View Full Version : Good 6mm sci-fi models

2007-09-18, 01:57 PM
Does anyone know any good manufacturers of 6mm sci-fi stuff? Specifically power armoured troopers, tanks and mecha. Thanks in advance.

2007-09-18, 02:01 PM
6mm O.o

How do you even paint those...

2007-09-18, 02:08 PM
Precisely. Little effort necessary.

The Orange Zergling
2007-09-18, 06:21 PM
Epic: Armageddon is around that scale, I believe. Doesn't get much attention, though.

2007-09-18, 06:22 PM
Epic Armageddon is, yes. But it's virtually dead. If you want rules, I believe NetEpic is your best bet for it. It's a website of fans that update the rules, I think.

2007-09-19, 08:31 AM
Epic Armageddon exists as a "living rulebook" on the net, or so I am led to believe. The Pro is that you can download the entire rulebook free of charge here (http://www.specialist-games.com/epic/rulebook.asp). The con is that no GW store stocks the models anymore, so you're stuck with getting them off the 'tubes. In terms of the models, I believe they're a little taller than 6mm, if Warmaster, their WHF cousin, is anything to go by.

However, a cursory Google search will bring up a fair number of other miniatures companies, but be wary as not all websites have images of your potential purchases, especially in small-scales you're expected to go by word of mouth or representative pictures.

2007-09-19, 11:54 AM
yeah, I noticed most sites don't have pictures, which is pretty stupid when you'r etrying to sell sculptures to people.

2007-09-23, 09:35 AM
Ground Zero Games (http://www.gtns.co.uk/store1/commerce.cgi) aren't bad, and they do have piccies. I'll have a look through some of my older mags when I get home, see if I can find a few more.

EDIT: Looking at the GMM part of that link, some interesting mecha models even though designed ostensibly for 2mm (?????). Have to say though, the little pictures of the tanks are soooooo cute :smallredface:

2007-09-23, 11:30 AM
I'm familiar with GZG, seeing as I intend to use the models to play Dirtside II. Their range is quite good.

2007-09-25, 08:11 PM
A good game :)

well you've probably found some others by now but a quick googling session by now for the benefit of others in the thread:

Steel Crown Products "Exodus Wars" here (http://www.exoduswars.com/store/), very Epic-ish, depends if that floats your boat or not I guess.
15mm.co.uk here (http://www.15mm.co.uk/caaa467.htm), not many pics but some.
Adler's (http://home.clara.net/adlermin/) Dark Star range looks interesting, I could certainly see some of those tanks being used as ships in Full Thrust, but a strange decision to have the Gallery separate from the catalogue.
Dark Realm Miniatures (http://www.darkrealmminiatures.co.uk/) look promising.

And others referenced from this page (http://www.littleleadheroes.com/archives/000411.html). Funny how most of them seem to be .co.uk sites; then again I've noticed it's a strange divide but a consistent one, American sites do tend to use the ratios a bit more (i.e. 1/300, 1/48 etc) rather than saying the size - could be why.

As for how you paint the Penguiniser, easy. A lot easier than 15's or 25/28's. Baccus have a good guide on their website. No excess detail apart from the obvious, a simple camo scheme for tanks and aircraft... I've even thought about translating my 1/72 Imperial Roman army into 6mm, using a strip of figures in place of a single 25mm model, have an army that LOOKS like an army, not a small patrol. Alas such megalomania must wait until (a) I have cash and (b) I find someone to share such madness... :smallbiggrin: