View Full Version : question on cross-skills

2018-10-22, 10:38 PM

I play 3.5

I play a wizard and I just gained a lvl. I was already Spellguard of Silverymoon lvl 1 and now I become lvl 2. Before having this prestige class, I invested point in Spot for 2 points for each point in it.

Since it's a class skill for one of my prestige class, does the maximum rank of this rank become 16 or it remain 8 (my new lvl is lvl 13)

Is it still considered a class skill or I could invest 1 point to have 1 point in it now?

Thanks in advance for the information.

2018-10-22, 10:52 PM
Any skill that has ever been a class skill for you has max ranks of level +3.
The rank cost is determined by current class: if it's a class skill for you current class, it costs 1 point per rank. If it's not, then it costs 2 points per rank.

2018-10-22, 11:12 PM
Thanks for the fast answer!

2018-10-22, 11:55 PM
Thanks for the fast answer!

It's also worth noting that the Able Learner feat (which requires human or doppelganger) makes all skills cost 1 point, regardless of whether they're cross-class or not. This is only really useful in a build where you need to drop a lot of points into skills that are cross-class for many high levels but not for early ones. (For example, some Bard/Sublime Chord gishes want high Intimidate, so dipping Crusader at level 2 plus having Able Learner makes it easy to keep Intimidate maxed despite it nearly always being cross-class.) It's not an amazing feat, but it can make some builds possible that weren't before, and others more comfortable/flexible than they would otherwise be.