View Full Version : E6 The Island

2018-10-25, 10:26 PM
Im not sure if my players pop into this subforum anymore but if they do, bugger off ya gitz!

Now that that's out of the way, Halloween is approaching and i am planning my traditional Halloween game. This year it will be E6 and probably be a few sessions (and may well go past Halloween) and it starts with my PCs being dropped off onto The Island. Now, The Island is were several kingdoms send their prisoners, because executing people can make them come back as wraiths and other nasties, so its exile. They'll be dropped off with a knife, 2 days of food, an extra set of clothes and a bedroll. After that its all on them.

Now, this island has all manner of nasty things on it as well as being dotteed with ruins of the ancient peoples who once lived there. Things of note:

The Grell Colony: In the Slush Hole in the center of the island is a Grell colony. They occasionally nab people who are alone or small groups. Very few people know they are there.
The Sunken Ones: The Sunken Ones are a band of Derro who live in the deeper parts of the undercrofts of the ruins. They occasionally grab people to use as slaves and "toys"
The Mad: Lone Psychos who arent let into the other clans.
The Deep Ones: The big danger on the Island are the Deep Ones. They are a large colony of Meenlocks who are the twisted descendants of the original inhabitants. They plan on converting everyone on the Island into Meenlocks and eventually siezing a boat and repeating the process on the mainland.

The Clans

Stonehallow Partisans: Lord Ulric Stonehallow III and the leader's of his failed rebellion make up the bulk of this Clan. While they may work with non-Dwarves, only Dwarves can join. They are highly militaristic and have taken over one of the more intact ruined buildings and fortified it into some semblance of a fort. They have some of the better smiths on the Island.

Yellow Tusks:The descendants of the tribe of the same name and the first prisoner's sent here after they attacked one of the Northern Kingdoms and the ruler didnt have the heart to execute them all. After two generations of continuing the conflict, those that remained realized the futility of continuing the fight and slowly transitioned to pastoral herdsmen, tending their herds of caribou. They are the most stable group, but distrust the otehr residents of the Island.

The Docks: Less of a unified group and mroe of just the name given to the shanty town that clusters around the Dock Frotress that houses the guards on the Island. It is one of the safest places on the Island and is used as a main hub for trade. Violence isn't tolerated and the residents will kill anyone who starts anything. Several small factions hold sway over various parts of the town.

The Reavers: A conglomeration of the Mad held together by Laughing Jim MacHavish, an infamous serial killer and megalomaniac.

So i've got most of the clans done but im looking for more creepy or just plain disturbing stuff to stick on the island. Remember its E6, but beyond that your suggestions can be as gruesome and horrible as you like. This is a prison after all.

2018-10-26, 12:59 AM
Depending on how long this has been going on, you could toss in roaming packs of Sinspawn birthed by the concentration of emotional and spiritual darkness of the trapped prisoners. Worms-that-Walk and Wendigo (maybe connected to the Mad ones?) are also fun creature possibilities. Maybe a swarm of army ants or a mothman-style watcher in the darkness for less “big scary monster” creepiness?

Never forget how creepy the right weather can be either!

2018-10-26, 07:20 AM
Depending on how long this has been going on, you could toss in roaming packs of Sinspawn birthed by the concentration of emotional and spiritual darkness of the trapped prisoners. Worms-that-Walk and Wendigo (maybe connected to the Mad ones?) are also fun creature possibilities. Maybe a swarm of army ants or a mothman-style watcher in the darkness for less “big scary monster” creepiness?

Never forget how creepy the right weather can be either!

Sinspawn seem like a solid choice, but the Worm-that-Walks and the Wendigo are to high of a CR, though they are great. Anything i could use for a low level version of them?

Giant insects. So obvious lol

2018-10-26, 07:45 AM
Don't forget a tribe of prisoners.

2018-10-26, 07:49 AM
Don't forget a tribe of prisoners.

In fact, maybe make them goblins just to make the party that much more likely to mistake their only source for potential allies with native island monstrosities.

You mention E6, but you didn't state the level they'd start at and play through. Are they level 1 or 6?

2018-10-26, 07:53 AM
In fact, maybe make them goblins just to make the party that much more likely to mistake their only source for potential allies with native island monstrosities.

You mention E6, but you didn't state the level they'd start at and play through. Are they level 1 or 6?

Level 1. Considering how nasty this place is i expect them to level quickly so i wanted to make clear that its E6 for level cap. As for tribes thats what the clans i mentioned in the OP are and I should have been more clear. Though i do like the idea of a goblin clan to mess with them a bit.

2018-10-26, 07:59 AM
Don't forget a tribe of prisoners.

Several tribes:. The ruthless cutthroat raiders, the surprisingly normal group with a dark secret, the lone honorable warrior who helps the group out of a jam only to die horribly and suddenly for maximum shock value... If I were told the premise of this campaign, I'd be expecting to focus on the other prisoners, not the monsters on the island.

2018-10-26, 08:01 AM

2018-10-26, 09:59 AM
Carrion crawlers, chokers, umbral displacer beast, ethereal filcher, gelatinous cubes, ghouls, gibbering mouthers,

2018-10-26, 12:33 PM
Several tribes:. The ruthless cutthroat raiders, the surprisingly normal group with a dark secret, the lone honorable warrior who helps the group out of a jam only to die horribly and suddenly for maximum shock value... If I were told the premise of this campaign, I'd be expecting to focus on the other prisoners, not the monsters on the island.

The Clans will feature heavily, as will basic survival. Heres the Clans i have so far:

Stonehallow Partisans: Lord Ulric Stonehallow III and the leader's of his failed rebellion make up the bulk of this Clan. While they may work with non-Dwarves, only Dwarves can join. They are highly militaristic and have taken over one of the more intact ruined buildings and fortified it into some semblance of a fort. They have some of the better smiths on the Island.

Yellow Tusks:The descendants of the tribe of the same name and the first prisoner's sent here after they attacked one of the Northern Kingdoms and the ruler didnt have the heart to execute them all. After two generations of continuing the conflict, those that remained realized the futility of continuing the fight and slowly transitioned to pastoral herdsmen, tending their herds of caribou. They are the most stable group, but distrust the otehr residents of the Island.

The Docks: Less of a unified group and mroe of just the name given to the shanty town that clusters around the Dock Frotress that houses the guards on the Island. It is one of the safest places on the Island and is used as a main hub for trade. Violence isn't tolerated and the residents will kill anyone who starts anything. Several small factions hold sway over various parts of the town.

The Reavers: A conglomeration of the Mad held together by Laughing Jim MacHavish, an infamous serial killer and megalomaniac.

I'll add these to the OP.


Ah Stirges, making me have flashbacks to Jumanji

2018-10-26, 06:59 PM
Sinspawn seem like a solid choice, but the Worm-that-Walks and the Wendigo are to high of a CR, though they are great. Anything i could use for a low level version of them?

Giant insects. So obvious lol

Idk about WtW, but here’s an unofficial PF update of the old 3.5 Wendigo template that should stay within the CR limit: https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=318978

2018-10-26, 08:43 PM
Idk about WtW, but here’s an unofficial PF update of the old 3.5 Wendigo template that should stay within the CR limit: https://www.myth-weavers.com/showthread.php?t=318978

That is so horrifying, but its a creature that can actually be a solo boss so thats not surprising.

2018-10-27, 02:03 AM
A group of 'ethically challenged' wizards that experiment with grafts, undeath and/or Golems, always on the lookout for new test subjects?

2018-10-27, 08:35 AM
A group of 'ethically challenged' wizards that experiment with grafts, undeath and/or Golems, always on the lookout for new test subjects?

Awesome! And to carry on a train of thought, perhaps a collection of clerics (or 'unholy order' of some sort) that are prowling for converts/sacrifices to say....Bahumet? Or druids dedicated to some sort of insane Hallowe'en forest?

Also, a freaking terrifying cave complex filled with Kythons. Or Myconids. :smalleek: