View Full Version : Lycanthropy

2018-10-21, 07:35 PM
So this evening our party investigated a couple’s missing child in a town plagued by what is assumed to be werewolves. After snooping around the town we ended up getting back to their house and I made a sweet CHA roll to let us check their basement. We discovered the mauled body of said child and all the other missing children in the couple’s basement. I intended to lead the otherwise oblivious mom&dad to our 4th member who was in the middle of performing a Pact Weapon ritual nearby so we could confront them together but our cleric had a last second change of heart and suggested that maybe the “real” werewolf in town was trying to frame them.

SO. I figured, “cleric prob has a good insight/judge of character right?” and I lead the couple back downstairs to the basement they haven’t been using for months to reveal the whereabouts of their child. On witnessing the horror they freak out and transform. I end up getting bitten in the scuffle and now have to deal with the lycanthropy curse next session.

I got bit by a werewolf and our Lv3 party can’t cast remove curse yet. Hoping we can nip this in the bud before I kill someone in the next full moon lol...

2018-10-21, 07:46 PM
I got bit by a werewolf and our Lv3 party can’t cast remove curse yet. Hoping we can nip this in the bud before I kill someone in the next full moon lol...

I've had a DM inflict lyncanthropy -- he thought one of the party members could cure it, when they couldn't. Quest to find someone to cure it, or lock yourself in a strongroom next full moon.

2018-10-21, 07:51 PM
Quest to find someone to cure it, or lock yourself in a strongroom next full moon.

They haven’t been without their precious bard yet, I’ll be so worried! Lol

2018-10-21, 11:13 PM
My DM and I worked out a system for wolfing out my paladin. Certain triggers increased the percentage chance of changing, and depending on whether he or I triggered it, would decide who had control - my paladin's got a very strong will AND a mean temper, so the idea was that he would channel the change into attacking the enemies. Of course, on the flip side, there was a risk that he might bite another player. It made sense in the story as well, as he made all his Con saves to avoid changing spontaneously - we roleplayed it as he didn't even realise he was bitten, and those weird moments were attributed to bad food. Down the line, he got cured anyway, but in between we had an interesting thing where sometimes, the enemies weren't expecting. Part of the motivation for this came from seeing the story arc in "Penny Dreadful" with the "Wolf of God" angle - seemed like something a paladin might try to do - channel their weakness/curse into a force for good.

tl;dr talk to your DM if you want to work out a way to make something interesting in the storyline.

2018-10-21, 11:24 PM
Yea there’s room for some good RP! I think my glamour bard wants nothing to do with it though lol. Will have to just resist the urges til we level, which very well may be next session.