
C) Target makes both saves at the same time, without any order of priority

I'm inclined to say it's "B" because it says "when initiating a maneuver", which implies you channel the terror at the start of the maneuver or during it, not at the end, which is when the maneuver would force its save. Dunno if it makes sense

2018-10-18, 01:14 PM
Just going off logic and flavor(aka how I'd call it off the cuff at my table): It seems to me that the terror is channeled through the weapon, so the weapon would have to hit to inflict the terror. I would resolve the maneuver in its entirety, and then address the terror.

2018-10-18, 02:11 PM
A similar approach is that Terrors are usually channeled through your touch, so maybe as soon as the weapon touches them you channel the terror, and then you resolve the maneuver.

Guess I'll have to ask the DM his opinion.