View Full Version : Guards using Zone of Truth

2018-10-22, 09:53 PM
The players need to get into the part of a castle which is not open to the public. To get there, they'll need to go through a Zone of Truth. What questions should the guards ask? I'm looking for 3-5 fairly short questions, and they should allow passage for the cooks, cleaners, duke's mistress, and such.

I want to use someone else's questions so I don't unintentionally tailor them too pointedly against the players and their objective.

In case it's relevant, long weapons (pretty much anything other than daggers) cannot be legally carried in town by anyone unless they are noble, noble's retinue, army or city guard.

2018-10-22, 10:23 PM
For people recognizable by face:
"Are you x?"

For others:
"What is your business in this part of the castle?"

2018-10-22, 11:57 PM
Skip zone of truth and just say "thief says what" really really fast.

Gets them every time.

2018-10-23, 12:41 AM
In case it's relevant, long weapons (pretty much anything other than daggers) cannot be legally carried in town by anyone unless they are noble, noble's retinue, army or city guard.

Dont forget to ban spell components, holy symbols and arcane foci.

I presume the lawmakers are savvy to spellcasting. Its a greater risk than a sharp pointy stick is.

2018-10-23, 12:58 AM
"Where do you think you're going?"

"Can you think of any reasons for me to deny you entry to this area of the palace?"

"Do I need to call for backup?"

Dr. Cliché
2018-10-23, 12:31 PM
"Where do you think you're going?"

"Well, I think I'm going to see his lordship. However, I'll admit to not knowing my way around, so if you're volunteering to be my guide, feel free."

"Can you think of any reasons for me to deny you entry to this area of the palace?"

"Sure - because it's a Tuesday, because you're in a bad mood, because you don't like my fashion sense. Hey, you didn't say they had to be good reasons."

"Do I need to call for backup?"

"Nope. You need to eat, drink, sleep and breathe. Everything else is optional."

2018-10-23, 12:40 PM
Like airport security.
You could have them also ask for concent before casting. No use wasting a spell slot for the guards during a whole day worth of people walking through

2018-10-23, 12:46 PM
"Who you are?"
"Where you're from?"
"What you did?"

2018-10-23, 12:48 PM
“what items are you carrying on your person”

2018-10-23, 01:01 PM
One nasty standard is "What is the question you'd least like me to ask you while you're standing in this Zone of Truth?"

2018-10-23, 01:10 PM
Skip zone of truth and just say "thief says what" really really fast.

Gets them every time.

I've suggested they list some of the obstacles they want to face, and two of them came up with ZoT. So I'll arrange things such that they can't skip it.

2018-10-23, 01:17 PM
Have a written list of crimes that are cause enough to not need much trial. For example, murdering a civilian for any reason other than self defense, or stealing a possession from a civilian's belongings, conspiring to illegally remove, slander, or replace officials of the crown, etc.

Put this list in large print where everyone can read, and simply ask "Have you committed any of these? And if so, which ones?"

2018-10-23, 01:38 PM
Some of these are too specific and certain nobles/kings wouldn't ever be able to get passed these guards. Or at the very least they would have to admit to their own machinations in a public space. I guess that's fine if the ruler of the land demands that NO ONE has any secrets when they enter that space, but I think a ruler who demands that of their advisers isn't going to be in charge for long.

"What is your purpose?" (some variant)

RANDOM INNOCUOUS QUESTION (Is the sky blue? Have you ever kissed a dragon? Do you think I'm pretty? Would you be willing to lend me 5 gold?)

"Do you intend harm to king or country?" (some variant)

RANDOM INNOCUOUS QUESTION (Is the sky blue? Have you ever kissed a dragon? Do you think I'm pretty? Would you be willing to lend me 5 gold?)

"Do you intend to remove something from these halls that does not belong to you?" (some variant)

I think the random questions and using variants of the same question are a good way to throw off the critical thinking that allows people to wiggle out of of zone of truth by using half truths and vague answers.

2018-10-23, 01:50 PM
Skip zone of truth and just say "thief says what" really really fast.

Gets them every time.

You sly devil you!!

2018-10-23, 01:52 PM
Detritus of Ankh-Morpork had the right idea, I think:

Detritus was particularly good when it came to asking questions. He had three basic ones. They were the direct (‘Did you do it?’), the persistent (‘Are you sure it wasn’t you what done it?’) and the subtle (‘It was you what done it, wasn’t it?’). Although they were not the most cunning questions ever devised, Detritus’ talent was to go on patiently asking them for hours on end, until he got the right answer, which was generally something like: ‘Yes! Yes! I did it! I did it! Now please tell me what it was I did!’

2018-10-23, 02:05 PM
Detritus of Ankh-Morpork had the right idea, I think:

Zone of Truth:
10 minute duration.
Level 2 spell.
15 ft. radius (or 30x30 foot box on a grid)

These things don't last too terribly long, and are probably expensive to maintain. Spending several hours on a single person would definitely be a waste of the king's money. I think one of the goals is to find a solution that handles many people, accurately, in a short amount of time.

2018-10-23, 02:07 PM
@ Man_Over_Game: Now imagine that what I quoted was funny.

2018-10-23, 02:11 PM
I like:

What is your name?
What is your business here?
Do you intend any harm against the Duke?
(If yes) What harm is that?

Certain kinds of harm might be acceptable, such as beating the Duke at chess.

Gorgo's question could cause a lot of harm to the Duke.

2018-10-23, 02:12 PM
@ Man_Over_Game: Now imagine that what I quoted was funny.

Yeah, sorry, been spending too much time on RPG Stack Exchange. They rip out your soul to make you a perfect machine, capable of answering complicated questions without any risk of assumptions, intentions, opinions, or improper grammar.

It takes a while to get back to the forum format of IDGAF, I guess.

2018-10-23, 02:19 PM
What is your name?

What is your quest?

What is your favorite color?

2018-10-23, 02:24 PM
"Well, I think I'm going to see his lordship. However, I'll admit to not knowing my way around, so if you're volunteering to be my guide, feel free."

"Sure - because it's a Tuesday, because you're in a bad mood, because you don't like my fashion sense. Hey, you didn't say they had to be good reasons."

"Nope. You need to eat, drink, sleep and breathe. Everything else is optional."

My questions have successfully detected the wiseguy who needs to have a more intense interrogation and strip-search.

2018-10-23, 02:34 PM
"Well, I think I'm going to see his lordship. However, I'll admit to not knowing my way around, so if you're volunteering to be my guide, feel free."

But that only works if that is actually what they are doing. My guess is that the team isn't there to see the lord. Especially not if they're going through the employee/back entrance.

"Sure - because it's a Tuesday, because you're in a bad mood, because you don't like my fashion sense. Hey, you didn't say they had to be good reasons."
"Nope. You need to eat, drink, sleep and breathe. Everything else is optional."

And those answers are enough for a guard to not let them through. They aren't lying, but they aren't giving the guard any reason to let them through

"State your name and occupation"

"Are you here under the direct request of his lordship or the [person/group responsible for coordinating/hiring servants]?"

"Are you currently carrying any items on this [sign of restricted/banned items] list?"

"What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?"

"How long to you plan on being in the castle?" (someone claiming to be a cook will be there all day, a messenger might only be there 30 minutes. It gives them some freedom in options, but if they show up like a delivery crew but are actually planning on staying around until a party late at night it will throw them off, or if they say something that would normally be there a long time but they actually plan on stealing something and quickly leaving it will also show up)

Doug Lampert
2018-10-23, 02:58 PM
"Sure - because it's a Tuesday, because you're in a bad mood, because you don't like my fashion sense. Hey, you didn't say they had to be good reasons."
My questions have successfully detected the wiseguy who needs to have a more intense interrogation and strip-search.

Don't forget the rectal probe with a sharpened wooden stake or your head being interrogated from it's new position on the top of a pike as the next step.

The strip search and intense interrogation is the MODERN relatively benevolent version nowadays when we're REALLY BIG on human rights and on not arbitrarily executing anyone. Try that sort of stunt at the big guy's residence for most of human history and they toss your very dead body out with the next day's trash.

2018-10-23, 03:17 PM
1) Create a permanent magic item that has a zone of truth 10' radius built into the doorway/admission point. The guards will very quickly run out of paladins to cast zone of truth otherwise. When activated, the wielder of the stone can turn on and off the field and has the same awareness of response as if they had cast the spell. Make sure the item is either very large or well guarded :)

2) Keep in mind that a creature has to make a saving throw every turn (6 seconds) while they are inside the field. So if they happen to make a save, just wait 6 seconds and ask the question again .. they will fail eventually. The caster of the spell knows when the creature is affected and when it is not.

3) Some decent questions (maybe)

-"What is your real name?" (maybe have a list of names for the guard to check and see who is approved)
-"What is your business in this part of the castle" ... the guards would know not to accept equivocation on answers in a truth field ... if the creature can't give a definitive answer then they don't get past and depending on the answers to further questions more actions might be taken.

- if the characters say they have a message or appointment with a specific individual
"Is [so and so] expecting you?" "Do you have an appointment with them in the next 10 minutes?" "Please pass the message to one of the castle messengers standing in that alcove and they will deliver it"

- if the characters say they work in this part of the castle
"When was the first time you entered the private part of the castle?" "What is your position?" "How long have you been employed as member of the castle staff?"

Anyone claiming to be a new staff member would be required to wait until they are approved by the major domo.

4) However, this is a boring task. The guards quiz everyone entering but to avoid a lineup it has to be limited to just a few questions. Basically name, purpose and then a verification question or two related to the stated purpose. All asked on turns when the character is known to have failed the save.

2018-10-23, 08:24 PM
My questions have successfully detected the wiseguy who needs to have a more intense interrogation and strip-search.

Probably should be their actual response.

2018-11-16, 10:38 PM
In fact, three PCs decided to get into the castle by knocking out the fourth and carrying him in for a bounty. When the clerk gave them a receipt, told two guards to escorts them back out, and called two more guards to drag the warlock down to the dungeon, they had no plan but decided to attack.
In the midst of the fight, the warlock wakes with 1hp and attacks the treacherous PCs.
Also in the midst, one of the PCs says to another "We need to finish this and go get the princess"... while fighting two guards. The guards immediately give the alarm, the princess is whisked to safety, the opportunity to kidnap her disappears.
Moral of the story: A plan which only has Step 1, no Step 2, is not a good plan.

2018-11-17, 07:36 AM
How many walkers have you killed? How many people have you killed? Why?

2018-11-18, 12:17 PM
As a player, I'd want to know how the guards are maintaining a 2nd level spell that lasts 10 minutes all day just to monitor cooks, cleaners, and the duke's mistress. Do they only let everyone in at the same time in a 30 min window, with a fourth level caster sitting there blowing their spells slots for it?

Because the important thing here isn't overcoming the questions, it's finding a way in outside the small window Zone of Truth is active.

2018-11-18, 12:55 PM
As a player, I'd want to know...

I'd want to know the castle floor plan and what part the Duke and princess live in and what their abilities are and how many guards are in that part of the castle.

None of my players asked anything beyond "where is the main gate?"