View Full Version : "Continued Advancement"

2018-10-23, 05:15 PM
So I came across the Ordained Champion recently in the Complete Champion, and was struck by the "Continued Advancement" feature listed on the class.

Continued Advancement: Levels in ordained champion stack with levels of other appropriate classes for the purpose of turning or rebuking undead, and for all level-dependent domain granted powers.

Originally I missed the word 'domain' in the description and thought this was just amazing, but even after catching it, it got me thinking.
Are there any open ended PrCs along these lines, with disparate potential entry classes, that explicitly advance preexisting class features without specifying which ones?

Bone Knight is the closest I can think of, that is intended to be entered through EITHER cleric or paladin.

2018-10-23, 05:37 PM
The two big ones are Legacy Champion and Uncanny Trickster.

2018-10-24, 02:55 AM
There's bloodlines. Kind Of.

2018-10-24, 07:41 AM
Both of these options seem like they would be...well, useful in edge case builds or just for flavor. Not that I'd expect an answer that's "your entire base class plus goodies" anyway.
I'll have to remember them when I'm going into a more story dependant game, thank you!

2018-10-24, 10:27 AM
Both of these options seem like they would be...well, useful in edge case builds or just for flavor. Not that I'd expect an answer that's "your entire base class plus goodies" anyway.
I'll have to remember them when I'm going into a more story dependant game, thank you!

The two big ones are Legacy Champion and Uncanny Trickster.

WRT the bolded text in your quote, that's exactly what those two classes are: "Your base class plus goodies!" (Minus two levels in LC and one in UT; so 8/10 and 2/3, respectively.)

2018-10-24, 10:42 AM
The two big ones are Legacy Champion and Uncanny Trickster.

WRT the bolded text in your quote, that's exactly what those two classes are: "Your base class plus goodies!" (Minus two levels in LC and one in UT; so 8/10 and 2/3, respectively.)

Legacy Champion requires you to have a legacy weapon and perform the least legacy ritual for it, so I don't know how easy it would be to actually get into.

2018-10-24, 11:28 AM
Legacy Champion requires you to have a legacy weapon and perform the least legacy ritual for it, so I don't know how easy it would be to actually get into.

You can just create the legacy weapon yourself, I mean the rules for founding the weapon are right there

2018-10-24, 11:29 AM
You can just create the legacy weapon yourself, I mean the rules for founding the weapon are right there

As an extra bonus, when you do this you can create a Legacy Weapon which doesn't suck.

That's a stark contrast from the Legacy Weapons in the book.