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View Full Version : Two Builds, Possibly One

2018-10-29, 06:50 AM
I want to either make a changeling who fights with a weapon graft and claw. This build was looking something like Fighter 4/Warshaper 4/Warblade 2/Legacy Champion (weapon Graft) 10.

The issue I was having with this is I don't want to get any more natural weapons, but I don't know how to increase the number of natural weapon attacks, since weapon graft makes the weapon a natural weapon.

Though I will almost definitely have the legacy part make it aptitude while also having an amulet of natural attacks for the claw and the graft.

The other build I was thinking was Fighter(SA) 1/Rogue(Feats) 4/Assassin 2/Telflammar Shadowlord 6/Assassin +7
Using the Shadow-Walker Template for qualification into TfSl.

Maybe combine the two into Fighter (SA) 4/Warshaper 4/TfSl 6/Assassin 6

Tips on a Weapon Graft/Claw (both nat weapons), Shadowlord, or ways to combine both, would be awesome. The campaign favors relative simplicity.

2018-10-29, 07:05 AM
The obvious picks for natural attacks would be Totemist or Psychic Warrior. Various races and templates also give natural attacks.

2018-10-29, 11:09 AM
The more obvious route to get more attacks with natural weapons would be to get the feats rapid strike, and it's improved version.
Being an Elan would get you the needed creature type, and psions to have the graft weapon power, but I'm sure there are other ways to qualify just as easily.
I think there is a feat from Lord's of madness that lets you qualify, or changes your type to abberation. And there are a few ways to be considered a dragon.
Seems like you have the natural attack part that you want down, so I'll skip that.

2018-10-29, 11:13 AM
Legacy Champion doesn't work with whatever graft you're using. Perhaps you mean Kensai instead?