View Full Version : 3rd Ed I need a better way to find a 3.5 Group

2018-10-25, 06:21 PM
Ive been looking for 3 years to find a Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 group. I found one, but its both online with questionable attendance and I think I know more about the rules than the Dungeon Master.

Ive looked across forums posting for groups and I either cant find anyone playing 3.5.

Is Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 dead?

2018-10-25, 06:47 PM
Have you tried the recruitment forums here?

There's still reasonable enough demand for 3.5 to pull together a group for PbP out here.

Darth Ultron
2018-10-25, 06:54 PM
3.5E is not dead.

What kind of game are you looking for?

2018-10-25, 06:57 PM
Epic levels, multiclassing, lots of spells, psionic powers, feats, and the like.

For example a Thrallherd, a "Rainbow Warsnake", or a Hulking Hurler.

2018-10-25, 07:05 PM
Epic levels, multiclassing, lots of spells, psionic powers, feats, and the like.

For example a Thrallherd, a "Rainbow Warsnake", or a Hulking Hurler.

Huh, curious. I am running a game at high levels, it will get to epic at some point (currently at 17) and its basically power craze levels of optimization. I was actually just looking for a replacement. PM if interested and I'll send details.

2018-10-25, 07:39 PM
Epic levels, multiclassing, lots of spells, psionic powers, feats, and the like.

For example a Thrallherd, a "Rainbow Warsnake", or a Hulking Hurler.

Ha! You definitely came to the right place. There's probably an epic game recruitment every couple of weeks tbh.

2018-10-26, 08:01 AM
Ha! You definitely came to the right place. There's probably an epic game recruitment every couple of weeks tbh.

Pretty much. Every time I check the recruitment here, all the 3.5 threads are either a) (nearly) core-only relatively low level dungeon crawls (sometimes E6 too) or b) ECL30+ Tristalt/Pentastalt games.

2018-10-27, 09:01 AM
Well Im looking for both. Specifically a group that actually progresses. Ive been in groups, mostly 5th or Pathfinder, that make little progress to the games are usually level 5 or less.

The other part would be if you just jumped into high levels with little high level campaign experience. Ive gotten to high levels, but that was mostly D&D2e before things like crafting and skill points came about.

2018-10-28, 12:31 AM
Slightly off topic. While I've done a mediocre share of 3.5 games I've been limited to more theoretical high level play so my question is how far is the leap from above average games to near 20th level and above with at least decent optimization? Is it truly just hyper powered characters crushing entire planes in a few turns or is there more interesting things to it?

P.S. Be gentle.

2018-10-28, 02:49 AM
Never played a high level epic game, I myself am a fan of optimization to a degree, but I hope I am never in a game where the standard is to polymorph the entire party into solars, go around chaining wishes into oblivion, and 1 shot uber charging every monster in existence.

I'm more of a boost your AC, Saves, + hit bonus to levels that guarantee your success on most attempts vs things you are suppose to be good at. IE a Fighter who can actually hit things and hit them well, A Paladin with saves high enough to laugh off most magical attacks, a Wizard who can reasonably affect things with his spells, but not save or dies with 95% success rate (although technically I have a lich anti-paladin who uses his paralyzation attack as his primary form of offense with a high Save DC.)

Basically good not broken characters. I know broken means something different to everyone in this edition.

2018-10-28, 11:48 AM
Well Im looking for both. Specifically a group that actually progresses. Ive been in groups, mostly 5th or Pathfinder, that make little progress to the games are usually level 5 or less.

IMO, that requires the DM and players to actively push each other to keep going (I personally ask my players to start spamming poking me with messages if I start to slow down). Discord (https://discordapp.com/) is a good option (again, my opinion) for that because it's much less formal and casual than this here forum (and a good form of instant messaging that doesn't necessarily reveal your IRL identity).

Oh, and having the DM and the players know what they're doing is a good thing too. Sometimes one or the other encounters a situation that leaves them not posting, thinking "whatever shall I do now???" and then the game dies.

Slightly off topic. While I've done a mediocre share of 3.5 games I've been limited to more theoretical high level play so my question is how far is the leap from above average games to near 20th level and above with at least decent optimization? Is it truly just hyper powered characters crushing entire planes in a few turns or is there more interesting things to it?

That's Theoretical Optimization (commonly referred to as "TO"), as opposed to Practical Optimization ("PO") with all of the "plane-breaking". I honestly don't believe games can get that overpowered without it being said upfront, or the DM going "wait a second...". How interesting a game gets is purely dependent upon however interesting the DM decides to make it.

Never played a high level epic game, I myself am a fan of optimization to a degree, but I hope I am never in a game where the standard is to polymorph the entire party into solars, go around chaining wishes into oblivion, and 1 shot uber charging every monster in existence.

Pretty sure that sort of stuff is universally called theoretical optimization; where it's stupid good but guarenteed to break any campaign where the DM isn't also using TO (which I've (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?539393-Epic-TO-Death-to-Gods-Campaign-3-5) been (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?535208-Optimized-Epic-Game-Recruitment!-Death-to-Gods-(3-5)) in before (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1330566)).

As a side note, you can't polymorph a person into a Solar (which has a HD cap of 15). You must be thinking of Team Solar (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?188138-Team-Solars-(Archiving)), where Shapechange was used instead (don't embarass yourself).

2018-10-28, 11:58 AM
Pretty sure that sort of stuff is universally called theoretical optimization; where it's stupid good but guarenteed to break any campaign where the DM isn't also using TO (which I've (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?539393-Epic-TO-Death-to-Gods-Campaign-3-5) been (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?535208-Optimized-Epic-Game-Recruitment!-Death-to-Gods-(3-5)) in before (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1330566)).

Ah I remember that. Sucks that the fun died when the character sheets were done. At least doing that part was fun for all of us. Good times.

2018-11-06, 10:07 AM
Im still looking for people for 3.5 or maybe other games. 5th edition isnt something I can enjoy as well I dont see much appeal to Dungeons and Dragons without plentiful magic. "Reward Droughts" kill any enjoyment in a tabletop and that edition was made to not appeal to people looking for upgrades and abilities. I tried a 5thED group for a while but there was literally nothing to look forward to but Experience points. I thought caring about nothing but rewards was too much, but getting none means there is no goal for the session, or group.

Other games would probably be better for different settings and how things works than arguing over what Dungeons and Dragons version is better.