View Full Version : Pathfinder Path of War: A couple Fool's Errand (And one Thrashing Dragon) questions

kelly R
2018-10-24, 04:32 PM
So, I love Fool's Errand, but a couple clarification questions:

With the various "make weapon attacks and some unarmed attacks" maneuvers, such as Steel Shattering Fists, Windmill Waltz Flurry, and so on, you have wording akin to: "As part of this strike, make an attack with a weapon you are wielding and two unarmed strike attacks."

Can you simply make three unarmed strikes for this, considering Unarmed Strike to be "a weapon you are wielding", or do you have to be wielding a weapon of some sort to get the full benefit?

And related to that, when utilizing a Thrashing Dragon Stance that requires you to be wielding two weapons, if you are fighting unarmed, may you consider yourself to be fighting with two weapons?

And in a more specific question, the Fool's Errand level 2 Boost, "Death At Ten paces" says, "After initiating this boost, you can make your next melee strike or melee attack this turn against a target within 30 feet."

Since it says "melee strike or attack", would this Boost apply to all the attacks in a strike which granted multiple attacks? Could you initiate "Death at Ten Paces" and then initiate "Endless Dance of Death" and throw 6 attacks against an enemy 30 feet away?

2018-10-25, 03:26 PM

And related to that, when utilizing a Thrashing Dragon Stance that requires you to be wielding two weapons, if you are fighting unarmed, may you consider yourself to be fighting with two weapons?

That one's covered by the Pathfinder FAQ (https://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fm#v5748eaic9qie):

Unarmed Strike: Can I use two-weapon fighting to make two unarmed strikes in one round?


kelly R
2018-10-25, 11:41 PM
That one's covered by the Pathfinder FAQ (https://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fm#v5748eaic9qie):

Ah, yes, I knew that part.

But there are stances in Thrashing Dragon that say "When wielding two weapons while in this stance..." and I'm not sure that being able to utilize Two Weapon Fighting to net extra attacks counts to fill the criteria of actually wielding two weapons.