View Full Version : Pathfinder PF Psionics: Bonus Power Points stacking for multiple Psionic Classes?

kelly R
2018-10-18, 08:40 PM
So, in 3.5 this is simple. The table gives PP/ability mod by class level.

In Pathfinder psionics, we get them by manifester level rather than class level. Generally, this is a straight upgrade, and awesome. However, it leaves me with a bit of a question that isn't clarified by the text (At least on the pfsrd): How do you figure this when you have multiple Psionic classes with different key abilities?

Do you just use the highest of the ability mods? Seems like you'd kind of have to, but it's not made explicit.

kelly R
2018-10-18, 09:00 PM
Argh. Never mind. Found the text on the SRD that clarifies the issue. Still works the same as in 3.5, basically. Figure bonus points for each class individually.