View Full Version : Something moronic caught my interest

No brains
2018-10-27, 07:59 PM
I just noticed that the same sword appears in both Deathstalker 2 and in Wizards of the Lost Kingdom! I wonder why that is? Was that a common model of prop? Did the same armorer work on both movies? Is it just so cheap a piece of crap that anybody can make it?

BTW, it's the sword Kor and Jarek use. I have keen eye for crummy swords.

2018-10-27, 08:01 PM
It might be the same sword. Hollywood recycles stuff a great deal so it's not surprising that you'd see something in a movie you saw in another.

2018-10-27, 08:42 PM
Hollywood recycles stuff a great deal

Especially jokes and plot lines. Heyo! ...I'll show myself out.

2018-10-27, 08:58 PM
Mhmm. Props are often put into storage after the movie they are in has finished and pulled out later when other productions need something cheap.

2018-10-27, 09:28 PM
Mhmm. Props are often put into storage after the movie they are in has finished and pulled out later when other productions need something cheap.

Indeed. The body armour from Starship Troopers has to be one of the most reused prop/costumes.

2018-10-27, 09:40 PM
Mhmm. Props are often put into storage after the movie they are in has finished and pulled out later when other productions need something cheap.

Pretty much. Happens all the time. Not just in live action films - do a google or youtube search for all the times gestures are recycled in Disney films. Spoiler warning: Baloo and Little John have very similar dance moves.

2018-10-27, 09:56 PM
That's a bad example. Something like 70% of Robin Hood is recycled animation.

2018-10-27, 10:02 PM
That's a bad example. Something like 70% of Robin Hood is recycled animation.

My point still stands: sometimes studios recycle materials. Not always but sometimes.

Also Belle and Aurora also have similar dance moves.*

*And yes I know this was not done for laziness, but more as an easteregg and subtle reference.

2018-10-27, 11:15 PM
That's a bad example. Something like 70% of Robin Hood is recycled animation.

Doesn't that make it a good example?

2018-10-27, 11:18 PM
Doesn't that make it a good example?

Not really. Robin Hood was made on the cheap, so you expect recycling there. One or two scenes in an otherwise newly produced film, or constantly used stock footage would be the better example here.

2018-10-27, 11:32 PM
Not really. Robin Hood was made on the cheap, so you expect recycling there. One or two scenes in an otherwise newly produced film, or constantly used stock footage would be the better example here.

It's a "good example" because it's an example of something borrowing from the past to make itself. It's not a "good" example because it sucks and is bad.

2018-10-28, 12:07 AM
There's also the Wilhelm Scream which is probably the only glorified and positive example of recycled footage/material.

BeerMug Paladin
2018-10-28, 12:34 AM
I don't know if the trend has continued, but at one point Troma Films made use of footage of a car crash for virtually every movie they made beyond the movie for which they filmed the crash. It's something of a running joke for them, as they more or less intentionally make bad movies, so it's something you're just supposed to laugh at when you see a car crash happen for little to no reason behind it.

2018-10-28, 12:38 AM
Not really. Robin Hood was made on the cheap, so you expect recycling there.

Deathstalker 2 and Wizards of the Lost Kingdom

Yes, I forgot we were talking about big-budget blockbusters here.

2018-10-28, 06:57 AM
Especially jokes and plot lines. Heyo! ...I'll show myself out.

Including this one!! *rimshot!*

No brains
2018-10-28, 09:02 PM
What gets me is that Kor and Jarek are supposed to be rather infamous. It's weird that their piece of crap is considered the cool sword for the cool guy to have.

I'm brewing up some headcanon that the sword is supposed to be the same and there's some form of lore behind it.

2018-10-29, 05:09 AM
Not only the sword, but Wizards 2 recycles footage from Deathstalker 2. As well as Amazons, Barbarian Queen and The Warrior and the Scorceress. That's sort of the whole thing with that movie!

2018-10-29, 05:28 AM
It's a "good example" because it's an example of something borrowing from the past to make itself. It's not a "good" example because it sucks and is bad.

I remember liking it as a kid... Though it is kind of famous for its recycling. Oh well.

As has been said, it's kind of common for different reasons. The internet is full of lists of reused props if you search for it.