View Full Version : For those who have played an Eldritch Knight, what is your opinion on it?

2018-10-26, 11:28 PM
Lately I’ve been considering creating an Eldritch Knight character as the idea of a warrior that supports their melee with magic has always appealed to me. This character would be filling the meat shield or “tank” role in a party.

With that said, after reading guides about the subclass on these forums, I have my reservations about making one. Evocation as a primary school for the class seems counter-intuitive because at the level you get the spells, they don’t do enough damage to warrant using them over a regular round of attacks. Not to mention the lack-luster spell DC that you’re likely to have unless you rolled amazing stats. Yes, Eldritch Strike is a thing, but that happens at level 10. I’m not sure I want to play a character that long before their evocation spells start becoming useful.

After analyzing forum posts and reading the class features to death, I’ve concluded that the “best” way to build one is to probably just focus on using your spell slots for shield, absorb elements, mirror image and haste. Basically, what EvilAnagram refers to as the “Stupid Eldritch Knight” in his guide.

Without beating around the bush further, for those of you who have played an Eldritch Knight, what is your opinion about the performance of the subclass?

2018-10-26, 11:31 PM
My short answer is that Evocation is a waste. You are too much of a fighter to make offensive magic useful.

I basically like the rest.

2018-10-26, 11:42 PM
If you are trying to be the tank, pre-5 Booming Blade can be of great use as an unlimited-use offensive spell that adds control.

After 5, you might want the +Str/Dex extra damage and/or a more dependable chance to land a hit from extra attack, but Booming Blade will still be a tool to give you versatility, especially when dealing with more intelligent enemies. Either way, you are either locking someone down or doing extra damage.

Love this cantrip on an EK.

2018-10-26, 11:48 PM
If you are trying to be the tank, pre-5 Booming Blade can be of great use as an unlimited-use offensive spell that adds control.

After 5, you might want the +Str/Dex extra damage and/or a more dependable chance to land a hit from extra attack, but Booming Blade will still be a tool to give you versatility, especially when dealing with more intelligent enemies. Either way, you are either locking someone down or doing extra damage.

Love this cantrip on an EK.

Unless I misinterpreted the cantrip, you already add your Str/Dex mod to the melee attack portion of it. Did you mean something else, or am I missing something important here?

2018-10-27, 12:09 AM
Unless I misinterpreted the cantrip, you already add your Str/Dex mod to the melee attack portion of it. Did you mean something else, or am I missing something important here?

Sorry, bad wording on my part. I just meant that the Extra Attack feature that Fighters get at 5 outpaces the extra damage from BB due to adding the ability modifier to both damage rolls.

2018-10-27, 12:30 AM
Sorry, bad wording on my part. I just meant that the Extra Attack feature that Fighters get at 5 outpaces the extra damage from BB due to adding the ability modifier to both damage rolls.

Ah, I see. We're on the same page now.

Yeah, levels 5 and 6 seem to be a little rough because of that.

2018-10-27, 12:41 AM
Having played one, and witnessing another player in a group with one, I would say it’s one of the most fun classes to actually play.

You have an answer to a variety of different combat situations, and some cool “fluff” features.

At the lower levels, the abjuration and mobility enhancing spells are best. Mostly since Cantrip + Attack is so formidable.
Although Agazar’s Scorcher can be pretty handy on a frontliner vs. a packed hallway.
At 10+, Hold Person or Blindness are really solid.

Then things like Melf’s Minute Meteors which let you hurl fireballs while stabbing people 3 times or more is pretty fun. I would put Storm Sphere in this category too, but that is beyond a level of play I have seen yet.

Bottom line is that in every battle you have options, and that is always cool.

2018-10-27, 01:26 AM
It's pretty good, but the hardest choice is always going to be picking your off-school spells, since you only ever get one per spell level, unless you give up an off school for a different spell level.

There's definitely a way to build your spell list such that you never need to actually have intelligence (the dumb EK), but I've found that having a few decent control spells in the off school slots is more than worth it, and having fireball land for full damage is an okay action even at level 11. Tasha's hideous laughter, web, fear, and banishment are all great spells that can "kill" one or more enemies with one action, but all of them require a save. On the subject of those off school spells, Haste looks pretty good on paper, but remember that by the time you can cast the spell you're already doing 3 attacks on the action you might use to cast it, so you're not getting as much mileage out of the spell's one extra attack as a 5th level character would, and as such I'd probably never take it.

I'm playing a high elf EK right now, and we just reached level 4- I took fey step to have a little more spell power (on a short rest no less), but I haven't had a chance to use it yet since we just levelled end of last session. The high elf cantrip for a ranged, magic damage source has actually turned out to be pretty good so far, by the way.

2018-10-27, 01:33 AM
They are awesome, as long as you don't dump Int, or dump all your slots on defense spells such as Absorb Elements or Shield.

War Magic rotation is a significant DPR increase with the right cantrips, especially when you start undercutting saving throws. Poison Spray is good, but Acid Splash is good if you often get two adjacent enemies and doubles for ranged attacks.

Plus at least one longer ranged cantrips gives you a solid ranged attack option that melee fighter typically lack beyond 30ft.

And AoE evocation spells add some nice occasional area damage oomph that most Fighters don't get access too at all.

2018-10-27, 02:16 AM
They are awesome, as long as you don't dump Int, or dump all your slots on defense spells such as Absorb Elements or Shield.

War Magic rotation is a significant DPR increase with the right cantrips, especially when you start undercutting saving throws. Poison Spray is good, but Acid Splash is good if you often get two adjacent enemies and doubles for ranged attacks.

Plus at least one longer ranged cantrips gives you a solid ranged attack option that melee fighter typically lack beyond 30ft.

And AoE evocation spells add some nice occasional area damage oomph that most Fighters don't get access too at all.

That's an interesting outlook. Looking at the subclass I came to the opposite conclusion that you did, figuring that its strength would be to reserve spell slots in order to improve the fighter's already high defense. Poison spray in particular deals the most resisted damage type in the game and it is also save or suck.

Which combinations result in a significant increase in DPR?

2018-10-27, 06:28 AM
I'm playing an EK/Warlock (story reasons), and I use my short rest slot to cast Shield or Magic Missile.
Sure, MM is 'just' 3*1d4+1, but it's guaranteed damage, and you -can- use it in melee.
Which I used to great effect in 'shotgunning' a wounded enemy into a nice, bloody mist.

And since it's Evocation, I could pick it up at 4th level and still have Find Familiar, too.

2018-10-27, 11:42 AM
Mixing in wizard is a fun way to play, since you can still have three attacks, then supplement that with a concentration spell for utility and/or damage. Especially since you're good at con saves and anybody's first action in combat is to try to kill the soft and cuddly caster. Heck, even playing a standard wizard I dip fighter for the tankage.
And because int is one of your good stats (usually), you can have fun with your skills and tool proficiencies. Investigation is a super-important skill in a dungeon, and alchemy can get you into all kinds of shenanigans. Most fighters don't have this option available to them so there's a good chance that half of their skills will never become useful, like the ability to drive a cart. xP

2018-10-27, 12:11 PM
Imagine dropping a fireball, and then next round going in with a maul and GWM, bound to get a kill and a free bonus action attack.

Who cares if they make they're save, its still half damage.

Its a very good class because you still have the extra attack and 2 more feats

There are some great guides out there that help with spell selection

Its also party based, in room full of casters, you may just be a tank. But in a room full of fighters you are educated.

2018-10-27, 12:25 PM
Yeah, the best way to play EK is using defensive reactions and planning War Magic around Green-Flame Blade and Booming Blade.

But the evocation/abjuration give you more versatility. If you're facing a group of 10 enemies, it's better to Fireball them than to attack three times, for instance. If you're facing many fiends, Magic Circle can pretty much win the fight for you. Etc.

2018-10-27, 12:51 PM
I find it to be the best/most flexible of the fighter subclasses.
In one party I had two Eldritch knights that played so different it felt like entirely separate classes. One was a high elf Dex/int build with mage Slayer that was a witch Hunter. The other one had every defence spell and a few lv in abjuration wizard. Almost as tough as a well played barbarian.

2018-10-27, 01:20 PM
Almost as tough as a well played barbarian.

And if you use a gnome they can make an incredibly stubborn mage-tank with their advantage on mental spell saves. They won't have the same defensive strength, but they'll be hard to disable, charm, or MC. Barbs and other similarly-direct classes, on the other hand, tend to flounder when it comes to that and have to be supplemented by spells/trinkets.

2018-10-27, 01:39 PM
Lately I’ve been considering creating an Eldritch Knight character as the idea of a warrior that supports their melee with magic has always appealed to me. This character would be filling the meat shield or “tank” role in a party.

With that said, after reading guides about the subclass on these forums, I have my reservations about making one. Evocation as a primary school for the class seems counter-intuitive because at the level you get the spells, they don’t do enough damage to warrant using them over a regular round of attacks. Not to mention the lack-luster spell DC that you’re likely to have unless you rolled amazing stats. Yes, Eldritch Strike is a thing, but that happens at level 10. I’m not sure I want to play a character that long before their evocation spells start becoming useful.

After analyzing forum posts and reading the class features to death, I’ve concluded that the “best” way to build one is to probably just focus on using your spell slots for shield, absorb elements, mirror image and haste. Basically, what EvilAnagram refers to as the “Stupid Eldritch Knight” in his guide.

Without beating around the bush further, for those of you who have played an Eldritch Knight, what is your opinion about the performance of the subclass?
I'll be honest: if you play single class, you'll find that this third-caster... Exactly plays like a third-caster.
In short, you'll probably have to consider your slots as the one big thing to use in a day, for emergency or nova.

I do have a less harsh opinion than you on using evocation spells.
If you like to play with offensive magic, you can perfectly put a starting 16 in INT and use some AOE spells.

The important thing in "EK can use a Burning Hands at level 3" is not...
"Heh, Wizard could do this two levels ago, it's useless".
It's on the contrary "now I don't have to rely on anyone else to disperse or clean up small fry" or "now I can make the cleaning myself so that Wizard can spend his/her upcoming turn on actually try and deal with the main threat with a single-target debuff".

(I'll be blunt: people who thing that getting spells levels later than casters just think with disconnected brain: it's just stupid to make such unfounded parallels, because everything around is different: resilience, mobility, role, resource management, action economy, etc. Like saying Bless would be a waste on a Paladin because Cleric can cast it -although it means Pal frees up Cleric's concentration for another spell. And more importantly how is current situation like saying Lay on Hands on the same useless because Cleric has Healing Words, although frontline may be too heated for Cleric to close in or Cleric may simply be unavailable to fix the emergency for whatever reason -down, no slots, another guy to heal, etc. Anyways).

The simple fact that you, as a warrior, can rely on things like Mold Earth (makeshift cover for archery), Create Bonfire (keep one guy grappled over while you smack him) or Ray of Frost (dont let them close too much) can be a very satisfying thing, especially when fighting enemies resistant to weapon damage while you don't have (yet) magic weapon.
Shield is kinda overrated though: people make it a godlike ability in theorycraft, and it sure can save your hide... But you get so few spells per day, so deciding whether to actually use it right now or keep it in case of bigger threat later can be a bit painful.
(On that note, I'd pick Absorb Elements over Shield any day after level 4-5: since this is a sure effect and you start facing elemental damage, imx at least).

But to be honest, each and every time I wanted to play a gish with offense, I took at least a dip with another caster, precisely because of spell slots famine, but also to get more variety.

Have no fear though, you can have fun and be a gish without ever using an offensive spell: Mending is great to always have your favored weapon at the ready, Minor Illusion or Prestidigitation could help distract people or convince others, Disguise Self/Comprehend Languages/Invisibility are great tools too.
Of course the restriction of schools is a big bit** (hence also a common reason to dip) but it can be worked out.

War Magic also is very overrated, at least in how it's sold out on forum anyways: it's not at all the pinacle of damage. Compared to just attacking, it's usually a loss damage-wise. It is, however, an interesting way and refreshing way to apply a minor debuff on a creature without losing too much of your usual damage (hence interest for spells like Ray of Frost / Frostbite or Shocking Grasp), or do something else entirely (Minor Illusion, Spare the Dying on ally with Magic Initiate) while still doing a bit of damage.

Eldricht Strike is a killer, but as you say, it's only level 10 at the earliest (provided you held and didn't multiclass before too).
So it's no reason to build around unless you're sure to play at least until level 13-14 imo.

2018-10-27, 02:21 PM
Great subclass.

Booming Blade
Firebolt (if 14 int)
Prestidigitation (if low int)

Find Familiar
Absorb Elements
Protection from Evil and Good
Darkness (at 7)
Blur (at 8)

As for fests, depends if youre going 2 hander or sword & board.

Personally, i liked sword & board (dualist):
Sentinel (at 1)
Mobile (at 4) for booming blade
War Caster (at 6) for shield reaction
+2 str (at 8)

EK is an amazing tank with 20 AC & shield spell, and eventually Blur.

2018-10-27, 03:15 PM
I thought it was okay at first, somewhere between Battlemaster and Champion. But I have a party member who is an Eldritch Knight, and he told me about the design flaw. Basically, War Magic is not designed with the Fighter chassis in mind. It starts off decent, quite good if you use the powerful cantrips such as Booming Blade or GFB. But it starts to be redundant once you get the 3rd extra attack. I mean, you are Level 11 at that point, your weapon is most likely Rare quality or better, of course 3 attacks is better.

Eldritch Strike sounds good until you realise how restricted the EK spell list is. There's not many good spells to cast on your enemy that warrants the opportunity cost of not attacking them. Just hit stuff and make them die already, dead is still the best debuff.

I'd like to see a bit more magic from them. Right now, its always Shield, sometimes Shatter, and a bunch of useless spells that they never use. There's only 7 abjuration spells for 1st and 2nd level (which is going to be the majority of your Fighter career), but only Shield and Absorb Elements are useful. I mean, what are you going to do, cast Alarm when you don't even have Ritual Casting? Mage Armor when you already have plate armour? Arcane Lock when you got nothing to spend you spell slots on?

Giving them Smite spells would be a start (and makes more sense).

2018-10-27, 04:23 PM
Yeah, EKs are kinda limited without multiclassing. Kinda needs more abjuration options, like spell wards or something. On the other hand, EK is great for Int gishes. (And because there aren't any other options, but hey.)

Wizzy-smite would be really fun (long-distance crossbow smite), but would likely need a restriction 'cause of fighter multiattack. My bardadin already has silly burst damage, and he's only two levels from his extra attack.

2018-10-27, 04:40 PM
I thought it was okay at first, somewhere between Battlemaster and Champion. But I have a party member who is an Eldritch Knight, and he told me about the design flaw. Basically, War Magic is not designed with the Fighter chassis in mind. It starts off decent, quite good if you use the powerful cantrips such as Booming Blade or GFB. But it starts to be redundant once you get the 3rd extra attack. I mean, you are Level 11 at that point, your weapon is most likely Rare quality or better, of course 3 attacks is better.

Eldritch Strike sounds good until you realise how restricted the EK spell list is. There's not many good spells to cast on your enemy that warrants the opportunity cost of not attacking them. Just hit stuff and make them die already, dead is still the best debuff.

I'd like to see a bit more magic from them. Right now, its always Shield, sometimes Shatter, and a bunch of useless spells that they never use. There's only 7 abjuration spells for 1st and 2nd level (which is going to be the majority of your Fighter career), but only Shield and Absorb Elements are useful. I mean, what are you going to do, cast Alarm when you don't even have Ritual Casting? Mage Armor when you already have plate armour? Arcane Lock when you got nothing to spend you spell slots on?

Giving them Smite spells would be a start (and makes more sense).

This was my observation as well when reading about the EK. I think the subclass would be a lot better if evocation was replaced with transmutation and eldritch strike was replaced with a different ability.

2018-10-27, 04:59 PM
I really enjoyed the Eldritch Knight when I played it. They don't have the raw combat prowess of the champion or battlemaster, but they are still fun. I don't think their spells are that limited either. They can have great utility uses. Some fun ones include Thunderwave for knock back ability to escape melee; Protection from good and evil speaks for itself; Find Familiar is always good; you can Enlarge yourself or shrink your enemy; Mirror Image is great; Misty step; Flaming Sphere is a bonus action; Bestow curse can add damage or make it harder to hit you; Haste, duh; Blink is just a joy to mess around with; fire shield punishes your enemies; and faithful hound can be brutal if combined with sentinel feat.

My personal favorite is Enlarge. You just flex real hard and get swull af.

Also with your massive number of ASIs/Feats you can also grab Magic initiate Warlock for Hex.

2018-10-27, 05:02 PM
One the funniest thing in high level play is action surging two fireballs on enemies who just think you a dumb fighter.

Also at higher levels enemies need to deal insane damage to get you to drop concentration.

2018-10-27, 05:39 PM
Imagine dropping a fireball, and then next round going in with a maul and GWM, bound to get a kill and a free bonus action attack.

Action Surge, you can do it in the same round :smallbiggrin:

2018-10-27, 06:12 PM
One the funniest thing in high level play is action surging two fireballs on enemies who just think you a dumb fighter.

Errata states that you can't cast two non-cantrip spells in the same round, regardless of circumstance. :/

2018-10-27, 06:22 PM
Errata states that you can't cast two non-cantrip spells in the same round, regardless of circumstance. :/

Your right. A more apt use would be hitting three of them, then dropping a fireball with action surge.

2018-10-27, 06:23 PM
Errata states that you can't cast two non-cantrip spells in the same round, regardless of circumstance. :/

You might want to look that back up. The only rule I can think of with this sort of limitation is based around spells cast with a bonus action but remember action surge has nothing to do with that (though if you do cast a spell with a bonus action then yes your action surge cannot cast a leveled spell).

2018-10-27, 07:31 PM
Do you plan to employ 3 attacks?

Or booming blade it all day with war magic?

Or cast protection from evil, or haste?

Or drop a fireball? Or fly?

Because an eldritch knight can do all of this.

Options, with no multiclass. All the while rocking maxed con and attack stats, or PAM and sentinel

2018-10-28, 01:37 AM
I thought it was okay at first, somewhere between Battlemaster and Champion. But I have a party member who is an Eldritch Knight, and he told me about the design flaw. Basically, War Magic is not designed with the Fighter chassis in mind. It starts off decent, quite good if you use the powerful cantrips such as Booming Blade or GFB. But it starts to be redundant once you get the 3rd extra attack. I mean, you are Level 11 at that point, your weapon is most likely Rare quality or better, of course 3 attacks is better.

Eldritch Strike sounds good until you realise how restricted the EK spell list is. There's not many good spells to cast on your enemy that warrants the opportunity cost of not attacking them. Just hit stuff and make them die already, dead is still the best debuff.

I'd like to see a bit more magic from them. Right now, its always Shield, sometimes Shatter, and a bunch of useless spells that they never use. There's only 7 abjuration spells for 1st and 2nd level (which is going to be the majority of your Fighter career), but only Shield and Absorb Elements are useful. I mean, what are you going to do, cast Alarm when you don't even have Ritual Casting? Mage Armor when you already have plate armour? Arcane Lock when you got nothing to spend you spell slots on?

Giving them Smite spells would be a start (and makes more sense).

I subscribe to the idea of letting EK's get access to the Smite spells. It fits with how they work (on paper, anyway), and all the Smite spells afe Evocation. With the exception of Banishing Smite, which is 5th level. And Abjuration.
I might ask my DM if I'd br allowed to pick up a Smite spell as if it were from the Wizard's spell list next time I can pick up a spell..

2018-10-28, 07:38 AM
Aaaargh I'm very confused but action-surge double spells can be done. http://media.wizards.com/2015/downloads/dnd/SA_Compendium_1.0.pdf

Bonus action spells don't let you use another spell on the same round, which is probably where I got that idea.

2018-10-28, 08:53 AM
What are some of the common weaknesses of the fighter class?

1. Lack of mobility.
2. Difficulty managing crowds.
3. Inflicting non-physical damage types.

EKs have solutions to all these things.

I find blinding an opponent and then wailing on them with advantage to be a joy.
Even better with Hold Person and auto-criting some poor soul.

2018-10-28, 10:33 AM
What are some of the common weaknesses of the fighter class?

1. Lack of mobility.
2. Difficulty managing crowds.
3. Inflicting non-physical damage types.

EKs have solutions to all these things.

I find blinding an opponent and then wailing on them with advantage to be a joy.
Even better with Hold Person and auto-criting some poor soul.

Yeah, this is how I feel the "best" use of an EK's magic, filling in the weaknesses of the class, rather than trying to out do regular casters.

2018-10-28, 09:46 PM
Aaaargh I'm very confused but action-surge double spells can be done. http://media.wizards.com/2015/downloads/dnd/SA_Compendium_1.0.pdf

Bonus action spells don't let you use another spell on the same round, which is probably where I got that idea.

Yes exactly. The rule is that if you cast a bonus action spell you cannot cast any other spell that turn except cantrips.

Since action surge just gives you an extra action it does not run afoul of that bonus action rule.

One thing to keep in mind is that while you can fireball, action surge fireball if you cast say healing word you cannot cast fireball with your action or with your action surge action. In that case you can only cast a cantrip with your action and your action surge action.

2018-10-28, 09:48 PM
One thing to keep in mind is that while you can fireball, action surge fireball if you cast say healing word you cannot cast fireball with your action or with your action surge action. In that case you can only cast a cantrip with your action and your action surge action.
That's totally accurate but I had to read that sentence twice to be sure hahaha

2018-10-28, 09:49 PM
That's totally accurate but I had to read that sentence twice to be sure hahaha

Yeah I was worried of that problem but I am sadly really tired so that was the best I was going to be able to give.

2018-10-29, 08:23 AM
I was always surprised how many didn't pick up on that: Bonus Action spells have their own limitation clause in the Spells chapter -- but Action Surge means you do not have to bother with only spells that have a timing of a Bonus Action. :smalltongue: It opens the window of "double-tap" toys! :smallcool:

So go Burning Hands twice in a round, wiping out squishy minions at the start. And then go be the well-armored, solid HP, bada$$ standing in what's left of the scrum. :smallamused:

Or double-tap Thunderwave! Move up & knock back a formation, and if you got any move left move on up and do it again! Hell, you can even push victims 20' to go off ledges if you plan your move right. :smallbiggrin:

Shield really is not your friend here so much. Solid if you have the spare slots... but you have some real competition out there if you are creative.

Hell, imagine "double-tap" Sleep! :smalleek: That's a combat ender nova right there -- and you can upcast that! :smallcool:

edit: Ooh, one that does not care about slots: "double-tap" Minor Illusion! Two sounds, two images, or one of each? Why not? Minor Illusion has no Concentration. All you need is a Short Rest to recharge Action Surge. :smalltongue: Not too much utility for combat, but sweet fighter distraction in explore or social. Think of the mischief!

Stop thinking "dps & dots." Start thinking like a fighter who can mini-wizard nova. :smallcool:

2018-10-29, 11:18 AM
Minor illusion ends if you cast it again. You could use minor illusion + silent image, but that doesn't usually need an action surge.
...that actually seems like a decent combo for whenever you cast an illusion spell. Thenks for idea.

2018-10-29, 12:48 PM
EKs are the most versatile Fighters.

If you want to get the most out of war magic you can multiclass after 7 or 8.

However, you can still make a very effective single classed EK. Instead of focusing on war magic, concentrate on spells that will help you be the best fighter you can be. Shield is obvious. Enlarge is great. Haste has it's uses. Cast a good buff spell, action surge in the same round to attack, then just make use of those extra attacks in subsequent rounds.

Ultimately all you have to do is give careful thought of what spells you choose, especially the ones that aren't limited by school.

2018-10-29, 03:26 PM
Minor illusion ends if you cast it again. You could use minor illusion + silent image, but that doesn't usually need an action surge.
...that actually seems like a decent combo for whenever you cast an illusion spell. Thenks for idea.

Aww... :smallfrown: I see the excluding clause there in the second line. Bloody spells being exception-based design. Too many separate specific rules to remember, (and between editions, too,).

Ooh, you could Friends + Minor Illusion as a nova surge! :smallsmile: That lets you sell a quick entrance and or exit. "Let me in & close the gates! There's something loud and scary following us in dark!" Or, "Hey, is that a (body, dropped treasure, etc.) over there? Wanna go see?" Lots of little confidence tricks in there. Granted both last a minute, so it's only time sensitive combo.

2018-10-29, 07:45 PM
Instead of focusing on war magic, concentrate on spells that will help you be the best fighter you can be. Shield is obvious. Enlarge is great. Haste has it's uses. Cast a good buff spell, action surge in the same round to attack, then just make use of those extra attacks in subsequent rounds.

Ultimately all you have to do is give careful thought of what spells you choose, especially the ones that aren't limited by school.

Another great pick for them is shadow blade from Xanathar's Guide to Everything. I've seen it used to great effect on a 10th level EK. They could bonus action cast the spell, attack, action surge to attack again. It was a very effective strategy. Now, one thing to be aware of, it is an Illusion spell, so you have to pick it up at 8th, but it's definitely worth it. Especially if you have the dueling style, so you're doing 2d8+7 per attack.

A few sessions ago, while the EK had their Shadow Blade going, the Wizard also cast Enlarge on them, so it was 2d8+1d4+7, and it was kind of insane.

2018-10-30, 02:37 AM
And if you use a gnome they can make an incredibly stubborn mage-tank with their advantage on mental spell saves. They won't have the same defensive strength, but they'll be hard to disable, charm, or MC. Barbs and other similarly-direct classes, on the other hand, tend to flounder when it comes to that and have to be supplemented by spells/trinkets.

I played a forest gnome EK in a party with a half orc Bear Totem barbarian in a Storm King's Thunder campaign in Adventure League, and I pretty routinely outclassed the barbarian at pretty much everything that wasn't an Athletics check. Sure, he had higher hit points and resistance, as opposed to my higher AC, and he was swinging a greataxe vs my rapier, but I consistently outlived him by being damned hard to hit (Studded Leather for 12 AC, +2 from a shield, +5 from maxed Dex at level 6, and another +5 on demand from the Shield spell), and kept up with his damage by matching his Rage damage bonus with Dueling Fighting Style, and pumping my d8 up with Booming Blade.

Of course, it probably also helped that our sorceress pretty quickly came to the conclusion that I was the more reliable party member, and favored me for Haste buffing over him.

2018-10-30, 03:19 AM
I'm a big fan of the EK. I personally use a low int build myself, favouring spells like booming blade, shield, darkness, magic missile, etc.

Actively blocking enemies from the softer party members, getting in their faces and being difficult to hit back.

Willie the Duck
2018-10-30, 07:59 AM
I think that comparisons and ratings of the Eldritch Knight inherently depend on what you can get away with using other options.

If you are used to a battlemaster who does nothing but using their precision ability to make low-rolling GWM or SS attacks, then the DPR of an EK probably feels quite low (especially if a SS who never gets rushed because you somehow have a non-fighter sticky front line to protect you, or if you are a Str-GWM fighter who somehow has a ranged answer for creatures which don't let you rush them). Likewise 15-min. workday Paladins and Barbarians who never run out of their Long-Rest-recharging abilities (which they have more of, and are more reliant on, than EKs, even though EKs also have LR abilities) also seem better, but is that your Paladin/Barbarian experience?

If, OTOH, you want to be a ranged fighter but don't have the AC or mobility to survive and thrive, then an EK is a great answer to that question. Same with a Strength-based martial who doesn't have a good ranged answer (EK can answer it with mobility if low-int, or spells if int-based).

There is no doubt that an EK is not a simple class, and the other fighters are fairly simple (I am assuming people play battlemasters with the 4-5 known straight forward maneuvers). An EK is all about making hard choices. Do you play through to the end, or dip out into wizard or the like? Dump Int or max it? Feats or stat optimization? Obviously what spells to take?

I am currently playing a minotaur Eldritch Knight (waterborne adventures UA version, so the OP race undoubtedly helps a bit) and it has been one of the most fun characters I've played in 5th edition. Mind you, given this group, I was never going to be playing a sorcadin, coffeelock, hexblade-dip-cha-martial, or PAM fighter who could be guaranteed to magic polearm, or a bunch of other things you might get to play. But I've found it an extremely fun class.

2018-10-30, 11:01 AM
Of course, it probably also helped that our sorceress pretty quickly came to the conclusion that I was the more reliable party member, and favored me for Haste buffing over him.


It is smart to buff the party member that's harder to incapacitate, tho. And the big thing about EK is that anything other classes/archetypes can do you can replicate with spells. Damage output? Haste. Stealth? Invisibility. Defense? Well, that's going to be most of your spells if you don't multiclass. And if you do multiclass wizard, don't worry so much about losing your 4th attack capstone. Your capstone is 6th level spells and Tenser's Transformation. You're now the mythical magebarian.
(Just watch out for long-rest limitations, you run out of spells easy!)

2018-11-05, 08:43 PM
Something that I've used to good effect a few times in my time as an eldritch knight is the Weapon Bond ability, sure it looks pretty mediocre, but that depends on how you plan around it. Remember, it doesn't have to be YOUR weapon that you bond.
Bond your weapon and the barbarians axe, if you get locked up, you can summon yours and his weapon. The barbarian go down and his shiny +2 axe is being unused, summon that sucker and get swinging. Barbarian being dominated and forced by the big bad to come after the rest of you, he can't chop you up with his axe if you summon it out of his hand.

2018-11-05, 09:05 PM
Something that I've used to good effect a few times in my time as an eldritch knight is the Weapon Bond ability, sure it looks pretty mediocre, but that depends on how you plan around it. Remember, it doesn't have to be YOUR weapon that you bond.
Bond your weapon and the barbarians axe, if you get locked up, you can summon yours and his weapon. The barbarian go down and his shiny +2 axe is being unused, summon that sucker and get swinging. Barbarian being dominated and forced by the big bad to come after the rest of you, he can't chop you up with his axe if you summon it out of his hand.

Very nice ideas, thanks!

2018-11-06, 06:37 AM
Something that I've used to good effect a few times in my time as an eldritch knight is the Weapon Bond ability, sure it looks pretty mediocre, but that depends on how you plan around it. Remember, it doesn't have to be YOUR weapon that you bond.
Bond your weapon and the barbarians axe, if you get locked up, you can summon yours and his weapon. The barbarian go down and his shiny +2 axe is being unused, summon that sucker and get swinging. Barbarian being dominated and forced by the big bad to come after the rest of you, he can't chop you up with his axe if you summon it out of his hand.

That is both very smart and creative. Thanks for sharing :)

2018-11-06, 12:44 PM
... dead is still the best debuff. May I sig this?

On topic, I kind of wrote off the EK when I first read it, but this thread has made we want to play one. Maybe an EK archer, that's be fun (and probably better than the XGtE subclass, lol). Too bad I'm usually the DM :P

2018-11-06, 01:12 PM
The times I have seen them played, or played one, they worked great your just need to settle a few things first:

1. Are you planning to cast spells AT the enemy or using the spells you have defensively.
If you do not plan to cast spells at the enemy with saves, you do not need a great INT.

2. Do you really plan on using war magic?

For level 3 and 4 having booming blade/GFB is great, it is just free bonus on top of a normal attack.
at 5 and 6 it gets a little iffy: One BB/GFB or 2 normal attacks? It also competes with your bonus acton if you have things like PAM/CBE or something from a multi class, or you actually use Two Weapon Fighting, which is pretty uncommon.

After that you are back to being great again until you hit level 11:

Now you have the choice of 3 attacks, or 1 attack and 1 BB/GFB (or one fireboat or whatever if you are doing ranged stuff.

It is not too often that using a cantrip is better than making 2 other attacks and spending your bonus action.

3. Eldritch strike is ok if you did not focus much on your int, and thus your DCs are low, or it is great if you did focus on it and your DC's are competitive.

4. Arcane Charge, and Improved War Magic are both great and just nice added bonuses.

The subclass is great at giving the fighter so many more options, and it works from both ranged or melee, high int or low.

2018-11-06, 09:45 PM
2. Do you really plan on using war magic?

For level 3 and 4 having booming blade/GFB is great, it is just free bonus on top of a normal attack.
at 5 and 6 it gets a little iffy: One BB/GFB or 2 normal attacks? It also competes with your bonus acton if you have things like PAM/CBE or something from a multi class, or you actually use Two Weapon Fighting, which is pretty uncommon.

After that you are back to being great again until you hit level 11:

The subclass is great at giving the fighter so many more options, and it works from both ranged or melee, high int or low.

Just wanted to add that Booming Blade and Green Flame Blade are more useful if you have War Caster + PAM or Sentinel so you can use them as Opportunity Attacks.

2018-11-07, 12:22 AM
Shadow blade is a damn fine spell to take as one of your +1 non abjuration or evocation spells at 2nd level.

At 7th level your sword deals 2d8 damage. at 13th level it's dealing 3d8.

Scary on (say) a Bladesinger Wizard 5, Eldritch Knight 15 with a 5th level slot where it deals 4d8 damage per hit (plus Dex and Duelling) with 3 attacks per round (6 with action surge).

2018-11-07, 09:08 AM
Shadow blade is a damn fine spell to take as one of your +1 non abjuration or evocation spells at 2nd level.

At 7th level your sword deals 2d8 damage. at 13th level it's dealing 3d8.

Scary on (say) a Bladesinger Wizard 5, Eldritch Knight 15 with a 5th level slot where it deals 4d8 damage per hit (plus Dex and Duelling) with 3 attacks per round (6 with action surge).

I always liked that spell, it is just so flavorful.

I would so pay a large amount of gold to just have like a ring that let me cast that enough to rely on it as my normal weapon, or an invocation that let pact of the blade use it for a pact weapon.