View Full Version : Fray / Buffy Season 8

2007-09-18, 03:03 PM
Are they good comics? Should I buy them?
I am a massive Buffy fan, and I realise as a Whedonite and Firefly Flan I should be snapping up all his products, but I remain dubious. Is it worth it?

I eagerly await replies.

2007-09-18, 03:26 PM
Buy Buffy Season 8.

"I told you, it's not 'Commander Harris', it's Xander. That, or Sergeant Fury."

It's a very different setup from most of the show, but it still has all the awesomesauce characters and writing. And the latest arc is OMGFaith!

Never read Fray, but I probably should.

2007-09-18, 04:15 PM
Buffy Season 8 is very awesome. Fray was cool too, but I dont think as good as Buffy Season 8. Its a nice self contained arc though.

Elliot Kane
2007-09-18, 08:19 PM
They're both awesome. You should get Tales Of The Slayers too.

2007-09-21, 09:48 AM
Never read Fray, but Buffy Season 8 is *fantastic.* Some of the best comics I've seen in a long time... good writing, gorgeous art. What more do you want?

Oh, and the cover with Faith on issue 6. That alone is worth the price of admission. :smallbiggrin:

2007-09-21, 10:24 AM
Great! So they're good.

Tales of Vampires?

Elliot Kane
2007-09-22, 02:02 PM
Tales Of The Vampires is good - well worth a read. Not as good as Fray, S8 or Tales Of The Slayers though, IMO.

2007-10-08, 03:41 PM
Latest issue of Buffy Season 8 continued to deliver awesome. *worships Faith*

2007-10-09, 01:50 AM
Where might one purchase the Season 8 comics?

2007-10-09, 02:00 AM
...comic...book...stores, maybe?

Seriously, I generally pick up new issues from the comics racks at Borders. If they carry them, any major chain probably does.

2007-10-13, 08:47 AM
season 8 is totally worth it,

They totally deliver the awesome sauce, and (ala faith , and buffy stand in) remain committed to developing new characters and old alike. Joss goes awesome with comics I think ( also a fan of what he is doing in X men, omg cyclops actually acted like the hero we all know he is, and he had to be stripped of his powers to do it, imagine that)


2007-10-14, 05:18 AM
...I really ought to have thought of that.
I was wondering if they could be obtrained from the inter web-nets? I live in area with very little shops and such, and the "Nearby" towns have no comic stores, alas.

2007-10-16, 06:01 PM
You live in a town withour Borders/Waldenbooks, Barnes & Noble, or Books-a-Million? Wow. You must be like the saddest person ever. Sad as in unhappy, not as in a sorry excuse for a being. That's your town.