View Full Version : DM Help Sanity/Madness

2018-10-27, 02:15 PM
For my Halloween one-shot session, I want to implement the sanity/madness rules. Twist them a bit to fit snugly in my plot, but still have them balanced. So far, I have this:


Sanity score: 4d6, omit lowest result
Sanity Points: every character starts out with (10 + WIS mod) points, represented by Skittles
Sanity check when:
- character is exposed to their personal fear
- a supernatural occurence happens
- character gains knowledge on eldritch presence
- at player's request

Points lost (and eaten) when:
- someone fails a Sanity check
- someone eats one of their Skittles

No way to restore lost points, but certain items can be found that provide a +1
When dropping to 5 Sanity Points, all subsequent Sanity checks are made with disadvantage
Short-term Madness effect when someone loses a Sanity Point (roll on table and roll 1d10 for duration in minutes)
Long-term Madness effect when all Sanity Points are lost (randomised? Roll on table every few minutes?)

A few explanations:

- the characters are premade lvl 1 Humans and all have 2 fears listed (like small spaces, dolls, insects, etc)
- the BBEG is a little girl possessed by a Great Old One, so the BBEG fight is against a miniature Warlock
- the setting is an abandoned villa, think Betrayal at House on the Hill, where the party has to go search for the missing girl and will find creepy stuff and items along the way
- the 'eldritch knowledge' is a collection of clues they might find throughout the house, which can reveal the nature of the BBEG

Is there anything I could impove, to make these rules solid? Perhaps a neat idea to add to the Sanity check list? I'm open for suggestions.

2018-10-27, 03:46 PM
It is a cruel person that hands out Skittles and tells me not to eat them.

2018-10-27, 04:11 PM
You can eat them. You just lose sanity points when you do. :P

2018-10-27, 04:17 PM
You can eat them. You just lose sanity points when you do. :P

But I lose sanity points in real life if I don't.

2018-10-27, 04:47 PM
Smuggle in bag of skittles, then hope you don't run out. I'm picturing someone suddenly snapping and scarfing up the skittles in front of them.

Continuous random madness effects might get difficult for your players if they're not strong roleplayers. I'd probably stick them with a set madness effect.

2018-10-27, 05:11 PM
To continue the theme, this is what I've done in snacky D&D one shots in the past:

Medium-sized Enemies are wrapped Starbursts.

Large-sized Enemies are wrapped peppermint patties.

You kill it? You eat it.

Healing potions are Hershey's Kisses.

Not really sanity-related, but if you want your players to stay awake from the sugar high, this is how you do it.
Also, kill-stealing becomes an issue when there's a reward for landing the last blow.

2018-10-27, 05:24 PM
But I lose sanity points in real life if I don't.

Oooo, imagine the dilemma. Does it make you uncomfortable? Good. Adds to the atmosphere. :smallamused:

Continuous random madness effects might get difficult for your players if they're not strong roleplayers. I'd probably stick them with a set madness effect.

True, but I have faith in my players - so far they roleplay quite well. I shall keep it in the back of my head though, thanks.

The reason I would like to cycle Madness effects is a) to make it a decent penalty for losing all your Sanity Points and b) keep things a bit interesting for the affected player, rather than suffering the exact same effects for the remainder of the game. Imho, that would become incredibly boring after 5 minutes.

To continue the theme, this is what I've done in snacky D&D one shots in the past:

Medium-sized Enemies are wrapped Starbursts.

Large-sized Enemies are wrapped peppermint patties.

You kill it? You eat it.

Healing potions are Hershey's Kisses.

Not really sanity-related, but if you want your players to stay awake from the sugar high, this is how you do it.
Also, kill-stealing becomes an issue when there's a reward for landing the last blow.

I appreciate this idea, but I'm trying to make it a low-combat session. Things become less scary if they can just bash its head in. As such, they're all level 1 with barely any weapons and no healing spells.

However... the 'reward for a killing blow' does give me a nice idea. If the reward is nice enough, they might feel like taking a risk. Like, what if killing a scary monster restored 1 Sanity Point? Would you still run from it, even though you realise that it only takes 2-3 blows to down you? Such a dilemma.

2018-10-28, 06:39 AM
I just love the idea of skittles and the sweeties as models...

... Might have to use them in future, consider them taken :)