View Full Version : Under what conditions does a "Blessing of the Forge" become effectively permanent?

2018-10-22, 05:21 PM
I need to figure out a way to keep a first level cleric alive and unable to take long rests. Forever. (It's for science.)

2018-10-22, 05:24 PM
I need to figure out a way to keep a first level cleric alive and unable to take long rests. Forever. (It's for science.)

Sequester, level 7 spell. Put a willing creature into stasis until dispelled, it takes damage, or until an optional and specific trigger you specify occurs upon casting the spell.

One of the example triggers is "until 1000 years", so it's designed to last a VERY long time.

It can also target objects, which is great for something like:

Meld Into Stone, level 3 spell. Touch a willing creature and they melt into a slab of stone big enough to contain them. They are perfectly fine while in the stone.

So you combine the two. Make a slab of stone big enough for them to Meld into and put their stone coffin where it won't ever get found. Then Sequester it and it'll never end. Lastly, if you prepared the stone coffin beforehand, you can perma-cast Nystul's Magic Aura so it doesn't give off any hint of any magic.

Or, if that doesn't fly, you can Shape Stone to create a second coffin of lead around the original, which generally will block out most sources of magic divination, and THEN you should be able to hex the lead shell with Nystul's Aura.

Nothing short of a Legend Lore would be able to find it.

2018-10-22, 05:28 PM
What, like the old concentration bots in Dark Age of Camelot? Clerics hidden on the edges of the raid grounds out of sight (and hopefully attack) buffing your whole party?

There's a few shenanigans, but most require more than one level (3 levels for Tomelock -> invocation that grants sleeplessness...)

Probably the most interesting would be becoming a free-willed undead. Vampire would probably be easiest...

Outside of that, the UA revenant could work... though it would require DM dispensation.

Though really, the best way to make the blessing "permanent" is to simply have the cleric recast it. Either be the cleric or convince them you're the best candidate for their blessing... maybe with an adult beverage (I hear that's something people use for bribes) or $$$ (cuz that never goes wrong.)