View Full Version : Pathfinder Coming Down on Time Need some Languages

2018-10-26, 08:53 PM
Hello Playground,

I'm putting final touches on a level 12 character for my game tomorrow afternoon (CST) as I am often want to do I have taken Linguistics at max ranks because knowing languages and written word is never a bad idea.
Background wise I'm playing a somewhat highly sought non-human Mercenary so I thought I'd focus my language decisions in the realm of languages that would be commonly spoken by other non-human mercenary groups.

We're playing in an socially unmodified Golarion for stereotype reference.

I've already got the core planar languages, along with gnoll, orc, goblin, giant, aklo, and tengu, and I need 3 more and have hit a wall.

Any ideas?


2018-10-26, 10:44 PM
I always recommend the alignment afterlife languages of Celestial, Infernal, and Abyssal, just in case any summoned or bound creatures need talked to.

2018-10-26, 11:18 PM
Hello Playground,

I'm putting final touches on a level 12 character for my game tomorrow afternoon (CST) as I am often want to do I have taken Linguistics at max ranks because knowing languages and written word is never a bad idea.
Background wise I'm playing a somewhat highly sought non-human Mercenary so I thought I'd focus my language decisions in the realm of languages that would be commonly spoken by other non-human mercenary groups.

We're playing in an socially unmodified Golarion for stereotype reference.

I've already got the core planar languages, along with gnoll, orc, goblin, giant, aklo, and tengu, and I need 3 more and have hit a wall.

Any ideas?

Undercommon and Elven (for use with Drow) would also be good choices. Necril, maybe.

Edit: However... if you've got a troop with you, the best language is one essentially nobody knows, that you can teach to your companions. A racial language of an obscure monster - Shae (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/shae/), for instance.