View Full Version : DM Help The party got jailed, what should I do?

2018-10-23, 09:49 AM
In the campaign that I am running, the entire party consisting of a Rogue, Monk, and a Ranger were jailed. They're level 6, so they should've been able to avoid this, but they acted, in my opinion, recklessly by trying to get away from their guard escorts while in a new country (the rogue), then the rest of the party getting arrested trying to free the rogue by casting darkness when none of them have the ability to see through it. The rogue has also been framed for the murder of the guard captain's brother. They all had +3 weapons with bonus magical effects, the "chosen weapons", so they would've more easily just fought through if they really wanted the rogue freed.
Now to my actual question: What do I do? Obviously I want them to be freed, but I don't really see a way for me to reasonably free them when their items are now gone.
A new player was supposed to join this next session, so should they be jailed and end up freeing them? I still need the player's character design and ideas, but would this work? Any other ideas if that wouldn't work?

2018-10-23, 09:54 AM
In the campaign that I am running, the entire party consisting of a Rogue, Monk, and a Ranger were jailed. They're level 6, so they should've been able to avoid this, but they acted, in my opinion, recklessly by trying to get away from their guard escorts while in a new country (the rogue), then the rest of the party getting arrested trying to free the rogue by casting darkness when none of them have the ability to see through it. The rogue has also been framed for the murder of the guard captain's brother. They all had +3 weapons with bonus magical effects, the "chosen weapons", so they would've more easily just fought through if they really wanted the rogue freed.
Now to my actual question: What do I do? Obviously I want them to be freed, but I don't really see a way for me to reasonably free them when their items are now gone.
A new player was supposed to join this next session, so should they be jailed and end up freeing them? I still need the player's character design and ideas, but would this work? Any other ideas if that wouldn't work?

The local ruler needs a group of adventurers for a perilous mission. They accomplish it in exchange of their freedom.

2018-10-23, 10:00 AM
The local ruler needs a group of adventurers for a perilous mission. They accomplish it in exchange of their freedom.

I had hinted at a group of people named "The Guild" that could be responsible for the murder. Should their mission be to find their leader and bring him down?

2018-10-23, 10:02 AM
Murderhoboes can be a very useful resource for a ruler or noble man who wants something done but no one to know it was them who ordered it. Hire the adventurers on the downlow, magically compel them to do what he wants (I believe geas is one such spell?), or keep something of theirs that the PCs care about, then send them off. If they succeed, great, they get their stuff back and are pardoned all hush-hush. If they fail, well nothing connects the PCs to the questgiver, because they were hired secretly.
Alternatively, someone important knows they're innocent of the crime and wants to give them a chance to prove it and in doing so bring down that 'guild' organization.

2018-10-23, 10:04 AM
I had hinted at a group of people named "The Guild" that could be responsible for the murder. Should their mission be to find their leader and bring him down?

I wouldn't go so direct. I would actually have the mission be retrieving something from "The Guild" or clearing out an Ogre Encampment that happens to have been placed there by "The Guild." Then the PCs can find evidence while they are on the mission to build intrigue and tension, and give the PCs a reason for hating them.

2018-10-23, 10:04 AM
Okay, totally different post than what I had before.

Maybe they luck into the information that they need to clear the rogues name while in the dungeon. Some one that has information on the responsible party and this might been the only way they could actually get it. Some that was also framed by the same group, or just maybe some that worked with them before. Then let your players shine, have rogue make a sleight of hand check on the way into the jail cell to swipe a copy of the key, or they hide their thieves tools some place the guards just didn't want to check.

New player could be there either as a prisoner or a helper coming into to provide just enough of a distraction for the characters to make the escape, or could be providing enough doubt that the guards got the wrong people and they have to let them go, and the darkness was just an overaction and easily explained away, depending on what the new player brings to the table.

2018-10-23, 10:06 AM
In the campaign that I am running, the entire party consisting of a Rogue, Monk, and a Ranger were jailed. They're level 6, so they should've been able to avoid this, but they acted, in my opinion, recklessly by trying to get away from their guard escorts while in a new country (the rogue), then the rest of the party getting arrested trying to free the rogue by casting darkness when none of them have the ability to see through it. The rogue has also been framed for the murder of the guard captain's brother. They all had +3 weapons with bonus magical effects, the "chosen weapons", so they would've more easily just fought through if they really wanted the rogue freed.
Now to my actual question: What do I do? Obviously I want them to be freed, but I don't really see a way for me to reasonably free them when their items are now gone.
A new player was supposed to join this next session, so should they be jailed and end up freeing them? I still need the player's character design and ideas, but would this work? Any other ideas if that wouldn't work?

Dang. +3 swords at that level?

There are two options that come to my mind.

1: As Unoriginal said.

2: Watch them plan an escape over the first twenty minutes of the next session, and let it happen.

2018-10-23, 10:12 AM
I wouldn't go so direct. I would actually have the mission be retrieving something from "The Guild" or clearing out an Ogre Encampment that happens to have been placed there by "The Guild." Then the PCs can find evidence while they are on the mission to build intrigue and tension, and give the PCs a reason for hating them.

This would be good.

Maybe they could be sent against the person who framed them for murder, without anyone knowing said person was responsible (they're a competent agent of the Guild, it makes sense for them to have more than one mission).

2018-10-23, 10:15 AM
So the crimes are murder, resisting arrest, attempted jailbreak. That's a long and distinguished list for just one play session. Sounds about right for adventurers. :smallbiggrin:

Adventurers acting above the law like this is the reason adventurers often aren't welcome in civilized areas. But it's also probably common enough that leaders are familiar with it and dealing with it is fairly routine. I'd suggest a "dirty dozen" style mission -- the adventurers are sent somewhere FAR away to do something incredibly dangerous to bad guys that the local leaders really don't like. From a leader's perspective, this has three advantages (a) it solves a problem without depleting the treasury or spending the lives of people they actually care about, (b) it puts the adventurers firmly in someone else's back yard when they're done, and (c) they avoid the expense and danger of detaining or executing the adventurers.

So, look at the local leadership. Who is causing the biggest problem for them, and how could the leaders make problems for their enemy by lobbing the adventuring party at them like a big ole hand grenade? There's your next adventure!

For the new player: The best way to monitor a group of misfits on a mission to a distant area would be to put them under the eye of someone you trust. Such as... the new player's character perhaps?

2018-10-23, 10:19 AM
Those must be some impressive guards to keep the 3 most mobile classes in the game contained.

Manacles have a dc 15 to get out of, for 3 classes that should all have good dex, good movement and stealth, how were they captured by town guards in the first place?

If nothing else the ranger should have pass without trace, they just disappear.

2018-10-23, 10:59 AM
A prison break can be a very interesting idea to run through. Toss in the new guy as another framed victim and throw them a bone with some insider npc that can help them with some tools or information for their escape.

Other —already suggested— good idea, is having a noble, king, powerful person, in need of a party of adventurers that may offer them their freedom for their help.

My vote would be for the prison break. After all, a rogue, a ranger and a monk are a very sneaky party. If the rogue can get some tools or improvised trinket, he should be able to open doors and lockpick shakles.
If they are to oblivious to think that, present them an npc with an escape plan. He only needs capable men to go through it and they look the part. You can also use this guy as a railroad tool to go back on your campaign as you intended.

2018-10-23, 11:17 AM
I'd suggest that their really nice weapons not be available for retrieval at the moment. Perhaps someone very powerful has taken them. Perhaps the reason for framing the rogue and having the party arrested was to remove the weapons from their possession without directly attacking and killing the party. The entire situation was a trap that was planned from the beginning :) ...
- arrest the rogue when he goes "rogue" :)
- arrest the others when they go to rescue him
- remove their possession leaving the usual stuff lying around the jail house but the (overpowered :) ) weapons are gone

Now you have set up the next several elements of the plot
- jail break
- clear their name
- recover (or possibly not) their fantastic weapons (+3 tends to break 5e bounded accuracy balance a bit at level 6 ... and that doesn't take into account whatever other magical effects the weapons have).

... and this entire thing was part of the plan of the big bad guy from the very beginning. He is probably sitting gloating at how well things have gone, getting the PCs into jail, arrested, accused of murder and other forthcoming charges, while his agents quietly abscond with the weapons :)

P.S. The ease of escaping the jail depends on the subclasses ... Shadow monk at level 6 can probably easily escape using shadow step at least in the evenings unless the jail is well lit. An arcane trickster rogue always has mage hand legerdemain and a range of useful spells that could help. Rogue could put out the torches and the monk could shadow step for example. Other rogue/monk archetypes might have more trouble.

2018-10-23, 01:13 PM
One of the issues with "someone has a job they are willing to free the group if they accomplish" is what if the group just decides to run once freed? Even if the group wouldn't do so, why would anyone else believe them enough to even make that offer?

An alternative, if you want to offer the possibility of allowing them to earn respect might be to have something go terribly wrong in the prison where they can, unpromted, show their character.

Perhaps a new prisoner brought in is actually a werewolf (or rat), who got caught and locked up on purpose to afflict others and cause chaos and terror on the city, or weaken it for a later assault from would-be conquerers. Something along those lines, where their capture both leads to further adventure, but also offers them the chance to act selfless when they could simply use the circumstance to escape, (which they could do also).

Or a zombie plague, or an enchanter who has charmed the guards and is secretely using the prison as their HQ. Or perhaps this is a test from the local theives guild to see if they crack and spill a secret. Whatever works best, or worst for your game.

2018-10-23, 06:26 PM
They've been jailed on false murder charges, so they MUST escape and clear their names. Let them come up with a brilliant escape plan and execute it.

Okay, so they might need a little help from a mysterious NPC. And they'll owe him/her a really big favor later on.

2018-10-28, 12:18 PM
At the start of the next session, they are standing on the gallows, noose around their necks. The sunlight is blinding. As they desperately try to think of a way out of their predicament, they hear the order given. They trapdoor opens, they feel a sudden sharp pain, then blackness ...

... and are greatly surprised to wake up. In a small room, with a lord dressed in plain black clothes, with slicked back hair. "Gentlemen. I have a job for you. Should you choose not to accept, you are of course free to leave." *waves hand at a door*

If they open the door it is pitch black on the other side.

2018-10-28, 12:21 PM
Why not have them defend their innocence before the magistrate?

If they roleplay convincingly enough, they might be found innocent or punished in an inconvenient fashion rather than a gameending fashion.

2018-10-28, 04:03 PM
Have a politician/noble that's trying to work against The Guild. The noble pops the party on bail on the condition that they do legwork for the noble. The party wants to solve the murder (probably) and the noble wants the perpetrators caught. The party's punishment is that they're not as trusted by people now and thus are now on the noble's leash, but they still get back on the plot thread. For the climax you could even have the noble killed off or run out of political clout, and the party would have to finish the investigation as fugitives.

Trying to strongarm the party too hard is just going to make them do subsequently dumber stuff as they lose more agency and things get more heated. That, or a player Hendersons you once things become 'players vs. the world.'

2018-10-28, 04:40 PM
A daring prisonbreak commences!

The party could try and find out who's who inside the prison's community, and use that knowledge to their benefit. Finding out who's calling the shots around there, who's capable of procuring items outside of what prisoners normally are allowed to have, etc. Perhaps there's a corrupt warden, who might be willing to co-operate with the inmates, to a certain length. Not to help them escape, but make their lives easier, if they do him favors or some such.

Perhaps try and find some new allies who might know the layout of the prison better than the party and help them come up with a plan to escape.

The possibilities are limitless, if you're willing to let it happen.

2018-10-28, 05:28 PM
Option: New player is another prisoner imprisoned on false charges. They've got a contact whose managed to smuggle in a few tools/building plans/robe of many things/way to contact them outside to arrange a distraction/whatever you think reasonable.
Let your PCs plan a jailbreak.

Things to draw inspiration from:
Elder Scrolls, (where every jail cell can be escaped.)
Way of the Wicked, (a villain pathfinder module, but starts with a jailbreak.)
Any Jailbreak movie.

2018-10-28, 07:27 PM
I still want to know how a level 6 ranger, monk and rogue got caught by town guards

2018-10-28, 08:54 PM
At the start of the next session, they are standing on the gallows, noose around their necks. The sunlight is blinding. As they desperately try to think of a way out of their predicament, they hear the order given. They trapdoor opens, they feel a sudden sharp pain, then blackness ...

You could also use a slight twist here. At the start of the next session they are standing on the gallows, noose around their necks. The sunlight is blinding, a huge crowd is surrounding the execution cheering and jeering. The executioner reaches for the lever, as they grab it an arrow flies through the air shot by a mysterious stranger*, cutting the nooses as they hang.

This tends to work best if the mysterious stranger has beef with the town for some reason. Given that we've established that a dubious guild can fairly easily frame people for murder and it's not exactly implausible to think that the guards are in on it. If need be start the new session with just the new character, arrange for beef to happen, then publicize the execution in such a way that it clearly says that there are potential useful allies.

*The new PC.

2018-10-28, 09:38 PM
Mine was a long winded (and possibly obscure) Pratchett reference. :smallamused:

2018-10-28, 09:54 PM
Mine was a long winded (and possibly obscure) Pratchett reference. :smallamused:

I didn't catch it, but I've read only a small fraction of Pratchett.

Mine works out to an established trope anyways - The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly basically starts with that exact scene, with some slightly different context.

2018-10-29, 12:15 AM
I still want to know how a level 6 ranger, monk and rogue got caught by town guards

Once the City Watch is alerted, areas get cordoned off pretty quickly. After that, large threats are hunted down by City Guard Griffin Cavalry, which will definitely test the mettle of those three. If that doesn't work, heavy hitters like Force Grey or the Blackstaff herself would wade into the fray; at that point, the PCs are doomed.

2018-10-29, 11:27 PM
In the campaign that I am running, the entire party consisting of a Rogue, Monk, and a Ranger were jailed. They're level 6, so they should've been able to avoid this, but they acted, in my opinion, recklessly by trying to get away from their guard escorts while in a new country (the rogue), then the rest of the party getting arrested trying to free the rogue by casting darkness when none of them have the ability to see through it. The rogue has also been framed for the murder of the guard captain's brother. They all had +3 weapons with bonus magical effects, the "chosen weapons", so they would've more easily just fought through if they really wanted the rogue freed.
Now to my actual question: What do I do? Obviously I want them to be freed, but I don't really see a way for me to reasonably free them when their items are now gone.
A new player was supposed to join this next session, so should they be jailed and end up freeing them? I still need the player's character design and ideas, but would this work? Any other ideas if that wouldn't work?

Your group of a ROGUE, MONK, and RANGER are locked up in a jail, and you want to know how to get them out?

Have them break out!

Think about it. This kind of scenario is right up this group's alley. Rogue probably has his lockpicks hidden about his person, the monk is probably good at bashing heads because martial arts, the ranger is good at searching the area and making traps.... this group could make a distraction and run a prison break in order to get out. Run the jail like your normal dungeon, complete with challenges to overcome, "monsters" to kill (guardsman), loot to find (I'm sure there's a contraband container somewhere in the jail)....

This sounds like a fantastic scenario!

2018-10-30, 12:18 AM
In the campaign that I am running, the entire party consisting of a Rogue, Monk, and a Ranger were jailed. They're level 6, so they should've been able to avoid this, but they acted, in my opinion, recklessly by trying to get away from their guard escorts while in a new country (the rogue), then the rest of the party getting arrested trying to free the rogue by casting darkness when none of them have the ability to see through it. The rogue has also been framed for the murder of the guard captain's brother. They all had +3 weapons with bonus magical effects, the "chosen weapons", so they would've more easily just fought through if they really wanted the rogue freed.
Now to my actual question: What do I do? Obviously I want them to be freed, but I don't really see a way for me to reasonably free them when their items are now gone.
A new player was supposed to join this next session, so should they be jailed and end up freeing them? I still need the player's character design and ideas, but would this work? Any other ideas if that wouldn't work?

The new PC is a jailer, sypathetic to the PCs cause. He offers to free them.

The new PC is alos imprisoned; hut he knows of a secret passage from the dungeons and offers to share this information with the PCs if they agree to let him join the party.

The PCs captors offer to release the PCs; as long as they agree to do a particular task for them (insert adventure here). To ensure the PCs loyalty, they send along one of their own (the new PC) to escort the PCs in this quest.


There are a billion ways around this mate!

2018-10-30, 12:39 AM
Several good suggestions here!

One note to add at a glance. If the PCs could or should have been able to slash their way through the guards with their empowered weaponry, but instead chose to fight... It could be worth having the guards or local judicial figure take note of that after the items have been looked at. Or even just accounting for the types of magic and tactics this powerful group of adventurers used.

Yes, they were evading arrest. But it sounds like they were trying to do so non-lethally, and that says something about their character as heroes.

At least to those who only know of this specific event. I don't know what else they get up to, but here, it could be fun playing with the "why didn't you just kill us" angle.

2018-10-30, 09:21 AM
I ended up having the party stage an escape. Unfortunately, neither the Ranger nor the new player could make it to the play session, so it was just the Rogue and Monk and I had to simplify things for them and tend to be a little easier on the rolls against them. Afterwards however, the rogue made contact with the BBEG and sided with him. The monk found out, and killed the rogue in his sleep. Then, the BBEG resurrected the Rogue with new found powers and, and used the Rogue to control the monk, so they're both now controlled/sided with the BBEG.

Long story short, they broke out, but now they're controlled by the BBEG.

2018-10-30, 09:41 AM
The local ruler needs a group of adventurers for a perilous mission. They accomplish it in exchange of their freedom.

In 1972, a special unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men eventually escaped from this minimum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still an afterthought the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you will stoop to hire... The E-Team.

2018-10-30, 10:32 AM
Woops, somebody forgot to remove the head!

Either the rogue has a plan or the party members are just pulling in different directions.

2018-11-05, 08:44 AM
Woops, somebody forgot to remove the head!

Either the rogue has a plan or the party members are just pulling in different directions.

After the Rogue was resurrected, he had told the monk that he had plans to go behind the BBEG, but after the Monk had killed him without confronting him first, the Rogue decided that "Hey, maybe this guy isn't so bad."