View Full Version : Blast Cauldrons!:Mario Kart in Pathfinder

Captain Kablam
2018-10-21, 05:10 PM
Hey, I was going to throw something pretty interesting at my players. We'd ton a ton of colosseums and fighting tournaments, so I decided to dump them into basically the Grumble Volcano map.

The premise for a Blast Cauldron Cart is that a bunch of witches and alchemists dump a ton of reactive chemicals into a large pot and seal it off. Turn it to the side and strap it to a wagon, pop off the seal and it sends them hurtling off on a rocket ride (because magic). Was going to go by Double Dash rules, so every Cart has a driver at the back and a rider standing at the front (to cast spells and shoot arrows and junk).

Problem is is that Mario Kart is a very fast paced and frantic game, so translating that to Pathfinder rules is pretty difficult. I want to keep the rules as simple as I can and keep them pretty fair. So i turning to you guys with what I got to see if this can work or what tweaks you think may work better. Sorry if there's no real structure to how the rules are presented.

Roll initiative every round (this keeps it from becoming a static in how the race is done)
Carts Move 50ft
Boost Coins are scattered throughout the track. They magnetically cling to the cart, each adding 5ft of movement every round
Carts can hold up to 6 Boost Coins, and lose half when the Cart gets bumped
Getting Bumped is a condition, -5ft movement til your next turn and the Rider has to make a 20 Acrobatics check or Fall off (2d6+12, REF 15 halves it)
Turning 45 degrees takes 5ft movement

In lieu of Ride, players can use half their Acrobatics for Ride checks (lets be honest, unless you have a mount, no one puts points into ride
Drift: 20 Ride, done on after 2 turns, adds +10ft movement speed for the round
Jumps: Use jumps to overcome gaps and causes Bumps on landing, surpass the Jump Check by 5 to avoid a Bump
Slipstream: Follow behind another cart for 15ft, makes a Ride check vs the other Drivers CMD, adds 15ft movement for the rounds (I'm wondering if opposed Ride checks would work better)
Ram: Slam your Cart into theirs. Ride vs CMD, Bumps, surpass the check by 5 and you can bullrush the other cart, knocking them into the next square.
Run Over: Same rules as trample, the person being run over takes 2d6+12 and 15 REF halves it

So is their anything I haven't covered, or is there anything I can do to improve this? let me know